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Created September 16, 2009 01:35
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// Favorites
@import partials/base.sass
@import partials/colors.sass
@import blueprint/reset.sass
@import compass
@import compass/layout/sticky_footer.sass
@import blueprint/modules/grid.sass
@import blueprint
//Custom Sizes
!xsmall= 0.7em
!small= 0.8em
!copy= 1.em
!big= 1.3em
!xbig= 1.4em
//Custom color mixins
//meedan brand colors
!dark_blue= #2E5463
!bright_blue= #28A9E0
!normal_blue= !bright_blue - #33333
!orange= #F37327
!green= #468C0D
!bright_green= #95CB3F
//main theme colors
!background= #ffffff
!normal= #c3c3c3
!med_grey= #c3c3c3
!light_grey= #f8f8f8
!dark_grey= #333
!font_color = #333
!quiet_color = !font_color + #333
!loud_color = !font_color - #222
!link_color = !normal_blue
!link_hover_color = !bright_blue
!link_focus_color = !dark_grey
!link_active_color = !dark_grey
!link_visited_color= !dark_grey
// Other Custom Mixins
=left_rounded_corners(!radius = 4px)
-webkit-border-radius-bottomleft= !radius
-webkit-border-radius-topleft= !radius
-moz-border-radius-bottomleft= !radius
-moz-border-radius-topleft= !radius
=right_rounded_corners(!radius = 4px)
-webkit-border-radius-topright= !radius
-webkit-border-radius-bottomright= !radius
-moz-border-radius-topright= !radius
-moz-border-radius-bottomright= !radius
=opacity(!opacity, !hover_opacity = false)
:opacity= !opacity / 100
:-moz-opacity= !opacity / 100
:-ms-filter= "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=#{!opacity})"
:filter= "alpha(opacity=#{!opacity})"
@if !hover_opacity
// for a tabbed ul
:list-style-type none
:padding 0px 12px 0px 5px
:margin 0
:float left
:font-size #{!big}
:display inline
:border 1px solid #{!med_grey}
:border-bottom-width 0
:color #{!dark_grey}
:margin-left 10px
li a
:padding 10px 10px
:text-decoration none
:float left
:text-decoration underline
:position relative
:top 1px
:background #{!light_grey}
:color #{!dark_grey}
:border-bottom 1px solid #{!light_grey}
// Note that this contains horizontal padding and can break a grid
:font-size 0.7em
:background #{!light_grey}
:float left
:padding 10px
:margin-left 10px
+link-colors(!dark_grey, !normal_blue, !dark_grey, !dark_grey, !dark_grey)
:border 1px solid #{!med_grey}
:background url('gradient.png') repeat-x
:font-family georgia
:font-style italic
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