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Last active November 25, 2024 20:30
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  • Save cbgoodman/8b78153e93148cdff370e3c6f3629ade to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cbgoodman/8b78153e93148cdff370e3c6f3629ade to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
R code to import all years of county-level building permit data and lightly clean
## Import ----
### The directory location
url_loc <- ""
files <- rvest::read_html("") |>
rvest::html_elements("a") |>
### Just take files containing `coYYYYa``
fname_stubs <- files[str_detect(files, "(co)\\d{4}(:?a)")]
# remove 2022 update file
fname_stubs <- fname_stubs[-34]
### Add year
fname_year <- substr(fname_stubs, start = 3, stop = 6)
### Clean up the URLs
fnames <- paste0("https://", url_loc, fname_stubs)
fnames <- set_names(fnames, fname_year)
### Import
cpb <- fnames |>
map(~ read_csv(., skip = 1)) |>
list_rbind(names_to = "year") |>
survey = Date,
state_fips = State,
county_fips = County,
region = "Code...4",
division = "Code...5",
county_name = Name,
bldg_1unit = "Bldgs...7",
units_1unit = "Units...8",
val_1unit = "Value...9",
bldg_2unit = "Bldgs...10",
units_2unit = "Units...11",
val_2unit = "Value...12",
bldg_34unit = "Bldgs...13",
units_34unit = "Units...14",
val_34unit = "Value...15",
bldg_5unit = "Bldgs...16",
units_5unit = "Units...17",
val_5unit = "Value...18",
bldg_1unit_rep = "Bldgs...19",
units_1unit_rep = "Units...20",
val_1unit_rep = "Value...21",
bldg_2unit_rep = "Bldgs...22",
units_2unit_rep = "Units...23",
val_2unit_rep = "Value...24",
bldg_34unit_rep = "Bldgs...25",
units_34unit_rep = "Units...26",
val_34unit_rep = "Value...27",
bldg_5unit_rep = "Bldgs...28",
units_5unit_rep = "Units...29",
val_5unit_rep = "Value...30"
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