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Last active July 21, 2018 03:03
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A collection of errors and many silly mistakes to remind myself what I did to fix them next time.
; java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: catch in this context, compiling: <file>:<line>:<column>
; catch` is not a function or macro, it's special syntax only understood in the context of the special form `try`. You can't do this without writing your own form of try (see try+ in slingshot for an example of that).
; example - but still doesn't work in my code
(ns math.expression
(:require [tensor.parse]
[ :as log])
(:use [slingshot.slingshot :only [throw+ try+]]))
(defn read-file [file]
(tensor.parse/parse-tree tree)
(catch [:type :tensor.parse/bad-tree] {:keys [tree hint]}
(log/error "failed to parse tensor" tree "with hint" hint)
(catch Object _
(log/error (:throwable &throw-context) "unexpected error")
; My indentation was wrong. If should nest in the try! *blush*
(catch Exception e)
; should be
catch Exception e)
; Whoops! I never noticed it with the transaction in between
; java.lang.IllegalStateException: :db.error/cas-failed Compare failed: Something
(ns awesome.core
(:require [datomic.api :as d])
(defn update-entity
[db params]
(let [conn awesome.db.datomic/conn
entity-id (Long/parseLong (:entity-id params))
entity-name (:entity-name params)
entity (get-entity db entity-id)
txn [[:db.fn/cas entity-id :entity/name (:entity/name entity) entity-name]]] ;<--- I think it is failing here.
(@(d/transact conn txn))))
; 1. I am using the wrong attribute in `entity`. Should just be :name as it is a mapped entity.
; 2. Check that the correct entity name is referenced.
; Wrong number of args (0) passed to: PersistentArrayMap
; WAITING - Means what it says but I have no idea what I was doing wrong
; java.lang.RuntimeException: Map literal must contain an even number of forms
; Make sure all values have keys
; datomic.query.EntityMap cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IAtom
; I think it is because I am trying to save an entire entity
(defn update-entity
(let [conn awesome.db.datomic/conn
db (d/db conn)
entity-id (Long/parseLong (:server-id params))
entity (d/entity db entity-id)
new-entity entity]
(swap! new-entity #(-> %
(update :entity/name (:entity-name params))
(update :entity/email (:entity-email params))))
(:db-after @(d/transact conn [:db.fn/cas entity-id :entity entity new-entity]))))
; SOLUTION: use db.fn/cas
; (compare-and-swap) function takes four arguments: an entity id, an attribute, an old value, and a new value.
; htps://
(defn update-entity
(let [conn awesome.db.datomic/conn
db (d/db conn)
entity-id (Long/parseLong (:entity-id params))
entity (get-entity db entity-id)]
{:db-after @(d/transact conn
[[:db.fn/cas (:id entity) :entity/name (:name entity) (:entity-name params)]
[:db.fn/cas (:user-id entity) :user/email (:user-email entity) (:user-email params)]])}))
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