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Created February 8, 2020 13:52
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18:29:19 karissa | noffle: relatedly, i want to get your thoughts on how to think about kappa-cores/hypercores with media attached. we did some brainstorming on it in
| the cabal meeting
18:29:34 noffle | like, media in the hypercore?
18:29:46 karissa |
18:30:04 karissa | under 'how do we do binary stuff in cabal? ideas below '
18:30:06 * | noffle reads
18:30:35 noffle | wow, really good notes
18:32:02 karissa | yeah it was a fun meeting!
18:32:32 karissa | seeing a pattern here that could overlap between mapeo and cabal --> media attached to messages/media attached to observations
18:32:52 noffle | nod
18:32:58 karissa | with also some user control around 'sparseness' of it
18:33:10 noffle | I like the idea of keeping blobs in seprate hypercores
18:33:59 karissa | wondering if message -> blob store or device(user) -> blob store makes more sense. i think mapeo uses the latter right now
18:33:59 noffle | one cost that can seem invisible is that you need to manage a swarm around EACH hypercore, so with N blobs, if you do 1 blob per hypercore that's N
| swarms. but if it was, say, per-user, that's M swarms (assuming M users)
18:34:26 noffle | maintaining an ongoing membership in a swarm costs network connections
18:34:27 karissa | yeah that's a limitation i was thinking of too.
18:34:37 karissa | which makes me lean towards device/user-> blob store
18:34:54 noffle | what we could do is: one *multifeed* of blobs per cabal
18:34:59 noffle | so it's still M hypercores
18:35:03 noffle | but one swarm for blobs
18:35:08 karissa | oh nice
18:35:08 noffle | one swarm for chat data
18:35:38 noffle | it means expsoing sparse replication on multifeed
18:35:43 noffle | at some point
18:35:52 karissa | will putting blob data in a hypercore get slow after a while? i think hyperdrive writes it to an external blob store right?
18:36:08 noffle | slow how?
18:36:12 noffle | like, appending locally? syncing?
18:36:40 noffle | the hyperdb-based hyperdrive writes to a hypercore
18:36:47 karissa | not sure exactly where the slowdown happens, but I remember this being a key point of how hyperdrive can handle upwards of GB/TB
18:36:47 noffle | not sure about the single-writer version
18:36:58 noffle | oh interesting, hadn't heard about this
18:37:06 karissa | i think it writes the ranges to the hypercore but not the blob data
18:37:11 karissa | kinda like sqlite blobs
18:37:26 noffle | is this a hypercore issue or hyperdrive issue?
18:38:09 karissa | exactly thats the question kinda raised in the cabal meeting, whether to have a 'media message' link to a hyperdrive
18:38:14 karissa | or to a hypercore
18:38:33 karissa | cause you can imagine wanting to share like, a folder or bunch of images
18:38:40 karissa | or having a user account or cabal have the 'media'
18:39:12 noffle | oh sorry I meant is that scaling issue on hypercore or hyperdrive?
18:40:03 karissa | ah i think it's a limitation of a merkle dag, which is why git is slow, iirc
18:40:31 noffle | huh. wouldn't that be a limit on # of entries then, not on total amount of data stored?
18:40:36 noffle | one merkle entry per node
18:40:47 noffle | node/file
18:40:54 noffle | would be interested in more bg on that
18:41:09 karissa | yeah it'd be great to have this documentation on hypercore
18:41:16 karissa | perhaps that's something you and i could work on one day
18:41:23 noffle | it sounds like something that hyper{core,drive} wants to fix, so maybe it's OK to rely on it & expect it to be fixed upstream as dat grows
18:41:23 karissa | 'book sprint'
18:41:31 noffle | I like docs :)
18:42:16 karissa | noffle: sorry i meant its not really a limitation in hyperdrive as it's architected, and it can handle lots of data -- it does currently have an
| issue with tons of *files* though, (like, thousands/hundreds of thousands in the same level)
18:42:19 noffle | yeah maybe we could allowing one-blob links like "KEY@SEQ" but also directory shares, which are maybe just "KEY/HASH"
18:42:31 * | noffle nod
18:42:42 noffle | "we could allow"
18:43:17 noffle | hyperblob://<KEY|HASH> and dat://<KEY/HASH> maybe
18:43:18 karissa | noffle: it would be cool to imagine media messages as just links to the outside world, and if a client supports reading it, that's great. so we can
| evolve this and try different things
18:43:22 noffle | yeah!
18:43:30 noffle | unixy
18:43:47 noffle | ha we should've had this chat in #cabal-club
18:43:48 karissa | yeah. also keep messages as tiny as possible in case a particular cabal gets super popular
18:43:54 noffle | yes
18:44:12 karissa | haha. well anyway, it relates to Mapeo because I *think* we want to do similar kinds of stuff. and probably other apps..
18:45:05 noffle | nod
18:45:06 noffle | good chat
18:45:30 noffle | I'm going to go over these meeting minutes & will include these notes
18:45:36 karissa | rad
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