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Created December 9, 2020 22:42
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Cameron Mackintosh - Turing Career Journal - Mod1, Week 2

1. What is challenging about self-reflection? How can you continue to build the habit of self-reflection at Turing?

Self-reflection is challenging because it is hard for us to be honest and objective about ourselves. It’s also a very abstract thought process, making it hard to formulate concrete thoughts and then translate those into writing. Self-reflection was a consistent part of my education both in high school and college, but since graduating I haven’t practiced it as much so I’m a little rusty. As Mike mentioned in our PD session today, it’s important for self-reflection to be written down because it makes the process more deliberate and clear. Keeping up with these career journal prompts has been tough, but they’re definitely helping me rebuild a habit of self-reflection and thinking critically about my career goals and my narrative as a professional.

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2. Social identity mapping

What does your social identity tell you about what you already bring to the tech industry?

An aspect of my identity that I really value is my global perspective. I've been privileged to live in four different countries - South Africa, Uganda, Zambia and the United States - and throughout my life I've had to opportunity to live, learn and engage with people from all over the world representing different cultures, religions and ideologies. I think this has given me an understanding and appreciation for human diversity that will be valuable in the tech industry. As we've already discussed numerous times at Turing, it's important for software developers to think critically about how users of vastly different backgrounds might use or view the products we develop.

I also included methodical, logical thought as a core attribute in the map above. This will be valuable in the tech industry for obvious reasons as well.

What would it look like for some of your minuses or question marks to turn into pluses? In other words how could some of these traits be assets for the tech industry?

I think my experience with digital marketing will be an obvious asset as I pursue a job in the tech industry. While I am confident that my undergraduate degrees and my experience in journalism have given me certain universal skills, I'm less certain about what speficially those aspects will contribute to my success in the tech industry. I suppose they provide evidence of soft skills such as research, communication and working under tight deadline pressure. Those are attributes I would highlight on the job hunt.

3. Values mapping

  • Always valued: Marriage, Financial Stability, Environment, Diversity, Fulfillment
  • Often valued: Learning, Fairness, Forward looking, Safety, Health & Fitness
  • Sometimes valued: Patriotism, Communicating, Productivity, Hard Work, Frugality
  • Seldom valued: Optimism, Influence, Leadership, Fast Pace, Status

What do these values tell you about yourself? I'm someone who cares deeply for the people close to me and about the major challenges currently affecting human civilization. I'm less interested in pursuing power, influence or positions of leadership. I'm adaptable.

4. Workview & Lifeview: Summarize what good, worthwhile work means to you. Summarize what you value in life; what matters to you? Where do your views on work and life complement each other? Where do they clash? Does one drive the other? How?

I love the outdoors and I have a thirst for adventure. I'm an avid camper, hiker and hopefully soon a somewhat competent snowboarder. I've enjoyed scuba diving and sailing in the past as well. I enjoy the outdoors because I value the natural beauty of our world and the plants and animals that comprise our environment. As such conservation and climate change are issues near and dear to my heart.

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