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Created August 30, 2018 12:14
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Commented C64 Kernal
; This file was included in the Project 64 Repository after all efforts to contact
; Lee Davison, the original author, were proven unsuccessful. The inclusion is meant
; to honour his sterling work on providing us with the very best document on every
; bit of the Commodore 64's firmware content. We want this to remain available to
; the public and allow other members to benefit from Lee's original, excellent job.
; $VER:C64LD11.S, included on 2014-11-12
; The almost completely commented C64 ROM disassembly. V1.01 Lee Davison 2012
; This is a bit correct assembly listing for the C64 BASIC and kernal ROMs as two 8K
; ROMs. You should be able to assemble the C64 ROMs from this with most 6502 assemblers,
; as no macros or 'special' features were used. This has been tested using Michal
; Kowalski's 6502 Simulator assemble function. See for
; this program.
; Many references were used to complete this disassembly including, but not limited to,
; "Mapping the Vic 20", "Mapping the C64", "C64 Programmers reference", "C64 user
; guide", "The complete Commodore inner space anthology", "VIC Revealed" and various
; text files, pictures and other documents.
; first a whole load of equates
LAB_00 = $00 ; 6510 I/O port data direction register
; bit default
; --- -------
; 7 unused
; 6 unused
; 5 1 = output
; 4 0 = input
; 3 1 = output
; 2 1 = output
; 1 1 = output
; 0 1 = output
LAB_01 = $01 ; 6510 I/O port data register
; bit name function
; --- ---- --------
; 7 unused
; 6 unused
; 5 cass motor 1 = off, 0 = on
; 4 cass sw 1 = off, 0 = on
; 3 cass data
; 2 CHAREN 1 = I/O, 0 = chraracter ROM
; 1 HIRAM 1 = Kernal, 0 = RAM
; 0 LORAM 1 = BASIC, 0 = RAM
;LAB_02 = $02 ; unused
; This vector points to the address of the BASIC routine which converts a floating point
; number to an integer, however BASIC does not use this vector. It may be of assistance
; to the programmer who wishes to use data that is stored in floating point format. The
; parameter passed by the USR command is available only in that format for example.
LAB_03 = $03 ; float to fixed vector low byte
LAB_04 = $04 ; float to fixed vector high byte
; This vector points to the address of the BASIC routine which converts an integer to a
; floating point number, however BASIC does not use this vector. It may be used by the
; programmer who needs to make such a conversion for a machine language program that
; interacts with BASIC. To return an integer value with the USR command for example.
LAB_05 = $05 ; fixed to float vector low byte
LAB_06 = $06 ; fixed to float vector high byte
; These locations hold searched for characters when BASIC is searching for the end of
; a srting or crunching BASIC lines
LAB_07 = $07 ; search character
LAB_08 = $08 ; scan quotes flag
; The cursor column position prior to the TAB or SPC is moved here from $D3, and is used
; to calculate where the cursor ends up after one of these functions is invoked.
; Note that the value contained here shows the position of the cursor on a logical line.
; Since one logical line can be up to four physical lines long, the value stored here
; can range from 0 to 87.
LAB_09 = $09 ; TAB column save
; The routine that converts the text in the input buffer into lines of executable program
; tokes, and the routines that link these program lines together, use this location as an
; index into the input buffer area. After the job of converting text to tokens is done,
; the value in this location is equal to the length of the tokenized line.
; The routines which build an array or locate an element in an array use this location to
; calculate the number of DIMensions called for and the amount of storage required for a
; newly created array, or the number of subscripts when referencing an array element.
LAB_0A = $0A ; load/verify flag, 0 = load, 1 = verify
LAB_0B = $0B ; temporary byte, line crunch/array access/logic operators
; This is used as a flag by the routines that build an array or reference an existing
; array. It is used to determine whether a variable is in an array, whether the array
; has already been DIMensioned, and whether a new array should assume the default size.
LAB_0C = $0C ; DIM flag
; This flag is used to indicate whether data being operated upon is string or numeric. A
; value of $FF in this location indicates string data while a $00 indicates numeric data.
LAB_0D = $0D ; data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
; If the above flag indicates numeric then a $80 in this location identifies the number
; as an integer, and a $00 indicates a floating point number.
LAB_0E = $0E ; data type flag, $80 = integer, $00 = floating point
; The garbage collection routine uses this location as a flag to indicate that garbage
; collection has already been tried before adding a new string. If there is still not
; enough memory, an OUT OF MEMORY error message will result.
; LIST uses this byte as a flag to let it know when it has come to a character string in
; quotes. It will then print the string,rather than search it for BASIC keyword tokens.
; This location is also used during the process of converting a line of text in the BASIC
; input buffer into a linked program line of BASIC keyword tokens to flag a DATA line is
; being processed.
LAB_0F = $0F ; garbage collected/open quote/DATA flag
; If an opening parenthesis is found, this flag is set to indicate that the variable in
; question is either an array variable or a user-defined function.
LAB_10 = $10 ; subscript/FNx flag
; This location is used to determine whether the sign of the value returned by the
; functions SIN, COS, ATN or TAN is positive or negative.
; Also the comparison routines use this location to indicate the outcome of the compare.
; For A <=> B the value here will be $01 if A > B, $02 if A = B, and $04 if A < B. If
; more than one comparison operator was used to compare the two variables then the value
; here will be a combination of the above values.
LAB_11 = $11 ; input mode flag, $00 = INPUT, $40 = GET, $98 = READ
LAB_12 = $12 ; ATN sign/comparison evaluation flag
; When the default input or output device is used the value here will be a zero, and the
; format of prompting and output will be the standard screen output format. The location
; $B8 is used to decide what device actually to put input from or output to.
LAB_13 = $13 ; current I/O channel
; Used whenever a 16 bit integer is used e.g. the target line number for GOTO, LIST, ON,
; and GOSUB also the number of a BASIC line that is to be added or replaced. additionally
; PEEK, POKE, WAIT, and SYS use this location as a pointer to the address which is the
; subject of the command.
LAB_14 = $14 ; temporary integer low byte
LAB_15 = $15 ; temporary integer high byte
; This location points to the next available slot in the temporary string descriptor
; stack located at $19-$21.
LAB_16 = $16 ; descriptor stack pointer, next free
; This contains information about temporary strings which hve not yet been assigned to
; a string variable.
LAB_17 = $17 ; current descriptor stack item pointer low byte
LAB_18 = $18 ; current descriptor stack item pointer high byte
LAB_19 = $19 ; to $21, descriptor stack
; These locations are used by BASIC multiplication and division routines. They are also
; used by the routines which compute the size of the area required to store an array
; which is being created.
LAB_22 = $22 ; misc temp byte
LAB_23 = $23 ; misc temp byte
LAB_24 = $24 ; misc temp byte
LAB_25 = $25 ; misc temp byte
LAB_26 = $26 ; temp mantissa 1
LAB_27 = $27 ; temp mantissa 2
LAB_28 = $28 ; temp mantissa 3
LAB_29 = $29 ; temp mantissa 4
; Two byte pointer to where the BASIC program text is stored.
LAB_2B = $2B ; start of memory low byte
LAB_2C = $2C ; start of memory high byte
; Two byte pointer to the start of the BASIC variable storage area.
LAB_2D = $2D ; start of variables low byte
LAB_2E = $2E ; start of variables high byte
; Two byte pointer to the start of the BASIC array storage area.
LAB_2F = $2F ; end of variables low byte
LAB_30 = $30 ; end of variables high byte
; Two byte pointer to end of the start of free RAM.
LAB_31 = $31 ; end of arrays low byte
LAB_32 = $32 ; end of arrays high byte
; Two byte pointer to the bottom of the string text storage area.
LAB_33 = $33 ; bottom of string space low byte
LAB_34 = $34 ; bottom of string space high byte
; Used as a temporary pointer to the most current string added by the routines which
; build strings or move them in memory.
LAB_35 = $35 ; string utility ptr low byte
LAB_36 = $36 ; string utility ptr high byte
; Two byte pointer to the highest address used by BASIC +1.
LAB_37 = $37 ; end of memory low byte
LAB_38 = $38 ; end of memory high byte
; These locations contain the line number of the BASIC statement which is currently being
; executed. A value of $FF in location $3A means that BASIC is in immediate mode.
LAB_39 = $39 ; current line number low byte
LAB_3A = $3A ; current line number high byte
; When program execution ends or stops the last line number executed is stored here.
LAB_3B = $3B ; break line number low byte
LAB_3C = $3C ; break line number high byte
; These locations contain the address of the start of the text of the BASIC statement
; that is being executed. The value of the pointer to the address of the BASIC text
; character currently being scanned is stored here each time a new BASIC statement begins
; execution.
LAB_3D = $3D ; continue pointer low byte
LAB_3E = $3E ; continue pointer high byte
; These locations hold the line number of the current DATA statement being READ. If an
; error concerning the DATA occurs this number will be moved to $39/$3A so that the error
; message will show the line that contains the DATA statement rather than in the line that
; contains the READ statement.
LAB_3F = $3F ; current DATA line number low byte
LAB_40 = $40 ; current DATA line number high byte
; These locations point to the address where the next DATA will be READ from. RESTORE
; sets this pointer back to the address indicated by the start of BASIC pointer.
LAB_41 = $41 ; DATA pointer low byte
LAB_42 = $42 ; DATA pointer high byte
; READ, INPUT and GET all use this as a pointer to the address of the source of incoming
; data, such as DATA statements, or the text input buffer.
LAB_43 = $43 ; READ pointer low byte
LAB_44 = $44 ; READ pointer high byte
LAB_45 = $45 ; current variable name first byte
LAB_46 = $46 ; current variable name second byte
; These locations point to the value of the current BASIC variable Specifically they
; point to the byte just after the two-character variable name.
LAB_47 = $47 ; current variable address low byte
LAB_48 = $48 ; current variable address high byte
; The address of the BASIC variable which is the subject of a FOR/NEXT loop is first
; stored here before being pushed onto the stack.
LAB_49 = $49 ; FOR/NEXT variable pointer low byte
LAB_4A = $4A ; FOR/NEXT variable pointer high byte
; The expression evaluation routine creates this to let it know whether the current
; comparison operation is a < $01, = $02 or > $04 comparison or combination.
LAB_4B = $4B ; BASIC execute pointer temporary low byte/precedence flag
LAB_4C = $4C ; BASIC execute pointer temporary high byte
LAB_4D = $4D ; comparrison evaluation flag
; These locations are used as a pointer to the function that is created during function
; definition . During function execution it points to where the evaluation results should
; be saved.
LAB_4E = $4E ; FAC temp store/function/variable/garbage pointer low byte
LAB_4F = $4F ; FAC temp store/function/variable/garbage pointer high byte
; Temporary Pointer to the current string descriptor.
LAB_50 = $50 ; FAC temp store/descriptor pointer low byte
LAB_51 = $51 ; FAC temp store/descriptor pointer high byte
LAB_53 = $53 ; garbage collection step size
; The first byte is the 6502 JMP instruction $4C, followed by the address of the required
; function taken from the table at $C052.
LAB_54 = $54 ; JMP opcode for functions
LAB_55 = $55 ; functions jump vector low byte
LAB_56 = $56 ; functions jump vector high byte
LAB_57 = $57 ; FAC temp store
LAB_58 = $58 ; FAC temp store
LAB_59 = $59 ; FAC temp store
LAB_5A = $5A ; FAC temp store
LAB_5B = $5B ; block end high byte
LAB_5C = $5C ; FAC temp store
LAB_5D = $5D ; FAC temp store
LAB_5E = $5E ; FAC temp store
LAB_5F = $5F ; FAC temp store
LAB_60 = $60 ; block start high byte
; floating point accumulator 1
LAB_61 = $61 ; FAC1 exponent
LAB_62 = $62 ; FAC1 mantissa 1
LAB_63 = $63 ; FAC1 mantissa 2
LAB_64 = $64 ; FAC1 mantissa 3
LAB_65 = $65 ; FAC1 mantissa 4
LAB_66 = $66 ; FAC1 sign
LAB_67 = $67 ; constant count/-ve flag
LAB_68 = $68 ; FAC1 overflow
; floating point accumulator 2
LAB_69 = $69 ; FAC2 exponent
LAB_6A = $6A ; FAC2 mantissa 1
LAB_6B = $6B ; FAC2 mantissa 2
LAB_6C = $6C ; FAC2 mantissa 3
LAB_6D = $6D ; FAC2 mantissa 4
LAB_6E = $6E ; FAC2 sign
LAB_6F = $6F ; FAC sign comparrison
LAB_70 = $70 ; FAC1 rounding
LAB_71 = $71 ; temp BASIC execute/array pointer low byte/index
LAB_72 = $72 ; temp BASIC execute/array pointer high byte
LAB_0073 = $73 ; increment and scan memory, BASIC byte get
LAB_0079 = $79 ; scan memory, BASIC byte get
LAB_7A = $7A ; BASIC execute pointer low byte
LAB_7B = $7B ; BASIC execute pointer high byte
LAB_80 = $80 ; numeric test entry
LAB_8B = $8B ; RND() seed, five bytes
; kernal work area
LAB_90 = $90 ; serial status byte
; function
; bit casette serial bus
; --- -------- ----------
; 7 end of tape device not present
; 6 end of file EOI
; 5 checksum error
; 4 read error
; 3 long block
; 2 short block
; 1 time out read
; 0 time out write
; This location is updated every 1/60 second during the IRQ routine. The value saved is
; the keyboard c7 column byte which contains the stop key
LAB_91 = $91 ; stop key column
; bit key, 0 = pressed
; --- --------
; 7 [RUN]
; 6 Q
; 5 [CBM]
; 4 [SP]
; 3 2
; 2 [CTL]
; 1 [LFT]
; 0 1
; This location is used as an adjustable timing constant for tape reads to allow for
; slight speed variations on tapes.
LAB_92 = $92 ; timing constant for tape read
; The same routine is used for both LOAD and VERIFY, the flag here determines which
; that routine does.
LAB_93 = $93 ; load/verify flag, load = $00, verify = $01
; This location is used to indecate that a serial byte is waiting to be sent.
LAB_94 = $94 ; serial output: deferred character flag
; $00 = no character waiting, $xx = character waiting
; This location holds the serial character waiting to be sent. A value of $FF here
; means no character is waiting.
LAB_95 = $95 ; serial output: deferred character
; $FF = no character waiting, $xx = waiting character
LAB_96 = $96 ; cassette block synchronization number
; X register save location for routines that get and put an ASCII character.
LAB_97 = $97 ; X register save
; The number of currently open I/O files is stored here. The maximum number that can be
; open at one time is ten. The number stored here is used as the index to the end of the
; tables that hold the file numbers, device numbers, and secondary addresses.
LAB_98 = $98 ; open file count
; The default value of this location is 0, the keyboard.
LAB_99 = $99 ; input device number
; The default value of this location is 3, the screen.
LAB_9A = $9A ; output device number
; number device
; ------ ------
; 0 keyboard
; 1 cassette
; 2 RS-232C
; 3 screen
; 4-31 serial bus
LAB_9B = $9B ; tape character parity
LAB_9C = $9C ; tape byte received flag
LAB_9D = $9D ; message mode flag,
; $C0 = both control and kernal messages,
; $80 = control messages only,
; $40 = kernal messages only,
; $00 = neither control or kernal messages
LAB_9E = $9E ; tape Pass 1 error log/character buffer
LAB_9F = $9F ; tape Pass 1 error log/character index
; These three locations form a counter which is updated 60 times a second, and serves as
; a software clock which counts the number of jiffies that have elapsed since the computer
; was turned on. After 24 hours and one jiffy these locations are set back to $000000.
LAB_A0 = $A0 ; jiffy clock high byte
LAB_A1 = $A1 ; jiffy clock mid byte
LAB_A2 = $A2 ; jiffy clock low byte
LAB_A3 = $A3 ; EOI flag byte/tape bit count
; b0 of this location reflects the current phase of the tape output cycle.
LAB_A4 = $A4 ; tape bit cycle phase
LAB_A5 = $A5 ; cassette synchronization byte count/serial bus bit count
LAB_A6 = $A6 ; tape buffer index
LAB_A7 = $A7 ; receiver input bit temp storage
LAB_A8 = $A8 ; receiver bit count in
LAB_A9 = $A9 ; receiver start bit check flag, $90 = no start bit
; received, $00 = start bit received
LAB_AA = $AA ; receiver byte buffer/assembly location
LAB_AB = $AB ; receiver parity bit storage
LAB_AC = $AC ; tape buffer start pointer low byte
; scroll screen ?? byte
LAB_AD = $AD ; tape buffer start pointer high byte
; scroll screen ?? byte
LAB_AE = $AE ; tape buffer end pointer low byte
; scroll screen ?? byte
LAB_AF = $AF ; tape buffer end pointer high byte
; scroll screen ?? byte
LAB_B0 = $B0 ; tape timing constant min byte
LAB_B1 = $B1 ; tape timing constant max byte
; Thess two locations point to the address of the cassette buffer. This pointer must
; be greater than or equal to $0200 or an ILLEGAL DEVICE NUMBER error will be sent
; when tape I/O is tried. This pointer must also be less that $8000 or the routine
; will terminate early.
LAB_B2 = $B2 ; tape buffer start pointer low byte
LAB_B3 = $B3 ; tape buffer start pointer high byte
; RS232 routines use this to count the number of bits transmitted and for parity and
; stop bit manipulation. Tape load routines use this location to flag when they are
; ready to receive data bytes.
LAB_B4 = $B4 ; transmitter bit count out
; This location is used by the RS232 routines to hold the next bit to be sent and by the
; tape routines to indicate what part of a block the read routine is currently reading.
LAB_B5 = $B5 ; transmitter next bit to be sent
; RS232 routines use this area to disassemble each byte to be sent from the transmission
; buffer pointed to by $F9.
LAB_B6 = $B6 ; transmitter byte buffer/disassembly location
; Disk filenames may be up to 16 characters in length while tape filenames be up to 187
; characters in length.
; If a tape name is longer than 16 characters the excess will be truncated by the
; SEARCHING and FOUND messages, but will still be present on the tape.
; A disk file is always referred to by a name. This location will always be greater than
; zero if the current file is a disk file.
; An RS232 OPEN command may specify a filename of up to four characters. These characters
; are copied to locations $293 to $296 and determine baud rate, word length, and parity,
; or they would do if the feature was fully implemented.
LAB_B7 = $B7 ; file name length
LAB_B8 = $B8 ; logical file
LAB_B9 = $B9 ; secondary address
LAB_BA = $BA ; current device number
; number device
; ------ ------
; 0 keyboard
; 1 cassette
; 2 RS-232C
; 3 screen
; 4-31 serial bus
LAB_BB = $BB ; file name pointer low byte
LAB_BC = $BC ; file name pointer high byte
LAB_BD = $BD ; tape write byte/RS232 parity byte
; Used by the tape routines to count the number of copies of a data block remaining to
; be read or written.
LAB_BE = $BE ; tape copies count
LAB_BF = $BF ; tape parity count
LAB_C0 = $C0 ; tape motor interlock
LAB_C1 = $C1 ; I/O start addresses low byte
LAB_C2 = $C2 ; I/O start addresses high byte
LAB_C3 = $C3 ; kernal setup pointer low byte
LAB_C4 = $C4 ; kernal setup pointer high byte
LAB_C5 = $C5 ; current key pressed
; # key # key # key # key
; -- --- -- --- -- --- -- ---
; 00 1 10 none 20 [SPACE] 30 Q
; 01 3 11 A 21 Z 31 E
; 02 5 12 D 22 C 32 T
; 03 7 13 G 23 B 33 U
; 04 9 14 J 24 M 34 O
; 05 + 15 L 25 . 35 @
; 06 [UKP] 16 ; 26 none 36 ^
; 07 [DEL] 17 [CSR R] 27 [F1] 37 [F5]
; 08 [<-] 18 [STOP] 28 none 38 2
; 09 W 19 none 29 S 39 4
; 0A R 1A X 2A F 3A 6
; 0B Y 1B V 2B H 3B 8
; 0C I 1C N 2C K 3C 0
; 0D P 1D , 2D : 3D -
; 0E * 1E / 2E = 3E [HOME]
; 0F [RET] 1F [CSR D] 2F [F3] 3F [F7]
LAB_C6 = $C6 ; keyboard buffer length/index
; When the [CTRL][RVS-ON] characters are printed this flag is set to $12, and the print
; routines will add $80 to the screen code of each character which is printed, so that
; the caracter will appear on the screen with its colours reversed.
; Note that the contents of this location are cleared not only upon entry of a
; [CTRL][RVS-OFF] character but also at every carriage return.
LAB_C7 = $C7 ; reverse flag $12 = reverse, $00 = normal
; This pointer indicates the column number of the last nonblank character on the logical
; line that is to be input. Since a logical line can be up to 88 characters long this
; number can range from 0-87.
LAB_C8 = $C8 ; input [EOL] pointer
; These locations keep track of the logical line that the cursor is on and its column
; position on that logical line.
; Each logical line may contain up to four 22 column physical lines. So there may be as
; many as 23 logical lines, or as few as 6 at any one time. Therefore, the logical line
; number might be anywhere from 1-23. Depending on the length of the logical line, the
; cursor column may be from 1-22, 1-44, 1-66 or 1-88.
; For a more on logical lines, see the description of the screen line link table, $D9.
LAB_C9 = $C9 ; input cursor row
LAB_CA = $CA ; input cursor column
; The keyscan interrupt routine uses this location to indicate which key is currently
; being pressed. The value here is then used as an index into the appropriate keyboard
; table to determine which character to print when a key is struck.
; The correspondence between the key pressed and the number stored here is as follows:
; $00 1 $10 not used $20 [SPACE] $30 Q $40 [NO KEY]
; $01 3 $11 A $21 Z $31 E $xx invalid
; $02 5 $12 D $22 C $32 T
; $03 7 $13 G $23 B $33 U
; $04 9 $14 J $24 M $34 O
; $05 + $15 L $25 . $35 @
; $06 [POUND] $16 ; $26 not used $36 [U ARROW]
; $07 [DEL] $17 [RIGHT] $27 [F1] $37 [F5]
; $08 [L ARROW] $18 [STOP] $28 not used $38 2
; $09 W $19 not used $29 S $39 4
; $0A R $1A X $2A F $3A 6
; $0B Y $1B V $2B H $3B 8
; $0C I $1C N $2C K $3C 0
; $0D P $1D , $2D : $3D -
; $0E * $1E / $2E = $3E [HOME]
; $0F [RETURN] $1F [DOWN] $2F [F3] $3F [F7]
LAB_CB = $CB ; which key
; When this flag is set to a nonzero value, it indicates to the routine that normally
; flashes the cursor not to do so. The cursor blink is turned off when there are
; characters in the keyboard buffer, or when the program is running.
LAB_CC = $CC ; cursor enable, $00 = flash cursor
; The routine that blinks the cursor uses this location to tell when it's time for a
; blink. The number 20 is put here and decremented every jiffy until it reaches zero.
; Then the cursor state is changed, the number 20 is put back here, and the cycle starts
; all over again.
LAB_CD = $CD ; cursor timing countdown
; The cursor is formed by printing the inverse of the character that occupies the cursor
; position. If that characters is the letter A, for example, the flashing cursor merely
; alternates between printing an A and a reverse-A. This location keeps track of the
; normal screen code of the character that is located at the cursor position, so that it
; may be restored when the cursor moves on.
LAB_CE = $CE ; character under cursor
; This location keeps track of whether, during the current cursor blink, the character
; under the cursor was reversed, or was restored to normal. This location will contain
; $00 if the character is reversed, and $01 if the character is not reversed.
LAB_CF = $CF ; cursor blink phase
LAB_D0 = $D0 ; input from keyboard or screen, $xx = input is available
; from the screen, $00 = input should be obtained from the
; keyboard
; These locations point to the address in screen RAM of the first column of the logical
; line upon which the cursor is currently positioned.
LAB_D1 = $D1 ; current screen line pointer low byte
LAB_D2 = $D2 ; current screen line pointer high byte
; This holds the cursor column position within the logical line pointed to by LAB_D1.
; Since a logical line can comprise up to four physical lines, this value may be from
; $00 to $57.
LAB_D3 = $D3 ; cursor column
; A nonzero value in this location indicates that the editor is in quote mode. Quote
; mode is toggled every time that you type in a quotation mark on a given line, the
; first quote mark turns it on, the second turns it off, the third turns it on, etc.
; If the editor is in this mode when a cursor control character or other nonprinting
; character is entered, a printed equivalent will appear on the screen instead of the
; cursor movement or other control operation taking place. Instead, that action is
; deferred until the string is sent to the string by a PRINT statement, at which time
; the cursor movement or other control operation will take place.
; The exception to this rule is the DELETE key, which will function normally within
; quote mode. The only way to print a character which is equivalent to the DELETE key
; is by entering insert mode. Quote mode may be exited by printing a closing quote or
; by hitting the RETURN or SHIFT-RETURN keys.
LAB_D4 = $D4 ; cursor quote flag
; The line editor uses this location when the end of a line has been reached to determine
; whether another physical line can be added to the current logical line or if a new
; logical line must be started.
LAB_D5 = $D5 ; current screen line length
; This location contains the current physical screen line position of the cursor, 0 to 22.
LAB_D6 = $D6 ; cursor row
; The ASCII value of the last character printed to the screen is held here temporarily.
LAB_D7 = $D7 ; checksum byte/temporary last character
; When the INST key is pressed, the screen editor shifts the line to the right, allocates
; another physical line to the logical line if necessary (and possible), updates the
; screen line length in $D5, and adjusts the screen line link table at $D9. This location
; is used to keep track of the number of spaces that has been opened up in this way.
; Until the spaces that have been opened up are filled, the editor acts as if in quote
; mode. See location $D4, the quote mode flag. This means that cursor control characters
; that are normally nonprinting will leave a printed equivalent on the screen when
; entered, instead of having their normal effect on cursor movement, etc. The only
; difference between insert and quote mode is that the DELETE key will leave a printed
; equivalent in insert mode, while the INSERT key will insert spaces as normal.
LAB_D8 = $D8 ; insert count
; This table contains 25 entries, one for each row of the screen display. Each entry has
; two functions. Bits 0-3 indicate on which of the four pages of screen memory the first
; byte of memory for that row is located. This is used in calculating the pointer to the
; starting address of a screen line at LAB_D1.
; The high byte is calculated by adding the value of the starting page of screen memory
; held in $288 to the displacement page held here.
; The other function of this table is to establish the makeup of logical lines on the
; screen. While each screen line is only 40 characters long, BASIC allows the entry of
; program lines that contain up to 80 characters. Therefore, some method must be used
; to determine which physical lines are linked into a longer logical line, so that this
; longer logical line may be edited as a unit.
; The high bit of each byte here is used as a flag by the screen editor. That bit is set
; when a line is the first or only physical line in a logical line. The high bit is reset
; to 0 only when a line is an extension to this logical line.
LAB_D9 = $D9 ; to LAB_D9 + $18 inclusive, screen line link table
LAB_F3 = $F3 ; colour RAM pointer low byte
LAB_F4 = $F4 ; colour RAM pointer high byte
; This pointer points to the address of the keyboard matrix lookup table currently being
; used. Although there are only 64 keys on the keyboard matrix, each key can be used to
; print up to four different characters, depending on whether it is struck by itself or
; in combination with the SHIFT, CTRL, or C= keys.
; These tables hold the ASCII value of each of the 64 keys for one of these possible
; combinations of keypresses. When it comes time to print the character, the table that
; is used determines which character is printed.
; The addresses of the tables are:
; LAB_EB81 ; unshifted
; LAB_EBC2 ; shifted
; LAB_EC03 ; commodore
; LAB_EC78 ; control
LAB_F5 = $F5 ; keyboard pointer low byte
LAB_F6 = $F6 ; keyboard pointer high byte
; When device the RS232 channel is opened two buffers of 256 bytes each are created at
; the top of memory. These locations point to the address of the one which is used to
; store characters as they are received.
LAB_F7 = $F7 ; RS232 Rx pointer low byte
LAB_F8 = $F8 ; RS232 Rx pointer high byte
; These locations point to the address of the 256 byte output buffer that is used for
; transmitting data to RS232 devices.
LAB_F9 = $F9 ; RS232 Tx pointer low byte
LAB_FA = $FA ; RS232 Tx pointer high byte
LAB_FF = $FF ; string conversion address
LAB_0100 = $0100 ;.
LAB_0101 = $0101 ;.
LAB_0102 = $0102 ;.
LAB_0103 = $0103 ;.
LAB_0104 = $0104 ;.
LAB_0109 = $0109 ;.
LAB_010F = $010F ;.
LAB_0110 = $0110 ;.
LAB_0111 = $0111 ;.
LAB_0112 = $0112 ;.
LAB_01FC = $01FC ; start of crunched line
LAB_01FD = $01FD ;.
LAB_01FE = $01FE ;.
LAB_01FF = $01FF ; input buffer - 1
LAB_0200 = $0200 ; input buffer. for some routines the byte before the input
; buffer needs to be set to a specific value for the routine
; to work correctly
LAB_0201 = $0201 ; address for GET byte
LAB_0259 = $0259 ; .. to LAB_0262 logical file table
LAB_0263 = $0263 ; .. to LAB_026C device number table
LAB_026D = $026D ; .. to LAB_0276 secondary address table
LAB_0277 = $0277 ; .. to LAB_0280 keyboard buffer
LAB_0281 = $0281 ; OS start of memory low byte
LAB_0282 = $0282 ; OS start of memory high byte
LAB_0283 = $0283 ; OS top of memory low byte
LAB_0284 = $0284 ; OS top of memory high byte
LAB_0285 = $0285 ; serial bus timeout flag
LAB_0286 = $0286 ; current colour code
; $00 black
; $01 white
; $02 red
; $03 cyan
; $04 magents
; $05 green
; $06 blue
; $07 yellow
; $08 orange
; $09 brown
; $0A light red
; $0B dark grey
; $0C medium grey
; $0D light green
; $0E light blue
; $0F light grey
LAB_0287 = $0287 ; colour under cursor
LAB_0288 = $0288 ; screen memory page
LAB_0289 = $0289 ; maximum keyboard buffer size
LAB_028A = $028A ; key repeat. $80 = repeat all, $40 = repeat none,
; $00 = repeat cursor movement keys, insert/delete
; key and the space bar
LAB_028B = $028B ; repeat speed counter
LAB_028C = $028C ; repeat delay counter
; This flag signals which of the SHIFT, CTRL, or C= keys are currently being pressed.
; A value of $01 signifies that one of the SHIFT keys is being pressed, a $02 shows that
; the C= key is down, and $04 means that the CTRL key is being pressed. If more than one
; key is held down, these values will be added e.g $03 indicates that SHIFT and C= are
; both held down.
; Pressing the SHIFT and C= keys at the same time will toggle the character set that is
; presently being used between the uppercase/graphics set, and the lowercase/uppercase
; set.
; While this changes the appearance of all of the characters on the screen at once it
; has nothing whatever to do with the keyboard shift tables and should not be confused
; with the printing of SHIFTed characters, which affects only one character at a time.
LAB_028D = $028D ; keyboard shift/control flag
; bit key(s) 1 = down
; --- ---------------
; 7-3 unused
; 2 CTRL
; 1 C=
; This location, in combination with the one above, is used to debounce the special
; SHIFT keys. This will keep the SHIFT/C= combination from changing character sets
; back and forth during a single pressing of both keys.
LAB_028E = $028E ; SHIFT/CTRL/C= keypress last pattern
; This location points to the address of the Operating System routine which actually
; determines which keyboard matrix lookup table will be used.
; The routine looks at the value of the SHIFT flag at $28D, and based on what value
; it finds there, stores the address of the correct table to use at location $F5.
LAB_028F = $028F ; keyboard decode logic pointer low byte
LAB_0290 = $0290 ; keyboard decode logic pointer high byte
; This flag is used to enable or disable the feature which lets you switch between the
; uppercase/graphics and upper/lowercase character sets by pressing the SHIFT and
; Commodore logo keys simultaneously.
LAB_0291 = $0291 ; shift mode switch, $00 = enabled, $80 = locked
; This location is used to determine whether moving the cursor past the ??xx column of
; a logical line will cause another physical line to be added to the logical line.
; A value of 0 enables the screen to scroll the following lines down in order to add
; that line; any nonzero value will disable the scroll.
; This flag is set to disable the scroll temporarily when there are characters waiting
; in the keyboard buffer, these may include cursor movement characters that would
; eliminate the need for a scroll.
LAB_0292 = $0292 ; screen scrolling flag, $00 = enabled
LAB_0293 = $0293 ; pseudo 6551 control register. the first character of
; the OPEN RS232 filename will be stored here
; bit function
; --- --------
; 7 2 stop bits/1 stop bit
; 65 word length
; --- -----------
; 00 8 bits
; 01 7 bits
; 10 6 bits
; 11 5 bits
; 4 unused
; 3210 baud rate
; ---- ---------
; 0000 user rate *
; 0001 50
; 0010 75
; 0011 110
; 0100 134.5
; 0101 150
; 0110 300
; 0111 600
; 1000 1200
; 1001 1800
; 1010 2400
; 1011 3600
; 1100 4800 *
; 1101 7200 *
; 1110 9600 *
; 1111 19200 * * = not implemented
LAB_0294 = $0294 ; pseudo 6551 command register. the second character of
; the OPEN RS232 filename will be stored here
; bit function
; --- --------
; 7-5 parity
; xx0 = disabled
; 001 = odd
; 011 = even
; 101 = mark
; 111 = space
; 4 duplex half/full
; 3 unused
; 2 unused
; 1 unused
; 0 handshake - X line/3 line
LAB_0295 = $0295 ; nonstandard bit timing low byte. the third character
; of the OPEN RS232 filename will be stored here
LAB_0296 = $0296 ; nonstandard bit timing high byte. the fourth character
; of the OPEN RS232 filename will be stored here
LAB_0297 = $0297 ; RS-232 status register
; bit function
; --- --------
; 7 break
; 6 no DSR detected
; 5 unused
; 4 no CTS detected
; 3 unused
; 2 Rx buffer overrun
; 1 framing error
; 0 parity error
LAB_0298 = $0298 ; number of bits to be sent/received
LAB_0299 = $0299 ; bit time low byte
LAB_029A = $029A ; bit time high byte
; Time Required to Send a Bit
; This location holds the prescaler value used by CIA #2 timers A and B.
; These timers cause an NMI interrupt to drive the RS-232 receive and transmit
; routines CLOCK/PRESCALER times per second each, where CLOCK is the system 02
; frequency of 1,022,730 Hz (985,250 if you are using the European PAL
; television standard rather than the American NTSC standard), and PRESCALER is
; the value stored at 56580-1 ($DD04-5) and 56582-3 ($DD06-7), in low-byte,
; high-byte order. You can use the following formula to figure the correct
; prescaler value for a particular RS-232 baud rate:
; The American (NTSC standard) prescaler values for the standard RS-232 baud
; rates which the control register at 659 ($293) makes available are stored in
; a table at 65218 ($FEC2), starting with the two-byte value used for 50 baud.
; The European (PAL standard) version of that table is located at 58604 ($E4EC).
; Location Range: 667-670 ($29B-$29E)
; Byte Indices to the Beginning and End of Receive and Transmit Buffers
; The two 256-byte First In, First Out (FIFO) buffers for RS-232 data reception
; and transmission are dynamic wraparound buffers. This means that the starting
; point and the ending point of the buffer can change over time, and either
; point can be anywhere withing the buffer. If, for example, the starting point
; is at byte 100, the buffer will fill towards byte 255, at which point it will
; wrap around to byte 0 again. To maintain this system, the following four
; locations are used as indices to the starting and the ending point of each
; buffer.
LAB_029B = $029B ; index to Rx buffer end
LAB_029C = $029C ; index to Rx buffer start
LAB_029D = $029D ; index to Tx buffer start
LAB_029E = $029E ; index to Tx buffer end
LAB_029F = $029F ; saved IRQ low byte
LAB_02A0 = $02A0 ; saved IRQ high byte
; This location holds the active NMI interrupt flag byte from VIA 2 ICR, LAB_DD0D
LAB_02A1 = $02A1 ; RS-232 interrupt enable byte
; bit function
; --- --------
; 7 unused
; 6 unused
; 5 unused
; 4 1 = waiting for Rx edge
; 3 unused
; 2 unused
; 1 1 = Rx data timer
; 0 1 = Tx data timer
LAB_02A2 = $02A2 ; VIA 1 CRB shadow copy
LAB_02A3 = $02A3 ; VIA 1 ICR shadow copy
LAB_02A4 = $02A4 ; VIA 1 CRA shadow copy
LAB_02A5 = $02A5 ; temp Index to the next line for scrolling
LAB_02A6 = $02A6 ; PAL/NTSC flag
; $00 = NTSC
; $01 = PAL
; $02A7 to $02FF - unused
LAB_0300 = $0300 ; vector to the print BASIC error message routine
LAB_0302 = $0302 ; Vector to the main BASIC program Loop
LAB_0304 = $0304 ; Vector to the the ASCII text to keywords routine
LAB_0306 = $0306 ; Vector to the list BASIC program as ASCII routine
LAB_0308 = $0308 ; Vector to the execute next BASIC command routine
LAB_030A = $030A ; Vector to the get value from BASIC line routine
; Before every SYS command each of the registers is loaded with the value found in the
; corresponding storage address. Upon returning to BASIC with an RTS instruction, the
; new value of each register is stored in the appropriate storage address.
; This feature allows you to place the necessary values into the registers from BASIC
; before you SYS to a Kernal or BASIC ML routine. It also enables you to examine the
; resulting effect of the routine on the registers, and to preserve the condition of
; the registers on exit for subsequent SYS calls.
LAB_030C = $030C ; A for SYS command
LAB_030D = $030D ; X for SYS command
LAB_030E = $030E ; Y for SYS command
LAB_030F = $030F ; P for SYS command
LAB_0310 = $0310 ; JMP instruction for user function
LAB_0311 = $0311 ; user function vector low byte
LAB_0312 = $0312 ; user function vector high byte
LAB_0314 = $0314 ; IRQ vector low byte
LAB_0315 = $0315 ; IRQ vector high byte
LAB_0316 = $0316 ; BRK vector
LAB_0318 = $0318 ; NMI vector
LAB_031A = $031A ; kernal vector - open a logical file
LAB_031C = $031C ; kernal vector - close a specified logical file
LAB_031E = $031E ; kernal vector - open channel for input
LAB_0320 = $0320 ; kernal vector - open channel for output
LAB_0322 = $0322 ; kernal vector - close input and output channels
LAB_0324 = $0324 ; kernal vector - input character from channel
LAB_0326 = $0326 ; kernal vector - output character to channel
LAB_0328 = $0328 ; kernal vector - scan stop key
LAB_032A = $032A ; kernal vector - get character from keyboard queue
LAB_032C = $032C ; kernal vector - close all channels and files
LAB_0330 = $0330 ; kernal vector - load
LAB_0332 = $0332 ; kernal vector - save
LAB_033C = $033C ; cassette buffer
LAB_8000 = $8000 ; autostart ROM initial entry vector
LAB_8002 = $8002 ; autostart ROM break entry
LAB_8004 = $8004 ; autostart ROM identifier string start
LAB_D000 = $D000 ; vic ii chip base address
LAB_D011 = $D011 ; vertical fine scroll and control
LAB_D012 = $D012 ; raster compare register
LAB_D016 = $D016 ; horizontal fine scroll and control
LAB_D018 = $D018 ; memory control
LAB_D019 = $D019 ; vic interrupt flag register
LAB_D418 = $D418 ; volume and filter select
LAB_D800 = $D800 ; 1K colour RAM base address
; VIA 1
LAB_DC00 = $DC00 ; VIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive
LAB_DC01 = $DC01 ; VIA 1 DRB, keyboard row port
; keyboard matrix layout
; keyboard matrix layout
; c7 c6 c5 c4 c3 c2 c1 c0
; +------------------------------------------------
; r7| [RUN] / , N V X [LSH] [DN]
; r6| Q [UP] @ O U T E [F5]
; r5| [CBM] = : K H F S [F3]
; r4| [SP] [RSH] . M B C Z [F1]
; r3| 2 [Home]- 0 8 6 4 [F7]
; r2| [CTL] ; L J G D A [RGT]
; r1| [LFT] * P I Y R W [RET]
; r0| 1 £ + 9 7 5 3 [DEL]
LAB_DC02 = $DC02 ; VIA 1 DDRA, keyboard column
LAB_DC03 = $DC03 ; VIA 1 DDRB, keyboard row
LAB_DC04 = $DC04 ; VIA 1 timer A low byte
LAB_DC05 = $DC05 ; VIA 1 timer A high byte
LAB_DC06 = $DC06 ; VIA 1 timer B low byte
LAB_DC07 = $DC07 ; VIA 1 timer B high byte
; bit function
; --- --------
; 7 interrupt
; 6 unused
; 5 unused
; 4 FLAG
; 3 shift register
; 2 TOD alarm
; 1 timer B
; 0 timer A
; bit function
; --- --------
; 7 TOD clock, 1 = 50Hz, 0 = 60Hz
; 6 serial port direction, 1 = out, 0 = in
; 5 timer A input, 1 = phase2, 0 = CNT in
; 4 1 = force load timer A
; 3 timer A mode, 1 = single shot, 0 = continuous
; 2 PB6 mode, 1 = toggle, 0 = single shot
; 1 1 = timer A to PB6
; 0 1 = start timer A
; bit function
; --- --------
; 7 TOD register select, 1 = clock, 0 = alarm
; 6-5 timer B mode
; 11 = timer A with CNT enable
; 10 = timer A
; 01 = CNT in
; 00 = phase 2
; 4 1 = force load timer B
; 3 timer B mode, 1 = single shot, 0 = continuous
; 2 PB7 mode, 1 = toggle, 0 = single shot
; 1 1 = timer B to PB7
; 0 1 = start timer B
; VIA 2
LAB_DD00 = $DD00 ; VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
; bit function
; --- --------
; 7 serial DATA in
; 6 serial CLK in
; 5 serial DATA out
; 4 serial CLK out
; 3 serial ATN out
; 2 RS232 Tx DATA
; 1 video address 15
; 0 video address 14
LAB_DD01 = $DD01 ; VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
; bit function
; --- --------
; 7 RS232 DSR
; 6 RS232 CTS
; 5 unused
; 4 RS232 DCD
; 3 RS232 RI
; 2 RS232 DTR
; 1 RS232 RTS
; 0 RS232 Rx DATA
LAB_DD02 = $DD02 ; VIA 2 DDRA, serial port and video address
LAB_DD03 = $DD03 ; VIA 2 DDRB, RS232 port
LAB_DD04 = $DD04 ; VIA 2 timer A low byte
LAB_DD05 = $DD05 ; VIA 2 timer A high byte
LAB_DD06 = $DD06 ; VIA 2 timer B low byte
LAB_DD07 = $DD07 ; VIA 2 timer B high byte
; bit function
; --- --------
; 7 interrupt
; 6 unused
; 5 unused
; 4 FLAG
; 3 shift register
; 2 TOD alarm
; 1 timer B
; 0 timer A
; bit function
; --- --------
; 7 TOD clock, 1 = 50Hz, 0 = 60Hz
; 6 serial port direction, 1 = out, 0 = in
; 5 timer A input, 1 = phase2, 0 = CNT in
; 4 1 = force load timer A
; 3 timer A mode, 1 = single shot, 0 = continuous
; 2 PB6 mode, 1 = toggle, 0 = single shot
; 1 1 = timer A to PB6
; 0 1 = start timer A
; bit function
; --- --------
; 7 TOD register select, 1 = clock, 0 = alarm
; 6-5 timer B mode
; 11 = timer A with CNT enable
; 10 = timer A
; 01 = CNT in
; 00 = phase 2
; 4 1 = force load timer B
; 3 timer B mode, 1 = single shot, 0 = continuous
; 2 PB7 mode, 1 = toggle, 0 = single shot
; 1 1 = timer B to PB7
; 0 1 = start timer B
; BASIC keyword token values. tokens not used in the source are included for
; completeness but commented out
; command tokens
;TK_END = $80 ; END token
TK_FOR = $81 ; FOR token
;TK_NEXT = $82 ; NEXT token
TK_DATA = $83 ; DATA token
;TK_INFL = $84 ; INPUT# token
;TK_INPUT = $85 ; INPUT token
;TK_DIM = $86 ; DIM token
;TK_READ = $87 ; READ token
;TK_LET = $88 ; LET token
TK_GOTO = $89 ; GOTO token
;TK_RUN = $8A ; RUN token
;TK_IF = $8B ; IF token
TK_GOSUB = $8D ; GOSUB token
;TK_RETURN = $8E ; RETURN token
TK_REM = $8F ; REM token
;TK_STOP = $90 ; STOP token
;TK_ON = $91 ; ON token
;TK_WAIT = $92 ; WAIT token
;TK_LOAD = $93 ; LOAD token
;TK_SAVE = $94 ; SAVE token
;TK_VERIFY = $95 ; VERIFY token
;TK_DEF = $96 ; DEF token
;TK_POKE = $97 ; POKE token
;TK_PRINFL = $98 ; PRINT# token
TK_PRINT = $99 ; PRINT token
;TK_CONT = $9A ; CONT token
;TK_LIST = $9B ; LIST token
;TK_CLR = $9C ; CLR token
;TK_CMD = $9D ; CMD token
;TK_SYS = $9E ; SYS token
;TK_OPEN = $9F ; OPEN token
;TK_CLOSE = $A0 ; CLOSE token
;TK_GET = $A1 ; GET token
;TK_NEW = $A2 ; NEW token
; secondary keyword tokens
TK_TAB = $A3 ; TAB( token
TK_TO = $A4 ; TO token
TK_FN = $A5 ; FN token
TK_SPC = $A6 ; SPC( token
TK_THEN = $A7 ; THEN token
TK_NOT = $A8 ; NOT token
TK_STEP = $A9 ; STEP token
; operator tokens
TK_PLUS = $AA ; + token
TK_MINUS = $AB ; - token
;TK_MUL = $AC ; * token
;TK_DIV = $AD ; / token
;TK_POWER = $AE ; ^ token
;TK_AND = $AF ; AND token
;TK_OR = $B0 ; OR token
TK_GT = $B1 ; > token
TK_EQUAL = $B2 ; = token
;TK_LT = $B3 ; < token
; function tokens
TK_SGN = $B4 ; SGN token
;TK_INT = $B5 ; INT token
;TK_ABS = $B6 ; ABS token
;TK_USR = $B7 ; USR token
;TK_FRE = $B8 ; FRE token
;TK_POS = $B9 ; POS token
;TK_SQR = $BA ; SQR token
;TK_RND = $BB ; RND token
;TK_LOG = $BC ; LOG token
;TK_EXP = $BD ; EXP token
;TK_COS = $BE ; COS token
;TK_SIN = $BF ; SIN token
;TK_TAN = $C0 ; TAN token
;TK_ATN = $C1 ; ATN token
;TK_PEEK = $C2 ; PEEK token
;TK_LEN = $C3 ; LEN token
;TK_STRS = $C4 ; STR$ token
;TK_VAL = $C5 ; VAL token
;TK_ASC = $C6 ; ASC token
;TK_CHRS = $C7 ; CHR$ token
;TK_LEFTS = $C8 ; LEFT$ token
;TK_RIGHTS = $C9 ; RIGHT$ token
;TK_MIDS = $CA ; MID$ token
TK_GO = $CB ; GO token
TK_PI = $FF ; PI token
; start of the BASIC ROM
.ORG $A000
.word LAB_E394 ; BASIC cold start entry point
.word LAB_E37B ; BASIC warm start entry point
.byte "CBMBASIC" ; ROM name, unreferenced
; action addresses for primary commands. these are called by pushing the address
; onto the stack and doing an RTS so the actual address -1 needs to be pushed
.word LAB_A831-1 ; perform END $80
.word LAB_A742-1 ; perform FOR $81
.word LAB_AD1E-1 ; perform NEXT $82
.word LAB_A8F8-1 ; perform DATA $83
.word LAB_ABA5-1 ; perform INPUT# $84
.word LAB_ABBF-1 ; perform INPUT $85
.word LAB_B081-1 ; perform DIM $86
.word LAB_AC06-1 ; perform READ $87
.word LAB_A9A5-1 ; perform LET $88
.word LAB_A8A0-1 ; perform GOTO $89
.word LAB_A871-1 ; perform RUN $8A
.word LAB_A928-1 ; perform IF $8B
.word LAB_A81D-1 ; perform RESTORE $8C
.word LAB_A883-1 ; perform GOSUB $8D
.word LAB_A8D2-1 ; perform RETURN $8E
.word LAB_A93B-1 ; perform REM $8F
.word LAB_A82F-1 ; perform STOP $90
.word LAB_A94B-1 ; perform ON $91
.word LAB_B82D-1 ; perform WAIT $92
.word LAB_E168-1 ; perform LOAD $93
.word LAB_E156-1 ; perform SAVE $94
.word LAB_E165-1 ; perform VERIFY $95
.word LAB_B3B3-1 ; perform DEF $96
.word LAB_B824-1 ; perform POKE $97
.word LAB_AA80-1 ; perform PRINT# $98
.word LAB_AAA0-1 ; perform PRINT $99
.word LAB_A857-1 ; perform CONT $9A
.word LAB_A69C-1 ; perform LIST $9B
.word LAB_A65E-1 ; perform CLR $9C
.word LAB_AA86-1 ; perform CMD $9D
.word LAB_E12A-1 ; perform SYS $9E
.word LAB_E1BE-1 ; perform OPEN $9F
.word LAB_E1C7-1 ; perform CLOSE $A0
.word LAB_AB7B-1 ; perform GET $A1
.word LAB_A642-1 ; perform NEW $A2
; action addresses for functions
.word LAB_BC39 ; perform SGN() $B4
.word LAB_BCCC ; perform INT() $B5
.word LAB_BC58 ; perform ABS() $B6
.word LAB_0310 ; perform USR() $B7
.word LAB_B37D ; perform FRE() $B8
.word LAB_B39E ; perform POS() $B9
.word LAB_BF71 ; perform SQR() $BA
.word LAB_E097 ; perform RND() $BB
.word LAB_B9EA ; perform LOG() $BC
.word LAB_BFED ; perform EXP() $BD
.word LAB_E264 ; perform COS() $BE
.word LAB_E26B ; perform SIN() $BF
.word LAB_E2B4 ; perform TAN() $C0
.word LAB_E30E ; perform ATN() $C1
.word LAB_B80D ; perform PEEK() $C2
.word LAB_B77C ; perform LEN() $C3
.word LAB_B465 ; perform STR$() $C4
.word LAB_B7AD ; perform VAL() $C5
.word LAB_B78B ; perform ASC() $C6
.word LAB_B6EC ; perform CHR$() $C7
.word LAB_B700 ; perform LEFT$() $C8
.word LAB_B72C ; perform RIGHT$() $C9
.word LAB_B737 ; perform MID$() $CA
; precedence byte and action addresses for operators. like the primarry commands
; these are called by pushing the address onto the stack and doing an RTS, so again
; the actual address -1 needs to be pushed
.byte $79
.word LAB_B86A-1 ; +
.byte $79
.word LAB_B853-1 ; -
.byte $7B
.word LAB_BA2B-1 ; *
.byte $7B
.word LAB_BB12-1 ; /
.byte $7F
.word LAB_BF7B-1 ; ^
.byte $50
.word LAB_AFE9-1 ; AND
.byte $46
.word LAB_AFE6-1 ; OR
.byte $7D
.word LAB_BFB4-1 ; >
.byte $5A
.word LAB_AED4-1 ; =
.byte $64
.word LAB_B016-1 ; <
; BASIC keywords. each word has b7 set in it's last character as an end marker, even
; the one character keywords such as "<" or "="
; first are the primary command keywords, only these can start a statement
.byte "EN",'D'+$80 ; END $80 128
.byte "FO",'R'+$80 ; FOR $81 129
.byte "NEX",'T'+$80 ; NEXT $82 130
.byte "DAT",'A'+$80 ; DATA $83 131
.byte "INPUT",'#'+$80 ; INPUT# $84 132
.byte "INPU",'T'+$80 ; INPUT $85 133
.byte "DI",'M'+$80 ; DIM $86 134
.byte "REA",'D'+$80 ; READ $87 135
.byte "LE",'T'+$80 ; LET $88 136
.byte "GOT",'O'+$80 ; GOTO $89 137
.byte "RU",'N'+$80 ; RUN $8A 138
.byte "I",'F'+$80 ; IF $8B 139
.byte "RESTOR",'E'+$80 ; RESTORE $8C 140
.byte "GOSU",'B'+$80 ; GOSUB $8D 141
.byte "RETUR",'N'+$80 ; RETURN $8E 142
.byte "RE",'M'+$80 ; REM $8F 143
.byte "STO",'P'+$80 ; STOP $90 144
.byte "O",'N'+$80 ; ON $91 145
.byte "WAI",'T'+$80 ; WAIT $92 146
.byte "LOA",'D'+$80 ; LOAD $93 147
.byte "SAV",'E'+$80 ; SAVE $94 148
.byte "VERIF",'Y'+$80 ; VERIFY $95 149
.byte "DE",'F'+$80 ; DEF $96 150
.byte "POK",'E'+$80 ; POKE $97 151
.byte "PRINT",'#'+$80 ; PRINT# $98 152
.byte "PRIN",'T'+$80 ; PRINT $99 153
.byte "CON",'T'+$80 ; CONT $9A 154
.byte "LIS",'T'+$80 ; LIST $9B 155
.byte "CL",'R'+$80 ; CLR $9C 156
.byte "CM",'D'+$80 ; CMD $9D 157
.byte "SY",'S'+$80 ; SYS $9E 158
.byte "OPE",'N'+$80 ; OPEN $9F 159
.byte "CLOS",'E'+$80 ; CLOSE $A0 160
.byte "GE",'T'+$80 ; GET $A1 161
.byte "NE",'W'+$80 ; NEW $A2 162
; next are the secondary command keywords, these can not start a statement
.byte "TAB",'('+$80 ; TAB( $A3 163
.byte "T",'O'+$80 ; TO $A4 164
.byte "F",'N'+$80 ; FN $A5 165
.byte "SPC",'('+$80 ; SPC( $A6 166
.byte "THE",'N'+$80 ; THEN $A7 167
.byte "NO",'T'+$80 ; NOT $A8 168
.byte "STE",'P'+$80 ; STEP $A9 169
; next are the operators
.byte '+'+$80 ; + $AA 170
.byte '-'+$80 ; - $AB 171
.byte '*'+$80 ; * $AC 172
.byte '/'+$80 ; / $AD 173
.byte '^'+$80 ; ^ $AE 174
.byte "AN",'D'+$80 ; AND $AF 175
.byte "O",'R'+$80 ; OR $B0 176
.byte '>'+$80 ; > $B1 177
.byte '='+$80 ; = $B2 178
.byte '<'+$80 ; < $B3 179
; and finally the functions
.byte "SG",'N'+$80 ; SGN $B4 180
.byte "IN",'T'+$80 ; INT $B5 181
.byte "AB",'S'+$80 ; ABS $B6 182
.byte "US",'R'+$80 ; USR $B7 183
.byte "FR",'E'+$80 ; FRE $B8 184
.byte "PO",'S'+$80 ; POS $B9 185
.byte "SQ",'R'+$80 ; SQR $BA 186
.byte "RN",'D'+$80 ; RND $BB 187
.byte "LO",'G'+$80 ; LOG $BC 188
.byte "EX",'P'+$80 ; EXP $BD 189
.byte "CO",'S'+$80 ; COS $BE 190
.byte "SI",'N'+$80 ; SIN $BF 191
.byte "TA",'N'+$80 ; TAN $C0 192
.byte "AT",'N'+$80 ; ATN $C1 193
.byte "PEE",'K'+$80 ; PEEK $C2 194
.byte "LE",'N'+$80 ; LEN $C3 195
.byte "STR",'$'+$80 ; STR$ $C4 196
.byte "VA",'L'+$80 ; VAL $C5 197
.byte "AS",'C'+$80 ; ASC $C6 198
.byte "CHR",'$'+$80 ; CHR$ $C7 199
.byte "LEFT",'$'+$80 ; LEFT$ $C8 200
.byte "RIGHT",'$'+$80 ; RIGHT$ $C9 201
.byte "MID",'$'+$80 ; MID$ $CA 202
; lastly is GO, this is an add on so that GO TO, as well as GOTO, will work
.byte "G",'O'+$80 ; GO $CB 203
.byte $00 ; end marker
; BASIC error messages
.byte "TOO MANY FILE",'S'+$80
.byte "FILE OPE",'N'+$80
.byte "FILE NOT OPE",'N'+$80
.byte "FILE NOT FOUN",'D'+$80
.byte "DEVICE NOT PRESEN",'T'+$80
.byte "NOT INPUT FIL",'E'+$80
.byte "NOT OUTPUT FIL",'E'+$80
.byte "MISSING FILE NAM",'E'+$80
.byte "NEXT WITHOUT FO",'R'+$80
.byte "SYNTA",'X'+$80
.byte "OUT OF DAT",'A'+$80
.byte "ILLEGAL QUANTIT",'Y'+$80
.byte "OVERFLO",'W'+$80
.byte "OUT OF MEMOR",'Y'+$80
.byte "UNDEF'D STATEMEN",'T'+$80
.byte "BAD SUBSCRIP",'T'+$80
.byte "REDIM'D ARRA",'Y'+$80
.byte "DIVISION BY ZER",'O'+$80
.byte "ILLEGAL DIREC",'T'+$80
.byte "TYPE MISMATC",'H'+$80
.byte "STRING TOO LON",'G'+$80
.byte "FILE DAT",'A'+$80
.byte "FORMULA TOO COMPLE",'X'+$80
.byte "CAN'T CONTINU",'E'+$80
.byte "UNDEF'D FUNCTIO",'N'+$80
.byte "VERIF",'Y'+$80
.byte "LOA",'D'+$80
; error message pointer table
.word LAB_A19E ; $01 TOO MANY FILES
.word LAB_A1AC ; $02 FILE OPEN
.word LAB_A1B5 ; $03 FILE NOT OPEN
.word LAB_A1C2 ; $04 FILE NOT FOUND
.word LAB_A1E2 ; $06 NOT INPUT FILE
.word LAB_A1F0 ; $07 NOT OUTPUT FILE
.word LAB_A235 ; $0B SYNTAX
.word LAB_A24F ; $0D OUT OF DATA
.word LAB_A26A ; $0F OVERFLOW
.word LAB_A272 ; $10 OUT OF MEMORY
.word LAB_A290 ; $12 BAD SUBSCRIPT
.word LAB_A29D ; $13 REDIM'D ARRAY
.word LAB_A2C8 ; $16 TYPE MISMATCH
.word LAB_A2D5 ; $17 STRING TOO LONG
.word LAB_A2E4 ; $18 FILE DATA
.word LAB_A300 ; $1A CAN'T CONTINUE
.word LAB_A31E ; $1C VERIFY
.word LAB_A324 ; $1D LOAD
.word LAB_A383 ; $1E BREAK
; BASIC messages
.byte $0D,"OK",$0D,$00
.byte " ERROR",$00
.byte " IN ",$00
.byte $0D,$0A,"READY.",$0D,$0A,$00
.byte $0D,$0A
.byte "BREAK",$00
; spare byte, not referenced
.byte $A0 ; unused
; search the stack for FOR or GOSUB activity
; return Zb=1 if FOR variable found
TSX ; copy stack pointer
INX ; +1 pass return address
INX ; +2 pass return address
INX ; +3 pass calling routine return address
INX ; +4 pass calling routine return address
LDA LAB_0100+1,X ; get the token byte from the stack
CMP #TK_FOR ; is it the FOR token
BNE LAB_A3B7 ; if not FOR token just exit
; it was the FOR token
LDA LAB_4A ; get FOR/NEXT variable pointer high byte
BNE LAB_A3A4 ; branch if not null
LDA LAB_0100+2,X ; get FOR variable pointer low byte
STA LAB_49 ; save FOR/NEXT variable pointer low byte
LDA LAB_0100+3,X ; get FOR variable pointer high byte
STA LAB_4A ; save FOR/NEXT variable pointer high byte
CMP LAB_0100+3,X ; compare variable pointer with stacked variable pointer
; high byte
BNE LAB_A3B0 ; branch if no match
LDA LAB_49 ; get FOR/NEXT variable pointer low byte
CMP LAB_0100+2,X ; compare variable pointer with stacked variable pointer
; low byte
BEQ LAB_A3B7 ; exit if match found
TXA ; copy index
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$12 ; add FOR stack use size
TAX ; copy back to index
BNE LAB_A38F ; loop if not at start of stack
; open up a space in the memory, set the end of arrays
JSR LAB_A408 ; check available memory, do out of memory error if no room
STA LAB_31 ; set end of arrays low byte
STY LAB_32 ; set end of arrays high byte
; open up a space in the memory, don't set the array end
SEC ; set carry for subtract
LDA LAB_5A ; get block end low byte
SBC LAB_5F ; subtract block start low byte
STA LAB_22 ; save MOD(block length/$100) byte
TAY ; copy MOD(block length/$100) byte to Y
LDA LAB_5B ; get block end high byte
SBC LAB_60 ; subtract block start high byte
TAX ; copy block length high byte to X
INX ; +1 to allow for count=0 exit
TYA ; copy block length low byte to A
BEQ LAB_A3F3 ; branch if length low byte=0
; block is (X-1)*256+Y bytes, do the Y bytes first
LDA LAB_5A ; get block end low byte
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC LAB_22 ; subtract MOD(block length/$100) byte
STA LAB_5A ; save corrected old block end low byte
BCS LAB_A3DC ; branch if no underflow
DEC LAB_5B ; else decrement block end high byte
SEC ; set carry for subtract
LDA LAB_58 ; get destination end low byte
SBC LAB_22 ; subtract MOD(block length/$100) byte
STA LAB_58 ; save modified new block end low byte
BCS LAB_A3EC ; branch if no underflow
DEC LAB_59 ; else decrement block end high byte
BCC LAB_A3EC ; branch always
LDA (LAB_5A),Y ; get byte from source
STA (LAB_58),Y ; copy byte to destination
DEY ; decrement index
BNE LAB_A3E8 ; loop until Y=0
; now do Y=0 indexed byte
LDA (LAB_5A),Y ; get byte from source
STA (LAB_58),Y ; save byte to destination
DEC LAB_5B ; decrement source pointer high byte
DEC LAB_59 ; decrement destination pointer high byte
DEX ; decrement block count
BNE LAB_A3EC ; loop until count = $0
; check room on stack for A bytes
; if stack too deep do out of memory error
ASL ; *2
ADC #$3E ; need at least $3E bytes free
BCS LAB_A435 ; if overflow go do out of memory error then warm start
STA LAB_22 ; save result in temp byte
TSX ; copy stack
CPX LAB_22 ; compare new limit with stack
BCC LAB_A435 ; if stack < limit do out of memory error then warm start
; check available memory, do out of memory error if no room
CPY LAB_34 ; compare with bottom of string space high byte
BCC LAB_A434 ; if less then exit (is ok)
BNE LAB_A412 ; skip next test if greater (tested <)
; high byte was =, now do low byte
CMP LAB_33 ; compare with bottom of string space low byte
BCC LAB_A434 ; if less then exit (is ok)
; address is > string storage ptr (oops!)
PHA ; push address low byte
LDX #$09 ; set index to save LAB_57 to LAB_60 inclusive
TYA ; copy address high byte (to push on stack)
; save misc numeric work area
PHA ; push byte
LDA LAB_57,X ; get byte from LAB_57 to LAB_60
DEX ; decrement index
BPL LAB_A416 ; loop until all done
JSR LAB_B526 ; do garbage collection routine
; restore misc numeric work area
LDX #$F7 ; set index to restore bytes
PLA ; pop byte
STA LAB_60+1,X ; save byte to LAB_57 to LAB_60
INX ; increment index
BMI LAB_A421 ; loop while -ve
PLA ; pop address high byte
TAY ; copy back to Y
PLA ; pop address low byte
CPY LAB_34 ; compare with bottom of string space high byte
BCC LAB_A434 ; if less then exit (is ok)
BNE LAB_A435 ; if greater do out of memory error then warm start
; high byte was =, now do low byte
CMP LAB_33 ; compare with bottom of string space low byte
BCS LAB_A435 ; if >= do out of memory error then warm start
; ok exit, carry clear
; do out of memory error then warm start
LDX #$10 ; error code $10, out of memory error
; do error #X then warm start
JMP (LAB_0300) ; do error message
; do error #X then warm start, the error message vector is initialised to point here
TXA ; copy error number
ASL ; *2
TAX ; copy to index
LDA LAB_A328-2,X ; get error message pointer low byte
STA LAB_22 ; save it
LDA LAB_A328-1,X ; get error message pointer high byte
STA LAB_23 ; save it
JSR LAB_FFCC ; close input and output channels
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_13 ; clear current I/O channel, flag default
JSR LAB_AAD7 ; print CR/LF
JSR LAB_AB45 ; print "?"
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get byte from message
PHA ; save status
AND #$7F ; mask 0xxx xxxx, clear b7
JSR LAB_AB47 ; output character
INY ; increment index
PLA ; restore status
BPL LAB_A456 ; loop if character was not end marker
JSR LAB_A67A ; flush BASIC stack and clear continue pointer
LDA #<LAB_A369 ; set " ERROR" pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_A369 ; set " ERROR" pointer high byte
; print string and do warm start, break entry
JSR LAB_AB1E ; print null terminated string
LDY LAB_3A ; get current line number high byte
INY ; increment it
BEQ LAB_A474 ; branch if was in immediate mode
JSR LAB_BDC2 ; do " IN " line number message
; do warm start
LDA #<LAB_A376 ; set "READY." pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_A376 ; set "READY." pointer high byte
JSR LAB_AB1E ; print null terminated string
LDA #$80 ; set for control messages only
JSR LAB_FF90 ; control kernal messages
JMP (LAB_0302) ; do BASIC warm start
; BASIC warm start, the warm start vector is initialised to point here
JSR LAB_A560 ; call for BASIC input
STX LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
STY LAB_7B ; save BASIC execute pointer high byte
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
TAX ; copy byte to set flags
BEQ LAB_A480 ; loop if no input
; got to interpret the input line now ....
LDX #$FF ; current line high byte to -1, indicates immediate mode
STX LAB_3A ; set current line number high byte
BCC LAB_A49C ; if numeric character go handle new BASIC line
; no line number .. immediate mode
JSR LAB_A579 ; crunch keywords into BASIC tokens
JMP LAB_A7E1 ; go scan and interpret code
; handle new BASIC line
JSR LAB_A96B ; get fixed-point number into temporary integer
JSR LAB_A579 ; crunch keywords into BASIC tokens
STY LAB_0B ; save index pointer to end of crunched line
JSR LAB_A613 ; search BASIC for temporary integer line number
BCC LAB_A4ED ; if not found skip the line delete
; line # already exists so delete it
LDY #$01 ; set index to next line pointer high byte
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get next line pointer high byte
STA LAB_23 ; save it
LDA LAB_2D ; get start of variables low byte
STA LAB_22 ; save it
LDA LAB_60 ; get found line pointer high byte
STA LAB_25 ; save it
LDA LAB_5F ; get found line pointer low byte
DEY ; decrement index
SBC (LAB_5F),Y ; subtract next line pointer low byte
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC LAB_2D ; add start of variables low byte
STA LAB_2D ; set start of variables low byte
STA LAB_24 ; save destination pointer low byte
LDA LAB_2E ; get start of variables high byte
ADC #$FF ; -1 + carry
STA LAB_2E ; set start of variables high byte
SBC LAB_60 ; subtract found line pointer high byte
TAX ; copy to block count
SEC ; set carry for subtract
LDA LAB_5F ; get found line pointer low byte
SBC LAB_2D ; subtract start of variables low byte
TAY ; copy to bytes in first block count
BCS LAB_A4D7 ; branch if no underflow
INX ; increment block count, correct for = 0 loop exit
DEC LAB_25 ; decrement destination high byte
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC LAB_22 ; add source pointer low byte
BCC LAB_A4DF ; branch if no overflow
DEC LAB_23 ; else decrement source pointer high byte
CLC ; clear carry
; close up memory to delete old line
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get byte from source
STA (LAB_24),Y ; copy to destination
INY ; increment index
BNE LAB_A4DF ; while <> 0 do this block
INC LAB_23 ; increment source pointer high byte
INC LAB_25 ; increment destination pointer high byte
DEX ; decrement block count
BNE LAB_A4DF ; loop until all done
; got new line in buffer and no existing same #
JSR LAB_A659 ; reset execution to start, clear variables, flush stack
; and return
JSR LAB_A533 ; rebuild BASIC line chaining
LDA LAB_0200 ; get first byte from buffer
BEQ LAB_A480 ; if no line go do BASIC warm start
; else insert line into memory
CLC ; clear carry for add
LDA LAB_2D ; get start of variables low byte
STA LAB_5A ; save as source end pointer low byte
ADC LAB_0B ; add index pointer to end of crunched line
STA LAB_58 ; save as destination end pointer low byte
LDY LAB_2E ; get start of variables high byte
STY LAB_5B ; save as source end pointer high byte
BCC LAB_A508 ; branch if no carry to high byte
INY ; else increment high byte
STY LAB_59 ; save as destination end pointer high byte
JSR LAB_A3B8 ; open up space in memory
; most of what remains to do is copy the crunched line into the space opened up in memory,
; however, before the crunched line comes the next line pointer and the line number. the
; line number is retrieved from the temporary integer and stored in memory, this
; overwrites the bottom two bytes on the stack. next the line is copied and the next line
; pointer is filled with whatever was in two bytes above the line number in the stack.
; this is ok because the line pointer gets fixed in the line chain re-build.
LDA LAB_14 ; get line number low byte
LDY LAB_15 ; get line number high byte
STA LAB_01FE ; save line number low byte before crunched line
STY LAB_01FF ; save line number high byte before crunched line
LDA LAB_31 ; get end of arrays low byte
LDY LAB_32 ; get end of arrays high byte
STA LAB_2D ; set start of variables low byte
STY LAB_2E ; set start of variables high byte
LDY LAB_0B ; get index to end of crunched line
DEY ; -1
LDA LAB_01FC,Y ; get byte from crunched line
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; save byte to memory
DEY ; decrement index
BPL LAB_A522 ; loop while more to do
; reset execution, clear variables, flush stack, rebuild BASIC chain and do warm start
JSR LAB_A659 ; reset execution to start, clear variables and flush stack
JSR LAB_A533 ; rebuild BASIC line chaining
JMP LAB_A480 ; go do BASIC warm start
; rebuild BASIC line chaining
LDA LAB_2B ; get start of memory low byte
LDY LAB_2C ; get start of memory high byte
STA LAB_22 ; set line start pointer low byte
STY LAB_23 ; set line start pointer high byte
CLC ; clear carry for add
LDY #$01 ; set index to pointer to next line high byte
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get pointer to next line high byte
BEQ LAB_A55F ; exit if null, [EOT]
LDY #$04 ; point to first code byte of line
; there is always 1 byte + [EOL] as null entries are deleted
INY ; next code byte
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get byte
BNE LAB_A544 ; loop if not [EOL]
INY ; point to byte past [EOL], start of next line
TYA ; copy it
ADC LAB_22 ; add line start pointer low byte
TAX ; copy to X
LDY #$00 ; clear index, point to this line's next line pointer
STA (LAB_22),Y ; set next line pointer low byte
LDA LAB_23 ; get line start pointer high byte
ADC #$00 ; add any overflow
INY ; increment index to high byte
STA (LAB_22),Y ; set next line pointer high byte
STX LAB_22 ; set line start pointer low byte
STA LAB_23 ; set line start pointer high byte
BCC LAB_A53C ; go do next line, branch always
; call for BASIC input
LDX #$00 ; set channel $00, keyboard
JSR LAB_E112 ; input character from channel with error check
CMP #$0D ; compare with [CR]
BEQ LAB_A576 ; if [CR] set XY to LAB_200 - 1, print [CR] and exit
; character was not [CR]
STA LAB_0200,X ; save character to buffer
INX ; increment buffer index
CPX #$59 ; compare with max+1
BCC LAB_A562 ; branch if < max+1
LDX #$17 ; error $17, string too long error
JMP LAB_A437 ; do error #X then warm start
JMP LAB_AACA ; set XY to LAB_200 - 1 and print [CR]
; crunch BASIC tokens vector
JMP (LAB_0304) ; do crunch BASIC tokens
; crunch BASIC tokens, the crunch BASIC tokens vector is initialised to point here
LDX LAB_7A ; get BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDY #$04 ; set save index
STY LAB_0F ; clear open quote/DATA flag
LDA LAB_0200,X ; get a byte from the input buffer
BPL LAB_A58E ; if b7 clear go do crunching
CMP #TK_PI ; compare with the token for PI, this toke is input
; directly from the keyboard as the PI character
BEQ LAB_A5C9 ; if PI save byte then continue crunching
; this is the bit of code that stops you being able to enter
; some keywords as just single shifted characters. If this
; dropped through you would be able to enter GOTO as just
INX ; increment read index
BNE LAB_A582 ; loop if more to do, branch always
CMP #' ' ; compare with [SPACE]
BEQ LAB_A5C9 ; if [SPACE] save byte then continue crunching
STA LAB_08 ; save buffer byte as search character
CMP #$22 ; compare with quote character
BEQ LAB_A5EE ; if quote go copy quoted string
BIT LAB_0F ; get open quote/DATA token flag
BVS LAB_A5C9 ; branch if b6 of Oquote set, was DATA
; go save byte then continue crunching
CMP #'?' ; compare with "?" character
BNE LAB_A5A4 ; if not "?" continue crunching
LDA #TK_PRINT ; else the keyword token is $99, PRINT
BNE LAB_A5C9 ; go save byte then continue crunching, branch always
CMP #'0' ; compare with "0"
BCC LAB_A5AC ; branch if <, continue crunching
CMP #'<' ; compare with "<"
BCC LAB_A5C9 ; if <, 0123456789:; go save byte then continue crunching
; gets here with next character not numeric, ";" or ":"
STY LAB_71 ; copy save index
LDY #$00 ; clear table pointer
STY LAB_0B ; clear word index
DEY ; adjust for pre increment loop
STX LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte, buffer index
DEX ; adjust for pre increment loop
INY ; next table byte
INX ; next buffer byte
LDA LAB_0200,X ; get byte from input buffer
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC LAB_A09E,Y ; subtract table byte
BEQ LAB_A5B6 ; go compare next if match
CMP #$80 ; was it end marker match ?
BNE LAB_A5F5 ; branch if not, not found keyword
; actually this works even if the input buffer byte is the
; end marker, i.e. a shifted character. As you can't enter
; any keywords as a single shifted character, see above,
; you can enter keywords in shorthand by shifting any
; character after the first. so RETURN can be entered as
; RETUR[SHIFT]N however will not work because the [SHIFT]N
; will match the RETURN end marker so the routine will try
; to match the next character.
; else found keyword
ORA LAB_0B ; OR with word index, +$80 in A makes token
LDY LAB_71 ; restore save index
; save byte then continue crunching
INX ; increment buffer read index
INY ; increment save index
STA LAB_0200-5,Y ; save byte to output
LDA LAB_0200-5,Y ; get byte from output, set flags
BEQ LAB_A609 ; branch if was null [EOL]
; A holds the token here
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC #':' ; subtract ":"
BEQ LAB_A5DC ; branch if it was (is now $00)
; A now holds token-':'
CMP #TK_DATA-':' ; compare with the token for DATA-':'
BNE LAB_A5DE ; if not DATA go try REM
; token was : or DATA
STA LAB_0F ; save the token-$3A
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC #TK_REM-':' ; subtract the token for REM-':'
BNE LAB_A582 ; if wasn't REM crunch next bit of line
STA LAB_08 ; else was REM so set search for [EOL]
; loop for "..." etc.
LDA LAB_0200,X ; get byte from input buffer
BEQ LAB_A5C9 ; if null [EOL] save byte then continue crunching
CMP LAB_08 ; compare with stored character
BEQ LAB_A5C9 ; if match save byte then continue crunching
INY ; increment save index
STA LAB_0200-5,Y ; save byte to output
INX ; increment buffer index
BNE LAB_A5E5 ; loop while <> 0, should never reach 0
; not found keyword this go
LDX LAB_7A ; restore BASIC execute pointer low byte
INC LAB_0B ; increment word index (next word)
; now find end of this word in the table
INY ; increment table index
LDA LAB_A09E-1,Y ; get table byte
BPL LAB_A5F9 ; loop if not end of word yet
LDA LAB_A09E,Y ; get byte from keyword table
BNE LAB_A5B8 ; go test next word if not zero byte, end of table
; reached end of table with no match
LDA LAB_0200,X ; restore byte from input buffer
BPL LAB_A5C7 ; branch always, all unmatched bytes in the buffer are
; $00 to $7F, go save byte in output and continue crunching
; reached [EOL]
STA LAB_01FD,Y ; save [EOL]
DEC LAB_7B ; decrement BASIC execute pointer high byte
LDA #$FF ; point to start of buffer-1
STA LAB_7A ; set BASIC execute pointer low byte
; search BASIC for temporary integer line number
LDA LAB_2B ; get start of memory low byte
LDX LAB_2C ; get start of memory high byte
; search Basic for temp integer line number from AX
; returns carry set if found
LDY #$01 ; set index to next line pointer high byte
STA LAB_5F ; save low byte as current
STX LAB_60 ; save high byte as current
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get next line pointer high byte from address
BEQ LAB_A640 ; pointer was zero so done, exit
INY ; increment index ...
INY ; ... to line # high byte
LDA LAB_15 ; get temporary integer high byte
CMP (LAB_5F),Y ; compare with line # high byte
BCC LAB_A641 ; exit if temp < this line, target line passed
BEQ LAB_A62E ; go check low byte if =
DEY ; else decrement index
BNE LAB_A637 ; branch always
LDA LAB_14 ; get temporary integer low byte
DEY ; decrement index to line # low byte
CMP (LAB_5F),Y ; compare with line # low byte
BCC LAB_A641 ; exit if temp < this line, target line passed
BEQ LAB_A641 ; exit if temp = (found line#)
; not quite there yet
DEY ; decrement index to next line pointer high byte
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get next line pointer high byte
TAX ; copy to X
DEY ; decrement index to next line pointer low byte
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get next line pointer low byte
BCS LAB_A617 ; go search for line # in temporary integer
; from AX, carry always set
CLC ; clear found flag
; perform NEW
BNE LAB_A641 ; exit if following byte to allow syntax error
LDA #$00 ; clear A
TAY ; clear index
STA (LAB_2B),Y ; clear pointer to next line low byte
INY ; increment index
STA (LAB_2B),Y ; clear pointer to next line high byte, erase program
LDA LAB_2B ; get start of memory low byte
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$02 ; add null program length
STA LAB_2D ; set start of variables low byte
LDA LAB_2C ; get start of memory high byte
ADC #$00 ; add carry
STA LAB_2E ; set start of variables high byte
; reset execute pointer and do CLR
JSR LAB_A68E ; set BASIC execute pointer to start of memory - 1
LDA #$00 ; set Zb for CLR entry
; perform CLR
BNE LAB_A68D ; exit if following byte to allow syntax error
JSR LAB_FFE7 ; close all channels and files
LDA LAB_37 ; get end of memory low byte
LDY LAB_38 ; get end of memory high byte
STA LAB_33 ; set bottom of string space low byte, clear strings
STY LAB_34 ; set bottom of string space high byte
LDA LAB_2D ; get start of variables low byte
LDY LAB_2E ; get start of variables high byte
STA LAB_2F ; set end of variables low byte, clear variables
STY LAB_30 ; set end of variables high byte
STA LAB_31 ; set end of arrays low byte, clear arrays
STY LAB_32 ; set end of arrays high byte
; do RESTORE and clear stack
JSR LAB_A81D ; perform RESTORE
; flush BASIC stack and clear the continue pointer
LDX #LAB_19 ; get the descriptor stack start
STX LAB_16 ; set the descriptor stack pointer
PLA ; pull the return address low byte
TAY ; copy it
PLA ; pull the return address high byte
LDX #$FA ; set the cleared stack pointer
TXS ; set the stack
PHA ; push the return address high byte
TYA ; restore the return address low byte
PHA ; push the return address low byte
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_3E ; clear the continue pointer high byte
STA LAB_10 ; clear the subscript/FNX flag
; set BASIC execute pointer to start of memory - 1
CLC ; clear carry for add
LDA LAB_2B ; get start of memory low byte
ADC #$FF ; add -1 low byte
STA LAB_7A ; set BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDA LAB_2C ; get start of memory high byte
ADC #$FF ; add -1 high byte
STA LAB_7B ; save BASIC execute pointer high byte
; perform LIST
BCC LAB_A6A4 ; branch if next character not token (LIST n...)
BEQ LAB_A6A4 ; branch if next character [NULL] (LIST)
CMP #TK_MINUS ; compare with token for -
BNE LAB_A68D ; exit if not - (LIST -m)
; LIST [[n][-m]]
; this bit sets the n , if present, as the start and end
JSR LAB_A96B ; get fixed-point number into temporary integer
JSR LAB_A613 ; search BASIC for temporary integer line number
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
BEQ LAB_A6BB ; branch if no more chrs
; this bit checks the - is present
CMP #TK_MINUS ; compare with token for -
BNE LAB_A641 ; return if not "-" (will be SN error)
; LIST [n]-m
; the - was there so set m as the end value
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
JSR LAB_A96B ; get fixed-point number into temporary integer
BNE LAB_A641 ; exit if not ok
PLA ; dump return address low byte, exit via warm start
PLA ; dump return address high byte
LDA LAB_14 ; get temporary integer low byte
ORA LAB_15 ; OR temporary integer high byte
BNE LAB_A6C9 ; branch if start set
LDA #$FF ; set for -1
STA LAB_14 ; set temporary integer low byte
STA LAB_15 ; set temporary integer high byte
LDY #$01 ; set index for line
STY LAB_0F ; clear open quote flag
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get next line pointer high byte
BEQ LAB_A714 ; if null all done so exit
JSR LAB_A82C ; do CRTL-C check vector
JSR LAB_AAD7 ; print CR/LF
INY ; increment index for line
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get line number low byte
TAX ; copy to X
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get line number high byte
CMP LAB_15 ; compare with temporary integer high byte
BNE LAB_A6E6 ; branch if no high byte match
CPX LAB_14 ; compare with temporary integer low byte
BEQ LAB_A6E8 ; branch if = last line to do, < will pass next branch
LAB_A6E6 ; else ...
BCS LAB_A714 ; if greater all done so exit
STY LAB_49 ; save index for line
JSR LAB_BDCD ; print XA as unsigned integer
LDA #' ' ; space is the next character
LDY LAB_49 ; get index for line
AND #$7F ; mask top out bit of character
JSR LAB_AB47 ; go print the character
CMP #$22 ; was it " character
BNE LAB_A700 ; if not skip the quote handle
; we are either entering or leaving a pair of quotes
LDA LAB_0F ; get open quote flag
EOR #$FF ; toggle it
STA LAB_0F ; save it back
INY ; increment index
BEQ LAB_A714 ; line too long so just bail out and do a warm start
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get next byte
BNE LAB_A717 ; if not [EOL] (go print character)
; was [EOL]
TAY ; else clear index
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get next line pointer low byte
TAX ; copy to X
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get next line pointer high byte
STX LAB_5F ; set pointer to line low byte
STA LAB_60 ; set pointer to line high byte
BNE LAB_A6C9 ; go do next line if not [EOT]
; else ...
JMP LAB_E386 ; do warm start
JMP (LAB_0306) ; do uncrunch BASIC tokens
; uncrunch BASIC tokens, the uncrunch BASIC tokens vector is initialised to point here
BPL LAB_A6F3 ; just go print it if not token byte
; else was token byte so uncrunch it
CMP #TK_PI ; compare with the token for PI. in this case the token
; is the same as the PI character so it just needs printing
BEQ LAB_A6F3 ; just print it if so
BIT LAB_0F ; test the open quote flag
BMI LAB_A6F3 ; just go print character if open quote set
SEC ; else set carry for subtract
SBC #$7F ; reduce token range to 1 to whatever
TAX ; copy token # to X
STY LAB_49 ; save index for line
LDY #$FF ; start from -1, adjust for pre increment
DEX ; decrement token #
BEQ LAB_A737 ; if now found go do printing
INY ; else increment index
LDA LAB_A09E,Y ; get byte from keyword table
BPL LAB_A72F ; loop until keyword end marker
BMI LAB_A72C ; go test if this is required keyword, branch always
; found keyword, it's the next one
INY ; increment keyword table index
LDA LAB_A09E,Y ; get byte from table
BMI LAB_A6EF ; go restore index, mask byte and print if
; byte was end marker
JSR LAB_AB47 ; else go print the character
BNE LAB_A737 ; go get next character, branch always
; perform FOR
LDA #$80 ; set FNX
STA LAB_10 ; set subscript/FNX flag
JSR LAB_A9A5 ; perform LET
JSR LAB_A38A ; search the stack for FOR or GOSUB activity
BNE LAB_A753 ; branch if FOR, this variable, not found
; FOR, this variable, was found so first we dump the old one
TXA ; copy index
ADC #$0F ; add FOR structure size-2
TAX ; copy to index
TXS ; set stack (dump FOR structure (-2 bytes))
PLA ; pull return address
PLA ; pull return address
LDA #$09 ; we need 18d bytes !
JSR LAB_A3FB ; check room on stack for 2*A bytes
JSR LAB_A906 ; scan for next BASIC statement ([:] or [EOL])
CLC ; clear carry for add
TYA ; copy index to A
ADC LAB_7A ; add BASIC execute pointer low byte
PHA ; push onto stack
LDA LAB_7B ; get BASIC execute pointer high byte
ADC #$00 ; add carry
PHA ; push onto stack
LDA LAB_3A ; get current line number high byte
PHA ; push onto stack
LDA LAB_39 ; get current line number low byte
PHA ; push onto stack
LDA #TK_TO ; set "TO" token
JSR LAB_AEFF ; scan for CHR$(A), else do syntax error then warm start
JSR LAB_AD8D ; check if source is numeric, else do type mismatch
JSR LAB_AD8A ; evaluate expression and check is numeric, else do
; type mismatch
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
ORA #$7F ; set all non sign bits
AND LAB_62 ; and FAC1 mantissa 1
STA LAB_62 ; save FAC1 mantissa 1
LDA #<LAB_A78B ; set return address low byte
LDY #>LAB_A78B ; set return address high byte
STA LAB_22 ; save return address low byte
STY LAB_23 ; save return address high byte
JMP LAB_AE43 ; round FAC1 and put on stack, returns to next instruction
LDA #<LAB_B9BC ; set 1 pointer low address, default step size
LDY #>LAB_B9BC ; set 1 pointer high address
JSR LAB_BBA2 ; unpack memory (AY) into FAC1
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
CMP #TK_STEP ; compare with STEP token
BNE LAB_A79F ; if not "STEP" continue
; was step so ....
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
JSR LAB_AD8A ; evaluate expression and check is numeric, else do
; type mismatch
JSR LAB_BC2B ; get FAC1 sign, return A = $FF -ve, A = $01 +ve
JSR LAB_AE38 ; push sign, round FAC1 and put on stack
LDA LAB_4A ; get FOR/NEXT variable pointer high byte
PHA ; push on stack
LDA LAB_49 ; get FOR/NEXT variable pointer low byte
PHA ; push on stack
LDA #TK_FOR ; get FOR token
PHA ; push on stack
; interpreter inner loop
JSR LAB_A82C ; do CRTL-C check vector
LDA LAB_7A ; get the BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDY LAB_7B ; get the BASIC execute pointer high byte
CPY #$02 ; compare the high byte with $02xx
NOP ; unused byte ##
BEQ LAB_A7BE ; if immediate mode skip the continue pointer save
STA LAB_3D ; save the continue pointer low byte
STY LAB_3E ; save the continue pointer high byte
LDY #$00 ; clear the index
LDA (LAB_7A),Y ; get a BASIC byte
BNE LAB_A807 ; if not [EOL] go test for ":"
LDY #$02 ; else set the index
LDA (LAB_7A),Y ; get next line pointer high byte
CLC ; clear carry for no "BREAK" message
BNE LAB_A7CE ; branch if not end of program
JMP LAB_A84B ; else go to immediate mode,was immediate or [EOT] marker
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_7A),Y ; get line number low byte
STA LAB_39 ; save current line number low byte
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_7A),Y ; get line # high byte
STA LAB_3A ; save current line number high byte
TYA ; A now = 4
ADC LAB_7A ; add BASIC execute pointer low byte, now points to code
STA LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
BCC LAB_A7E1 ; branch if no overflow
INC LAB_7B ; else increment BASIC execute pointer high byte
JMP (LAB_0308) ; do start new BASIC code
; start new BASIC code, the start new BASIC code vector is initialised to point here
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
JSR LAB_A7ED ; go interpret BASIC code from BASIC execute pointer
JMP LAB_A7AE ; loop
; go interpret BASIC code from BASIC execute pointer
BEQ LAB_A82B ; if the first byte is null just exit
SBC #$80 ; normalise the token
BCC LAB_A804 ; if wasn't token go do LET
CMP #TK_TAB-$80 ; compare with token for TAB(-$80
BCS LAB_A80E ; branch if >= TAB(
ASL ; *2 bytes per vector
TAY ; copy to index
LDA LAB_A00C+1,Y ; get vector high byte
PHA ; push on stack
LDA LAB_A00C,Y ; get vector low byte
PHA ; push on stack
JMP LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory and return. the return in
; this case calls the command code, the return from
; that will eventually return to the interpreter inner
; loop above
JMP LAB_A9A5 ; perform LET
; was not [EOL]
CMP #':' ; comapre with ":"
BEQ LAB_A7E1 ; if ":" go execute new code
; else ...
JMP LAB_AF08 ; do syntax error then warm start
; token was >= TAB(
CMP #TK_GO-$80 ; compare with the token for GO
BNE LAB_A80B ; if not "GO" do syntax error then warm start
; else was "GO"
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
LDA #TK_TO ; set "TO" token
JSR LAB_AEFF ; scan for CHR$(A), else do syntax error then warm start
JMP LAB_A8A0 ; perform GOTO
; perform RESTORE
SEC ; set carry for subtract
LDA LAB_2B ; get start of memory low byte
SBC #$01 ; -1
LDY LAB_2C ; get start of memory high byte
BCS LAB_A827 ; branch if no rollunder
DEY ; else decrement high byte
STA LAB_41 ; set DATA pointer low byte
STY LAB_42 ; set DATA pointer high byte
; do CRTL-C check vector
JSR LAB_FFE1 ; scan stop key
; perform STOP
BCS LAB_A832 ; if carry set do BREAK instead of just END
; perform END
CLC ; clear carry
BNE LAB_A870 ; return if wasn't CTRL-C
LDA LAB_7A ; get BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDY LAB_7B ; get BASIC execute pointer high byte
LDX LAB_3A ; get current line number high byte
INX ; increment it
BEQ LAB_A849 ; branch if was immediate mode
STA LAB_3D ; save continue pointer low byte
STY LAB_3E ; save continue pointer high byte
LDA LAB_39 ; get current line number low byte
LDY LAB_3A ; get current line number high byte
STA LAB_3B ; save break line number low byte
STY LAB_3C ; save break line number high byte
PLA ; dump return address low byte
PLA ; dump return address high byte
LDA #<LAB_A381 ; set [CR][LF]"BREAK" pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_A381 ; set [CR][LF]"BREAK" pointer high byte
BCC LAB_A854 ; if was program end skip the print string
JMP LAB_A469 ; print string and do warm start
JMP LAB_E386 ; do warm start
; perform CONT
BNE LAB_A870 ; exit if following byte to allow syntax error
LDX #$1A ; error code $1A, can't continue error
LDY LAB_3E ; get continue pointer high byte
BNE LAB_A862 ; go do continue if we can
JMP LAB_A437 ; else do error #X then warm start
; we can continue so ...
LDA LAB_3D ; get continue pointer low byte
STA LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
STY LAB_7B ; save BASIC execute pointer high byte
LDA LAB_3B ; get break line low byte
LDY LAB_3C ; get break line high byte
STA LAB_39 ; set current line number low byte
STY LAB_3A ; set current line number high byte
; perform RUN
PHP ; save status
LDA #$00 ; no control or kernal messages
JSR LAB_FF90 ; control kernal messages
PLP ; restore status
BNE LAB_A87D ; branch if RUN n
JMP LAB_A659 ; reset execution to start, clear variables, flush stack
; and return
JSR LAB_A660 ; go do "CLEAR"
JMP LAB_A897 ; get n and do GOTO n
; perform GOSUB
LDA #$03 ; need 6 bytes for GOSUB
JSR LAB_A3FB ; check room on stack for 2*A bytes
LDA LAB_7B ; get BASIC execute pointer high byte
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_7A ; get BASIC execute pointer low byte
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_3A ; get current line number high byte
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_39 ; get current line number low byte
PHA ; save it
LDA #TK_GOSUB ; token for GOSUB
PHA ; save it
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
JSR LAB_A8A0 ; perform GOTO
JMP LAB_A7AE ; go do interpreter inner loop
; perform GOTO
JSR LAB_A96B ; get fixed-point number into temporary integer
JSR LAB_A909 ; scan for next BASIC line
SEC ; set carry for subtract
LDA LAB_39 ; get current line number low byte
SBC LAB_14 ; subtract temporary integer low byte
LDA LAB_3A ; get current line number high byte
SBC LAB_15 ; subtract temporary integer high byte
BCS LAB_A8BC ; if current line number >= temporary integer, go search
; from the start of memory
TYA ; else copy line index to A
SEC ; set carry (+1)
ADC LAB_7A ; add BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDX LAB_7B ; get BASIC execute pointer high byte
BCC LAB_A8C0 ; branch if no overflow to high byte
INX ; increment high byte
BCS LAB_A8C0 ; branch always (can never be carry)
; search for line number in temporary integer from start of memory pointer
LDA LAB_2B ; get start of memory low byte
LDX LAB_2C ; get start of memory high byte
; search for line # in temporary integer from (AX)
JSR LAB_A617 ; search Basic for temp integer line number from AX
BCC LAB_A8E3 ; if carry clear go do unsdefined statement error
; carry all ready set for subtract
LDA LAB_5F ; get pointer low byte
SBC #$01 ; -1
STA LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDA LAB_60 ; get pointer high byte
SBC #$00 ; subtract carry
STA LAB_7B ; save BASIC execute pointer high byte
; perform RETURN
BNE LAB_A8D1 ; exit if following token to allow syntax error
LDA #$FF ; set byte so no match possible
STA LAB_4A ; save FOR/NEXT variable pointer high byte
JSR LAB_A38A ; search the stack for FOR or GOSUB activity,
; get token off stack
TXS ; correct the stack
CMP #TK_GOSUB ; compare with GOSUB token
BEQ LAB_A8EB ; if matching GOSUB go continue RETURN
LDX #$0C ; else error code $04, return without gosub error
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_11A2
LDX #$11 ; error code $11, undefined statement error
JMP LAB_A437 ; do error #X then warm start
JMP LAB_AF08 ; do syntax error then warm start
; was matching GOSUB token
PLA ; dump token byte
PLA ; pull return line low byte
STA LAB_39 ; save current line number low byte
PLA ; pull return line high byte
STA LAB_3A ; save current line number high byte
PLA ; pull return address low byte
STA LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
PLA ; pull return address high byte
STA LAB_7B ; save BASIC execute pointer high byte
; perform DATA
JSR LAB_A906 ; scan for next BASIC statement ([:] or [EOL])
; add Y to the BASIC execute pointer
TYA ; copy index to A
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC LAB_7A ; add BASIC execute pointer low byte
STA LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
BCC LAB_A905 ; skip increment if no carry
INC LAB_7B ; else increment BASIC execute pointer high byte
; scan for next BASIC statement ([:] or [EOL])
; returns Y as index to [:] or [EOL]
LDX #':' ; set look for character = ":"
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_00A2
; scan for next BASIC line
; returns Y as index to [EOL]
LDX #$00 ; set alternate search character = [EOL]
STX LAB_07 ; store alternate search character
LDY #$00 ; set search character = [EOL]
STY LAB_08 ; save the search character
LDA LAB_08 ; get search character
LDX LAB_07 ; get alternate search character
STA LAB_07 ; make search character = alternate search character
STX LAB_08 ; make alternate search character = search character
LDA (LAB_7A),Y ; get BASIC byte
BEQ LAB_A905 ; exit if null [EOL]
CMP LAB_08 ; compare with search character
BEQ LAB_A905 ; exit if found
INY ; else increment index
CMP #$22 ; compare current character with open quote
BNE LAB_A919 ; if found go swap search character for alternate search
; character
BEQ LAB_A911 ; loop for next character, branch always
; perform IF
JSR LAB_AD9E ; evaluate expression
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
CMP #TK_GOTO ; compare with "GOTO" token
BEQ LAB_A937 ; if it was the token for GOTO go do IF ... GOTO
; wasn't IF ... GOTO so must be IF ... THEN
LDA #TK_THEN ; set "THEN" token
JSR LAB_AEFF ; scan for CHR$(A), else do syntax error then warm start
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
BNE LAB_A940 ; if result was non zero continue execution
; else REM rest of line
; perform REM
JSR LAB_A909 ; scan for next BASIC line
BEQ LAB_A8FB ; add Y to the BASIC execute pointer and return, branch
; always
; result was non zero so do rest of line
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
BCS LAB_A948 ; branch if not numeric character, is variable or keyword
JMP LAB_A8A0 ; else perform GOTO n
; is variable or keyword
JMP LAB_A7ED ; interpret BASIC code from BASIC execute pointer
; perform ON
JSR LAB_B79E ; get byte parameter
PHA ; push next character
CMP #TK_GOSUB ; compare with GOSUB token
BEQ LAB_A957 ; if GOSUB go see if it should be executed
CMP #TK_GOTO ; compare with GOTO token
BNE LAB_A8E8 ; if not GOTO do syntax error then warm start
; next character was GOTO or GOSUB, see if it should be executed
DEC LAB_65 ; decrement the byte value
BNE LAB_A95F ; if not zero go see if another line number exists
PLA ; pull keyword token
JMP LAB_A7EF ; go execute it
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
JSR LAB_A96B ; get fixed-point number into temporary integer
; skip this n
CMP #',' ; compare next character with ","
BEQ LAB_A957 ; loop if ","
PLA ; else pull keyword token, ran out of options
; get fixed-point number into temporary integer
LDX #$00 ; clear X
STX LAB_14 ; clear temporary integer low byte
STX LAB_15 ; clear temporary integer high byte
BCS LAB_A96A ; return if carry set, end of scan, character was not 0-9
SBC #'0'-1 ; subtract $30, $2F+carry, from byte
STA LAB_07 ; store #
LDA LAB_15 ; get temporary integer high byte
STA LAB_22 ; save it for now
CMP #$19 ; compare with $19
BCS LAB_A953 ; branch if >= this makes the maximum line number 63999
; because the next bit does $1900 * $0A = $FA00 = 64000
; decimal. the branch target is really the SYNTAX error
; at LAB_A8E8 but that is too far so an intermediate
; compare and branch to that location is used. the problem
; with this is that line number that gives a partial result
; from $8900 to $89FF, 35072x to 35327x, will pass the new
; target compare and will try to execute the remainder of
; the ON n GOTO/GOSUB. a solution to this is to copy the
; byte in A before the branch to X and then branch to
; LAB_A955 skipping the second compare
LDA LAB_14 ; get temporary integer low byte
ASL ; *2 low byte
ROL LAB_22 ; *2 high byte
ASL ; *2 low byte
ROL LAB_22 ; *2 high byte (*4)
ADC LAB_14 ; + low byte (*5)
STA LAB_14 ; save it
LDA LAB_22 ; get high byte temp
ADC LAB_15 ; + high byte (*5)
STA LAB_15 ; save it
ASL LAB_14 ; *2 low byte (*10d)
ROL LAB_15 ; *2 high byte (*10d)
LDA LAB_14 ; get low byte
ADC LAB_07 ; add #
STA LAB_14 ; save low byte
BCC LAB_A99F ; branch if no overflow to high byte
INC LAB_15 ; else increment high byte
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
JMP LAB_A971 ; loop for next character
; perform LET
JSR LAB_B08B ; get variable address
STA LAB_49 ; save variable address low byte
STY LAB_4A ; save variable address high byte
LDA #TK_EQUAL ; $B2 is "=" token
JSR LAB_AEFF ; scan for CHR$(A), else do syntax error then warm start
LDA LAB_0E ; get data type flag, $80 = integer, $00 = float
PHA ; push data type flag
LDA LAB_0D ; get data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
PHA ; push data type flag
JSR LAB_AD9E ; evaluate expression
PLA ; pop data type flag
ROL ; string bit into carry
JSR LAB_AD90 ; do type match check
BNE LAB_A9D9 ; branch if string
PLA ; pop integer/float data type flag
; assign value to numeric variable
BPL LAB_A9D6 ; branch if float
; expression is numeric integer
JSR LAB_BC1B ; round FAC1
JSR LAB_B1BF ; evaluate integer expression, no sign check
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
STA (LAB_49),Y ; save as integer variable low byte
INY ; increment index
LDA LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
STA (LAB_49),Y ; save as integer variable high byte
JMP LAB_BBD0 ; pack FAC1 into variable pointer and return
; assign value to numeric variable
PLA ; dump integer/float data type flag
LDY LAB_4A ; get variable pointer high byte
CPY #>LAB_BF13 ; was it TI$ pointer
BNE LAB_AA2C ; branch if not
; else it's TI$ = <expr$>
JSR LAB_B6A6 ; pop string off descriptor stack, or from top of string
; space returns with A = length, X = pointer low byte,
; Y = pointer high byte
CMP #$06 ; compare length with 6
BNE LAB_AA24 ; if length not 6 do illegal quantity error then warm start
LDY #$00 ; clear index
STY LAB_61 ; clear FAC1 exponent
STY LAB_66 ; clear FAC1 sign (b7)
STY LAB_71 ; save index
JSR LAB_AA1D ; check and evaluate numeric digit
JSR LAB_BAE2 ; multiply FAC1 by 10
INC LAB_71 ; increment index
LDY LAB_71 ; restore index
JSR LAB_AA1D ; check and evaluate numeric digit
JSR LAB_BC0C ; round and copy FAC1 to FAC2
TAX ; copy FAC1 exponent
BEQ LAB_AA07 ; branch if FAC1 zero
INX ; increment index, * 2
TXA ; copy back to A
JSR LAB_BAED ; FAC1 = (FAC1 + (FAC2 * 2)) * 2 = FAC1 * 6
LDY LAB_71 ; get index
INY ; increment index
CPY #$06 ; compare index with 6
BNE LAB_A9ED ; loop if not 6
JSR LAB_BAE2 ; multiply FAC1 by 10
JSR LAB_BC9B ; convert FAC1 floating to fixed
LDX LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
LDY LAB_63 ; get FAC1 mantissa 2
LDA LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
JMP LAB_FFDB ; set real time clock and return
; check and evaluate numeric digit
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get byte from string
JSR LAB_80 ; clear Cb if numeric. this call should be to LAB_84
; as the code from LAB_80 first comapres the byte with
; [SPACE] and does a BASIC increment and get if it is
BCC LAB_AA27 ; branch if numeric
JMP LAB_B248 ; do illegal quantity error then warm start
SBC #'0'-1 ; subtract $2F + carry to convert ASCII to binary
JMP LAB_BD7E ; evaluate new ASCII digit and return
; assign value to numeric variable, but not TI$
LDY #$02 ; index to string pointer high byte
LDA (LAB_64),Y ; get string pointer high byte
CMP LAB_34 ; compare with bottom of string space high byte
BCC LAB_AA4B ; branch if string pointer high byte is less than bottom
; of string space high byte
BNE LAB_AA3D ; branch if string pointer high byte is greater than
; bottom of string space high byte
; else high bytes were equal
DEY ; decrement index to string pointer low byte
LDA (LAB_64),Y ; get string pointer low byte
CMP LAB_33 ; compare with bottom of string space low byte
BCC LAB_AA4B ; branch if string pointer low byte is less than bottom
; of string space low byte
LDY LAB_65 ; get descriptor pointer high byte
CPY LAB_2E ; compare with start of variables high byte
BCC LAB_AA4B ; branch if less, is on string stack
BNE LAB_AA52 ; if greater make space and copy string
; else high bytes were equal
LDA LAB_64 ; get descriptor pointer low byte
CMP LAB_2D ; compare with start of variables low byte
BCS LAB_AA52 ; if greater or equal make space and copy string
LDA LAB_64 ; get descriptor pointer low byte
LDY LAB_65 ; get descriptor pointer high byte
JMP LAB_AA68 ; go copy descriptor to variable
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_64),Y ; get string length
JSR LAB_B475 ; copy descriptor pointer and make string space A bytes long
LDA LAB_50 ; copy old descriptor pointer low byte
LDY LAB_51 ; copy old descriptor pointer high byte
STA LAB_6F ; save old descriptor pointer low byte
STY LAB_70 ; save old descriptor pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B67A ; copy string from descriptor to utility pointer
LDA #<LAB_61 ; get descriptor pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_61 ; get descriptor pointer high byte
STA LAB_50 ; save descriptor pointer low byte
STY LAB_51 ; save descriptor pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B6DB ; clean descriptor stack, YA = pointer
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_50),Y ; get string length from new descriptor
STA (LAB_49),Y ; copy string length to variable
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_50),Y ; get string pointer low byte from new descriptor
STA (LAB_49),Y ; copy string pointer low byte to variable
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_50),Y ; get string pointer high byte from new descriptor
STA (LAB_49),Y ; copy string pointer high byte to variable
; perform PRINT#
JSR LAB_AA86 ; perform CMD
JMP LAB_ABB5 ; close input and output channels and return
; perform CMD
JSR LAB_B79E ; get byte parameter
BEQ LAB_AA90 ; branch if following byte is ":" or [EOT]
LDA #',' ; set ","
JSR LAB_AEFF ; scan for CHR$(A), else do syntax error then warm start
PHP ; save status
STX LAB_13 ; set current I/O channel
JSR LAB_E118 ; open channel for output with error check
PLP ; restore status
JMP LAB_AAA0 ; perform PRINT
JSR LAB_AB21 ; print string from utility pointer
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
; perform PRINT
BEQ LAB_AAD7 ; if nothing following just print CR/LF
BEQ LAB_AAE7 ; exit if nothing following, end of PRINT branch
CMP #TK_TAB ; compare with token for TAB(
BEQ LAB_AAF8 ; if TAB( go handle it
CMP #TK_SPC ; compare with token for SPC(
CLC ; flag SPC(
BEQ LAB_AAF8 ; if SPC( go handle it
CMP #',' ; compare with ","
BEQ LAB_AAE8 ; if "," go skip to the next TAB position
CMP #';' ; compare with ";"
BEQ LAB_AB13 ; if ";" go continue the print loop
JSR LAB_AD9E ; evaluate expression
BIT LAB_0D ; test data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
BMI LAB_AA9A ; if string go print string, scan memory and continue PRINT
JSR LAB_BDDD ; convert FAC1 to ASCII string result in (AY)
JSR LAB_B487 ; print " terminated string to utility pointer
JSR LAB_AB21 ; print string from utility pointer
BNE LAB_AA9D ; go scan memory and continue PRINT, branch always
; set XY to LAB_0200 - 1 and print [CR]
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_0200,X ; clear first byte of input buffer
LDX #<LAB_01FF ; LAB_0200 - 1 low byte
LDY #>LAB_01FF ; LAB_0200 - 1 high byte
LDA LAB_13 ; get current I/O channel
BNE LAB_AAE7 ; exit if not default channel
; print CR/LF
LDA #$0D ; set [CR]
JSR LAB_AB47 ; print the character
BIT LAB_13 ; test current I/O channel
BPL LAB_AAE5 ; if ?? toggle A, EOR #$FF and return
LDA #$0A ; set [LF]
JSR LAB_AB47 ; print the character
; toggle A
EOR #$FF ; invert A
; was ","
SEC ; set Cb for read cursor position
JSR LAB_FFF0 ; read/set X,Y cursor position
TYA ; copy cursor Y
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC #$0A ; subtract one TAB length
BCS LAB_AAEE ; loop if result was +ve
EOR #$FF ; complement it
ADC #$01 ; +1, twos complement
BNE LAB_AB0E ; always print A spaces, result is never $00
PHP ; save TAB( or SPC( status
SEC ; set Cb for read cursor position
JSR LAB_FFF0 ; read/set X,Y cursor position
STY LAB_09 ; save current cursor position
JSR LAB_B79B ; scan and get byte parameter
CMP #')' ; compare with ")"
BNE LAB_AB5F ; if not ")" do syntax error
PLP ; restore TAB( or SPC( status
BCC LAB_AB0F ; branch if was SPC(
; else was TAB(
TXA ; copy TAB() byte to A
SBC LAB_09 ; subtract current cursor position
BCC LAB_AB13 ; go loop for next if already past requited position
TAX ; copy [SPACE] count to X
INX ; increment count
DEX ; decrement count
BNE LAB_AB19 ; branch if count was not zero
; was ";" or [SPACES] printed
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
JMP LAB_AAA2 ; continue print loop
BNE LAB_AB10 ; loop, branch always
; print null terminated string
JSR LAB_B487 ; print " terminated string to utility pointer
; print string from utility pointer
JSR LAB_B6A6 ; pop string off descriptor stack, or from top of string
; space returns with A = length, X = pointer low byte,
; Y = pointer high byte
TAX ; copy length
LDY #$00 ; clear index
INX ; increment length, for pre decrement loop
DEX ; decrement length
BEQ LAB_AAE7 ; exit if done
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get byte from string
JSR LAB_AB47 ; print the character
INY ; increment index
CMP #$0D ; compare byte with [CR]
BNE LAB_AB28 ; loop if not [CR]
JSR LAB_AAE5 ; toggle A, EOR #$FF. what is the point of this ??
JMP LAB_AB28 ; loop
; print [SPACE] or [CURSOR RIGHT]
LDA LAB_13 ; get current I/O channel
BEQ LAB_AB42 ; if default channel go output [CURSOR RIGHT]
LDA #' ' ; else output [SPACE]
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_1DA9
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_3FA9
; print "?"
LDA #'?' ; set "?"
; print character
JSR LAB_E10C ; output character to channel with error check
AND #$FF ; set the flags on A
; bad input routine
LDA LAB_11 ; get INPUT mode flag, $00 = INPUT, $40 = GET, $98 = READ
BEQ LAB_AB62 ; branch if INPUT
BMI LAB_AB57 ; branch if READ
; else was GET
LDY #$FF ; set current line high byte to -1, indicate immediate mode
BNE LAB_AB5B ; branch always
LDA LAB_3F ; get current DATA line number low byte
LDY LAB_40 ; get current DATA line number high byte
STA LAB_39 ; set current line number low byte
STY LAB_3A ; set current line number high byte
JMP LAB_AF08 ; do syntax error then warm start
; was INPUT
LDA LAB_13 ; get current I/O channel
BEQ LAB_AB6B ; branch if default channel
LDX #$18 ; else error $18, file data error
JMP LAB_A437 ; do error #X then warm start
LDA #<LAB_AD0C ; set "?REDO FROM START" pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_AD0C ; set "?REDO FROM START" pointer high byte
JSR LAB_AB1E ; print null terminated string
LDA LAB_3D ; get continue pointer low byte
LDY LAB_3E ; get continue pointer high byte
STA LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
STY LAB_7B ; save BASIC execute pointer high byte
; perform GET
JSR LAB_B3A6 ; check not Direct, back here if ok
CMP #'#' ; compare with "#"
BNE LAB_AB92 ; branch if not GET#
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
JSR LAB_B79E ; get byte parameter
LDA #',' ; set ","
JSR LAB_AEFF ; scan for CHR$(A), else do syntax error then warm start
STX LAB_13 ; set current I/O channel
JSR LAB_E11E ; open channel for input with error check
LDX #<LAB_0201 ; set pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_0201 ; set pointer high byte
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_0201 ; ensure null terminator
LDA #$40 ; input mode = GET
JSR LAB_AC0F ; perform the GET part of READ
LDX LAB_13 ; get current I/O channel
BNE LAB_ABB7 ; if not default channel go do channel close and return
; perform INPUT#
JSR LAB_B79E ; get byte parameter
LDA #',' ; set ","
JSR LAB_AEFF ; scan for CHR$(A), else do syntax error then warm start
STX LAB_13 ; set current I/O channel
JSR LAB_E11E ; open channel for input with error check
JSR LAB_ABCE ; perform INPUT with no prompt string
; close input and output channels
LDA LAB_13 ; get current I/O channel
JSR LAB_FFCC ; close input and output channels
LDX #$00 ; clear X
STX LAB_13 ; clear current I/O channel, flag default
; perform INPUT
CMP #$22 ; compare next byte with open quote
BNE LAB_ABCE ; if no prompt string just do INPUT
JSR LAB_AEBD ; print "..." string
LDA #';' ; load A with ";"
JSR LAB_AEFF ; scan for CHR$(A), else do syntax error then warm start
JSR LAB_AB21 ; print string from utility pointer
; done with prompt, now get data
JSR LAB_B3A6 ; check not Direct, back here if ok
LDA #',' ; set ","
STA LAB_01FF ; save to start of buffer - 1
JSR LAB_ABF9 ; print "? " and get BASIC input
LDA LAB_13 ; get current I/O channel
BEQ LAB_ABEA ; branch if default I/O channel
JSR LAB_FFB7 ; read I/O status word
AND #$02 ; mask no DSR/timeout
BEQ LAB_ABEA ; branch if not error
JSR LAB_ABB5 ; close input and output channels
JMP LAB_A8F8 ; perform DATA
LDA LAB_0200 ; get first byte in input buffer
BNE LAB_AC0D ; branch if not null
; else ..
LDA LAB_13 ; get current I/O channel
BNE LAB_ABD6 ; if not default channel go get BASIC input
JSR LAB_A906 ; scan for next BASIC statement ([:] or [EOL])
JMP LAB_A8FB ; add Y to the BASIC execute pointer and return
; print "? " and get BASIC input
LDA LAB_13 ; get current I/O channel
BNE LAB_AC03 ; skip "?" prompt if not default channel
JSR LAB_AB45 ; print "?"
JMP LAB_A560 ; call for BASIC input and return
; perform READ
LDX LAB_41 ; get DATA pointer low byte
LDY LAB_42 ; get DATA pointer high byte
LDA #$98 ; set input mode = READ
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_00A9
LDA #$00 ; set input mode = INPUT
; perform GET
STA LAB_11 ; set input mode flag, $00 = INPUT, $40 = GET, $98 = READ
STX LAB_43 ; save READ pointer low byte
STY LAB_44 ; save READ pointer high byte
; READ, GET or INPUT next variable from list
JSR LAB_B08B ; get variable address
STA LAB_49 ; save address low byte
STY LAB_4A ; save address high byte
LDA LAB_7A ; get BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDY LAB_7B ; get BASIC execute pointer high byte
STA LAB_4B ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
STY LAB_4C ; save BASIC execute pointer high byte
LDX LAB_43 ; get READ pointer low byte
LDY LAB_44 ; get READ pointer high byte
STX LAB_7A ; save as BASIC execute pointer low byte
STY LAB_7B ; save as BASIC execute pointer high byte
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
BNE LAB_AC51 ; branch if not null
; pointer was to null entry
BIT LAB_11 ; test input mode flag, $00 = INPUT, $40 = GET, $98 = READ
BVC LAB_AC41 ; branch if not GET
; else was GET
JSR LAB_E124 ; get character from input device with error check
STA LAB_0200 ; save to buffer
LDX #<LAB_01FF ; set pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_01FF ; set pointer high byte
BNE LAB_AC4D ; go interpret single character
BMI LAB_ACB8 ; branch if READ
; else was INPUT
LDA LAB_13 ; get current I/O channel
BNE LAB_AC4A ; skip "?" prompt if not default channel
JSR LAB_AB45 ; print "?"
JSR LAB_ABF9 ; print "? " and get BASIC input
STX LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
STY LAB_7B ; save BASIC execute pointer high byte
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory, execute pointer now points to
; start of next data or null terminator
BIT LAB_0D ; test data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
BPL LAB_AC89 ; branch if numeric
; type is string
BIT LAB_11 ; test INPUT mode flag, $00 = INPUT, $40 = GET, $98 = READ
BVC LAB_AC65 ; branch if not GET
; else do string GET
INX ; clear X ??
STX LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_07 ; clear search character
BEQ LAB_AC71 ; branch always
; is string INPUT or string READ
STA LAB_07 ; save search character
CMP #$22 ; compare with "
BEQ LAB_AC72 ; branch if quote
; string is not in quotes so ":", "," or $00 are the
; termination characters
LDA #':' ; set ":"
STA LAB_07 ; set search character
LDA #',' ; set ","
CLC ; clear carry for add
STA LAB_08 ; set scan quotes flag
LDA LAB_7A ; get BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDY LAB_7B ; get BASIC execute pointer high byte
ADC #$00 ; add to pointer low byte. this add increments the pointer
; if the mode is INPUT or READ and the data is a "..."
; string
BCC LAB_AC7D ; branch if no rollover
INY ; else increment pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B48D ; print string to utility pointer
JSR LAB_B7E2 ; restore BASIC execute pointer from temp
JSR LAB_A9DA ; perform string LET
JMP LAB_AC91 ; continue processing command
; GET, INPUT or READ is numeric
JSR LAB_BCF3 ; get FAC1 from string
LDA LAB_0E ; get data type flag, $80 = integer, $00 = float
JSR LAB_A9C2 ; assign value to numeric variable
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
BEQ LAB_AC9D ; branch if ":" or [EOL]
CMP #',' ; comparte with ","
BEQ LAB_AC9D ; branch if ","
JMP LAB_AB4D ; else go do bad input routine
; string terminated with ":", "," or $00
LDA LAB_7A ; get BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDY LAB_7B ; get BASIC execute pointer high byte
STA LAB_43 ; save READ pointer low byte
STY LAB_44 ; save READ pointer high byte
LDA LAB_4B ; get saved BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDY LAB_4C ; get saved BASIC execute pointer high byte
STA LAB_7A ; restore BASIC execute pointer low byte
STY LAB_7B ; restore BASIC execute pointer high byte
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
BEQ LAB_ACDF ; branch if ":" or [EOL]
JSR LAB_AEFD ; scan for ",", else do syntax error then warm start
JMP LAB_AC15 ; go READ or INPUT next variable from list
; was READ
JSR LAB_A906 ; scan for next BASIC statement ([:] or [EOL])
INY ; increment index to next byte
TAX ; copy byte to X
BNE LAB_ACD1 ; branch if ":"
LDX #$0D ; else set error $0D, out of data error
INY ; increment index to next line pointer high byte
LDA (LAB_7A),Y ; get next line pointer high byte
BEQ LAB_AD32 ; branch if program end, eventually does error X
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_7A),Y ; get next line # low byte
STA LAB_3F ; save current DATA line low byte
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_7A),Y ; get next line # high byte
INY ; increment index
STA LAB_40 ; save current DATA line high byte
JSR LAB_A8FB ; add Y to the BASIC execute pointer
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
TAX ; copy the byte
CPX #TK_DATA ; compare it with token for DATA
BNE LAB_ACB8 ; loop if not DATA
JMP LAB_AC51 ; continue evaluating READ
LDA LAB_43 ; get READ pointer low byte
LDY LAB_44 ; get READ pointer high byte
LDX LAB_11 ; get INPUT mode flag, $00 = INPUT, $40 = GET, $98 = READ
BPL LAB_ACEA ; branch if INPUT or GET
JMP LAB_A827 ; else set data pointer and exit
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_43),Y ; get READ byte
BEQ LAB_ACFB ; exit if [EOL]
LDA LAB_13 ; get current I/O channel
BNE LAB_ACFB ; exit if not default channel
LDA #<LAB_ACFC ; set "?EXTRA IGNORED" pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_ACFC ; set "?EXTRA IGNORED" pointer high byte
JMP LAB_AB1E ; print null terminated string
; input error messages
.byte "?EXTRA IGNORED",$0D,$00
.byte "?REDO FROM START",$0D,$00
; perform NEXT
BNE LAB_AD24 ; branch if NEXT variable
LDY #$00 ; else clear Y
BEQ LAB_AD27 ; branch always
; NEXT variable
JSR LAB_B08B ; get variable address
STA LAB_49 ; save FOR/NEXT variable pointer low byte
STY LAB_4A ; save FOR/NEXT variable pointer high byte
; (high byte cleared if no variable defined)
JSR LAB_A38A ; search the stack for FOR or GOSUB activity
BEQ LAB_AD35 ; branch if FOR, this variable, found
LDX #$0A ; else set error $0A, next without for error
JMP LAB_A437 ; do error #X then warm start
; found this FOR variable
TXS ; update stack pointer
TXA ; copy stack pointer
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$04 ; point to STEP value
PHA ; save it
ADC #$06 ; point to TO value
STA LAB_24 ; save pointer to TO variable for compare
PLA ; restore pointer to STEP value
LDY #$01 ; point to stack page
JSR LAB_BBA2 ; unpack memory (AY) into FAC1
TSX ; get stack pointer back
LDA LAB_0100+9,X ; get step sign
STA LAB_66 ; save FAC1 sign (b7)
LDA LAB_49 ; get FOR/NEXT variable pointer low byte
LDY LAB_4A ; get FOR/NEXT variable pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B867 ; add FOR variable to FAC1
JSR LAB_BBD0 ; pack FAC1 into FOR variable
LDY #$01 ; point to stack page
JSR LAB_BC5D ; compare FAC1 with TO value
TSX ; get stack pointer back
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC LAB_0100+9,X ; subtract step sign
BEQ LAB_AD78 ; branch if =, loop complete
; loop back and do it all again
LDA LAB_0100+$0F,X ; get FOR line low byte
STA LAB_39 ; save current line number low byte
LDA LAB_0110,X ; get FOR line high byte
STA LAB_3A ; save current line number high byte
LDA LAB_0112,X ; get BASIC execute pointer low byte
STA LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDA LAB_0111,X ; get BASIC execute pointer high byte
STA LAB_7B ; save BASIC execute pointer high byte
JMP LAB_A7AE ; go do interpreter inner loop
; NEXT loop comlete
TXA ; stack copy to A
ADC #$11 ; add $12, $11 + carry, to dump FOR structure
TAX ; copy back to index
TXS ; copy to stack pointer
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
CMP #',' ; compare with ","
BNE LAB_AD75 ; if not "," go do interpreter inner loop
; was "," so another NEXT variable to do
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
JSR LAB_AD24 ; do NEXT variable
; evaluate expression and check type mismatch
JSR LAB_AD9E ; evaluate expression
; check if source and destination are numeric
.byte $24 ; makes next line BIT LAB_38
; check if source and destination are string
SEC ; destination is string
; type match check, set C for string, clear C for numeric
BIT LAB_0D ; test data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
BMI LAB_AD97 ; branch if string
BCS LAB_AD99 ; if destiantion is numeric do type missmatch error
BCS LAB_AD96 ; exit if destination is string
; do type missmatch error
LDX #$16 ; error code $16, type missmatch error
JMP LAB_A437 ; do error #X then warm start
; evaluate expression
LDX LAB_7A ; get BASIC execute pointer low byte
BNE LAB_ADA4 ; skip next if not zero
DEC LAB_7B ; else decrement BASIC execute pointer high byte
DEC LAB_7A ; decrement BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDX #$00 ; set null precedence, flag done
.byte $24 ; makes next line BIT LAB_48
PHA ; push compare evaluation byte if branch to here
TXA ; copy precedence byte
PHA ; push precedence byte
LDA #$01 ; 2 bytes
JSR LAB_A3FB ; check room on stack for A*2 bytes
JSR LAB_AE83 ; get value from line
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_4D ; clear comparrison evaluation flag
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC #TK_GT ; subtract the token for ">"
BCC LAB_ADD7 ; branch if < ">"
CMP #$03 ; compare with ">" to +3
BCS LAB_ADD7 ; branch if >= 3
; was token for ">" "=" or "<"
CMP #$01 ; compare with token for =
ROL ; *2, b0 = carry (=1 if token was = or <)
EOR #$01 ; toggle b0
EOR LAB_4D ; EOR with comparrison evaluation flag
CMP LAB_4D ; compare with comparrison evaluation flag
BCC LAB_AE30 ; if < saved flag do syntax error then warm start
STA LAB_4D ; save new comparrison evaluation flag
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
JMP LAB_ADBB ; go do next character
LDX LAB_4D ; get comparrison evaluation flag
BNE LAB_AE07 ; branch if compare function
BCS LAB_AE58 ; go do functions
; else was < TK_GT so is operator or lower
ADC #$07 ; add # of operators (+, -, *, /, ^, AND or OR)
BCC LAB_AE58 ; branch if < + operator
; carry was set so token was +, -, *, /, ^, AND or OR
ADC LAB_0D ; add data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
BNE LAB_ADE8 ; branch if not string or not + token
; will only be $00 if type is string and token was +
JMP LAB_B63D ; add strings, string 1 is in the descriptor, string 2
; is in line, and return
ADC #$FF ; -1 (corrects for carry add)
STA LAB_22 ; save it
ASL ; *2
ADC LAB_22 ; *3
TAY ; copy to index
PLA ; pull previous precedence
CMP LAB_A080,Y ; compare with precedence byte
BCS LAB_AE5D ; branch if A >=
JSR LAB_AD8D ; check if source is numeric, else do type mismatch
PHA ; save precedence
JSR LAB_AE20 ; get vector, execute function then continue evaluation
PLA ; restore precedence
LDY LAB_4B ; get precedence stacked flag
BPL LAB_AE19 ; branch if stacked values
TAX ; copy precedence, set flags
BEQ LAB_AE5B ; exit if done
BNE LAB_AE66 ; else pop FAC2 and return, branch always
LSR LAB_0D ; clear data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
TXA ; copy compare function flag
ROL ; <<1, shift data type flag into b0, 1 = string, 0 = num
LDX LAB_7A ; get BASIC execute pointer low byte
BNE LAB_AE11 ; branch if no underflow
DEC LAB_7B ; else decrement BASIC execute pointer high byte
DEC LAB_7A ; decrement BASIC execute pointer low byte
; set offset to = operator precedence entry
STA LAB_4D ; save new comparrison evaluation flag
BNE LAB_ADF0 ; branch always
CMP LAB_A080,Y ; compare with stacked function precedence
BCS LAB_AE66 ; if A >=, pop FAC2 and return
BCC LAB_ADF9 ; else go stack this one and continue, branch always
; get vector, execute function then continue evaluation
LDA LAB_A080+2,Y ; get function vector high byte
PHA ; onto stack
LDA LAB_A080+1,Y ; get function vector low byte
PHA ; onto stack
; now push sign, round FAC1 and put on stack
JSR LAB_AE33 ; function will return here, then the next RTS will call
; the function
LDA LAB_4D ; get comparrison evaluation flag
JMP LAB_ADA9 ; continue evaluating expression
JMP LAB_AF08 ; do syntax error then warm start
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
LDX LAB_A080,Y ; get precedence byte
; push sign, round FAC1 and put on stack
TAY ; copy sign
PLA ; get return address low byte
STA LAB_22 ; save it
INC LAB_22 ; increment it as return-1 is pushed
; note, no check is made on the high byte so if the calling
; routine ever assembles to a page edge then this all goes
; horribly wrong!
PLA ; get return address high byte
STA LAB_23 ; save it
TYA ; restore sign
PHA ; push sign
; round FAC1 and put on stack
JSR LAB_BC1B ; round FAC1
LDA LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_63 ; get FAC1 mantissa 2
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_62 ; get FAC1 mantissa 1
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
PHA ; save it
JMP (LAB_22) ; return, sort of
; do functions
LDY #$FF ; flag function
PLA ; pull precedence byte
BEQ LAB_AE80 ; exit if done
CMP #$64 ; compare previous precedence with $64
BEQ LAB_AE64 ; branch if was $64 (< function)
JSR LAB_AD8D ; check if source is numeric, else do type mismatch
STY LAB_4B ; save precedence stacked flag
; pop FAC2 and return
PLA ; pop byte
LSR ; shift out comparison evaluation lowest bit
STA LAB_12 ; save the comparison evaluation flag
PLA ; pop exponent
STA LAB_69 ; save FAC2 exponent
PLA ; pop mantissa 1
STA LAB_6A ; save FAC2 mantissa 1
PLA ; pop mantissa 2
STA LAB_6B ; save FAC2 mantissa 2
PLA ; pop mantissa 3
STA LAB_6C ; save FAC2 mantissa 3
PLA ; pop mantissa 4
STA LAB_6D ; save FAC2 mantissa 4
PLA ; pop sign
STA LAB_6E ; save FAC2 sign (b7)
EOR LAB_66 ; EOR FAC1 sign (b7)
STA LAB_6F ; save sign compare (FAC1 EOR FAC2)
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
; get value from line
JMP (LAB_030A) ; get arithmetic element
; get arithmetic element, the get arithmetic element vector is initialised to point here
LDA #$00 ; clear byte
STA LAB_0D ; clear data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
BCS LAB_AE92 ; branch if not numeric character
; else numeric string found (e.g. 123)
JMP LAB_BCF3 ; get FAC1 from string and return
; get value from line .. continued
; wasn't a number so ...
JSR LAB_B113 ; check byte, return Cb = 0 if<"A" or >"Z"
BCC LAB_AE9A ; branch if not variable name
JMP LAB_AF28 ; variable name set-up and return
CMP #TK_PI ; compare with token for PI
BNE LAB_AEAD ; branch if not PI
LDA #<LAB_AEA8 ; get PI pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_AEA8 ; get PI pointer high byte
JSR LAB_BBA2 ; unpack memory (AY) into FAC1
JMP LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory and return
; PI as floating number
.byte $82,$49,$0F,$DA,$A1
; 3.141592653
; get value from line .. continued
; wasn't variable name so ...
CMP #'.' ; compare with "."
BEQ LAB_AE8F ; if so get FAC1 from string and return, e.g. was .123
; wasn't .123 so ...
CMP #TK_MINUS ; compare with token for -
BEQ LAB_AF0D ; branch if - token, do set-up for functions
; wasn't -123 so ...
CMP #TK_PLUS ; compare with token for +
BEQ LAB_AE8A ; branch if + token, +1 = 1 so ignore leading +
; it wasn't any sort of number so ...
CMP #$22 ; compare with "
BNE LAB_AECC ; branch if not open quote
; was open quote so get the enclosed string
; print "..." string to string utility area
LDA LAB_7A ; get BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDY LAB_7B ; get BASIC execute pointer high byte
ADC #$00 ; add carry to low byte
BCC LAB_AEC6 ; branch if no overflow
INY ; increment high byte
JSR LAB_B487 ; print " terminated string to utility pointer
JMP LAB_B7E2 ; restore BASIC execute pointer from temp and return
; get value from line .. continued
; wasn't a string so ...
CMP #TK_NOT ; compare with token for NOT
BNE LAB_AEE3 ; branch if not token for NOT
; was NOT token
LDY #$18 ; offset to NOT function
BNE LAB_AF0F ; do set-up for function then execute, branch always
; do = compare
JSR LAB_B1BF ; evaluate integer expression, no sign check
LDA LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
EOR #$FF ; invert it
TAY ; copy it
LDA LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
EOR #$FF ; invert it
JMP LAB_B391 ; convert fixed integer AY to float FAC1 and return
; get value from line .. continued
; wasn't a string or NOT so ...
CMP #TK_FN ; compare with token for FN
BNE LAB_AEEA ; branch if not token for FN
JMP LAB_B3F4 ; else go evaluate FNx
; get value from line .. continued
; wasn't a string, NOT or FN so ...
CMP #TK_SGN ; compare with token for SGN
BCC LAB_AEF1 ; if less than SGN token evaluate expression in parentheses
; else was a function token
JMP LAB_AFA7 ; go set up function references, branch always
; get value from line .. continued
; if here it can only be something in brackets so ....
; evaluate expression within parentheses
JSR LAB_AEFA ; scan for "(", else do syntax error then warm start
JSR LAB_AD9E ; evaluate expression
; all the 'scan for' routines return the character after the sought character
; scan for ")", else do syntax error then warm start
LDA #')' ; load A with ")"
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_28A9
; scan for "(", else do syntax error then warm start
LDA #'(' ; load A with "("
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_2CA9
; scan for ",", else do syntax error then warm start
LDA #',' ; load A with ","
; scan for CHR$(A), else do syntax error then warm start
LDY #$00 ; clear index
CMP (LAB_7A),Y ; compare with BASIC byte
BNE LAB_AF08 ; if not expected byte do syntax error then warm start
JMP LAB_0073 ; else increment and scan memory and return
; syntax error then warm start
LDX #$0B ; error code $0B, syntax error
JMP LAB_A437 ; do error #X then warm start
LDY #$15 ; set offset from base to > operator
PLA ; dump return address low byte
PLA ; dump return address high byte
JMP LAB_ADFA ; execute function then continue evaluation
; check address range, return Cb = 1 if address in BASIC ROM
SEC ; set carry for subtract
LDA LAB_64 ; get variable address low byte
SBC #<LAB_A000 ; subtract LAB_A000 low byte
LDA LAB_65 ; get variable address high byte
SBC #>LAB_A000 ; subtract LAB_A000 high byte
BCC LAB_AF27 ; exit if address < LAB_A000
LDA #<LAB_E3A2 ; get end of BASIC marker low byte
SBC LAB_64 ; subtract variable address low byte
LDA #>LAB_E3A2 ; get end of BASIC marker high byte
SBC LAB_65 ; subtract variable address high byte
; variable name set-up
JSR LAB_B08B ; get variable address
STA LAB_64 ; save variable pointer low byte
STY LAB_65 ; save variable pointer high byte
LDX LAB_45 ; get current variable name first character
LDY LAB_46 ; get current variable name second character
LDA LAB_0D ; get data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
BEQ LAB_AF5D ; branch if numeric
; variable is string
LDA #$00 ; else clear A
STA LAB_70 ; clear FAC1 rounding byte
JSR LAB_AF14 ; check address range
BCC LAB_AF5C ; exit if not in BASIC ROM
CPX #'T' ; compare variable name first character with "T"
BNE LAB_AF5C ; exit if not "T"
CPY #'I'+$80 ; compare variable name second character with "I$"
BNE LAB_AF5C ; exit if not "I$"
; variable name was "TI$"
JSR LAB_AF84 ; read real time clock into FAC1 mantissa, 0HML
STY LAB_5E ; clear exponent count adjust
DEY ; Y = $FF
STY LAB_71 ; set output string index, -1 to allow for pre increment
LDY #$06 ; HH:MM:SS is six digits
STY LAB_5D ; set number of characters before the decimal point
; index to jiffy conversion table
JSR LAB_BE68 ; convert jiffy count to string
JMP LAB_B46F ; exit via STR$() code tail
; variable name set-up, variable is numeric
BIT LAB_0E ; test data type flag, $80 = integer, $00 = float
BPL LAB_AF6E ; branch if float
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_64),Y ; get integer variable low byte
TAX ; copy to X
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_64),Y ; get integer variable high byte
TAY ; copy to Y
TXA ; copy loa byte to A
JMP LAB_B391 ; convert fixed integer AY to float FAC1 and return
; variable name set-up, variable is float
JSR LAB_AF14 ; check address range
BCC LAB_AFA0 ; if not in BASIC ROM get pointer and unpack into FAC1
CPX #'T' ; compare variable name first character with "T"
BNE LAB_AF92 ; branch if not "T"
CPY #'I' ; compare variable name second character with "I"
BNE LAB_AFA0 ; branch if not "I"
; variable name was "TI"
JSR LAB_AF84 ; read real time clock into FAC1 mantissa, 0HML
TYA ; clear A
LDX #$A0 ; set exponent to 32 bit value
JMP LAB_BC4F ; set exponent = X and normalise FAC1
; read real time clock into FAC1 mantissa, 0HML
JSR LAB_FFDE ; read real time clock
STX LAB_64 ; save jiffy clock mid byte as FAC1 mantissa 3
STY LAB_63 ; save jiffy clock high byte as FAC1 mantissa 2
STA LAB_65 ; save jiffy clock low byte as FAC1 mantissa 4
LDY #$00 ; clear Y
STY LAB_62 ; clear FAC1 mantissa 1
; variable name set-up, variable is float and not "Tx"
CPX #'S' ; compare variable name first character with "S"
BNE LAB_AFA0 ; if not "S" go do normal floating variable
CPY #'T' ; compare variable name second character with "
BNE LAB_AFA0 ; if not "T" go do normal floating variable
; variable name was "ST"
JSR LAB_FFB7 ; read I/O status word
JMP LAB_BC3C ; save A as integer byte and return
; variable is float
LDA LAB_64 ; get variable pointer low byte
LDY LAB_65 ; get variable pointer high byte
JMP LAB_BBA2 ; unpack memory (AY) into FAC1
; get value from line continued
; only functions left so ..
; set up function references
ASL ; *2 (2 bytes per function address)
PHA ; save function offset
TAX ; copy function offset
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
CPX #$8F ; compare function offset to CHR$ token offset+1
BCC LAB_AFD1 ; branch if < LEFT$ (can not be =)
; get value from line .. continued
; was LEFT$, RIGHT$ or MID$ so..
JSR LAB_AEFA ; scan for "(", else do syntax error then warm start
JSR LAB_AD9E ; evaluate, should be string, expression
JSR LAB_AEFD ; scan for ",", else do syntax error then warm start
JSR LAB_AD8F ; check if source is string, else do type mismatch
PLA ; restore function offset
TAX ; copy it
LDA LAB_65 ; get descriptor pointer high byte
PHA ; push string pointer high byte
LDA LAB_64 ; get descriptor pointer low byte
PHA ; push string pointer low byte
TXA ; restore function offset
PHA ; save function offset
JSR LAB_B79E ; get byte parameter
PLA ; restore function offset
TAY ; copy function offset
TXA ; copy byte parameter to A
PHA ; push byte parameter
JMP LAB_AFD6 ; go call function
; get value from line .. continued
; was SGN() to CHR$() so..
JSR LAB_AEF1 ; evaluate expression within parentheses
PLA ; restore function offset
TAY ; copy to index
LDA LAB_A052-$68,Y ; get function jump vector low byte
STA LAB_55 ; save functions jump vector low byte
LDA LAB_A052-$67,Y ; get function jump vector high byte
STA LAB_56 ; save functions jump vector high byte
JSR LAB_54 ; do function call
JMP LAB_AD8D ; check if source is numeric and RTS, else do type mismatch
; string functions avoid this by dumping the return address
; perform OR
; this works because NOT(NOT(x) AND NOT(y)) = x OR y
LDY #$FF ; set Y for OR
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_00A0
; perform AND
LDY #$00 ; clear Y for AND
STY LAB_0B ; set AND/OR invert value
JSR LAB_B1BF ; evaluate integer expression, no sign check
LDA LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
EOR LAB_0B ; EOR low byte
STA LAB_07 ; save it
LDA LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
EOR LAB_0B ; EOR high byte
STA LAB_08 ; save it
JSR LAB_BBFC ; copy FAC2 to FAC1, get 2nd value in expression
JSR LAB_B1BF ; evaluate integer expression, no sign check
LDA LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
EOR LAB_0B ; EOR high byte
AND LAB_08 ; AND with expression 1 high byte
EOR LAB_0B ; EOR result high byte
TAY ; save in Y
LDA LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
EOR LAB_0B ; EOR low byte
AND LAB_07 ; AND with expression 1 low byte
EOR LAB_0B ; EOR result low byte
JMP LAB_B391 ; convert fixed integer AY to float FAC1 and return
; perform comparisons
; do < compare
JSR LAB_AD90 ; type match check, set C for string
BCS LAB_B02E ; branch if string
; do numeric < compare
LDA LAB_6E ; get FAC2 sign (b7)
ORA #$7F ; set all non sign bits
AND LAB_6A ; and FAC2 mantissa 1 (AND in sign bit)
STA LAB_6A ; save FAC2 mantissa 1
LDA #<LAB_69 ; set pointer low byte to FAC2
LDY #>LAB_69 ; set pointer high byte to FAC2
JSR LAB_BC5B ; compare FAC1 with (AY)
TAX ; copy the result
JMP LAB_B061 ; go evaluate result
; do string < compare
LDA #$00 ; clear byte
STA LAB_0D ; clear data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
DEC LAB_4D ; clear < bit in comparrison evaluation flag
JSR LAB_B6A6 ; pop string off descriptor stack, or from top of string
; space returns with A = length, X = pointer low byte,
; Y = pointer high byte
STA LAB_61 ; save length
STX LAB_62 ; save string pointer low byte
STY LAB_63 ; save string pointer high byte
LDA LAB_6C ; get descriptor pointer low byte
LDY LAB_6D ; get descriptor pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B6AA ; pop (YA) descriptor off stack or from top of string space
; returns with A = length, X = pointer low byte,
; Y = pointer high byte
STX LAB_6C ; save string pointer low byte
STY LAB_6D ; save string pointer high byte
TAX ; copy length
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC LAB_61 ; subtract string 1 length
BEQ LAB_B056 ; branch if str 1 length = string 2 length
LDA #$01 ; set str 1 length > string 2 length
BCC LAB_B056 ; branch if so
LDX LAB_61 ; get string 1 length
LDA #$FF ; set str 1 length < string 2 length
STA LAB_66 ; save length compare
LDY #$FF ; set index
INX ; adjust for loop
INY ; increment index
DEX ; decrement count
BNE LAB_B066 ; branch if still bytes to do
LDX LAB_66 ; get length compare back
BMI LAB_B072 ; branch if str 1 < str 2
CLC ; flag str 1 <= str 2
BCC LAB_B072 ; go evaluate result
LDA (LAB_6C),Y ; get string 2 byte
CMP (LAB_62),Y ; compare with string 1 byte
BEQ LAB_B05B ; loop if bytes =
LDX #$FF ; set str 1 < string 2
BCS LAB_B072 ; branch if so
LDX #$01 ; set str 1 > string 2
INX ; x = 0, 1 or 2
TXA ; copy to A
ROL ; * 2 (1, 2 or 4)
AND LAB_12 ; AND with the comparison evaluation flag
BEQ LAB_B07B ; branch if 0 (compare is false)
LDA #$FF ; else set result true
JMP LAB_BC3C ; save A as integer byte and return
JSR LAB_AEFD ; scan for ",", else do syntax error then warm start
; perform DIM
TAX ; copy "DIM" flag to X
JSR LAB_B090 ; search for variable
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
BNE LAB_B07E ; scan for "," and loop if not null
; search for variable
LDX #$00 ; set DIM flag = $00
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory, 1st character
STX LAB_0C ; save DIM flag
STA LAB_45 ; save 1st character
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
JSR LAB_B113 ; check byte, return Cb = 0 if<"A" or >"Z"
BCS LAB_B09F ; branch if ok
JMP LAB_AF08 ; else syntax error then warm start
; was variable name so ...
LDX #$00 ; clear 2nd character temp
STX LAB_0D ; clear data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
STX LAB_0E ; clear data type flag, $80 = integer, $00 = float
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory, 2nd character
BCC LAB_B0AF ; if character = "0"-"9" (ok) go save 2nd character
; 2nd character wasn't "0" to "9" so ...
JSR LAB_B113 ; check byte, return Cb = 0 if<"A" or >"Z"
BCC LAB_B0BA ; branch if <"A" or >"Z" (go check if string)
TAX ; copy 2nd character
; ignore further (valid) characters in the variable name
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory, 3rd character
BCC LAB_B0B0 ; loop if character = "0"-"9" (ignore)
JSR LAB_B113 ; check byte, return Cb = 0 if<"A" or >"Z"
BCS LAB_B0B0 ; loop if character = "A"-"Z" (ignore)
; check if string variable
CMP #'$' ; compare with "$"
BNE LAB_B0C4 ; branch if not string
; type is string
LDA #$FF ; set data type = string
STA LAB_0D ; set data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
BNE LAB_B0D4 ; branch always
CMP #'%' ; compare with "%"
BNE LAB_B0DB ; branch if not integer
LDA LAB_10 ; get subscript/FNX flag
BNE LAB_B09C ; if ?? do syntax error then warm start
LDA #$80 ; set integer type
STA LAB_0E ; set data type = integer
ORA LAB_45 ; OR current variable name first byte
STA LAB_45 ; save current variable name first byte
TXA ; get 2nd character back
ORA #$80 ; set top bit, indicate string or integer variable
TAX ; copy back to 2nd character temp
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
STX LAB_46 ; save 2nd character
SEC ; set carry for subtract
ORA LAB_10 ; or with subscript/FNX flag - or FN name
SBC #'(' ; subtract "("
BNE LAB_B0E7 ; branch if not "("
JMP LAB_B1D1 ; go find, or make, array
; either find or create variable
; variable name wasn't xx(.... so look for plain variable
LDY #$00 ; clear A
STY LAB_10 ; clear subscript/FNX flag
LDA LAB_2D ; get start of variables low byte
LDX LAB_2E ; get start of variables high byte
STX LAB_60 ; save search address high byte
STA LAB_5F ; save search address low byte
CPX LAB_30 ; compare with end of variables high byte
BNE LAB_B0FB ; skip next compare if <>
; high addresses were = so compare low addresses
CMP LAB_2F ; compare low address with end of variables low byte
BEQ LAB_B11D ; if not found go make new variable
LDA LAB_45 ; get 1st character of variable to find
CMP (LAB_5F),Y ; compare with variable name 1st character
BNE LAB_B109 ; branch if no match
; 1st characters match so compare 2nd character
LDA LAB_46 ; get 2nd character of variable to find
INY ; index to point to variable name 2nd character
CMP (LAB_5F),Y ; compare with variable name 2nd character
BEQ LAB_B185 ; branch if match (found variable)
DEY ; else decrement index (now = $00)
CLC ; clear carry for add
LDA LAB_5F ; get search address low byte
ADC #$07 ; +7, offset to next variable name
BCC LAB_B0F1 ; loop if no overflow to high byte
INX ; else increment high byte
BNE LAB_B0EF ; loop always, RAM doesn't extend to $FFFF
; check byte, return Cb = 0 if<"A" or >"Z"
CMP #$41 ; compare with "A"
BCC LAB_B11C ; exit if less
; carry is set
SBC #$5B ; subtract "Z"+1
SEC ; set carry
SBC #$A5 ; subtract $A5 (restore byte)
; carry clear if byte > $5A
; reached end of variable memory without match
; ... so create new variable
PLA ; pop return address low byte
PHA ; push return address low byte
LAB_AF28p2 = LAB_AF28+2
CMP #<LAB_AF28p2 ; compare with expected calling routine return low byte
BNE LAB_B128 ; if not get variable go create new variable
; this will only drop through if the call was from LAB_AF28 and is only called
; from there if it is searching for a variable from the right hand side of a LET a=b
; statement, it prevents the creation of variables not assigned a value.
; value returned by this is either numeric zero, exponent byte is $00, or null string,
; descriptor length byte is $00. in fact a pointer to any $00 byte would have done.
; else return dummy null value
LDA #<LAB_BF13 ; set result pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_BF13 ; set result pointer high byte
; create new numeric variable
LDA LAB_45 ; get variable name first character
LDY LAB_46 ; get variable name second character
CMP #'T' ; compare first character with "T"
BNE LAB_B13B ; branch if not "T"
CPY #'I'+$80 ; compare second character with "I$"
BEQ LAB_B123 ; if "I$" return null value
CPY #'I' ; compare second character with "I"
BNE LAB_B13B ; branch if not "I"
; if name is "TI" do syntax error
JMP LAB_AF08 ; do syntax error then warm start
CMP #'S' ; compare first character with "S"
BNE LAB_B143 ; branch if not "S"
CPY #'T' ; compare second character with "T"
BEQ LAB_B138 ; if name is "ST" do syntax error
LDA LAB_2F ; get end of variables low byte
LDY LAB_30 ; get end of variables high byte
STA LAB_5F ; save old block start low byte
STY LAB_60 ; save old block start high byte
LDA LAB_31 ; get end of arrays low byte
LDY LAB_32 ; get end of arrays high byte
STA LAB_5A ; save old block end low byte
STY LAB_5B ; save old block end high byte
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$07 ; +7, space for one variable
BCC LAB_B159 ; branch if no overflow to high byte
INY ; else increment high byte
STA LAB_58 ; set new block end low byte
STY LAB_59 ; set new block end high byte
JSR LAB_A3B8 ; open up space in memory
LDA LAB_58 ; get new start low byte
LDY LAB_59 ; get new start high byte (-$100)
INY ; correct high byte
STA LAB_2F ; set end of variables low byte
STY LAB_30 ; set end of variables high byte
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA LAB_45 ; get variable name 1st character
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; save variable name 1st character
INY ; increment index
LDA LAB_46 ; get variable name 2nd character
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; save variable name 2nd character
LDA #$00 ; clear A
INY ; increment index
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; initialise variable byte
INY ; increment index
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; initialise variable byte
INY ; increment index
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; initialise variable byte
INY ; increment index
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; initialise variable byte
INY ; increment index
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; initialise variable byte
; found a match for variable
LDA LAB_5F ; get variable address low byte
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$02 ; +2, offset past variable name bytes
LDY LAB_60 ; get variable address high byte
BCC LAB_B18F ; branch if no overflow from add
INY ; else increment high byte
STA LAB_47 ; save current variable pointer low byte
STY LAB_48 ; save current variable pointer high byte
; set-up array pointer to first element in array
LDA LAB_0B ; get # of dimensions (1, 2 or 3)
ASL ; *2 (also clears the carry !)
ADC #$05 ; +5 (result is 7, 9 or 11 here)
ADC LAB_5F ; add array start pointer low byte
LDY LAB_60 ; get array pointer high byte
BCC LAB_B1A0 ; branch if no overflow
INY ; else increment high byte
STA LAB_58 ; save array data pointer low byte
STY LAB_59 ; save array data pointer high byte
; -32768 as floating value
.byte $90,$80,$00,$00,$00 ; -32768
; convert float to fixed
JSR LAB_B1BF ; evaluate integer expression, no sign check
LDA LAB_64 ; get result low byte
LDY LAB_65 ; get result high byte
; evaluate integer expression
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
JSR LAB_AD9E ; evaluate expression
; evaluate integer expression, sign check
JSR LAB_AD8D ; check if source is numeric, else do type mismatch
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
BMI LAB_B1CC ; do illegal quantity error if -ve
; evaluate integer expression, no sign check
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
CMP #$90 ; compare with exponent = 2^16 (n>2^15)
BCC LAB_B1CE ; if n<2^16 go convert FAC1 floating to fixed and return
LDA #<LAB_B1A5 ; set pointer low byte to -32768
LDY #>LAB_B1A5 ; set pointer high byte to -32768
JSR LAB_BC5B ; compare FAC1 with (AY)
BNE LAB_B248 ; if <> do illegal quantity error then warm start
JMP LAB_BC9B ; convert FAC1 floating to fixed and return
; an array is stored as follows
; array name ; two bytes with the following patterns for different types
; ; 1st char 2nd char
; ; b7 b7 type element size
; ; -------- -------- ----- ------------
; ; 0 0 floating point 5
; ; 0 1 string 3
; ; 1 1 integer 2
; offset to next array ; word
; dimension count ; byte
; 1st dimension size ; word, this is the number of elements including 0
; 2nd dimension size ; word, only here if the array has a second dimension
; 2nd dimension size ; word, only here if the array has a third dimension
; ; note: the dimension size word is in high byte low byte
; ; format, not like most 6502 words
; then for each element the required number of bytes given as the element size above
; find or make array
LDA LAB_0C ; get DIM flag
ORA LAB_0E ; OR with data type flag
PHA ; push it
LDA LAB_0D ; get data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
PHA ; push it
LDY #$00 ; clear dimensions count
; now get the array dimension(s) and stack it (them) before the data type and DIM flag
TYA ; copy dimensions count
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_46 ; get array name 2nd byte
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_45 ; get array name 1st byte
PHA ; save it
JSR LAB_B1B2 ; evaluate integer expression
PLA ; pull array name 1st byte
STA LAB_45 ; restore array name 1st byte
PLA ; pull array name 2nd byte
STA LAB_46 ; restore array name 2nd byte
PLA ; pull dimensions count
TAY ; restore it
TSX ; copy stack pointer
LDA LAB_0100+2,X ; get DIM flag
PHA ; push it
LDA LAB_0100+1,X ; get data type flag
PHA ; push it
LDA LAB_64 ; get this dimension size high byte
STA LAB_0100+2,X ; stack before flag bytes
LDA LAB_65 ; get this dimension size low byte
STA LAB_0100+1,X ; stack before flag bytes
INY ; increment dimensions count
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
CMP #',' ; compare with ","
BEQ LAB_B1DB ; if found go do next dimension
STY LAB_0B ; store dimensions count
JSR LAB_AEF7 ; scan for ")", else do syntax error then warm start
PLA ; pull data type flag
STA LAB_0D ; restore data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
PLA ; pull data type flag
STA LAB_0E ; restore data type flag, $80 = integer, $00 = float
AND #$7F ; mask dim flag
STA LAB_0C ; restore DIM flag
LDX LAB_2F ; set end of variables low byte
; (array memory start low byte)
LDA LAB_30 ; set end of variables high byte
; (array memory start high byte)
; now check to see if we are at the end of array memory, we would be if there were
; no arrays.
STX LAB_5F ; save as array start pointer low byte
STA LAB_60 ; save as array start pointer high byte
CMP LAB_32 ; compare with end of arrays high byte
BNE LAB_B228 ; branch if not reached array memory end
CPX LAB_31 ; else compare with end of arrays low byte
BEQ LAB_B261 ; go build array if not found
; search for array
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get array name first byte
INY ; increment index to second name byte
CMP LAB_45 ; compare with this array name first byte
BNE LAB_B237 ; branch if no match
LDA LAB_46 ; else get this array name second byte
CMP (LAB_5F),Y ; compare with array name second byte
BEQ LAB_B24D ; array found so branch
; no match
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get array size low byte
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC LAB_5F ; add array start pointer low byte
TAX ; copy low byte to X
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get array size high byte
ADC LAB_60 ; add array memory pointer high byte
BCC LAB_B21C ; if no overflow go check next array
; do bad subscript error
LDX #$12 ; error $12, bad subscript error
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_0EA2
; do illegal quantity error
LDX #$0E ; error $0E, illegal quantity error
JMP LAB_A437 ; do error #X then warm start
; found the array
LDX #$13 ; set error $13, double dimension error
LDA LAB_0C ; get DIM flag
BNE LAB_B24A ; if we are trying to dimension it do error #X then warm
; start
; found the array and we're not dimensioning it so we must find an element in it
JSR LAB_B194 ; set-up array pointer to first element in array
LDA LAB_0B ; get dimensions count
LDY #$04 ; set index to array's # of dimensions
CMP (LAB_5F),Y ; compare with no of dimensions
BNE LAB_B245 ; if wrong do bad subscript error
JMP LAB_B2EA ; found array so go get element
; array not found, so build it
JSR LAB_B194 ; set-up array pointer to first element in array
JSR LAB_A408 ; check available memory, do out of memory error if no room
LDY #$00 ; clear Y
STY LAB_72 ; clear array data size high byte
LDX #$05 ; set default element size
LDA LAB_45 ; get variable name 1st byte
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; save array name 1st byte
BPL LAB_B274 ; branch if not string or floating point array
DEX ; decrement element size, $04
INY ; increment index
LDA LAB_46 ; get variable name 2nd byte
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; save array name 2nd byte
BPL LAB_B27D ; branch if not integer or string
DEX ; decrement element size, $03
DEX ; decrement element size, $02
STX LAB_71 ; save element size
LDA LAB_0B ; get dimensions count
INY ; increment index ..
INY ; .. to array ..
INY ; .. dimension count
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; save array dimension count
LDX #$0B ; set default dimension size low byte
LDA #$00 ; set default dimension size high byte
BIT LAB_0C ; test DIM flag
BVC LAB_B296 ; branch if default to be used
PLA ; pull dimension size low byte
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$01 ; add 1, allow for zeroeth element
TAX ; copy low byte to X
PLA ; pull dimension size high byte
ADC #$00 ; add carry to high byte
INY ; incement index to dimension size high byte
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; save dimension size high byte
INY ; incement index to dimension size low byte
TXA ; copy dimension size low byte
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; save dimension size low byte
JSR LAB_B34C ; compute array size
STX LAB_71 ; save result low byte
STA LAB_72 ; save result high byte
LDY LAB_22 ; restore index
DEC LAB_0B ; decrement dimensions count
BNE LAB_B286 ; loop if not all done
ADC LAB_59 ; add array data pointer high byte
BCS LAB_B30B ; if overflow do out of memory error then warm start
STA LAB_59 ; save array data pointer high byte
TAY ; copy array data pointer high byte
TXA ; copy array size low byte
ADC LAB_58 ; add array data pointer low byte
BCC LAB_B2B9 ; branch if no rollover
INY ; else increment next array pointer high byte
BEQ LAB_B30B ; if rolled over do out of memory error then warm start
JSR LAB_A408 ; check available memory, do out of memory error if no room
STA LAB_31 ; set end of arrays low byte
STY LAB_32 ; set end of arrays high byte
; now the aray is created we need to zero all the elements in it
LDA #$00 ; clear A for array clear
INC LAB_72 ; increment array size high byte, now block count
LDY LAB_71 ; get array size low byte, now index to block
BEQ LAB_B2CD ; branch if $00
DEY ; decrement index, do 0 to n-1
STA (LAB_58),Y ; clear array element byte
BNE LAB_B2C8 ; loop until this block done
DEC LAB_59 ; decrement array pointer high byte
DEC LAB_72 ; decrement block count high byte
BNE LAB_B2C8 ; loop until all blocks done
INC LAB_59 ; correct for last loop
SEC ; set carry for subtract
LDA LAB_31 ; get end of arrays low byte
SBC LAB_5F ; subtract array start low byte
LDY #$02 ; index to array size low byte
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; save array size low byte
LDA LAB_32 ; get end of arrays high byte
INY ; index to array size high byte
SBC LAB_60 ; subtract array start high byte
STA (LAB_5F),Y ; save array size high byte
LDA LAB_0C ; get default DIM flag
BNE LAB_B34B ; exit if this was a DIM command
; else, find element
INY ; set index to # of dimensions, the dimension indeces
; are on the stack and will be removed as the position
; of the array element is calculated
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get array's dimension count
STA LAB_0B ; save it
LDA #$00 ; clear byte
STA LAB_71 ; clear array data pointer low byte
STA LAB_72 ; save array data pointer high byte
INY ; increment index, point to array bound high byte
PLA ; pull array index low byte
TAX ; copy to X
STA LAB_64 ; save index low byte to FAC1 mantissa 3
PLA ; pull array index high byte
STA LAB_65 ; save index high byte to FAC1 mantissa 4
CMP (LAB_5F),Y ; compare with array bound high byte
BCC LAB_B30E ; branch if within bounds
BNE LAB_B308 ; if outside bounds do bad subscript error
; else high byte was = so test low bytes
INY ; index to array bound low byte
TXA ; get array index low byte
CMP (LAB_5F),Y ; compare with array bound low byte
BCC LAB_B30F ; branch if within bounds
JMP LAB_B245 ; do bad subscript error
JMP LAB_A435 ; do out of memory error then warm start
INY ; index to array bound low byte
LDA LAB_72 ; get array data pointer high byte
ORA LAB_71 ; OR with array data pointer low byte
CLC ; clear carry for either add, carry always clear here ??
BEQ LAB_B320 ; branch if array data pointer = null, skip multiply
JSR LAB_B34C ; compute array size
TXA ; get result low byte
ADC LAB_64 ; add index low byte from FAC1 mantissa 3
TAX ; save result low byte
TYA ; get result high byte
LDY LAB_22 ; restore index
ADC LAB_65 ; add index high byte from FAC1 mantissa 4
STX LAB_71 ; save array data pointer low byte
DEC LAB_0B ; decrement dimensions count
BNE LAB_B2F2 ; loop if dimensions still to do
STA LAB_72 ; save array data pointer high byte
LDX #$05 ; set default element size
LDA LAB_45 ; get variable name 1st byte
BPL LAB_B331 ; branch if not string or floating point array
DEX ; decrement element size, $04
LDA LAB_46 ; get variable name 2nd byte
BPL LAB_B337 ; branch if not integer or string
DEX ; decrement element size, $03
DEX ; decrement element size, $02
STX LAB_28 ; save dimension size low byte
LDA #$00 ; clear dimension size high byte
JSR LAB_B355 ; compute array size
TXA ; copy array size low byte
ADC LAB_58 ; add array data start pointer low byte
STA LAB_47 ; save as current variable pointer low byte
TYA ; copy array size high byte
ADC LAB_59 ; add array data start pointer high byte
STA LAB_48 ; save as current variable pointer high byte
TAY ; copy high byte to Y
LDA LAB_47 ; get current variable pointer low byte
; pointer to element is now in AY
; compute array size, result in XY
STY LAB_22 ; save index
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get dimension size low byte
STA LAB_28 ; save dimension size low byte
DEY ; decrement index
LDA (LAB_5F),Y ; get dimension size high byte
STA LAB_29 ; save dimension size high byte
LDA #$10 ; count = $10 (16 bit multiply)
STA LAB_5D ; save bit count
LDX #$00 ; clear result low byte
LDY #$00 ; clear result high byte
TXA ; get result low byte
ASL ; *2
TAX ; save result low byte
TYA ; get result high byte
ROL ; *2
TAY ; save result high byte
BCS LAB_B30B ; if overflow go do "Out of memory" error
ASL LAB_71 ; shift element size low byte
ROL LAB_72 ; shift element size high byte
BCC LAB_B378 ; skip add if no carry
CLC ; else clear carry for add
TXA ; get result low byte
ADC LAB_28 ; add dimension size low byte
TAX ; save result low byte
TYA ; get result high byte
ADC LAB_29 ; add dimension size high byte
TAY ; save result high byte
BCS LAB_B30B ; if overflow go do "Out of memory" error
DEC LAB_5D ; decrement bit count
BNE LAB_B35F ; loop until all done
; perform FRE()
LDA LAB_0D ; get data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
BEQ LAB_B384 ; branch if numeric
JSR LAB_B6A6 ; pop string off descriptor stack, or from top of string
; space returns with A = length, X=$71=pointer low byte,
; Y=$72=pointer high byte
; FRE(n) was numeric so do this
JSR LAB_B526 ; go do garbage collection
SEC ; set carry for subtract
LDA LAB_33 ; get bottom of string space low byte
SBC LAB_31 ; subtract end of arrays low byte
TAY ; copy result to Y
LDA LAB_34 ; get bottom of string space high byte
SBC LAB_32 ; subtract end of arrays high byte
; convert fixed integer AY to float FAC1
LDX #$00 ; set type = numeric
STX LAB_0D ; clear data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
STA LAB_62 ; save FAC1 mantissa 1
STY LAB_63 ; save FAC1 mantissa 2
LDX #$90 ; set exponent=2^16 (integer)
JMP LAB_BC44 ; set exp = X, clear FAC1 3 and 4, normalise and return
; perform POS()
SEC ; set Cb for read cursor position
JSR LAB_FFF0 ; read/set X,Y cursor position
LDA #$00 ; clear high byte
BEQ LAB_B391 ; convert fixed integer AY to float FAC1, branch always
; check not Direct, used by DEF and INPUT
LDX LAB_3A ; get current line number high byte
INX ; increment it
BNE LAB_B34B ; return if not direct mode
; else do illegal direct error
LDX #$15 ; error $15, illegal direct error
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_1BA2
LDX #$1B ; error $1B, undefined function error
JMP LAB_A437 ; do error #X then warm start
; perform DEF
JSR LAB_B3E1 ; check FNx syntax
JSR LAB_B3A6 ; check not direct, back here if ok
JSR LAB_AEFA ; scan for "(", else do syntax error then warm start
LDA #$80 ; set flag for FNx
STA LAB_10 ; save subscript/FNx flag
JSR LAB_B08B ; get variable address
JSR LAB_AD8D ; check if source is numeric, else do type mismatch
JSR LAB_AEF7 ; scan for ")", else do syntax error then warm start
LDA #TK_EQUAL ; get = token
JSR LAB_AEFF ; scan for CHR$(A), else do syntax error then warm start
PHA ; push next character
LDA LAB_48 ; get current variable pointer high byte
PHA ; push it
LDA LAB_47 ; get current variable pointer low byte
PHA ; push it
LDA LAB_7B ; get BASIC execute pointer high byte
PHA ; push it
LDA LAB_7A ; get BASIC execute pointer low byte
PHA ; push it
JSR LAB_A8F8 ; perform DATA
JMP LAB_B44F ; put execute pointer and variable pointer into function
; and return
; check FNx syntax
LDA #TK_FN ; set FN token
JSR LAB_AEFF ; scan for CHR$(A), else do syntax error then warm start
ORA #$80 ; set FN flag bit
STA LAB_10 ; save FN name
JSR LAB_B092 ; search for FN variable
STA LAB_4E ; save function pointer low byte
STY LAB_4F ; save function pointer high byte
JMP LAB_AD8D ; check if source is numeric and return, else do type
; mismatch
; Evaluate FNx
JSR LAB_B3E1 ; check FNx syntax
LDA LAB_4F ; get function pointer high byte
PHA ; push it
LDA LAB_4E ; get function pointer low byte
PHA ; push it
JSR LAB_AEF1 ; evaluate expression within parentheses
JSR LAB_AD8D ; check if source is numeric, else do type mismatch
PLA ; pop function pointer low byte
STA LAB_4E ; restore it
PLA ; pop function pointer high byte
STA LAB_4F ; restore it
LDY #$02 ; index to variable pointer high byte
LDA (LAB_4E),Y ; get variable address low byte
STA LAB_47 ; save current variable pointer low byte
TAX ; copy address low byte
INY ; index to variable address high byte
LDA (LAB_4E),Y ; get variable pointer high byte
BEQ LAB_B3AE ; branch if high byte zero
STA LAB_48 ; save current variable pointer high byte
INY ; index to mantissa 3
; now stack the function variable value before use
LDA (LAB_47),Y ; get byte from variable
PHA ; stack it
DEY ; decrement index
BPL LAB_B418 ; loop until variable stacked
LDY LAB_48 ; get current variable pointer high byte
JSR LAB_BBD4 ; pack FAC1 into (XY)
LDA LAB_7B ; get BASIC execute pointer high byte
PHA ; push it
LDA LAB_7A ; get BASIC execute pointer low byte
PHA ; push it
LDA (LAB_4E),Y ; get function execute pointer low byte
STA LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
INY ; index to high byte
LDA (LAB_4E),Y ; get function execute pointer high byte
STA LAB_7B ; save BASIC execute pointer high byte
LDA LAB_48 ; get current variable pointer high byte
PHA ; push it
LDA LAB_47 ; get current variable pointer low byte
PHA ; push it
JSR LAB_AD8A ; evaluate expression and check is numeric, else do
; type mismatch
PLA ; pull variable address low byte
STA LAB_4E ; save variable address low byte
PLA ; pull variable address high byte
STA LAB_4F ; save variable address high byte
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
BEQ LAB_B449 ; branch if null (should be [EOL] marker)
JMP LAB_AF08 ; else syntax error then warm start
; restore BASIC execute pointer and function variable from stack
PLA ; pull BASIC execute pointer low byte
STA LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
PLA ; pull BASIC execute pointer high byte
STA LAB_7B ; save BASIC execute pointer high byte
; put execute pointer and variable pointer into function
LDY #$00 ; clear index
PLA ; pull BASIC execute pointer low byte
STA (LAB_4E),Y ; save to function
PLA ; pull BASIC execute pointer high byte
INY ; increment index
STA (LAB_4E),Y ; save to function
PLA ; pull current variable address low byte
INY ; increment index
STA (LAB_4E),Y ; save to function
PLA ; pull current variable address high byte
INY ; increment index
STA (LAB_4E),Y ; save to function
PLA ; pull ??
INY ; increment index
STA (LAB_4E),Y ; save to function
; perform STR$()
JSR LAB_AD8D ; check if source is numeric, else do type mismatch
LDY #$00 ; set string index
JSR LAB_BDDF ; convert FAC1 to string
PLA ; dump return address (skip type check)
PLA ; dump return address (skip type check)
LDA #<LAB_FF ; set result string low pointer
LDY #>LAB_FF ; set result string high pointer
BEQ LAB_B487 ; print null terminated string to utility pointer
; do string vector
; copy descriptor pointer and make string space A bytes long
LDX LAB_64 ; get descriptor pointer low byte
LDY LAB_65 ; get descriptor pointer high byte
STX LAB_50 ; save descriptor pointer low byte
STY LAB_51 ; save descriptor pointer high byte
; make string space A bytes long
JSR LAB_B4F4 ; make space in string memory for string A long
STX LAB_62 ; save string pointer low byte
STY LAB_63 ; save string pointer high byte
STA LAB_61 ; save length
; scan, set up string
; print " terminated string to utility pointer
LDX #$22 ; set terminator to "
STX LAB_07 ; set search character, terminator 1
STX LAB_08 ; set terminator 2
; print search or alternate terminated string to utility pointer
; source is AY
STA LAB_6F ; store string start low byte
STY LAB_70 ; store string start high byte
STA LAB_62 ; save string pointer low byte
STY LAB_63 ; save string pointer high byte
LDY #$FF ; set length to -1
INY ; increment length
LDA (LAB_6F),Y ; get byte from string
BEQ LAB_B4A8 ; exit loop if null byte [EOS]
CMP LAB_07 ; compare with search character, terminator 1
BEQ LAB_B4A4 ; branch if terminator
CMP LAB_08 ; compare with terminator 2
BNE LAB_B497 ; loop if not terminator 2
CMP #$22 ; compare with "
BEQ LAB_B4A9 ; branch if " (carry set if = !)
CLC ; clear carry for add (only if [EOL] terminated string)
STY LAB_61 ; save length in FAC1 exponent
TYA ; copy length to A
ADC LAB_6F ; add string start low byte
STA LAB_71 ; save string end low byte
LDX LAB_70 ; get string start high byte
BCC LAB_B4B5 ; branch if no low byte overflow
INX ; else increment high byte
STX LAB_72 ; save string end high byte
LDA LAB_70 ; get string start high byte
BEQ LAB_B4BF ; branch if in utility area
CMP #$02 ; compare with input buffer memory high byte
BNE LAB_B4CA ; branch if not in input buffer memory
; string in input buffer or utility area, move to string
; memory
TYA ; copy length to A
JSR LAB_B475 ; copy descriptor pointer and make string space A bytes long
LDX LAB_6F ; get string start low byte
LDY LAB_70 ; get string start high byte
JSR LAB_B688 ; store string A bytes long from XY to utility pointer
; check for space on descriptor stack then ...
; put string address and length on descriptor stack and update stack pointers
LDX LAB_16 ; get the descriptor stack pointer
CPX #LAB_19+9 ; compare it with the maximum + 1
BNE LAB_B4D5 ; if there is space on the string stack continue
; else do string too complex error
LDX #$19 ; error $19, string too complex error
JMP LAB_A437 ; do error #X then warm start
; put string address and length on descriptor stack and update stack pointers
LDA LAB_61 ; get the string length
STA LAB_00,X ; put it on the string stack
LDA LAB_62 ; get the string pointer low byte
STA LAB_00+1,X ; put it on the string stack
LDA LAB_63 ; get the string pointer high byte
STA LAB_00+2,X ; put it on the string stack
LDY #$00 ; clear Y
STX LAB_64 ; save the string descriptor pointer low byte
STY LAB_65 ; save the string descriptor pointer high byte, always $00
STY LAB_70 ; clear FAC1 rounding byte
DEY ; Y = $FF
STY LAB_0D ; save the data type flag, $FF = string
STX LAB_17 ; save the current descriptor stack item pointer low byte
INX ; update the stack pointer
INX ; update the stack pointer
INX ; update the stack pointer
STX LAB_16 ; save the new descriptor stack pointer
; make space in string memory for string A long
; return X = pointer low byte, Y = pointer high byte
LSR LAB_0F ; clear garbage collected flag (b7)
; make space for string A long
PHA ; save string length
EOR #$FF ; complement it
SEC ; set carry for subtract, two's complement add
ADC LAB_33 ; add bottom of string space low byte, subtract length
LDY LAB_34 ; get bottom of string space high byte
BCS LAB_B501 ; skip decrement if no underflow
DEY ; decrement bottom of string space high byte
CPY LAB_32 ; compare with end of arrays high byte
BCC LAB_B516 ; do out of memory error if less
BNE LAB_B50B ; if not = skip next test
CMP LAB_31 ; compare with end of arrays low byte
BCC LAB_B516 ; do out of memory error if less
STA LAB_33 ; save bottom of string space low byte
STY LAB_34 ; save bottom of string space high byte
STA LAB_35 ; save string utility ptr low byte
STY LAB_36 ; save string utility ptr high byte
TAX ; copy low byte to X
PLA ; get string length back
LDX #$10 ; error code $10, out of memory error
LDA LAB_0F ; get garbage collected flag
BMI LAB_B4D2 ; if set then do error code X
JSR LAB_B526 ; else go do garbage collection
LDA #$80 ; flag for garbage collected
STA LAB_0F ; set garbage collected flag
PLA ; pull length
BNE LAB_B4F6 ; go try again (loop always, length should never be = $00)
; garbage collection routine
LDX LAB_37 ; get end of memory low byte
LDA LAB_38 ; get end of memory high byte
; re-run routine from last ending
STX LAB_33 ; set bottom of string space low byte
STA LAB_34 ; set bottom of string space high byte
LDY #$00 ; clear index
STY LAB_4F ; clear working pointer high byte
STY LAB_4E ; clear working pointer low byte
LDA LAB_31 ; get end of arrays low byte
LDX LAB_32 ; get end of arrays high byte
STA LAB_5F ; save as highest uncollected string pointer low byte
STX LAB_60 ; save as highest uncollected string pointer high byte
LDA #LAB_19 ; set descriptor stack pointer
LDX #$00 ; clear X
STA LAB_22 ; save descriptor stack pointer low byte
STX LAB_23 ; save descriptor stack pointer high byte ($00)
CMP LAB_16 ; compare with descriptor stack pointer
BEQ LAB_B54D ; branch if =
JSR LAB_B5C7 ; check string salvageability
BEQ LAB_B544 ; loop always
; done stacked strings, now do string variables
LDA #$07 ; set step size = $07, collecting variables
STA LAB_53 ; save garbage collection step size
LDA LAB_2D ; get start of variables low byte
LDX LAB_2E ; get start of variables high byte
STA LAB_22 ; save as pointer low byte
STX LAB_23 ; save as pointer high byte
CPX LAB_30 ; compare end of variables high byte,
; start of arrays high byte
BNE LAB_B561 ; branch if no high byte match
CMP LAB_2F ; else compare end of variables low byte,
; start of arrays low byte
BEQ LAB_B566 ; branch if = variable memory end
JSR LAB_B5BD ; check variable salvageability
BEQ LAB_B559 ; loop always
; done string variables, now do string arrays
STA LAB_58 ; save start of arrays low byte as working pointer
STX LAB_59 ; save start of arrays high byte as working pointer
LDA #$03 ; set step size, collecting descriptors
STA LAB_53 ; save step size
LDA LAB_58 ; get pointer low byte
LDX LAB_59 ; get pointer high byte
CPX LAB_32 ; compare with end of arrays high byte
BNE LAB_B57D ; branch if not at end
CMP LAB_31 ; else compare with end of arrays low byte
BNE LAB_B57D ; branch if not at end
JMP LAB_B606 ; collect string, tidy up and exit if at end ??
STA LAB_22 ; save pointer low byte
STX LAB_23 ; save pointer high byte
LDY #$00 ; set index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get array name first byte
TAX ; copy it
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get array name second byte
PHP ; push the flags
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get array size low byte
ADC LAB_58 ; add start of this array low byte
STA LAB_58 ; save start of next array low byte
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get array size high byte
ADC LAB_59 ; add start of this array high byte
STA LAB_59 ; save start of next array high byte
PLP ; restore the flags
BPL LAB_B56E ; skip if not string array
; was possibly string array so ...
TXA ; get name first byte back
BMI LAB_B56E ; skip if not string array
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get # of dimensions
LDY #$00 ; clear index
ASL ; *2
ADC #$05 ; +5 (array header size)
ADC LAB_22 ; add pointer low byte
STA LAB_22 ; save pointer low byte
BCC LAB_B5AE ; branch if no rollover
INC LAB_23 ; else increment pointer hgih byte
LDX LAB_23 ; get pointer high byte
CPX LAB_59 ; compare pointer high byte with end of this array high byte
BNE LAB_B5B8 ; branch if not there yet
CMP LAB_58 ; compare pointer low byte with end of this array low byte
BEQ LAB_B572 ; if at end of this array go check next array
JSR LAB_B5C7 ; check string salvageability
BEQ LAB_B5B0 ; loop
; check variable salvageability
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get variable name first byte
BMI LAB_B5F6 ; add step and exit if not string
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get variable name second byte
BPL LAB_B5F6 ; add step and exit if not string
INY ; increment index
; check string salvageability
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get string length
BEQ LAB_B5F6 ; add step and exit if null string
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get string pointer low byte
TAX ; copy to X
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get string pointer high byte
CMP LAB_34 ; compare string pointer high byte with bottom of string
; space high byte
BCC LAB_B5DC ; if bottom of string space greater go test against highest
; uncollected string
BNE LAB_B5F6 ; if bottom of string space less string has been collected
; so go update pointers, step to next and return
; high bytes were equal so test low bytes
CPX LAB_33 ; compare string pointer low byte with bottom of string
; space low byte
BCS LAB_B5F6 ; if bottom of string space less string has been collected
; so go update pointers, step to next and return
; else test string against highest uncollected string so far
CMP LAB_60 ; compare string pointer high byte with highest uncollected
; string high byte
BCC LAB_B5F6 ; if highest uncollected string is greater then go update
; pointers, step to next and return
BNE LAB_B5E6 ; if highest uncollected string is less then go set this
; string as highest uncollected so far
; high bytes were equal so test low bytes
CPX LAB_5F ; compare string pointer low byte with highest uncollected
; string low byte
BCC LAB_B5F6 ; if highest uncollected string is greater then go update
; pointers, step to next and return
; else set current string as highest uncollected string
STX LAB_5F ; save string pointer low byte as highest uncollected string
; low byte
STA LAB_60 ; save string pointer high byte as highest uncollected
; string high byte
LDA LAB_22 ; get descriptor pointer low byte
LDX LAB_23 ; get descriptor pointer high byte
STA LAB_4E ; save working pointer high byte
STX LAB_4F ; save working pointer low byte
LDA LAB_53 ; get step size
STA LAB_55 ; copy step size
LDA LAB_53 ; get step size
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC LAB_22 ; add pointer low byte
STA LAB_22 ; save pointer low byte
BCC LAB_B601 ; branch if no rollover
INC LAB_23 ; else increment pointer high byte
LDX LAB_23 ; get pointer high byte
LDY #$00 ; flag not moved
; collect string
LDA LAB_4F ; get working pointer low byte
ORA LAB_4E ; OR working pointer high byte
BEQ LAB_B601 ; exit if nothing to collect
LDA LAB_55 ; get copied step size
AND #$04 ; mask step size, $04 for variables, $00 for array or stack
LSR ; >> 1
TAY ; copy to index
STA LAB_55 ; save offset to descriptor start
LDA (LAB_4E),Y ; get string length low byte
ADC LAB_5F ; add string start low byte
STA LAB_5A ; set block end low byte
LDA LAB_60 ; get string start high byte
ADC #$00 ; add carry
STA LAB_5B ; set block end high byte
LDA LAB_33 ; get bottom of string space low byte
LDX LAB_34 ; get bottom of string space high byte
STA LAB_58 ; save destination end low byte
STX LAB_59 ; save destination end high byte
JSR LAB_A3BF ; open up space in memory, don't set array end. this
; copies the string from where it is to the end of the
; uncollected string memory
LDY LAB_55 ; restore offset to descriptor start
INY ; increment index to string pointer low byte
LDA LAB_58 ; get new string pointer low byte
STA (LAB_4E),Y ; save new string pointer low byte
TAX ; copy string pointer low byte
INC LAB_59 ; increment new string pointer high byte
LDA LAB_59 ; get new string pointer high byte
INY ; increment index to string pointer high byte
STA (LAB_4E),Y ; save new string pointer high byte
JMP LAB_B52A ; re-run routine from last ending, XA holds new bottom
; of string memory pointer
; concatenate
; add strings, the first string is in the descriptor, the second string is in line
LDA LAB_65 ; get descriptor pointer high byte
PHA ; put on stack
LDA LAB_64 ; get descriptor pointer low byte
PHA ; put on stack
JSR LAB_AE83 ; get value from line
JSR LAB_AD8F ; check if source is string, else do type mismatch
PLA ; get descriptor pointer low byte back
STA LAB_6F ; set pointer low byte
PLA ; get descriptor pointer high byte back
STA LAB_70 ; set pointer high byte
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_6F),Y ; get length of first string from descriptor
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC (LAB_64),Y ; add length of second string
BCC LAB_B65D ; branch if no overflow
LDX #$17 ; else error $17, string too long error
JMP LAB_A437 ; do error #X then warm start
JSR LAB_B475 ; copy descriptor pointer and make string space A bytes long
JSR LAB_B67A ; copy string from descriptor to utility pointer
LDA LAB_50 ; get descriptor pointer low byte
LDY LAB_51 ; get descriptor pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B6AA ; pop (YA) descriptor off stack or from top of string space
; returns with A = length, X = pointer low byte,
; Y = pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B68C ; store string from pointer to utility pointer
LDA LAB_6F ; get descriptor pointer low byte
LDY LAB_70 ; get descriptor pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B6AA ; pop (YA) descriptor off stack or from top of string space
; returns with A = length, X = pointer low byte,
; Y = pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B4CA ; check space on descriptor stack then put string address
; and length on descriptor stack and update stack pointers
JMP LAB_ADB8 ; continue evaluation
; copy string from descriptor to utility pointer
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_6F),Y ; get string length
PHA ; save it
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_6F),Y ; get string pointer low byte
TAX ; copy to X
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_6F),Y ; get string pointer high byte
TAY ; copy to Y
PLA ; get length back
STX LAB_22 ; save string pointer low byte
STY LAB_23 ; save string pointer high byte
; store string from pointer to utility pointer
TAY ; copy length as index
BEQ LAB_B699 ; branch if null string
PHA ; save length
DEY ; decrement length/index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get byte from string
STA (LAB_35),Y ; save byte to destination
TYA ; copy length/index
BNE LAB_B690 ; loop if not all done yet
PLA ; restore length
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC LAB_35 ; add string utility ptr low byte
STA LAB_35 ; save string utility ptr low byte
BCC LAB_B6A2 ; branch if no rollover
INC LAB_36 ; increment string utility ptr high byte
; evaluate string
JSR LAB_AD8F ; check if source is string, else do type mismatch
; pop string off descriptor stack, or from top of string space
; returns with A = length, X = pointer low byte, Y = pointer high byte
LDA LAB_64 ; get descriptor pointer low byte
LDY LAB_65 ; get descriptor pointer high byte
; pop (YA) descriptor off stack or from top of string space
; returns with A = length, X = pointer low byte, Y = pointer high byte
STA LAB_22 ; save string pointer low byte
STY LAB_23 ; save string pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B6DB ; clean descriptor stack, YA = pointer
PHP ; save status flags
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get length from string descriptor
PHA ; put on stack
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get string pointer low byte from descriptor
TAX ; copy to X
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get string pointer high byte from descriptor
TAY ; copy to Y
PLA ; get string length back
PLP ; restore status
BNE LAB_B6D6 ; branch if pointer <> last_sl,last_sh
CPY LAB_34 ; compare with bottom of string space high byte
BNE LAB_B6D6 ; branch if <>
CPX LAB_33 ; else compare with bottom of string space low byte
BNE LAB_B6D6 ; branch if <>
PHA ; save string length
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC LAB_33 ; add bottom of string space low byte
STA LAB_33 ; set bottom of string space low byte
BCC LAB_B6D5 ; skip increment if no overflow
INC LAB_34 ; increment bottom of string space high byte
PLA ; restore string length
STX LAB_22 ; save string pointer low byte
STY LAB_23 ; save string pointer high byte
; clean descriptor stack, YA = pointer
; checks if AY is on the descriptor stack, if so does a stack discard
CPY LAB_18 ; compare high byte with current descriptor stack item
; pointer high byte
BNE LAB_B6EB ; exit if <>
CMP LAB_17 ; compare low byte with current descriptor stack item
; pointer low byte
BNE LAB_B6EB ; exit if <>
STA LAB_16 ; set descriptor stack pointer
SBC #$03 ; update last string pointer low byte
STA LAB_17 ; save current descriptor stack item pointer low byte
LDY #$00 ; clear high byte
; perform CHR$()
JSR LAB_B7A1 ; evaluate byte expression, result in X
TXA ; copy to A
PHA ; save character
LDA #$01 ; string is single byte
JSR LAB_B47D ; make string space A bytes long
PLA ; get character back
LDY #$00 ; clear index
STA (LAB_62),Y ; save byte in string - byte IS string!
PLA ; dump return address (skip type check)
PLA ; dump return address (skip type check)
JMP LAB_B4CA ; check space on descriptor stack then put string address
; and length on descriptor stack and update stack pointers
; perform LEFT$()
JSR LAB_B761 ; pull string data and byte parameter from stack
; return pointer in descriptor, byte in A (and X), Y=0
CMP (LAB_50),Y ; compare byte parameter with string length
TYA ; clear A
BCC LAB_B70C ; branch if string length > byte parameter
LDA (LAB_50),Y ; else make parameter = length
TAX ; copy to byte parameter copy
TYA ; clear string start offset
PHA ; save string start offset
TXA ; copy byte parameter (or string length if <)
PHA ; save string length
JSR LAB_B47D ; make string space A bytes long
LDA LAB_50 ; get descriptor pointer low byte
LDY LAB_51 ; get descriptor pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B6AA ; pop (YA) descriptor off stack or from top of string space
; returns with A = length, X = pointer low byte,
; Y = pointer high byte
PLA ; get string length back
TAY ; copy length to Y
PLA ; get string start offset back
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC LAB_22 ; add start offset to string start pointer low byte
STA LAB_22 ; save string start pointer low byte
BCC LAB_B725 ; branch if no overflow
INC LAB_23 ; else increment string start pointer high byte
TYA ; copy length to A
JSR LAB_B68C ; store string from pointer to utility pointer
JMP LAB_B4CA ; check space on descriptor stack then put string address
; and length on descriptor stack and update stack pointers
; perform RIGHT$()
JSR LAB_B761 ; pull string data and byte parameter from stack
; return pointer in descriptor, byte in A (and X), Y=0
CLC ; clear carry for add-1
SBC (LAB_50),Y ; subtract string length
EOR #$FF ; invert it (A=LEN(expression$)-l)
JMP LAB_B706 ; go do rest of LEFT$()
; perform MID$()
LDA #$FF ; set default length = 255
STA LAB_65 ; save default length
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
CMP #')' ; compare with ")"
BEQ LAB_B748 ; branch if = ")" (skip second byte get)
JSR LAB_AEFD ; scan for ",", else do syntax error then warm start
JSR LAB_B79E ; get byte parameter
JSR LAB_B761 ; pull string data and byte parameter from stack
; return pointer in descriptor, byte in A (and X), Y=0
BEQ LAB_B798 ; if null do illegal quantity error then warm start
DEX ; decrement start index
TXA ; copy to A
PHA ; save string start offset
CLC ; clear carry for sub-1
LDX #$00 ; clear output string length
SBC (LAB_50),Y ; subtract string length
BCS LAB_B70D ; if start>string length go do null string
EOR #$FF ; complement -length
CMP LAB_65 ; compare byte parameter
BCC LAB_B70E ; if length>remaining string go do RIGHT$
LDA LAB_65 ; get length byte
BCS LAB_B70E ; go do string copy, branch always
; pull string data and byte parameter from stack
; return pointer in descriptor, byte in A (and X), Y=0
JSR LAB_AEF7 ; scan for ")", else do syntax error then warm start
PLA ; pull return address low byte
TAY ; save return address low byte
PLA ; pull return address high byte
STA LAB_55 ; save return address high byte
PLA ; dump call to function vector low byte
PLA ; dump call to function vector high byte
PLA ; pull byte parameter
TAX ; copy byte parameter to X
PLA ; pull string pointer low byte
STA LAB_50 ; save it
PLA ; pull string pointer high byte
STA LAB_51 ; save it
LDA LAB_55 ; get return address high byte
PHA ; back on stack
TYA ; get return address low byte
PHA ; back on stack
LDY #$00 ; clear index
TXA ; copy byte parameter
; perform LEN()
JSR LAB_B782 ; evaluate string, get length in A (and Y)
JMP LAB_B3A2 ; convert Y to byte in FAC1 and return
; evaluate string, get length in Y
JSR LAB_B6A3 ; evaluate string
LDX #$00 ; set data type = numeric
STX LAB_0D ; clear data type flag, $FF = string, $00 = numeric
TAY ; copy length to Y
; perform ASC()
JSR LAB_B782 ; evaluate string, get length in A (and Y)
BEQ LAB_B798 ; if null do illegal quantity error then warm start
LDY #$00 ; set index to first character
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get byte
TAY ; copy to Y
JMP LAB_B3A2 ; convert Y to byte in FAC1 and return
; do illegal quantity error then warm start
JMP LAB_B248 ; do illegal quantity error then warm start
; scan and get byte parameter
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
; get byte parameter
JSR LAB_AD8A ; evaluate expression and check is numeric, else do
; type mismatch
; evaluate byte expression, result in X
JSR LAB_B1B8 ; evaluate integer expression, sign check
LDX LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
BNE LAB_B798 ; if not null do illegal quantity error then warm start
LDX LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
JMP LAB_0079 ; scan memory and return
; perform VAL()
JSR LAB_B782 ; evaluate string, get length in A (and Y)
BNE LAB_B7B5 ; branch if not null string
; string was null so set result = $00
JMP LAB_B8F7 ; clear FAC1 exponent and sign and return
LDX LAB_7A ; get BASIC execute pointer low byte
LDY LAB_7B ; get BASIC execute pointer high byte
STX LAB_71 ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
STY LAB_72 ; save BASIC execute pointer high byte
LDX LAB_22 ; get string pointer low byte
STX LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC LAB_22 ; add string length
STA LAB_24 ; save string end low byte
LDX LAB_23 ; get string pointer high byte
STX LAB_7B ; save BASIC execute pointer high byte
BCC LAB_B7CD ; branch if no high byte increment
INX ; increment string end high byte
STX LAB_25 ; save string end high byte
LDY #$00 ; set index to $00
LDA (LAB_24),Y ; get string end byte
PHA ; push it
TYA ; clear A
STA (LAB_24),Y ; terminate string with $00
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
JSR LAB_BCF3 ; get FAC1 from string
PLA ; restore string end byte
LDY #$00 ; clear index
STA (LAB_24),Y ; put string end byte back
; restore BASIC execute pointer from temp
LDX LAB_71 ; get BASIC execute pointer low byte back
LDY LAB_72 ; get BASIC execute pointer high byte back
STX LAB_7A ; save BASIC execute pointer low byte
STY LAB_7B ; save BASIC execute pointer high byte
; get parameters for POKE/WAIT
JSR LAB_AD8A ; evaluate expression and check is numeric, else do
; type mismatch
JSR LAB_B7F7 ; convert FAC_1 to integer in temporary integer
JSR LAB_AEFD ; scan for ",", else do syntax error then warm start
JMP LAB_B79E ; get byte parameter and return
; convert FAC_1 to integer in temporary integer
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign
BMI LAB_B798 ; if -ve do illegal quantity error then warm start
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
CMP #$91 ; compare with exponent = 2^16
BCS LAB_B798 ; if >= do illegal quantity error then warm start
JSR LAB_BC9B ; convert FAC1 floating to fixed
LDA LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
LDY LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
STY LAB_14 ; save temporary integer low byte
STA LAB_15 ; save temporary integer high byte
; perform PEEK()
LDA LAB_15 ; get line number high byte
PHA ; save line number high byte
LDA LAB_14 ; get line number low byte
PHA ; save line number low byte
JSR LAB_B7F7 ; convert FAC_1 to integer in temporary integer
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_14),Y ; read byte
TAY ; copy byte to A
PLA ; pull byte
STA LAB_14 ; restore line number low byte
PLA ; pull byte
STA LAB_15 ; restore line number high byte
JMP LAB_B3A2 ; convert Y to byte in FAC_1 and return
; perform POKE
JSR LAB_B7EB ; get parameters for POKE/WAIT
TXA ; copy byte to A
LDY #$00 ; clear index
STA (LAB_14),Y ; write byte
; perform WAIT
JSR LAB_B7EB ; get parameters for POKE/WAIT
STX LAB_49 ; save byte
LDX #$00 ; clear mask
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
BEQ LAB_B83C ; skip if no third argument
JSR LAB_B7F1 ; scan for "," and get byte, else syntax error then
; warm start
STX LAB_4A ; save EOR argument
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_14),Y ; get byte via temporary integer (address)
EOR LAB_4A ; EOR with second argument (mask)
AND LAB_49 ; AND with first argument (byte)
BEQ LAB_B840 ; loop if result is zero
; add 0.5 to FAC1 (round FAC1)
LDA #<LAB_BF11 ; set 0.5 pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_BF11 ; set 0.5 pointer high byte
JMP LAB_B867 ; add (AY) to FAC1
; perform subtraction, FAC1 from (AY)
JSR LAB_BA8C ; unpack memory (AY) into FAC2
; perform subtraction, FAC1 from FAC2
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
EOR #$FF ; complement it
STA LAB_66 ; save FAC1 sign (b7)
EOR LAB_6E ; EOR with FAC2 sign (b7)
STA LAB_6F ; save sign compare (FAC1 EOR FAC2)
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
JMP LAB_B86A ; add FAC2 to FAC1 and return
JSR LAB_B999 ; shift FACX A times right (>8 shifts)
BCC LAB_B8A3 ;.go subtract mantissas
; add (AY) to FAC1
JSR LAB_BA8C ; unpack memory (AY) into FAC2
; add FAC2 to FAC1
BNE LAB_B86F ; branch if FAC1 is not zero
JMP LAB_BBFC ; FAC1 was zero so copy FAC2 to FAC1 and return
; FAC1 is non zero
LDX LAB_70 ; get FAC1 rounding byte
STX LAB_56 ; save as FAC2 rounding byte
LDX #LAB_69 ; set index to FAC2 exponent address
LDA LAB_69 ; get FAC2 exponent
TAY ; copy exponent
BEQ LAB_B848 ; exit if zero
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC LAB_61 ; subtract FAC1 exponent
BEQ LAB_B8A3 ; if equal go add mantissas
BCC LAB_B893 ; if FAC2 < FAC1 then go shift FAC2 right
; else FAC2 > FAC1
STY LAB_61 ; save FAC1 exponent
LDY LAB_6E ; get FAC2 sign (b7)
STY LAB_66 ; save FAC1 sign (b7)
EOR #$FF ; complement A
ADC #$00 ; +1, twos complement, carry is set
LDY #$00 ; clear Y
STY LAB_56 ; clear FAC2 rounding byte
LDX #LAB_61 ; set index to FAC1 exponent address
BNE LAB_B897 ; branch always
; FAC2 < FAC1
LDY #$00 ; clear Y
STY LAB_70 ; clear FAC1 rounding byte
CMP #$F9 ; compare exponent diff with $F9
BMI LAB_B862 ; branch if range $79-$F8
TAY ; copy exponent difference to Y
LDA LAB_70 ; get FAC1 rounding byte
LSR LAB_00+1,X ; shift FAC? mantissa 1
JSR LAB_B9B0 ; shift FACX Y times right
; exponents are equal now do mantissa subtract
BIT LAB_6F ; test sign compare (FAC1 EOR FAC2)
BPL LAB_B8FE ; if = add FAC2 mantissa to FAC1 mantissa and return
LDY #LAB_61 ; set the Y index to FAC1 exponent address
CPX #LAB_69 ; compare X to FAC2 exponent address
BEQ LAB_B8AF ; if = continue, Y = FAC1, X = FAC2
LDY #LAB_69 ; else set the Y index to FAC2 exponent address
; subtract the smaller from the bigger (take the sign of
; the bigger)
SEC ; set carry for subtract
EOR #$FF ; ones complement A
ADC LAB_56 ; add FAC2 rounding byte
STA LAB_70 ; save FAC1 rounding byte
LDA LAB_00+4,Y ; get FACY mantissa 4
SBC LAB_00+4,X ; subtract FACX mantissa 4
STA LAB_65 ; save FAC1 mantissa 4
LDA LAB_00+3,Y ; get FACY mantissa 3
SBC LAB_00+3,X ; subtract FACX mantissa 3
STA LAB_64 ; save FAC1 mantissa 3
LDA LAB_00+2,Y ; get FACY mantissa 2
SBC LAB_00+2,X ; subtract FACX mantissa 2
STA LAB_63 ; save FAC1 mantissa 2
LDA LAB_00+1,Y ; get FACY mantissa 1
SBC LAB_00+1,X ; subtract FACX mantissa 1
STA LAB_62 ; save FAC1 mantissa 1
; do ABS and normalise FAC1
BCS LAB_B8D7 ; branch if number is +ve
JSR LAB_B947 ; negate FAC1
; normalise FAC1
LDY #$00 ; clear Y
TYA ; clear A
CLC ; clear carry for add
LDX LAB_62 ; get FAC1 mantissa 1
BNE LAB_B929 ; if not zero normalise FAC1
LDX LAB_63 ; get FAC1 mantissa 2
STX LAB_62 ; save FAC1 mantissa 1
LDX LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
STX LAB_63 ; save FAC1 mantissa 2
LDX LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
STX LAB_64 ; save FAC1 mantissa 3
LDX LAB_70 ; get FAC1 rounding byte
STX LAB_65 ; save FAC1 mantissa 4
STY LAB_70 ; clear FAC1 rounding byte
ADC #$08 ; add x to exponent offset
CMP #$20 ; compare with $20, max offset, all bits would be = 0
BNE LAB_B8DB ; loop if not max
; clear FAC1 exponent and sign
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_61 ; set FAC1 exponent
; save FAC1 sign
STA LAB_66 ; save FAC1 sign (b7)
; add FAC2 mantissa to FAC1 mantissa
ADC LAB_56 ; add FAC2 rounding byte
STA LAB_70 ; save FAC1 rounding byte
LDA LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
ADC LAB_6D ; add FAC2 mantissa 4
STA LAB_65 ; save FAC1 mantissa 4
LDA LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
ADC LAB_6C ; add FAC2 mantissa 3
STA LAB_64 ; save FAC1 mantissa 3
LDA LAB_63 ; get FAC1 mantissa 2
ADC LAB_6B ; add FAC2 mantissa 2
STA LAB_63 ; save FAC1 mantissa 2
LDA LAB_62 ; get FAC1 mantissa 1
ADC LAB_6A ; add FAC2 mantissa 1
STA LAB_62 ; save FAC1 mantissa 1
JMP LAB_B936 ; test and normalise FAC1 for C=0/1
ADC #$01 ; add 1 to exponent offset
ASL LAB_70 ; shift FAC1 rounding byte
ROL LAB_65 ; shift FAC1 mantissa 4
ROL LAB_64 ; shift FAC1 mantissa 3
ROL LAB_63 ; shift FAC1 mantissa 2
ROL LAB_62 ; shift FAC1 mantissa 1
; normalise FAC1
BPL LAB_B91D ; loop if not normalised
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC LAB_61 ; subtract FAC1 exponent
BCS LAB_B8F7 ; branch if underflow (set result = $0)
EOR #$FF ; complement exponent
ADC #$01 ; +1 (twos complement)
STA LAB_61 ; save FAC1 exponent
; test and normalise FAC1 for C=0/1
BCC LAB_B946 ; exit if no overflow
; normalise FAC1 for C=1
INC LAB_61 ; increment FAC1 exponent
BEQ LAB_B97E ; if zero do overflow error then warm start
ROR LAB_62 ; shift FAC1 mantissa 1
ROR LAB_63 ; shift FAC1 mantissa 2
ROR LAB_64 ; shift FAC1 mantissa 3
ROR LAB_65 ; shift FAC1 mantissa 4
ROR LAB_70 ; shift FAC1 rounding byte
; negate FAC1
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
EOR #$FF ; complement it
STA LAB_66 ; save FAC1 sign (b7)
; twos complement FAC1 mantissa
LDA LAB_62 ; get FAC1 mantissa 1
EOR #$FF ; complement it
STA LAB_62 ; save FAC1 mantissa 1
LDA LAB_63 ; get FAC1 mantissa 2
EOR #$FF ; complement it
STA LAB_63 ; save FAC1 mantissa 2
LDA LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
EOR #$FF ; complement it
STA LAB_64 ; save FAC1 mantissa 3
LDA LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
EOR #$FF ; complement it
STA LAB_65 ; save FAC1 mantissa 4
LDA LAB_70 ; get FAC1 rounding byte
EOR #$FF ; complement it
STA LAB_70 ; save FAC1 rounding byte
INC LAB_70 ; increment FAC1 rounding byte
BNE LAB_B97D ; exit if no overflow
; increment FAC1 mantissa
INC LAB_65 ; increment FAC1 mantissa 4
BNE LAB_B97D ; finished if no rollover
INC LAB_64 ; increment FAC1 mantissa 3
BNE LAB_B97D ; finished if no rollover
INC LAB_63 ; increment FAC1 mantissa 2
BNE LAB_B97D ; finished if no rollover
INC LAB_62 ; increment FAC1 mantissa 1
; do overflow error then warm start
LDX #$0F ; error $0F, overflow error
JMP LAB_A437 ; do error #X then warm start
; shift FCAtemp << A+8 times
LDX #LAB_26-1 ; set the offset to FACtemp
LDY LAB_00+4,X ; get FACX mantissa 4
STY LAB_70 ; save as FAC1 rounding byte
LDY LAB_00+3,X ; get FACX mantissa 3
STY LAB_00+4,X ; save FACX mantissa 4
LDY LAB_00+2,X ; get FACX mantissa 2
STY LAB_00+3,X ; save FACX mantissa 3
LDY LAB_00+1,X ; get FACX mantissa 1
STY LAB_00+2,X ; save FACX mantissa 2
LDY LAB_68 ; get FAC1 overflow byte
STY LAB_00+1,X ; save FACX mantissa 1
; shift FACX -A times right (> 8 shifts)
ADC #$08 ; add 8 to shift count
BMI LAB_B985 ; go do 8 shift if still -ve
BEQ LAB_B985 ; go do 8 shift if zero
SBC #$08 ; else subtract 8 again
TAY ; save count to Y
LDA LAB_70 ; get FAC1 rounding byte
ASL LAB_00+1,X ; shift FACX mantissa 1
BCC LAB_B9AC ; branch if +ve
INC LAB_00+1,X ; this sets b7 eventually
ROR LAB_00+1,X ; shift FACX mantissa 1 (correct for ASL)
ROR LAB_00+1,X ; shift FACX mantissa 1 (put carry in b7)
; shift FACX Y times right
ROR LAB_00+2,X ; shift FACX mantissa 2
ROR LAB_00+3,X ; shift FACX mantissa 3
ROR LAB_00+4,X ; shift FACX mantissa 4
ROR ; shift FACX rounding byte
INY ; increment exponent diff
BNE LAB_B9A6 ; branch if range adjust not complete
CLC ; just clear it
; constants and series for LOG(n)
.byte $81,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 1
.byte $03 ; series counter
.byte $7F,$5E,$56,$CB,$79
.byte $80,$13,$9B,$0B,$64
.byte $80,$76,$38,$93,$16
.byte $82,$38,$AA,$3B,$20
.byte $80,$35,$04,$F3,$34 ; 0.70711 1/root 2
.byte $81,$35,$04,$F3,$34 ; 1.41421 root 2
.byte $80,$80,$00,$00,$00 ; -0.5 1/2
.byte $80,$31,$72,$17,$F8 ; 0.69315 LOG(2)
; perform LOG()
JSR LAB_BC2B ; test sign and zero
BEQ LAB_B9F1 ; if zero do illegal quantity error then warm start
BPL LAB_B9F4 ; skip error if +ve
JMP LAB_B248 ; do illegal quantity error then warm start
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
SBC #$7F ; normalise it
PHA ; save it
LDA #$80 ; set exponent to zero
STA LAB_61 ; save FAC1 exponent
LDA #<LAB_B9D6 ; pointer to 1/root 2 low byte
LDY #>LAB_B9D6 ; pointer to 1/root 2 high byte
JSR LAB_B867 ; add (AY) to FAC1 (1/root2)
LDA #<LAB_B9DB ; pointer to root 2 low byte
LDY #>LAB_B9DB ; pointer to root 2 high byte
JSR LAB_BB0F ; convert AY and do (AY)/FAC1 (root2/(x+(1/root2)))
LDA #<LAB_B9BC ; pointer to 1 low byte
LDY #>LAB_B9BC ; pointer to 1 high byte
JSR LAB_B850 ; subtract FAC1 ((root2/(x+(1/root2)))-1) from (AY)
LDA #<LAB_B9C1 ; pointer to series for LOG(n) low byte
LDY #>LAB_B9C1 ; pointer to series for LOG(n) high byte
JSR LAB_E043 ; ^2 then series evaluation
LDA #<LAB_B9E0 ; pointer to -0.5 low byte
LDY #>LAB_B9E0 ; pointer to -0.5 high byte
JSR LAB_B867 ; add (AY) to FAC1
PLA ; restore FAC1 exponent
JSR LAB_BD7E ; evaluate new ASCII digit
LDA #<LAB_B9E5 ; pointer to LOG(2) low byte
LDY #>LAB_B9E5 ; pointer to LOG(2) high byte
; do convert AY, FCA1*(AY)
JSR LAB_BA8C ; unpack memory (AY) into FAC2
BNE LAB_BA30 ; multiply FAC1 by FAC2 ??
JMP LAB_BA8B ; exit if zero
JSR LAB_BAB7 ; test and adjust accumulators
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_26 ; clear temp mantissa 1
STA LAB_27 ; clear temp mantissa 2
STA LAB_28 ; clear temp mantissa 3
STA LAB_29 ; clear temp mantissa 4
LDA LAB_70 ; get FAC1 rounding byte
JSR LAB_BA59 ; go do shift/add FAC2
LDA LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
JSR LAB_BA59 ; go do shift/add FAC2
LDA LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
JSR LAB_BA59 ; go do shift/add FAC2
LDA LAB_63 ; get FAC1 mantissa 2
JSR LAB_BA59 ; go do shift/add FAC2
LDA LAB_62 ; get FAC1 mantissa 1
JSR LAB_BA5E ; go do shift/add FAC2
JMP LAB_BB8F ; copy temp to FAC1, normalise and return
BNE LAB_BA5E ; branch if byte <> zero
JMP LAB_B983 ; shift FCAtemp << A+8 times
; else do shift and add
LSR ; shift byte
ORA #$80 ; set top bit (mark for 8 times)
TAY ; copy result
BCC LAB_BA7D ; skip next if bit was zero
CLC ; clear carry for add
LDA LAB_29 ; get temp mantissa 4
ADC LAB_6D ; add FAC2 mantissa 4
STA LAB_29 ; save temp mantissa 4
LDA LAB_28 ; get temp mantissa 3
ADC LAB_6C ; add FAC2 mantissa 3
STA LAB_28 ; save temp mantissa 3
LDA LAB_27 ; get temp mantissa 2
ADC LAB_6B ; add FAC2 mantissa 2
STA LAB_27 ; save temp mantissa 2
LDA LAB_26 ; get temp mantissa 1
ADC LAB_6A ; add FAC2 mantissa 1
STA LAB_26 ; save temp mantissa 1
ROR LAB_26 ; shift temp mantissa 1
ROR LAB_27 ; shift temp mantissa 2
ROR LAB_28 ; shift temp mantissa 3
ROR LAB_29 ; shift temp mantissa 4
ROR LAB_70 ; shift temp rounding byte
TYA ; get byte back
LSR ; shift byte
BNE LAB_BA61 ; loop if all bits not done
; unpack memory (AY) into FAC2
STA LAB_22 ; save pointer low byte
STY LAB_23 ; save pointer high byte
LDY #$04 ; 5 bytes to get (0-4)
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get mantissa 4
STA LAB_6D ; save FAC2 mantissa 4
DEY ; decrement index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get mantissa 3
STA LAB_6C ; save FAC2 mantissa 3
DEY ; decrement index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get mantissa 2
STA LAB_6B ; save FAC2 mantissa 2
DEY ; decrement index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get mantissa 1 + sign
STA LAB_6E ; save FAC2 sign (b7)
EOR LAB_66 ; EOR with FAC1 sign (b7)
STA LAB_6F ; save sign compare (FAC1 EOR FAC2)
LDA LAB_6E ; recover FAC2 sign (b7)
ORA #$80 ; set 1xxx xxx (set normal bit)
STA LAB_6A ; save FAC2 mantissa 1
DEY ; decrement index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get exponent byte
STA LAB_69 ; save FAC2 exponent
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
; test and adjust accumulators
LDA LAB_69 ; get FAC2 exponent
BEQ LAB_BADA ; branch if FAC2 = $00 (handle underflow)
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC LAB_61 ; add FAC1 exponent
BCC LAB_BAC4 ; branch if sum of exponents < $0100
BMI LAB_BADF ; do overflow error
CLC ; clear carry for the add
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_1410
BPL LAB_BADA ; if +ve go handle underflow
ADC #$80 ; adjust exponent
STA LAB_61 ; save FAC1 exponent
BNE LAB_BACF ; branch if not zero
JMP LAB_B8FB ; save FAC1 sign and return
LDA LAB_6F ; get sign compare (FAC1 EOR FAC2)
STA LAB_66 ; save FAC1 sign (b7)
; handle overflow and underflow
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
EOR #$FF ; complement it
BMI LAB_BADF ; do overflow error
; handle underflow
PLA ; pop return address low byte
PLA ; pop return address high byte
JMP LAB_B8F7 ; clear FAC1 exponent and sign and return
JMP LAB_B97E ; do overflow error then warm start
; multiply FAC1 by 10
JSR LAB_BC0C ; round and copy FAC1 to FAC2
TAX ; copy exponent (set the flags)
BEQ LAB_BAF8 ; exit if zero
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$02 ; add two to exponent (*4)
BCS LAB_BADF ; do overflow error if > $FF
; FAC1 = (FAC1 + FAC2) * 2
LDX #$00 ; clear byte
STX LAB_6F ; clear sign compare (FAC1 EOR FAC2)
JSR LAB_B877 ; add FAC2 to FAC1 (*5)
INC LAB_61 ; increment FAC1 exponent (*10)
BEQ LAB_BADF ; if exponent now zero go do overflow error
; 10 as a floating value
.byte $84,$20,$00,$00,$00 ; 10
; divide FAC1 by 10
JSR LAB_BC0C ; round and copy FAC1 to FAC2
LDA #<LAB_BAF9 ; set 10 pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_BAF9 ; set 10 pointer high byte
LDX #$00 ; clear sign
; divide by (AY) (X=sign)
STX LAB_6F ; save sign compare (FAC1 EOR FAC2)
JSR LAB_BBA2 ; unpack memory (AY) into FAC1
; Perform divide-by
; convert AY and do (AY)/FAC1
JSR LAB_BA8C ; unpack memory (AY) into FAC2
BEQ LAB_BB8A ; if zero go do /0 error
JSR LAB_BC1B ; round FAC1
LDA #$00 ; clear A
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC LAB_61 ; subtract FAC1 exponent (2s complement)
STA LAB_61 ; save FAC1 exponent
JSR LAB_BAB7 ; test and adjust accumulators
INC LAB_61 ; increment FAC1 exponent
BEQ LAB_BADF ; if zero do overflow error
LDX #$FC ; set index to FAC temp
LDA #$01 ;.set byte
LDY LAB_6A ; get FAC2 mantissa 1
CPY LAB_62 ; compare FAC1 mantissa 1
BNE LAB_BB3F ; branch if <>
LDY LAB_6B ; get FAC2 mantissa 2
CPY LAB_63 ; compare FAC1 mantissa 2
BNE LAB_BB3F ; branch if <>
LDY LAB_6C ; get FAC2 mantissa 3
CPY LAB_64 ; compare FAC1 mantissa 3
BNE LAB_BB3F ; branch if <>
LDY LAB_6D ; get FAC2 mantissa 4
CPY LAB_65 ; compare FAC1 mantissa 4
PHP ; save FAC2-FAC1 compare status
ROL ;.shift byte
BCC LAB_BB4C ; skip next if no carry
INX ; increment index to FAC temp
STA LAB_29,X ;.
LDA #$01 ;.
PLP ; restore FAC2-FAC1 compare status
BCS LAB_BB5D ; if FAC2 >= FAC1 then do subtract
; FAC2 = FAC2*2
ASL LAB_6D ; shift FAC2 mantissa 4
ROL LAB_6C ; shift FAC2 mantissa 3
ROL LAB_6B ; shift FAC2 mantissa 2
ROL LAB_6A ; shift FAC2 mantissa 1
BCS LAB_BB3F ; loop with no compare
BMI LAB_BB29 ; loop with compare
BPL LAB_BB3F ; loop with no compare, branch always
TAY ; save FAC2-FAC1 compare status
LDA LAB_6D ; get FAC2 mantissa 4
SBC LAB_65 ; subtract FAC1 mantissa 4
STA LAB_6D ; save FAC2 mantissa 4
LDA LAB_6C ; get FAC2 mantissa 3
SBC LAB_64 ; subtract FAC1 mantissa 3
STA LAB_6C ; save FAC2 mantissa 3
LDA LAB_6B ; get FAC2 mantissa 2
SBC LAB_63 ; subtract FAC1 mantissa 2
STA LAB_6B ; save FAC2 mantissa 2
LDA LAB_6A ; get FAC2 mantissa 1
SBC LAB_62 ; subtract FAC1 mantissa 1
STA LAB_6A ; save FAC2 mantissa 1
TYA ; restore FAC2-FAC1 compare status
LDA #$40 ;.
BNE LAB_BB4C ; branch always
; do A<<6, save as FAC1 rounding byte, normalise and return
ASL ;.
ASL ;.
ASL ;.
ASL ;.
ASL ;.
ASL ;.
STA LAB_70 ; save FAC1 rounding byte
PLP ; dump FAC2-FAC1 compare status
JMP LAB_BB8F ; copy temp to FAC1, normalise and return
; do "Divide by zero" error
LDX #$14 ; error $14, divide by zero error
JMP LAB_A437 ; do error #X then warm start
LDA LAB_26 ; get temp mantissa 1
STA LAB_62 ; save FAC1 mantissa 1
LDA LAB_27 ; get temp mantissa 2
STA LAB_63 ; save FAC1 mantissa 2
LDA LAB_28 ; get temp mantissa 3
STA LAB_64 ; save FAC1 mantissa 3
LDA LAB_29 ; get temp mantissa 4
STA LAB_65 ; save FAC1 mantissa 4
JMP LAB_B8D7 ; normalise FAC1 and return
; unpack memory (AY) into FAC1
STA LAB_22 ; save pointer low byte
STY LAB_23 ; save pointer high byte
LDY #$04 ; 5 bytes to do
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get fifth byte
STA LAB_65 ; save FAC1 mantissa 4
DEY ; decrement index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get fourth byte
STA LAB_64 ; save FAC1 mantissa 3
DEY ; decrement index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get third byte
STA LAB_63 ; save FAC1 mantissa 2
DEY ; decrement index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get second byte
STA LAB_66 ; save FAC1 sign (b7)
ORA #$80 ; set 1xxx xxxx (add normal bit)
STA LAB_62 ; save FAC1 mantissa 1
DEY ; decrement index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get first byte (exponent)
STA LAB_61 ; save FAC1 exponent
STY LAB_70 ; clear FAC1 rounding byte
; pack FAC1 into LAB_5C
LDX #<LAB_5C ; set pointer low byte
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_57A2
; pack FAC1 into LAB_57
LDX #<LAB_57 ; set pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_57 ; set pointer high byte
BEQ LAB_BBD4 ; pack FAC1 into (XY) and return, branch always
; pack FAC1 into variable pointer
LDX LAB_49 ; get destination pointer low byte
LDY LAB_4A ; get destination pointer high byte
; pack FAC1 into (XY)
JSR LAB_BC1B ; round FAC1
STX LAB_22 ; save pointer low byte
STY LAB_23 ; save pointer high byte
LDY #$04 ; set index
LDA LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
STA (LAB_22),Y ; store in destination
DEY ; decrement index
LDA LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
STA (LAB_22),Y ; store in destination
DEY ; decrement index
LDA LAB_63 ; get FAC1 mantissa 2
STA (LAB_22),Y ; store in destination
DEY ; decrement index
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
ORA #$7F ; set bits x111 1111
AND LAB_62 ; AND in FAC1 mantissa 1
STA (LAB_22),Y ; store in destination
DEY ; decrement index
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
STA (LAB_22),Y ; store in destination
STY LAB_70 ; clear FAC1 rounding byte
; copy FAC2 to FAC1
LDA LAB_6E ; get FAC2 sign (b7)
; save FAC1 sign and copy ABS(FAC2) to FAC1
STA LAB_66 ; save FAC1 sign (b7)
LDX #$05 ; 5 bytes to copy
LDA LAB_68,X ; get byte from FAC2,X
STA LAB_60,X ; save byte at FAC1,X
DEX ; decrement count
BNE LAB_BC02 ; loop if not all done
STX LAB_70 ; clear FAC1 rounding byte
; round and copy FAC1 to FAC2
JSR LAB_BC1B ; round FAC1
; copy FAC1 to FAC2
LDX #$06 ; 6 bytes to copy
LDA LAB_60,X ; get byte from FAC1,X
STA LAB_68,X ; save byte at FAC2,X
DEX ; decrement count
BNE LAB_BC11 ; loop if not all done
STX LAB_70 ; clear FAC1 rounding byte
; round FAC1
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
BEQ LAB_BC1A ; exit if zero
ASL LAB_70 ; shift FAC1 rounding byte
BCC LAB_BC1A ; exit if no overflow
; round FAC1 (no check)
JSR LAB_B96F ; increment FAC1 mantissa
BNE LAB_BC1A ; branch if no overflow
JMP LAB_B938 ; nornalise FAC1 for C=1 and return
; get FAC1 sign
; return A = $FF, Cb = 1/-ve A = $01, Cb = 0/+ve, A = $00, Cb = ?/0
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
BEQ LAB_BC38 ; exit if zero (allready correct SGN(0)=0)
; return A = $FF, Cb = 1/-ve A = $01, Cb = 0/+ve
; no = 0 check
LDA LAB_66 ; else get FAC1 sign (b7)
; return A = $FF, Cb = 1/-ve A = $01, Cb = 0/+ve
; no = 0 check, sign in A
ROL ; move sign bit to carry
LDA #$FF ; set byte for -ve result
BCS LAB_BC38 ; return if sign was set (-ve)
LDA #$01 ; else set byte for +ve result
; perform SGN()
JSR LAB_BC2B ; get FAC1 sign, return A = $FF -ve, A = $01 +ve
; save A as integer byte
STA LAB_62 ; save FAC1 mantissa 1
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_63 ; clear FAC1 mantissa 2
LDX #$88 ; set exponent
; set exponent = X, clear FAC1 3 and 4 and normalise
LDA LAB_62 ; get FAC1 mantissa 1
EOR #$FF ; complement it
ROL ; sign bit into carry
; set exponent = X, clear mantissa 4 and 3 and normalise FAC1
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_65 ; clear FAC1 mantissa 4
STA LAB_64 ; clear FAC1 mantissa 3
; set exponent = X and normalise FAC1
STX LAB_61 ; set FAC1 exponent
STA LAB_70 ; clear FAC1 rounding byte
STA LAB_66 ; clear FAC1 sign (b7)
JMP LAB_B8D2 ; do ABS and normalise FAC1
; perform ABS()
LSR LAB_66 ; clear FAC1 sign, put zero in b7
; compare FAC1 with (AY)
; returns A=$00 if FAC1 = (AY)
; returns A=$01 if FAC1 > (AY)
; returns A=$FF if FAC1 < (AY)
STA LAB_24 ; save pointer low byte
STY LAB_25 ; save pointer high byte
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_24),Y ; get exponent
INY ; increment index
TAX ; copy (AY) exponent to X
BEQ LAB_BC2B ; branch if (AY) exponent=0 and get FAC1 sign
; A = $FF, Cb = 1/-ve A = $01, Cb = 0/+ve
LDA (LAB_24),Y ; get (AY) mantissa 1, with sign
EOR LAB_66 ; EOR FAC1 sign (b7)
BMI LAB_BC2F ; if signs <> do return A = $FF, Cb = 1/-ve
; A = $01, Cb = 0/+ve and return
CPX LAB_61 ; compare (AY) exponent with FAC1 exponent
BNE LAB_BC92 ; branch if different
LDA (LAB_24),Y ; get (AY) mantissa 1, with sign
ORA #$80 ; normalise top bit
CMP LAB_62 ; compare with FAC1 mantissa 1
BNE LAB_BC92 ; branch if different
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_24),Y ; get mantissa 2
CMP LAB_63 ; compare with FAC1 mantissa 2
BNE LAB_BC92 ; branch if different
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_24),Y ; get mantissa 3
CMP LAB_64 ; compare with FAC1 mantissa 3
BNE LAB_BC92 ; branch if different
INY ; increment index
LDA #$7F ; set for 1/2 value rounding byte
CMP LAB_70 ; compare with FAC1 rounding byte (set carry)
LDA (LAB_24),Y ; get mantissa 4
SBC LAB_65 ; subtract FAC1 mantissa 4
BEQ LAB_BCBA ; exit if mantissa 4 equal
; gets here if number <> FAC1
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
BCC LAB_BC98 ; branch if FAC1 > (AY)
EOR #$FF ; else toggle FAC1 sign
JMP LAB_BC31 ; return A = $FF, Cb = 1/-ve A = $01, Cb = 0/+ve
; convert FAC1 floating to fixed
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
BEQ LAB_BCE9 ; if zero go clear FAC1 and return
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC #$A0 ; subtract maximum integer range exponent
BIT LAB_66 ; test FAC1 sign (b7)
BPL LAB_BCAF ; branch if FAC1 +ve
; FAC1 was -ve
TAX ; copy subtracted exponent
LDA #$FF ; overflow for -ve number
STA LAB_68 ; set FAC1 overflow byte
JSR LAB_B94D ; twos complement FAC1 mantissa
TXA ; restore subtracted exponent
LDX #$61 ; set index to FAC1
CMP #$F9 ; compare exponent result
BPL LAB_BCBB ; if < 8 shifts shift FAC1 A times right and return
JSR LAB_B999 ; shift FAC1 A times right (> 8 shifts)
STY LAB_68 ; clear FAC1 overflow byte
; shift FAC1 A times right
TAY ; copy shift count
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
AND #$80 ; mask sign bit only (x000 0000)
LSR LAB_62 ; shift FAC1 mantissa 1
ORA LAB_62 ; OR sign in b7 FAC1 mantissa 1
STA LAB_62 ; save FAC1 mantissa 1
JSR LAB_B9B0 ; shift FAC1 Y times right
STY LAB_68 ; clear FAC1 overflow byte
; perform INT()
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
CMP #$A0 ; compare with max int
BCS LAB_BCF2 ; exit if >= (allready int, too big for fractional part!)
JSR LAB_BC9B ; convert FAC1 floating to fixed
STY LAB_70 ; save FAC1 rounding byte
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
STY LAB_66 ; save FAC1 sign (b7)
EOR #$80 ; toggle FAC1 sign
ROL ; shift into carry
LDA #$A0 ; set new exponent
STA LAB_61 ; save FAC1 exponent
LDA LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
STA LAB_07 ; save FAC1 mantissa 4 for power function
JMP LAB_B8D2 ; do ABS and normalise FAC1
; clear FAC1 and return
STA LAB_62 ; clear FAC1 mantissa 1
STA LAB_63 ; clear FAC1 mantissa 2
STA LAB_64 ; clear FAC1 mantissa 3
STA LAB_65 ; clear FAC1 mantissa 4
TAY ; clear Y
; get FAC1 from string
LDY #$00 ; clear Y
LDX #$0A ; set index
STY LAB_5D,X ; clear byte
DEX ; decrement index
BPL LAB_BCF7 ; loop until numexp to negnum (and FAC1) = $00
BCC LAB_BD0D ; branch if first character is numeric
CMP #'-' ; else compare with "-"
BNE LAB_BD06 ; branch if not "-"
STX LAB_67 ; set flag for -ve n (negnum = $FF)
BEQ LAB_BD0A ; branch always
CMP #'+' ; else compare with "+"
BNE LAB_BD0F ; branch if not "+"
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
BCC LAB_BD6A ; branch if numeric character
CMP #'.' ; else compare with "."
BEQ LAB_BD41 ; branch if "."
CMP #'E' ; else compare with "E"
BNE LAB_BD47 ; branch if not "E"
; was "E" so evaluate exponential part
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
BCC LAB_BD33 ; branch if numeric character
CMP #TK_MINUS ; else compare with token for -
BEQ LAB_BD2E ; branch if token for -
CMP #'-' ; else compare with "-"
BEQ LAB_BD2E ; branch if "-"
CMP #TK_PLUS ; else compare with token for +
BEQ LAB_BD30 ; branch if token for +
CMP #'+' ; else compare with "+"
BEQ LAB_BD30 ; branch if "+"
BNE LAB_BD35 ; branch always
ROR LAB_60 ; set exponent -ve flag (C, which=1, into b7)
JSR LAB_0073 ; increment and scan memory
BCC LAB_BD91 ; branch if numeric character
BIT LAB_60 ; test exponent -ve flag
BPL LAB_BD47 ; if +ve go evaluate exponent
; else do exponent = -exponent
LDA #$00 ; clear result
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC LAB_5E ; subtract exponent byte
JMP LAB_BD49 ; go evaluate exponent
ROR LAB_5F ; set decimal point flag
BIT LAB_5F ; test decimal point flag
BVC LAB_BD0A ; branch if only one decimal point so far
; evaluate exponent
LDA LAB_5E ; get exponent count byte
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC LAB_5D ; subtract numerator exponent
STA LAB_5E ; save exponent count byte
BEQ LAB_BD62 ; branch if no adjustment
BPL LAB_BD5B ; else if +ve go do FAC1*10^expcnt
; else go do FAC1/10^(0-expcnt)
JSR LAB_BAFE ; divide FAC1 by 10
INC LAB_5E ; increment exponent count byte
BNE LAB_BD52 ; loop until all done
BEQ LAB_BD62 ; branch always
JSR LAB_BAE2 ; multiply FAC1 by 10
DEC LAB_5E ; decrement exponent count byte
BNE LAB_BD5B ; loop until all done
LDA LAB_67 ; get -ve flag
BMI LAB_BD67 ; if -ve do - FAC1 and return
; do - FAC1 and return
JMP LAB_BFB4 ; do - FAC1
; do unsigned FAC1*10+number
PHA ; save character
BIT LAB_5F ; test decimal point flag
BPL LAB_BD71 ; skip exponent increment if not set
INC LAB_5D ; else increment number exponent
JSR LAB_BAE2 ; multiply FAC1 by 10
PLA ; restore character
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC #'0' ; convert to binary
JSR LAB_BD7E ; evaluate new ASCII digit
JMP LAB_BD0A ; go do next character
; evaluate new ASCII digit
; multiply FAC1 by 10 then (ABS) add in new digit
PHA ; save digit
JSR LAB_BC0C ; round and copy FAC1 to FAC2
PLA ; restore digit
JSR LAB_BC3C ; save A as integer byte
LDA LAB_6E ; get FAC2 sign (b7)
EOR LAB_66 ; toggle with FAC1 sign (b7)
STA LAB_6F ; save sign compare (FAC1 EOR FAC2)
LDX LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
JMP LAB_B86A ; add FAC2 to FAC1 and return
; evaluate next character of exponential part of number
LDA LAB_5E ; get exponent count byte
CMP #$0A ; compare with 10 decimal
BCC LAB_BDA0 ; branch if less
LDA #$64 ; make all -ve exponents = -100 decimal (causes underflow)
BIT LAB_60 ; test exponent -ve flag
BMI LAB_BDAE ; branch if -ve
JMP LAB_B97E ; else do overflow error then warm start
ASL ; *2
ASL ; *4
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC LAB_5E ; *5
ASL ; *10
CLC ; clear carry for add
LDY #$00 ; set index
ADC (LAB_7A),Y ; add character (will be $30 too much!)
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC #'0' ; convert character to binary
STA LAB_5E ; save exponent count byte
JMP LAB_BD30 ; go get next character
; limits for scientific mode
.byte $9B,$3E,$BC,$1F,$FD
; 99999999.90625, maximum value with at least one decimal
.byte $9E,$6E,$6B,$27,$FD
; 999999999.25, maximum value before scientific notation
.byte $9E,$6E,$6B,$28,$00
; 1000000000
; do " IN " line number message
LDA #<LAB_A371 ; set " IN " pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_A371 ; set " IN " pointer high byte
JSR LAB_BDDA ; print null terminated string
LDA LAB_3A ; get the current line number high byte
LDX LAB_39 ; get the current line number low byte
; print XA as unsigned integer
STA LAB_62 ; save high byte as FAC1 mantissa1
STX LAB_63 ; save low byte as FAC1 mantissa2
LDX #$90 ; set exponent to 16d bits
SEC ; set integer is +ve flag
JSR LAB_BC49 ; set exponent = X, clear mantissa 4 and 3 and normalise
; FAC1
JSR LAB_BDDF ; convert FAC1 to string
JMP LAB_AB1E ; print null terminated string
; convert FAC1 to ASCII string result in (AY)
LDY #$01 ; set index = 1
LDA #' ' ; character = " " (assume +ve)
BIT LAB_66 ; test FAC1 sign (b7)
BPL LAB_BDE7 ; branch if +ve
LDA #'-' ; else character = "-"
STA LAB_FF,Y ; save leading character (" " or "-")
STA LAB_66 ; save FAC1 sign (b7)
STY LAB_71 ; save index
INY ; increment index
LDA #'0' ; set character = "0"
LDX LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
BNE LAB_BDF8 ; branch if FAC1<>0
; exponent was $00 so FAC1 is 0
JMP LAB_BF04 ; save last character, [EOT] and exit
; FAC1 is some non zero value
LDA #$00 ; clear (number exponent count)
CPX #$80 ; compare FAC1 exponent with $80 (<1.00000)
BEQ LAB_BE00 ; branch if 0.5 <= FAC1 < 1.0
BCS LAB_BE09 ; branch if FAC1=>1
LDA #<LAB_BDBD ; set 1000000000 pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_BDBD ; set 1000000000 pointer high byte
JSR LAB_BA28 ; do convert AY, FCA1*(AY)
LDA #$F7 ; set number exponent count
STA LAB_5D ; save number exponent count
LDA #<LAB_BDB8 ; set 999999999.25 pointer low byte (max before sci note)
LDY #>LAB_BDB8 ; set 999999999.25 pointer high byte
JSR LAB_BC5B ; compare FAC1 with (AY)
BEQ LAB_BE32 ; exit if FAC1 = (AY)
BPL LAB_BE28 ; go do /10 if FAC1 > (AY)
; FAC1 < (AY)
LDA #<LAB_BDB3 ; set 99999999.90625 pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_BDB3 ; set 99999999.90625 pointer high byte
JSR LAB_BC5B ; compare FAC1 with (AY)
BEQ LAB_BE21 ; branch if FAC1 = (AY) (allow decimal places)
BPL LAB_BE2F ; branch if FAC1 > (AY) (no decimal places)
; FAC1 <= (AY)
JSR LAB_BAE2 ; multiply FAC1 by 10
DEC LAB_5D ; decrement number exponent count
BNE LAB_BE16 ; go test again, branch always
JSR LAB_BAFE ; divide FAC1 by 10
INC LAB_5D ; increment number exponent count
BNE LAB_BE0B ; go test again, branch always
; now we have just the digits to do
JSR LAB_B849 ; add 0.5 to FAC1 (round FAC1)
JSR LAB_BC9B ; convert FAC1 floating to fixed
LDX #$01 ; set default digits before dp = 1
LDA LAB_5D ; get number exponent count
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$0A ; up to 9 digits before point
BMI LAB_BE47 ; if -ve then 1 digit before dp
CMP #$0B ; A>=$0B if n>=1E9
BCS LAB_BE48 ; branch if >= $0B
; carry is clear
ADC #$FF ; take 1 from digit count
TAX ; copy to X
LDA #$02 ;.set exponent adjust
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC #$02 ; -2
STA LAB_5E ;.save exponent adjust
STX LAB_5D ; save digits before dp count
TXA ; copy to A
BEQ LAB_BE53 ; branch if no digits before dp
BPL LAB_BE66 ; branch if digits before dp
LDY LAB_71 ; get output string index
LDA #'.' ; character "."
INY ; increment index
STA LAB_FF,Y ; save to output string
TXA ;.
LDA #'0' ; character "0"
INY ; increment index
STA LAB_FF,Y ; save to output string
STY LAB_71 ; save output string index
LDY #$00 ; clear index (point to 100,000)
LDX #$80 ;.
LDA LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC LAB_BF16+3,Y ; add byte 4, least significant
STA LAB_65 ; save FAC1 mantissa4
LDA LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
ADC LAB_BF16+2,Y ; add byte 3
STA LAB_64 ; save FAC1 mantissa3
LDA LAB_63 ; get FAC1 mantissa 2
ADC LAB_BF16+1,Y ; add byte 2
STA LAB_63 ; save FAC1 mantissa2
LDA LAB_62 ; get FAC1 mantissa 1
ADC LAB_BF16+0,Y ; add byte 1, most significant
STA LAB_62 ; save FAC1 mantissa1
INX ; increment the digit, set the sign on the test sense bit
BCS LAB_BE8E ; if the carry is set go test if the result was positive
; else the result needs to be negative
BPL LAB_BE6A ; not -ve so try again
BMI LAB_BE90 ; else done so return the digit
BMI LAB_BE6A ; not +ve so try again
; else done so return the digit
TXA ; copy the digit
BCC LAB_BE97 ; if Cb=0 just use it
EOR #$FF ; else make the 2's complement ..
ADC #$0A ; .. and subtract it from 10
ADC #'0'-1 ; add "0"-1 to result
INY ; increment ..
INY ; .. index to..
INY ; .. next less ..
INY ; .. power of ten
STY LAB_47 ; save current variable pointer low byte
LDY LAB_71 ; get output string index
INY ; increment output string index
TAX ; copy character to X
AND #$7F ; mask out top bit
STA LAB_FF,Y ; save to output string
DEC LAB_5D ; decrement # of characters before the dp
BNE LAB_BEB2 ; branch if still characters to do
; else output the point
LDA #'.' ; character "."
INY ; increment output string index
STA LAB_0100-1,Y ; save to output string
STY LAB_71 ; save output string index
LDY LAB_47 ; get current variable pointer low byte
TXA ; get character back
EOR #$FF ; toggle the test sense bit
AND #$80 ; clear the digit
TAX ; copy it to the new digit
; compare the table index with the max for decimal numbers
BEQ LAB_BEC4 ; if at the max exit the digit loop
; compare the table index with the max for time
BNE LAB_BE6A ; loop if not at the max
; now remove trailing zeroes
LDY LAB_71 ; restore the output string index
LDA LAB_0100-1,Y ; get character from output string
DEY ; decrement output string index
CMP #'0' ; compare with "0"
BEQ LAB_BEC6 ; loop until non "0" character found
CMP #'.' ; compare with "."
BEQ LAB_BED3 ; branch if was dp
; restore last character
INY ; increment output string index
LDA #'+' ; character "+"
LDX LAB_5E ; get exponent count
BEQ LAB_BF07 ; if zero go set null terminator and exit
; exponent isn't zero so write exponent
BPL LAB_BEE3 ; branch if exponent count +ve
LDA #$00 ; clear A
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC LAB_5E ; subtract exponent count adjust (convert -ve to +ve)
TAX ; copy exponent count to X
LDA #'-' ; character "-"
STA LAB_0100+1,Y ; save to output string
LDA #'E' ; character "E"
STA LAB_0100,Y ; save exponent sign to output string
TXA ; get exponent count back
LDX #'0'-1 ; one less than "0" character
SEC ; set carry for subtract
INX ; increment 10's character
SBC #$0A ;.subtract 10 from exponent count
BCS LAB_BEEF ; loop while still >= 0
ADC #':' ; add character ":" ($30+$0A, result is 10 less that value)
STA LAB_0100+3,Y ; save to output string
TXA ; copy 10's character
STA LAB_0100+2,Y ; save to output string
LDA #$00 ; set null terminator
STA LAB_0100+4,Y ; save to output string
BEQ LAB_BF0C ; go set string pointer (AY) and exit, branch always
; save last character, [EOT] and exit
STA LAB_0100-1,Y ; save last character to output string
; set null terminator and exit
LDA #$00 ; set null terminator
STA LAB_0100,Y ; save after last character
; set string pointer (AY) and exit
LDA #<LAB_0100 ; set result string pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_0100 ; set result string pointer high byte
; constants
.byte $80,$00 ; 0.5, first two bytes
.byte $00,$00,$00 ; null return for undefined variables
.byte $FA,$0A,$1F,$00 ; -100000000
.byte $00,$98,$96,$80 ; +10000000
.byte $FF,$F0,$BD,$C0 ; -1000000
.byte $00,$01,$86,$A0 ; +100000
.byte $FF,$FF,$D8,$F0 ; -10000
.byte $00,$00,$03,$E8 ; +1000
.byte $FF,$FF,$FF,$9C ; -100
.byte $00,$00,$00,$0A ; +10
.byte $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; -1
; jiffy counts
.byte $FF,$DF,$0A,$80 ; -2160000 10s hours
.byte $00,$03,$4B,$C0 ; +216000 hours
.byte $FF,$FF,$73,$60 ; -36000 10s mins
.byte $00,$00,$0E,$10 ; +3600 mins
.byte $FF,$FF,$FD,$A8 ; -600 10s secs
.byte $00,$00,$00,$3C ; +60 secs
; not referenced
.byte $EC ; checksum byte
; spare bytes, not referenced
.byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA
.byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA
; perform SQR()
JSR LAB_BC0C ; round and copy FAC1 to FAC2
LDA #<LAB_BF11 ; set 0.5 pointer low address
LDY #>LAB_BF11 ; set 0.5 pointer high address
JSR LAB_BBA2 ; unpack memory (AY) into FAC1
; perform power function
BEQ LAB_BFED ; perform EXP()
LDA LAB_69 ; get FAC2 exponent
BNE LAB_BF84 ; branch if FAC2<>0
JMP LAB_B8F9 ; clear FAC1 exponent and sign and return
LDX #<LAB_4E ; set destination pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_4E ; set destination pointer high byte
JSR LAB_BBD4 ; pack FAC1 into (XY)
LDA LAB_6E ; get FAC2 sign (b7)
BPL LAB_BF9E ; branch if FAC2>0
; else FAC2 is -ve and can only be raised to an
; integer power which gives an x + j0 result
JSR LAB_BCCC ; perform INT()
LDA #<LAB_4E ; set source pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_4E ; set source pointer high byte
JSR LAB_BC5B ; compare FAC1 with (AY)
BNE LAB_BF9E ; branch if FAC1 <> (AY) to allow Function Call error
; this will leave FAC1 -ve and cause a Function Call
; error when LOG() is called
TYA ; clear sign b7
LDY LAB_07 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4 from INT() function as sign in
; Y for possible later negation, b0 only needed
JSR LAB_BBFE ; save FAC1 sign and copy ABS(FAC2) to FAC1
TYA ; copy sign back ..
PHA ; .. and save it
JSR LAB_B9EA ; perform LOG()
LDA #<LAB_4E ; set pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_4E ; set pointer high byte
JSR LAB_BA28 ; do convert AY, FCA1*(AY)
JSR LAB_BFED ; perform EXP()
PLA ; pull sign from stack
LSR ; b0 is to be tested
BCC LAB_BFBE ; if no bit then exit
; do - FAC1
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
BEQ LAB_BFBE ; exit if FAC1_e = $00
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
EOR #$FF ; complement it
STA LAB_66 ; save FAC1 sign (b7)
; exp(n) constant and series
.byte $81,$38,$AA,$3B,$29 ; 1.443
.byte $07 ; series count
.byte $71,$34,$58,$3E,$56 ; 2.14987637E-5
.byte $74,$16,$7E,$B3,$1B ; 1.43523140E-4
.byte $77,$2F,$EE,$E3,$85 ; 1.34226348E-3
.byte $7A,$1D,$84,$1C,$2A ; 9.61401701E-3
.byte $7C,$63,$59,$58,$0A ; 5.55051269E-2
.byte $7E,$75,$FD,$E7,$C6 ; 2.40226385E-1
.byte $80,$31,$72,$18,$10 ; 6.93147186E-1
.byte $81,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 1.00000000
; perform EXP()
LDA #<LAB_BFBF ; set 1.443 pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_BFBF ; set 1.443 pointer high byte
JSR LAB_BA28 ; do convert AY, FCA1*(AY)
LDA LAB_70 ; get FAC1 rounding byte
ADC #$50 ; +$50/$100
BCC LAB_BFFD ; skip rounding if no carry
JSR LAB_BC23 ; round FAC1 (no check)
JMP LAB_E000 ; continue EXP()
; start of the kernal ROM
.ORG $E000
; EXP() continued
STA LAB_56 ; save FAC2 rounding byte
JSR LAB_BC0F ; copy FAC1 to FAC2
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
CMP #$88 ; compare with EXP limit (256d)
BCC LAB_E00E ; branch if less
JSR LAB_BAD4 ; handle overflow and underflow
JSR LAB_BCCC ; perform INT()
LDA LAB_07 ; get mantissa 4 from INT()
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$81 ; normalise +1
BEQ LAB_E00B ; if $00 result has overflowed so go handle it
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC #$01 ; exponent now correct
PHA ; save FAC2 exponent
; swap FAC1 and FAC2
LDX #$05 ; 4 bytes to do
LDA LAB_69,X ; get FAC2,X
LDY LAB_61,X ; get FAC1,X
STA LAB_61,X ; save FAC1,X
STY LAB_69,X ; save FAC2,X
DEX ; decrement count/index
BPL LAB_E01E ; loop if not all done
LDA LAB_56 ; get FAC2 rounding byte
STA LAB_70 ; save as FAC1 rounding byte
JSR LAB_B853 ; perform subtraction, FAC2 from FAC1
JSR LAB_BFB4 ; do - FAC1
LDA #<LAB_BFC4 ; set counter pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_BFC4 ; set counter pointer high byte
JSR LAB_E059 ; go do series evaluation
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_6F ; clear sign compare (FAC1 EOR FAC2)
PLA ;.get saved FAC2 exponent
JSR LAB_BAB9 ; test and adjust accumulators
; ^2 then series evaluation
STA LAB_71 ; save count pointer low byte
STY LAB_72 ; save count pointer high byte
JSR LAB_BBCA ; pack FAC1 into LAB_57
LDA #<LAB_57 ; set pointer low byte (Y already $00)
JSR LAB_BA28 ; do convert AY, FCA1*(AY)
JSR LAB_E05D ; go do series evaluation
LDA #<LAB_57 ; pointer to original # low byte
LDY #>LAB_57 ; pointer to original # high byte
JMP LAB_BA28 ; do convert AY, FCA1*(AY)
; do series evaluation
STA LAB_71 ; save count pointer low byte
STY LAB_72 ; save count pointer high byte
; do series evaluation
JSR LAB_BBC7 ; pack FAC1 into LAB_5C
LDA (LAB_71),Y ; get constants count
STA LAB_67 ; save constants count
LDY LAB_71 ; get count pointer low byte
INY ; increment it (now constants pointer)
TYA ; copy it
BNE LAB_E06C ; skip next if no overflow
INC LAB_72 ; else increment high byte
STA LAB_71 ; save low byte
LDY LAB_72 ; get high byte
JSR LAB_BA28 ; do convert AY, FCA1*(AY)
LDA LAB_71 ; get constants pointer low byte
LDY LAB_72 ; get constants pointer high byte
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$05 ; +5 to low pointer (5 bytes per constant)
BCC LAB_E07D ; skip next if no overflow
INY ; increment high byte
STA LAB_71 ; save pointer low byte
STY LAB_72 ; save pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B867 ; add (AY) to FAC1
LDA #<LAB_5C ; set pointer low byte to partial
LDY #>LAB_5C ; set pointer high byte to partial
DEC LAB_67 ; decrement constants count
BNE LAB_E070 ; loop until all done
; RND values
.byte $98,$35,$44,$7A,$00
; 11879546 multiplier
.byte $68,$28,$B1,$46,$00
; 3.927677739E-8 offset
; perform RND()
JSR LAB_BC2B ; get FAC1 sign
; return A = $FF -ve, A = $01 +ve
BMI LAB_E0D3 ; if n<0 copy byte swapped FAC1 into RND() seed
BNE LAB_E0BE ; if n>0 get next number in RND() sequence
; else n=0 so get the RND() number from VIA 1 timers
JSR LAB_FFF3 ; return base address of I/O devices
STX LAB_22 ; save pointer low byte
STY LAB_23 ; save pointer high byte
LDY #$04 ; set index to T1 low byte
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get T1 low byte
STA LAB_62 ; save FAC1 mantissa 1
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get T1 high byte
STA LAB_64 ; save FAC1 mantissa 3
LDY #$08 ; set index to T2 low byte
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get T2 low byte
STA LAB_63 ; save FAC1 mantissa 2
INY ; increment index
LDA (LAB_22),Y ; get T2 high byte
STA LAB_65 ; save FAC1 mantissa 4
JMP LAB_E0E3 ; set exponent and exit
LDA #<LAB_8B ; set seed pointer low address
LDY #>LAB_8B ; set seed pointer high address
JSR LAB_BBA2 ; unpack memory (AY) into FAC1
LDA #<LAB_E08D ; set 11879546 pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_E08D ; set 11879546 pointer high byte
JSR LAB_BA28 ; do convert AY, FCA1*(AY)
LDA #<LAB_E092 ; set 3.927677739E-8 pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_E092 ; set 3.927677739E-8 pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B867 ; add (AY) to FAC1
LDX LAB_65 ; get FAC1 mantissa 4
LDA LAB_62 ; get FAC1 mantissa 1
STA LAB_65 ; save FAC1 mantissa 4
STX LAB_62 ; save FAC1 mantissa 1
LDX LAB_63 ; get FAC1 mantissa 2
LDA LAB_64 ; get FAC1 mantissa 3
STA LAB_63 ; save FAC1 mantissa 2
STX LAB_64 ; save FAC1 mantissa 3
LDA #$00 ; clear byte
STA LAB_66 ; clear FAC1 sign (always +ve)
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
STA LAB_70 ; save FAC1 rounding byte
LDA #$80 ; set exponent = $80
STA LAB_61 ; save FAC1 exponent
JSR LAB_B8D7 ; normalise FAC1
LDX #<LAB_8B ; set seed pointer low address
LDY #>LAB_8B ; set seed pointer high address
; pack FAC1 into (XY)
JMP LAB_BBD4 ; pack FAC1 into (XY)
; handle BASIC I/O error
CMP #$F0 ; compare error with $F0
BNE LAB_E104 ; branch if not $F0
STY LAB_38 ; set end of memory high byte
STX LAB_37 ; set end of memory low byte
JMP LAB_A663 ; clear from start to end and return
; error was not $F0
TAX ; copy error #
BNE LAB_E109 ; branch if not $00
LDX #$1E ; else error $1E, break error
JMP LAB_A437 ; do error #X then warm start
; output character to channel with error check
JSR LAB_FFD2 ; output character to channel
BCS LAB_E0F9 ; if error go handle BASIC I/O error
; input character from channel with error check
JSR LAB_FFCF ; input character from channel
BCS LAB_E0F9 ; if error go handle BASIC I/O error
; open channel for output with error check
JSR LAB_E4AD ; open channel for output
BCS LAB_E0F9 ; if error go handle BASIC I/O error
; open channel for input with error check
JSR LAB_FFC6 ; open channel for input
BCS LAB_E0F9 ; if error go handle BASIC I/O error
; get character from input device with error check
JSR LAB_FFE4 ; get character from input device
BCS LAB_E0F9 ; if error go handle BASIC I/O error
; perform SYS
JSR LAB_AD8A ; evaluate expression and check is numeric, else do
; type mismatch
JSR LAB_B7F7 ; convert FAC_1 to integer in temporary integer
LDA #>LAB_E146 ; get return address high byte
PHA ; push as return address
LDA #<LAB_E146 ; get return address low byte
PHA ; push as return address
LDA LAB_030F ; get saved status register
PHA ; put on stack
LDA LAB_030C ; get saved A
LDX LAB_030D ; get saved X
LDY LAB_030E ; get saved Y
PLP ; pull processor status
JMP (LAB_14) ; call SYS address
; tail end of SYS code
LAB_E146 = *-1
PHP ; save status
STA LAB_030C ; save returned A
STX LAB_030D ; save returned X
STY LAB_030E ; save returned Y
PLA ; restore saved status
STA LAB_030F ; save status
; perform SAVE
JSR LAB_E1D4 ; get parameters for LOAD/SAVE
LDX LAB_2D ; get start of variables low byte
LDY LAB_2E ; get start of variables high byte
LDA #LAB_2B ; index to start of program memory
JSR LAB_FFD8 ; save RAM to device, A = index to start address, XY = end
; address low/high
BCS LAB_E0F9 ; if error go handle BASIC I/O error
; perform VERIFY
LDA #$01 ; flag verify
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_00A9
; perform LOAD
LDA #$00 ; flag load
STA LAB_0A ; set load/verify flag
JSR LAB_E1D4 ; get parameters for LOAD/SAVE
LDA LAB_0A ; get load/verify flag
LDX LAB_2B ; get start of memory low byte
LDY LAB_2C ; get start of memory high byte
JSR LAB_FFD5 ; load RAM from a device
BCS LAB_E1D1 ; if error go handle BASIC I/O error
LDA LAB_0A ; get load/verify flag
BEQ LAB_E195 ; branch if load
LDX #$1C ; error $1C, verify error
JSR LAB_FFB7 ; read I/O status word
AND #$10 ; mask for tape read error
BNE LAB_E19E ; branch if no read error
LDA LAB_7A ; get the BASIC execute pointer low byte
; is this correct ?? won't this mean the "OK" prompt
; when doing a load from within a program ?
CMP #$02 ;.
BEQ LAB_E194 ; if ?? skip "OK" prompt
LDA #<LAB_A364 ; set "OK" pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_A364 ; set "OK" pointer high byte
JMP LAB_AB1E ; print null terminated string
; do READY return to BASIC
JSR LAB_FFB7 ; read I/O status word
AND #$BF ; mask x0xx xxxx, clear read error
BEQ LAB_E1A1 ; branch if no errors
LDX #$1D ; error $1D, load error
JMP LAB_A437 ; do error #X then warm start
LDA LAB_7B ; get BASIC execute pointer high byte
CMP #$02 ; compare with $02xx
BNE LAB_E1B5 ; branch if not immediate mode
STX LAB_2D ; set start of variables low byte
STY LAB_2E ; set start of variables high byte
LDA #<LAB_A376 ; set "READY." pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_A376 ; set "READY." pointer high byte
JSR LAB_AB1E ; print null terminated string
JMP LAB_A52A ; reset execution, clear variables, flush stack,
; rebuild BASIC chain and do warm start
JSR LAB_A68E ; set BASIC execute pointer to start of memory - 1
JSR LAB_A533 ; rebuild BASIC line chaining
JMP LAB_A677 ; rebuild BASIC line chaining, do RESTORE and return
; perform OPEN
JSR LAB_E219 ; get parameters for OPEN/CLOSE
JSR LAB_FFC0 ; open a logical file
BCS LAB_E1D1 ; branch if error
; perform CLOSE
JSR LAB_E219 ; get parameters for OPEN/CLOSE
LDA LAB_49 ; get logical file number
JSR LAB_FFC3 ; close a specified logical file
BCC LAB_E194 ; exit if no error
JMP LAB_E0F9 ; go handle BASIC I/O error
; get parameters for LOAD/SAVE
LDA #$00 ; clear file name length
JSR LAB_FFBD ; clear the filename
LDX #$01 ; set default device number, cassette
LDY #$00 ; set default command
JSR LAB_FFBA ; set logical, first and second addresses
JSR LAB_E206 ; exit function if [EOT] or ":"
JSR LAB_E257 ; set filename
JSR LAB_E206 ; exit function if [EOT] or ":"
JSR LAB_E200 ; scan and get byte, else do syntax error then warm start
LDY #$00 ; clear command
STX LAB_49 ; save device number
JSR LAB_FFBA ; set logical, first and second addresses
JSR LAB_E206 ; exit function if [EOT] or ":"
JSR LAB_E200 ; scan and get byte, else do syntax error then warm start
TXA ; copy command to A
TAY ; copy command to Y
LDX LAB_49 ; get device number back
JMP LAB_FFBA ; set logical, first and second addresses and return
; scan and get byte, else do syntax error then warm start
JSR LAB_E20E ; scan for ",byte", else do syntax error then warm start
JMP LAB_B79E ; get byte parameter and return
; exit function if [EOT] or ":"
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
BNE LAB_E20D ; branch if not [EOL] or ":"
PLA ; dump return address low byte
PLA ; dump return address high byte
; scan for ",valid byte", else do syntax error then warm start
JSR LAB_AEFD ; scan for ",", else do syntax error then warm start
; scan for valid byte, not [EOL] or ":", else do syntax error then warm start
JSR LAB_0079 ; scan memory
BNE LAB_E20D ; exit if following byte
JMP LAB_AF08 ; else do syntax error then warm start
; get parameters for OPEN/CLOSE
LDA #$00 ; clear the filename length
JSR LAB_FFBD ; clear the filename
JSR LAB_E211 ; scan for valid byte, else do syntax error then warm start
JSR LAB_B79E ; get byte parameter, logical file number
STX LAB_49 ; save logical file number
TXA ; copy logical file number to A
LDX #$01 ; set default device number, cassette
LDY #$00 ; set default command
JSR LAB_FFBA ; set logical, first and second addresses
JSR LAB_E206 ; exit function if [EOT] or ":"
JSR LAB_E200 ; scan and get byte, else do syntax error then warm start
STX LAB_4A ; save device number
LDY #$00 ; clear command
LDA LAB_49 ; get logical file number
CPX #$03 ; compare device number with screen
BCC LAB_E23F ; branch if less than screen
DEY ; else decrement command
JSR LAB_FFBA ; set logical, first and second addresses
JSR LAB_E206 ; exit function if [EOT] or ":"
JSR LAB_E200 ; scan and get byte, else do syntax error then warm start
TXA ; copy command to A
TAY ; copy command to Y
LDX LAB_4A ; get device number
LDA LAB_49 ; get logical file number
JSR LAB_FFBA ; set logical, first and second addresses
JSR LAB_E206 ; exit function if [EOT] or ":"
JSR LAB_E20E ; scan for ",byte", else do syntax error then warm start
; set filename
JSR LAB_AD9E ; evaluate expression
JSR LAB_B6A3 ; evaluate string
LDX LAB_22 ; get string pointer low byte
LDY LAB_23 ; get string pointer high byte
JMP LAB_FFBD ; set the filename and return
; perform COS()
LDA #<LAB_E2E0 ; set pi/2 pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_E2E0 ; set pi/2 pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B867 ; add (AY) to FAC1
; perform SIN()
JSR LAB_BC0C ; round and copy FAC1 to FAC2
LDA #<LAB_E2E5 ; set 2*pi pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_E2E5 ; set 2*pi pointer high byte
LDX LAB_6E ; get FAC2 sign (b7)
JSR LAB_BB07 ; divide by (AY) (X=sign)
JSR LAB_BC0C ; round and copy FAC1 to FAC2
JSR LAB_BCCC ; perform INT()
LDA #$00 ; clear byte
STA LAB_6F ; clear sign compare (FAC1 EOR FAC2)
JSR LAB_B853 ; perform subtraction, FAC2 from FAC1
LDA #<LAB_E2EA ; set 0.25 pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_E2EA ; set 0.25 pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B850 ; perform subtraction, FAC1 from (AY)
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
PHA ; save FAC1 sign
BPL LAB_E29D ; branch if +ve
; FAC1 sign was -ve
JSR LAB_B849 ; add 0.5 to FAC1 (round FAC1)
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
BMI LAB_E2A0 ; branch if -ve
LDA LAB_12 ; get the comparison evaluation flag
EOR #$FF ; toggle flag
STA LAB_12 ; save the comparison evaluation flag
JSR LAB_BFB4 ; do - FAC1
LDA #<LAB_E2EA ; set 0.25 pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_E2EA ; set 0.25 pointer high byte
JSR LAB_B867 ; add (AY) to FAC1
PLA ; restore FAC1 sign
BPL LAB_E2AD ; branch if was +ve
; else correct FAC1
JSR LAB_BFB4 ; do - FAC1
LDA #<LAB_E2EF ; set pointer low byte to counter
LDY #>LAB_E2EF ; set pointer high byte to counter
JMP LAB_E043 ; ^2 then series evaluation and return
; perform TAN()
JSR LAB_BBCA ; pack FAC1 into LAB_57
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_12 ; clear the comparison evaluation flag
JSR LAB_E26B ; perform SIN()
LDX #<LAB_4E ; set sin(n) pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_4E ; set sin(n) pointer high byte
JSR LAB_E0F6 ; pack FAC1 into (XY)
LDA #<LAB_57 ; set n pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_57 ; set n pointer high byte
JSR LAB_BBA2 ; unpack memory (AY) into FAC1
LDA #$00 ; clear byte
STA LAB_66 ; clear FAC1 sign (b7)
LDA LAB_12 ; get the comparison evaluation flag
JSR LAB_E2DC ; save flag and go do series evaluation
LDA #<LAB_4E ; set sin(n) pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_4E ; set sin(n) pointer high byte
JMP LAB_BB0F ; convert AY and do (AY)/FAC1
; save comparison flag and do series evaluation
PHA ; save comparison flag
JMP LAB_E29D ; add 0.25, ^2 then series evaluation
; constants and series for SIN/COS(n)
.byte $81,$49,$0F,$DA,$A2 ; 1.570796371, pi/2, as floating number
.byte $83,$49,$0F,$DA,$A2 ; 6.28319, 2*pi, as floating number
.byte $7F,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 0.25
.byte $05 ; series counter
.byte $84,$E6,$1A,$2D,$1B ; -14.3813907
.byte $86,$28,$07,$FB,$F8 ; 42.0077971
.byte $87,$99,$68,$89,$01 ; -76.7041703
.byte $87,$23,$35,$DF,$E1 ; 81.6052237
.byte $86,$A5,$5D,$E7,$28 ; -41.3417021
.byte $83,$49,$0F,$DA,$A2 ; 6.28318531
; perform ATN()
LDA LAB_66 ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
PHA ; save sign
BPL LAB_E316 ; branch if +ve
JSR LAB_BFB4 ; else do - FAC1
LDA LAB_61 ; get FAC1 exponent
PHA ; push exponent
CMP #$81 ; compare with 1
BCC LAB_E324 ; branch if FAC1 < 1
LDA #<LAB_B9BC ; pointer to 1 low byte
LDY #>LAB_B9BC ; pointer to 1 high byte
JSR LAB_BB0F ; convert AY and do (AY)/FAC1
LDA #<LAB_E33E ; pointer to series low byte
LDY #>LAB_E33E ; pointer to series high byte
JSR LAB_E043 ; ^2 then series evaluation
PLA ; restore old FAC1 exponent
CMP #$81 ; compare with 1
BCC LAB_E337 ; branch if FAC1 < 1
LDA #<LAB_E2E0 ; pointer to (pi/2) low byte
LDY #>LAB_E2E0 ; pointer to (pi/2) low byte
JSR LAB_B850 ; perform subtraction, FAC1 from (AY)
PLA ; restore FAC1 sign
BPL LAB_E33D ; exit if was +ve
JMP LAB_BFB4 ; else do - FAC1 and return
; series for ATN(n)
.byte $0B ; series counter
.byte $76,$B3,$83,$BD,$D3 ;-6.84793912e-04
.byte $79,$1E,$F4,$A6,$F5 ; 4.85094216e-03
.byte $7B,$83,$FC,$B0,$10 ;-0.0161117015
.byte $7C,$0C,$1F,$67,$CA ; 0.034209638
.byte $7C,$DE,$53,$CB,$C1 ;-0.054279133
.byte $7D,$14,$64,$70,$4C ; 0.0724571965
.byte $7D,$B7,$EA,$51,$7A ;-0.0898019185
.byte $7D,$63,$30,$88,$7E ; 0.110932413
.byte $7E,$92,$44,$99,$3A ;-0.142839808
.byte $7E,$4C,$CC,$91,$C7 ; 0.19999912
.byte $7F,$AA,$AA,$AA,$13 ;-0.333333316
.byte $81,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; 1.000000000
; BASIC warm start entry point
JSR LAB_FFCC ; close input and output channels
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_13 ; set current I/O channel, flag default
JSR LAB_A67A ; flush BASIC stack and clear continue pointer
CLI ; enable the interrupts
LDX #$80 ; set -ve error, just do warm start
JMP (LAB_0300) ; go handle error message, normally LAB_E38B
TXA ; copy the error number
BMI LAB_E391 ; if -ve go do warm start
JMP LAB_A43A ; else do error #X then warm start
JMP LAB_A474 ; do warm start
; BASIC cold start entry point
JSR LAB_E453 ; initialise the BASIC vector table
JSR LAB_E3BF ; initialise the BASIC RAM locations
JSR LAB_E422 ; print the start up message and initialise the memory
; pointers
; not ok ??
LDX #$FB ; value for start stack
TXS ; set stack pointer
BNE LAB_E386 ; do "READY." warm start, branch always
; character get subroutine for zero page
; the target address for the LDA $EA60 becomes the BASIC execute pointer once the
; block is copied to its destination, any non zero page address will do at assembly
; time, to assemble a three byte instruction. $EA60 is RTS, NOP.
; page 0 initialisation table from LAB_0073
; increment and scan memory
INC LAB_7A ; increment BASIC execute pointer low byte
BNE LAB_E3A8 ; branch if no carry
; else
INC LAB_7B ; increment BASIC execute pointer high byte
; page 0 initialisation table from LAB_0079
; scan memory
LDA $EA60 ; get byte to scan, address set by call routine
CMP #':' ; compare with ":"
BCS LAB_E3B9 ; exit if>=
; page 0 initialisation table from LAB_0080
; clear Cb if numeric
CMP #' ' ; compare with " "
BEQ LAB_E3A2 ; if " " go do next
SEC ; set carry for SBC
SBC #'0' ; subtract "0"
SEC ; set carry for SBC
SBC #$D0 ; subtract -"0"
; clear carry if byte = "0"-"9"
; spare bytes, not referenced
.byte $80,$4F,$C7,$52,$58
; 0.811635157
; initialise BASIC RAM locations
LDA #$4C ; opcode for JMP
STA LAB_54 ; save for functions vector jump
STA LAB_0310 ; save for USR() vector jump
; set USR() vector to illegal quantity error
LDA #<LAB_B248 ; set USR() vector low byte
LDY #>LAB_B248 ; set USR() vector high byte
STA LAB_0311 ; save USR() vector low byte
STY LAB_0312 ; save USR() vector high byte
LDA #<LAB_B391 ; set fixed to float vector low byte
LDY #>LAB_B391 ; set fixed to float vector high byte
STA LAB_05 ; save fixed to float vector low byte
STY LAB_06 ; save fixed to float vector high byte
LDA #<LAB_B1AA ; set float to fixed vector low byte
LDY #>LAB_B1AA ; set float to fixed vector high byte
STA LAB_03 ; save float to fixed vector low byte
STY LAB_04 ; save float to fixed vector high byte
; copy the character get subroutine from LAB_E3A2 to LAB_0074
LDX #$1C ; set the byte count
LDA LAB_E3A2,X ; get a byte from the table
STA LAB_0073,X ; save the byte in page zero
DEX ; decrement the count
BPL LAB_E3E2 ; loop if not all done
; clear descriptors, strings, program area and mamory pointers
LDA #$03 ; set the step size, collecting descriptors
STA LAB_53 ; save the garbage collection step size
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_68 ; clear FAC1 overflow byte
STA LAB_13 ; clear the current I/O channel, flag default
STA LAB_18 ; clear the current descriptor stack item pointer high byte
LDX #$01 ; set X
STX LAB_01FD ; set the chain link pointer low byte
STX LAB_01FC ; set the chain link pointer high byte
LDX #LAB_19 ; initial the value for descriptor stack
STX LAB_16 ; set descriptor stack pointer
SEC ; set Cb = 1 to read the bottom of memory
JSR LAB_FF9C ; read/set the bottom of memory
STX LAB_2B ; save the start of memory low byte
STY LAB_2C ; save the start of memory high byte
SEC ; set Cb = 1 to read the top of memory
JSR LAB_FF99 ; read/set the top of memory
STX LAB_37 ; save the end of memory low byte
STY LAB_38 ; save the end of memory high byte
STX LAB_33 ; set the bottom of string space low byte
STY LAB_34 ; set the bottom of string space high byte
LDY #$00 ; clear the index
TYA ; clear the A
STA (LAB_2B),Y ; clear the the first byte of memory
INC LAB_2B ; increment the start of memory low byte
BNE LAB_E421 ; if no rollover skip the high byte increment
INC LAB_2C ; increment start of memory high byte
; print the start up message and initialise the memory pointers
LDA LAB_2B ; get the start of memory low byte
LDY LAB_2C ; get the start of memory high byte
JSR LAB_A408 ; check available memory, do out of memory error if no room
LDA #<LAB_E473 ; set "**** COMMODORE 64 BASIC V2 ****" pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_E473 ; set "**** COMMODORE 64 BASIC V2 ****" pointer high byte
JSR LAB_AB1E ; print a null terminated string
LDA LAB_37 ; get the end of memory low byte
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC LAB_2B ; subtract the start of memory low byte
TAX ; copy the result to X
LDA LAB_38 ; get the end of memory high byte
SBC LAB_2C ; subtract the start of memory high byte
JSR LAB_BDCD ; print XA as unsigned integer
LDA #<LAB_E460 ; set " BYTES FREE" pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_E460 ; set " BYTES FREE" pointer high byte
JSR LAB_AB1E ; print a null terminated string
JMP LAB_A644 ; do NEW, CLEAR, RESTORE and return
; BASIC vectors, these are copied to RAM from LAB_0300 onwards
.word LAB_E38B ; error message LAB_0300
.word LAB_A483 ; BASIC warm start LAB_0302
.word LAB_A57C ; crunch BASIC tokens LAB_0304
.word LAB_A71A ; uncrunch BASIC tokens LAB_0306
.word LAB_A7E4 ; start new BASIC code LAB_0308
.word LAB_AE86 ; get arithmetic element LAB_030A
; initialise the BASIC vectors
LDX #$0B ; set byte count
LDA LAB_E447,X ; get byte from table
STA LAB_0300,X ; save byte to RAM
DEX ; decrement index
BPL LAB_E455 ; loop if more to do
.byte $00 ; unused byte ??
; BASIC startup messages
.byte " BASIC BYTES FREE",$0D,$00
.byte $93,$0D
.byte " **** COMMODORE 64 BASIC V2 ****",$0D
.byte $0D
.byte " 64K RAM SYSTEM ",$00
; unused
.byte $81 ; unused byte ??
; open channel for output
PHA ; save the flag byte
JSR LAB_FFC9 ; open channel for output
TAX ; copy the returned flag byte
PLA ; restore the alling flag byte
BCC LAB_E4B6 ; if there is no error skip copying the error flag
TXA ; else copy the error flag
; unused bytes
.byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA ; unused
.byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA ; unused
.byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA ; unused
.byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA ; unused
.byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA ; unused
.byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA ; unused
.byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA ; unused
; flag the RS232 start bit and set the parity
STA LAB_A9 ; save the start bit check flag, set start bit received
LDA #$01 ; set the initial parity state
STA LAB_AB ; save the receiver parity bit
; save the current colour to the colour RAM
LDA LAB_0286 ; get the current colour code
STA (LAB_F3),Y ; save it to the colour RAM
; wait ~8.5 seconds for any key from the STOP key column
ADC #$02 ; set the number of jiffies to wait
LDY LAB_91 ; read the stop key column
INY ; test for $FF, no keys pressed
BNE LAB_E4EB ; if any keys were pressed just exit
CMP LAB_A1 ; compare the wait time with the jiffy clock mid byte
BNE LAB_E4E2 ; if not there yet go wait some more
; baud rate word is calculated from ..
; (system clock / baud rate) / 2 - 100
; system clock
; ------------
; PAL 985248 Hz
; NTSC 1022727 Hz
; baud rate tables for PAL C64
.word $2619 ; 50 baud 985300
.word $1944 ; 75 baud 985200
.word $111A ; 110 baud 985160
.word $0DE8 ; 134.5 baud 984540
.word $0C70 ; 150 baud 985200
.word $0606 ; 300 baud 985200
.word $02D1 ; 600 baud 985200
.word $0137 ; 1200 baud 986400
.word $00AE ; 1800 baud 986400
.word $0069 ; 2400 baud 984000
; return the base address of the I/O devices
LDX #<LAB_DC00 ; get the I/O base address low byte
LDY #>LAB_DC00 ; get the I/O base address high byte
; return the x,y organization of the screen
LDX #$28 ; get the x size
LDY #$19 ; get the y size
; read/set the x,y cursor position
BCS LAB_E513 ; if read cursor go do read
STX LAB_D6 ; save the cursor row
STY LAB_D3 ; save the cursor column
JSR LAB_E56C ; set the screen pointers for the cursor row, column
LDX LAB_D6 ; get the cursor row
LDY LAB_D3 ; get the cursor column
; initialise the screen and keyboard
JSR LAB_E5A0 ; initialise the vic chip
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_0291 ; clear the shift mode switch
STA LAB_CF ; clear the cursor blink phase
LDA #<LAB_EB48 ; get the keyboard decode logic pointer low byte
STA LAB_028F ; save the keyboard decode logic pointer low byte
LDA #>LAB_EB48 ; get the keyboard decode logic pointer high byte
STA LAB_0290 ; save the keyboard decode logic pointer high byte
LDA #$0A ; set the maximum size of the keyboard buffer
STA LAB_0289 ; save the maximum size of the keyboard buffer
STA LAB_028C ; save the repeat delay counter
LDA #$0E ; set light blue
STA LAB_0286 ; save the current colour code
LDA #$04 ; speed 4
STA LAB_028B ; save the repeat speed counter
LDA #$0C ; set the cursor flash timing
STA LAB_CD ; save the cursor timing countdown
STA LAB_CC ; save the cursor enable, $00 = flash cursor
; clear the screen
LDA LAB_0288 ; get the screen memory page
ORA #$80 ; set the high bit, flag every line is a logical line start
TAY ; copy to Y
LDA #$00 ; clear the line start low byte
TAX ; clear the index
STY LAB_D9,X ; save the start of line X pointer high byte
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$28 ; add the line length to the low byte
BCC LAB_E555 ; if no rollover skip the high byte increment
INY ; else increment the high byte
INX ; increment the line index
CPX #$1A ; compare it with the number of lines + 1
BNE LAB_E54D ; loop if not all done
LDA #$FF ; set the end of table marker
STA LAB_D9,X ; mark the end of the table
LDX #$18 ; set the line count, 25 lines to do, 0 to 24
JSR LAB_E9FF ; clear screen line X
DEX ; decrement the count
BPL LAB_E560 ; loop if more to do
; home the cursor
LDY #$00 ; clear Y
STY LAB_D3 ; clear the cursor column
STY LAB_D6 ; clear the cursor row
; set screen pointers for cursor row, column
LDX LAB_D6 ; get the cursor row
LDA LAB_D3 ; get the cursor column
LDY LAB_D9,X ; get start of line X pointer high byte
BMI LAB_E57C ; if it is the logical line start continue
CLC ; else clear carry for add
ADC #$28 ; add one line length
STA LAB_D3 ; save the cursor column
DEX ; decrement the cursor row
BPL LAB_E570 ; loop, branch always
JSR LAB_E9F0 ; fetch a screen address
LDA #$27 ; set the line length
INX ; increment the cursor row
LDY LAB_D9,X ; get the start of line X pointer high byte
BMI LAB_E58C ; if logical line start exit
CLC ; else clear carry for add
ADC #$28 ; add one line length to the current line length
INX ; increment the cursor row
BPL LAB_E582 ; loop, branch always
STA LAB_D5 ; save current screen line length
JMP LAB_EA24 ; calculate the pointer to colour RAM and return
CPX LAB_C9 ; compare it with the input cursor row
BEQ LAB_E598 ; if there just exit
JMP LAB_E6ED ; else go ??
; orphan bytes ??
NOP ; huh
JSR LAB_E5A0 ; initialise the vic chip
JMP LAB_E566 ; home the cursor and return
; initialise the vic chip
LDA #$03 ; set the screen as the output device
STA LAB_9A ; save the output device number
LDA #$00 ; set the keyboard as the input device
STA LAB_99 ; save the input device number
LDX #$2F ; set the count/index
LDA LAB_ECB9-1,X ; get a vic ii chip initialisation value
STA LAB_D000-1,X ; save it to the vic ii chip
DEX ; decrement the count/index
BNE LAB_E5AA ; loop if more to do
; input from the keyboard buffer
LDY LAB_0277 ; get the current character from the buffer
LDX #$00 ; clear the index
LDA LAB_0277+1,X ; get the next character,X from the buffer
STA LAB_0277,X ; save it as the current character,X in the buffer
INX ; increment the index
CPX LAB_C6 ; compare it with the keyboard buffer index
BNE LAB_E5B9 ; loop if more to do
DEC LAB_C6 ; decrement keyboard buffer index
TYA ; copy the key to A
CLI ; enable the interrupts
CLC ; flag got byte
; write character and wait for key
JSR LAB_E716 ; output character
; wait for a key from the keyboard
LDA LAB_C6 ; get the keyboard buffer index
STA LAB_CC ; cursor enable, $00 = flash cursor, $xx = no flash
STA LAB_0292 ; screen scrolling flag, $00 = scroll, $xx = no scroll
; this disables both the cursor flash and the screen scroll
; while there are characters in the keyboard buffer
BEQ LAB_E5CD ; loop if the buffer is empty
SEI ; disable the interrupts
LDA LAB_CF ; get the cursor blink phase
BEQ LAB_E5E7 ; if cursor phase skip the overwrite
; else it is the character phase
LDA LAB_CE ; get the character under the cursor
LDX LAB_0287 ; get the colour under the cursor
LDY #$00 ; clear Y
STY LAB_CF ; clear the cursor blink phase
JSR LAB_EA13 ; print character A and colour X
JSR LAB_E5B4 ; input from the keyboard buffer
CMP #$83 ; compare with [SHIFT][RUN]
BNE LAB_E5FE ; if not [SHIFT][RUN] skip the buffer fill
; keys are [SHIFT][RUN] so put "LOAD",$0D,"RUN",$0D into
; the buffer
LDX #$09 ; set the byte count
SEI ; disable the interrupts
STX LAB_C6 ; set the keyboard buffer index
LDA LAB_ECE7-1,X ; get byte from the auto load/run table
STA LAB_0277-1,X ; save it to the keyboard buffer
DEX ; decrement the count/index
BNE LAB_E5F3 ; loop while more to do
BEQ LAB_E5CD ; loop for the next key, branch always
; was not [SHIFT][RUN]
CMP #$0D ; compare the key with [CR]
BNE LAB_E5CA ; if not [CR] print the character and get the next key
; else it was [CR]
LDY LAB_D5 ; get the current screen line length
STY LAB_D0 ; input from keyboard or screen, $xx = screen,
; $00 = keyboard
LDA (LAB_D1),Y ; get the character from the current screen line
CMP #' ' ; compare it with [SPACE]
BNE LAB_E60F ; if not [SPACE] continue
DEY ; else eliminate the space, decrement end of input line
BNE LAB_E606 ; loop, branch always
INY ; increment past the last non space character on line
STY LAB_C8 ; save the input [EOL] pointer
LDY #$00 ; clear A
STY LAB_0292 ; clear the screen scrolling flag, $00 = scroll
STY LAB_D3 ; clear the cursor column
STY LAB_D4 ; clear the cursor quote flag, $xx = quote, $00 = no quote
LDA LAB_C9 ; get the input cursor row
LDX LAB_D6 ; get the cursor row
JSR LAB_E591 ; find and set the pointers for the start of logical line
CPX LAB_C9 ; compare with input cursor row
LDA LAB_CA ; get the input cursor column
STA LAB_D3 ; save the cursor column
CMP LAB_C8 ; compare the cursor column with input [EOL] pointer
BCC LAB_E63A ; if less, cursor is in line, go ??
BCS LAB_E65D ; else the cursor is beyond the line end, branch always
; input from screen or keyboard
TYA ; copy Y
PHA ; save Y
TXA ; copy X
PHA ; save X
LDA LAB_D0 ; input from keyboard or screen, $xx = screen,
; $00 = keyboard
BEQ LAB_E5CD ; if keyboard go wait for key
LDY LAB_D3 ; get the cursor column
LDA (LAB_D1),Y ; get character from the current screen line
STA LAB_D7 ; save temporary last character
AND #$3F ; mask key bits
ASL LAB_D7 ; << temporary last character
BIT LAB_D7 ; test it
BPL LAB_E64A ; branch if not [NO KEY]
ORA #$80 ;.
BCC LAB_E650 ;.
LDX LAB_D4 ; get the cursor quote flag, $xx = quote, $00 = no quote
BNE LAB_E654 ; if in quote mode go ??
BVS LAB_E654 ;.
ORA #$40 ;.
INC LAB_D3 ; increment the cursor column
JSR LAB_E684 ; if open quote toggle the cursor quote flag
CPY LAB_C8 ; compare ?? with input [EOL] pointer
BNE LAB_E674 ; if not at line end go ??
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_D0 ; clear input from keyboard or screen, $xx = screen,
; $00 = keyboard
LDA #$0D ; set character [CR]
LDX LAB_99 ; get the input device number
CPX #$03 ; compare the input device with the screen
BEQ LAB_E66F ; if screen go ??
LDX LAB_9A ; get the output device number
CPX #$03 ; compare the output device with the screen
BEQ LAB_E672 ; if screen go ??
JSR LAB_E716 ; output the character
LDA #$0D ; set character [CR]
STA LAB_D7 ; save character
PLA ; pull X
TAX ; restore X
PLA ; pull Y
TAY ; restore Y
LDA LAB_D7 ; restore character
CMP #$DE ;.
BNE LAB_E682 ;.
LDA #$FF ;.
CLC ; flag ok
; if open quote toggle cursor quote flag
CMP #$22 ; comapre byte with "
BNE LAB_E690 ; exit if not "
LDA LAB_D4 ; get cursor quote flag, $xx = quote, $00 = no quote
EOR #$01 ; toggle it
STA LAB_D4 ; save cursor quote flag
LDA #$22 ; restore the "
; insert uppercase/graphic character
ORA #$40 ; change to uppercase/graphic
LDX LAB_C7 ; get the reverse flag
BEQ LAB_E699 ; branch if not reverse
; else ..
; insert reversed character
ORA #$80 ; reverse character
LDX LAB_D8 ; get the insert count
BEQ LAB_E69F ; branch if none
DEC LAB_D8 ; else decrement the insert count
LDX LAB_0286 ; get the current colour code
JSR LAB_EA13 ; print character A and colour X
JSR LAB_E6B6 ; advance the cursor
; restore the registers, set the quote flag and exit
PLA ; pull Y
TAY ; restore Y
LDA LAB_D8 ; get the insert count
BEQ LAB_E6B0 ; skip quote flag clear if inserts to do
LSR LAB_D4 ; clear cursor quote flag, $xx = quote, $00 = no quote
PLA ; pull X
TAX ; restore X
PLA ; restore A
CLC ;.
CLI ; enable the interrupts
; advance the cursor
JSR LAB_E8B3 ; test for line increment
INC LAB_D3 ; increment the cursor column
LDA LAB_D5 ; get current screen line length
CMP LAB_D3 ; compare ?? with the cursor column
BCS LAB_E700 ; exit if line length >= cursor column
CMP #$4F ; compare with max length
BEQ LAB_E6F7 ; if at max clear column, back cursor up and do newline
LDA LAB_0292 ; get the autoscroll flag
BEQ LAB_E6CD ; branch if autoscroll on
JMP LAB_E967 ;.else open space on screen
LDX LAB_D6 ; get the cursor row
CPX #$19 ; compare with max + 1
BCC LAB_E6DA ; if less than max + 1 go add this row to the current
; logical line
JSR LAB_E8EA ; else scroll the screen
DEC LAB_D6 ; decrement the cursor row
LDX LAB_D6 ; get the cursor row
; add this row to the current logical line
ASL LAB_D9,X ; shift start of line X pointer high byte
LSR LAB_D9,X ; shift start of line X pointer high byte back,
; make next screen line start of logical line, increment line length and set pointers
; clear b7, start of logical line
INX ; increment screen row
LDA LAB_D9,X ; get start of line X pointer high byte
ORA #$80 ; mark as start of logical line
STA LAB_D9,X ; set start of line X pointer high byte
DEX ; restore screen row
LDA LAB_D5 ; get current screen line length
; add one line length and set the pointers for the start of the line
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$28 ; add one line length
STA LAB_D5 ; save current screen line length
LDA LAB_D9,X ; get start of line X pointer high byte
BMI LAB_E6F4 ; exit loop if start of logical line
DEX ; else back up one line
BNE LAB_E6ED ; loop if not on first line
JMP LAB_E9F0 ; fetch a screen address
DEC LAB_D6 ; decrement the cursor row
JSR LAB_E87C ; do newline
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_D3 ; clear the cursor column
; back onto the previous line if possible
LDX LAB_D6 ; get the cursor row
BNE LAB_E70B ; branch if not top row
STX LAB_D3 ; clear cursor column
PLA ; dump return address low byte
PLA ; dump return address high byte
BNE LAB_E6A8 ; restore registers, set quote flag and exit, branch always
DEX ; decrement the cursor row
STX LAB_D6 ; save the cursor row
JSR LAB_E56C ; set the screen pointers for cursor row, column
LDY LAB_D5 ; get current screen line length
STY LAB_D3 ; save the cursor column
; output a character to the screen
PHA ; save character
STA LAB_D7 ; save temporary last character
TXA ; copy X
PHA ; save X
TYA ; copy Y
PHA ; save Y
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_D0 ; clear input from keyboard or screen, $xx = screen,
; $00 = keyboard
LDY LAB_D3 ; get cursor column
LDA LAB_D7 ; restore last character
BPL LAB_E72A ; branch if unshifted
JMP LAB_E7D4 ; do shifted characters and return
CMP #$0D ; compare with [CR]
BNE LAB_E731 ; branch if not [CR]
JMP LAB_E891 ; else output [CR] and return
CMP #' ' ; compare with [SPACE]
BCC LAB_E745 ; branch if < [SPACE]
CMP #$60 ;.
BCC LAB_E73D ; branch if $20 to $5F
; character is $60 or greater
AND #$DF ;.
AND #$3F ;.
JSR LAB_E684 ; if open quote toggle cursor direct/programmed flag
JMP LAB_E693 ;.
; character was < [SPACE] so is a control character
; of some sort
LDX LAB_D8 ; get the insert count
BEQ LAB_E74C ; if no characters to insert continue
JMP LAB_E697 ; insert reversed character
CMP #$14 ; compare the character with [INSERT]/[DELETE]
BNE LAB_E77E ; if not [INSERT]/[DELETE] go ??
TYA ;.
BNE LAB_E759 ;.
JSR LAB_E701 ; back onto the previous line if possible
JMP LAB_E773 ;.
JSR LAB_E8A1 ; test for line decrement
; now close up the line
DEY ; decrement index to previous character
STY LAB_D3 ; save the cursor column
JSR LAB_EA24 ; calculate the pointer to colour RAM
INY ; increment index to next character
LDA (LAB_D1),Y ; get character from current screen line
DEY ; decrement index to previous character
STA (LAB_D1),Y ; save character to current screen line
INY ; increment index to next character
LDA (LAB_F3),Y ; get colour RAM byte
DEY ; decrement index to previous character
STA (LAB_F3),Y ; save colour RAM byte
INY ; increment index to next character
CPY LAB_D5 ; compare with current screen line length
BNE LAB_E762 ; loop if not there yet
LDA #' ' ; set [SPACE]
STA (LAB_D1),Y ; clear last character on current screen line
LDA LAB_0286 ; get the current colour code
STA (LAB_F3),Y ; save to colour RAM
BPL LAB_E7CB ; branch always
LDX LAB_D4 ; get cursor quote flag, $xx = quote, $00 = no quote
BEQ LAB_E785 ; branch if not quote mode
JMP LAB_E697 ; insert reversed character
CMP #$12 ; compare with [RVS ON]
BNE LAB_E78B ; if not [RVS ON] skip setting the reverse flag
STA LAB_C7 ; else set the reverse flag
CMP #$13 ; compare with [CLR HOME]
BNE LAB_E792 ; if not [CLR HOME] continue
JSR LAB_E566 ; home the cursor
CMP #$1D ; compare with [CURSOR RIGHT]
BNE LAB_E7AD ; if not [CURSOR RIGHT] go ??
INY ; increment the cursor column
JSR LAB_E8B3 ; test for line increment
STY LAB_D3 ; save the cursor column
DEY ; decrement the cursor column
CPY LAB_D5 ; compare cursor column with current screen line length
BCC LAB_E7AA ; exit if less
; else the cursor column is >= the current screen line
; length so back onto the current line and do a newline
DEC LAB_D6 ; decrement the cursor row
JSR LAB_E87C ; do newline
LDY #$00 ; clear cursor column
STY LAB_D3 ; save the cursor column
JMP LAB_E6A8 ; restore the registers, set the quote flag and exit
CMP #$11 ; compare with [CURSOR DOWN]
BNE LAB_E7CE ; if not [CURSOR DOWN] go ??
CLC ; clear carry for add
TYA ; copy the cursor column
ADC #$28 ; add one line
TAY ; copy back to Y
INC LAB_D6 ; increment the cursor row
CMP LAB_D5 ; compare cursor column with current screen line length
BCC LAB_E7A8 ; if less go save cursor column and exit
BEQ LAB_E7A8 ; if equal go save cursor column and exit
; else the cursor has moved beyond the end of this line
; so back it up until it's on the start of the logical line
DEC LAB_D6 ; decrement the cursor row
SBC #$28 ; subtract one line
BCC LAB_E7C8 ; if on previous line exit the loop
STA LAB_D3 ; else save the cursor column
BNE LAB_E7C0 ; loop if not at the start of the line
JSR LAB_E87C ; do newline
JMP LAB_E6A8 ; restore the registers, set the quote flag and exit
JSR LAB_E8CB ; set the colour code
JMP LAB_EC44 ; go check for special character codes
AND #$7F ; mask 0xxx xxxx, clear b7
CMP #$7F ; was it $FF before the mask
BNE LAB_E7DC ; branch if not
LDA #$5E ; else make it $5E
CMP #' ' ; compare the character with [SPACE]
BCC LAB_E7E3 ; if < [SPACE] go ??
JMP LAB_E691 ; insert uppercase/graphic character and return
; character was $80 to $9F and is now $00 to $1F
CMP #$0D ; compare with [CR]
BNE LAB_E7EA ; if not [CR] continue
JMP LAB_E891 ; else output [CR] and return
; was not [CR]
LDX LAB_D4 ; get the cursor quote flag, $xx = quote, $00 = no quote
BNE LAB_E82D ; branch if quote mode
CMP #$14 ; compare with [INSERT DELETE]
BNE LAB_E829 ; if not [INSERT DELETE] go ??
LDY LAB_D5 ; get current screen line length
LDA (LAB_D1),Y ; get character from current screen line
CMP #' ' ; compare the character with [SPACE]
BNE LAB_E7FE ; if not [SPACE] continue
CPY LAB_D3 ; compare the current column with the cursor column
BNE LAB_E805 ; if not cursor column go open up space on line
CPY #$4F ; compare current column with max line length
BEQ LAB_E826 ; if at line end just exit
JSR LAB_E965 ; else open up a space on the screen
; now open up space on the line to insert a character
LDY LAB_D5 ; get current screen line length
JSR LAB_EA24 ; calculate the pointer to colour RAM
DEY ; decrement the index to previous character
LDA (LAB_D1),Y ; get the character from the current screen line
INY ; increment the index to next character
STA (LAB_D1),Y ; save the character to the current screen line
DEY ; decrement the index to previous character
LDA (LAB_F3),Y ; get the current screen line colour RAM byte
INY ; increment the index to next character
STA (LAB_F3),Y ; save the current screen line colour RAM byte
DEY ; decrement the index to the previous character
CPY LAB_D3 ; compare the index with the cursor column
BNE LAB_E80A ; loop if not there yet
LDA #' ' ; set [SPACE]
STA (LAB_D1),Y ; clear character at cursor position on current screen line
LDA LAB_0286 ; get current colour code
STA (LAB_F3),Y ; save to cursor position on current screen line colour RAM
INC LAB_D8 ; increment insert count
JMP LAB_E6A8 ; restore the registers, set the quote flag and exit
LDX LAB_D8 ; get the insert count
BEQ LAB_E832 ; branch if no insert space
ORA #$40 ; change to uppercase/graphic
JMP LAB_E697 ; insert reversed character
CMP #$11 ; compare with [CURSOR UP]
BNE LAB_E84C ; branch if not [CURSOR UP]
LDX LAB_D6 ; get the cursor row
BEQ LAB_E871 ; if on the top line go restore the registers, set the
; quote flag and exit
DEC LAB_D6 ; decrement the cursor row
LDA LAB_D3 ; get the cursor column
SEC ; set carry for subtract
SBC #$28 ; subtract one line length
BCC LAB_E847 ; branch if stepped back to previous line
STA LAB_D3 ; else save the cursor column ..
BPL LAB_E871 ; .. and exit, branch always
JSR LAB_E56C ; set the screen pointers for cursor row, column ..
BNE LAB_E871 ; .. and exit, branch always
CMP #$12 ; compare with [RVS OFF]
BNE LAB_E854 ; if not [RVS OFF] continue
LDA #$00 ; else clear A
STA LAB_C7 ; clear the reverse flag
CMP #$1D ; compare with [CURSOR LEFT]
BNE LAB_E86A ; if not [CURSOR LEFT] go ??
TYA ; copy the cursor column
BEQ LAB_E864 ; if at start of line go back onto the previous line
JSR LAB_E8A1 ; test for line decrement
DEY ; decrement the cursor column
STY LAB_D3 ; save the cursor column
JMP LAB_E6A8 ; restore the registers, set the quote flag and exit
JSR LAB_E701 ; back onto the previous line if possible
JMP LAB_E6A8 ; restore the registers, set the quote flag and exit
CMP #$13 ; compare with [CLR]
BNE LAB_E874 ; if not [CLR] continue
JSR LAB_E544 ; clear the screen
JMP LAB_E6A8 ; restore the registers, set the quote flag and exit
ORA #$80 ; restore b7, colour can only be black, cyan, magenta
; or yellow
JSR LAB_E8CB ; set the colour code
JMP LAB_EC4F ; go check for special character codes except fro switch
; to lower case
; do newline
LSR LAB_C9 ; shift >> input cursor row
LDX LAB_D6 ; get the cursor row
INX ; increment the row
CPX #$19 ; compare it with last row + 1
BNE LAB_E888 ; if not last row + 1 skip the screen scroll
JSR LAB_E8EA ; else scroll the screen
LDA LAB_D9,X ; get start of line X pointer high byte
BPL LAB_E880 ; loop if not start of logical line
STX LAB_D6 ; save the cursor row
JMP LAB_E56C ; set the screen pointers for cursor row, column and return
; output [CR]
LDX #$00 ; clear X
STX LAB_D8 ; clear the insert count
STX LAB_C7 ; clear the reverse flag
STX LAB_D4 ; clear the cursor quote flag, $xx = quote, $00 = no quote
STX LAB_D3 ; save the cursor column
JSR LAB_E87C ; do newline
JMP LAB_E6A8 ; restore the registers, set the quote flag and exit
; test for line decrement
LDX #$02 ; set the count
LDA #$00 ; set the column
CMP LAB_D3 ; compare the column with the cursor column
BEQ LAB_E8B0 ; if at the start of the line go decrement the cursor row
; and exit
CLC ; else clear carry for add
ADC #$28 ; increment to next line
DEX ; decrement loop count
BNE LAB_E8A5 ; loop if more to test
DEC LAB_D6 ; else decrement the cursor row
; test for line increment
; if at end of the line, but not at end of the last line, increment the cursor row
LDX #$02 ; set the count
LDA #$27 ; set the column
CMP LAB_D3 ; compare the column with the cursor column
BEQ LAB_E8C2 ; if at end of line test and possibly increment cursor row
CLC ; else clear carry for add
ADC #$28 ; increment to the next line
DEX ; decrement the loop count
BNE LAB_E8B7 ; loop if more to test
; cursor is at end of line
LDX LAB_D6 ; get the cursor row
CPX #$19 ; compare it with the end of the screen
BEQ LAB_E8CA ; if at the end of screen just exit
INC LAB_D6 ; else increment the cursor row
; set the colour code. enter with the colour character in A. if A does not contain a
; colour character this routine exits without changing the colour
; set the colour code count
CMP LAB_E8DA,X ; compare the character with a table code
BEQ LAB_E8D6 ; if a match go save the colour and exit
DEX ; else decrement the index
BPL LAB_E8CD ; loop if more to do
STX LAB_0286 ; save the current colour code
; ASCII colour code table
; CHR$() colour
LAB_E8DA ; ------ ------
.byte $90 ; 144 black
.byte $05 ; 5 white
.byte $1C ; 28 red
.byte $9F ; 159 cyan
.byte $9C ; 156 purple
.byte $1E ; 30 green
.byte $1F ; 31 Blue
.byte $9E ; 158 yellow
.byte $81 ; 129 orange
.byte $95 ; 149 brown
.byte $96 ; 150 light red
.byte $97 ; 151 dark grey
.byte $98 ; 152 medium grey
.byte $99 ; 153 light green
.byte $9A ; 154 light blue
.byte $9B ; 155 light grey
; scroll the screen
LDA LAB_AC ; copy the tape buffer start pointer
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_AD ; copy the tape buffer start pointer
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_AE ; copy the tape buffer end pointer
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_AF ; copy the tape buffer end pointer
PHA ; save it
LDX #$FF ; set to -1 for pre increment loop
DEC LAB_D6 ; decrement the cursor row
DEC LAB_C9 ; decrement the input cursor row
DEC LAB_02A5 ; decrement the screen row marker
INX ; increment the line number
JSR LAB_E9F0 ; fetch a screen address, set the start of line X
CPX #$18 ; compare with last line
BCS LAB_E913 ; branch if >= $16
LDA LAB_ECF0+1,X ; get the start of the next line pointer low byte
STA LAB_AC ; save the next line pointer low byte
LDA LAB_D9+1,X ; get the start of the next line pointer high byte
JSR LAB_E9C8 ; shift the screen line up
BMI LAB_E8FF ; loop, branch always
JSR LAB_E9FF ; clear screen line X
; now shift up the start of logical line bits
LDX #$00 ; clear index
LDA LAB_D9,X ; get the start of line X pointer high byte
AND #$7F ; clear the line X start of logical line bit
LDY LAB_D9+1,X ; get the start of the next line pointer high byte
BPL LAB_E922 ; if next line is not a start of line skip the start set
ORA #$80 ; set line X start of logical line bit
STA LAB_D9,X ; set start of line X pointer high byte
INX ; increment line number
CPX #$18 ; compare with last line
BNE LAB_E918 ; loop if not last line
LDA LAB_D9+$18 ; get start of last line pointer high byte
ORA #$80 ; mark as start of logical line
STA LAB_D9+$18 ; set start of last line pointer high byte
LDA LAB_D9 ; get start of first line pointer high byte
BPL LAB_E8F6 ; if not start of logical line loop back and
; scroll the screen up another line
INC LAB_D6 ; increment the cursor row
INC LAB_02A5 ; increment screen row marker
LDA #$7F ; set keyboard column c7
STA LAB_DC00 ; save VIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive
LDA LAB_DC01 ; read VIA 1 DRB, keyboard row port
CMP #$FB ; compare with row r2 active, [CTL]
PHP ; save status
LDA #$7F ; set keyboard column c7
STA LAB_DC00 ; save VIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive
PLP ; restore status
BNE LAB_E956 ; skip delay if ??
; first time round the inner loop X will be $16
LDY #$00 ; clear delay outer loop count, do this 256 times
NOP ; waste cycles
DEX ; decrement inner loop count
BNE LAB_E94D ; loop if not all done
DEY ; decrement outer loop count
BNE LAB_E94D ; loop if not all done
STY LAB_C6 ; clear the keyboard buffer index
LDX LAB_D6 ; get the cursor row
; restore the tape buffer pointers and exit
PLA ; pull tape buffer end pointer
STA LAB_AF ; restore it
PLA ; pull tape buffer end pointer
STA LAB_AE ; restore it
PLA ; pull tape buffer pointer
STA LAB_AD ; restore it
PLA ; pull tape buffer pointer
STA LAB_AC ; restore it
; open up a space on the screen
LDX LAB_D6 ; get the cursor row
INX ; increment the row
LDA LAB_D9,X ; get the start of line X pointer high byte
BPL LAB_E967 ; loop if not start of logical line
STX LAB_02A5 ; save the screen row marker
CPX #$18 ; compare it with the last line
BEQ LAB_E981 ; if = last line go ??
BCC LAB_E981 ; if < last line go ??
; else it was > last line
JSR LAB_E8EA ; scroll the screen
LDX LAB_02A5 ; get the screen row marker
DEX ; decrement the screen row marker
DEC LAB_D6 ; decrement the cursor row
JMP LAB_E6DA ; add this row to the current logical line and return
LDA LAB_AC ; copy tape buffer pointer
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_AD ; copy tape buffer pointer
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_AE ; copy tape buffer end pointer
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_AF ; copy tape buffer end pointer
PHA ; save it
LDX #$19 ; set to end line + 1 for predecrement loop
DEX ; decrement the line number
JSR LAB_E9F0 ; fetch a screen address
CPX LAB_02A5 ; compare it with the screen row marker
BCC LAB_E9A6 ; if < screen row marker go ??
BEQ LAB_E9A6 ; if = screen row marker go ??
LDA LAB_ECF0-1,X ; else get the start of the previous line low byte from the
; ROM table
STA LAB_AC ; save previous line pointer low byte
LDA LAB_D9-1,X ; get the start of the previous line pointer high byte
JSR LAB_E9C8 ; shift the screen line down
BMI LAB_E98F ; loop, branch always
JSR LAB_E9FF ; clear screen line X
LDX #$17 ;.
CPX LAB_02A5 ; compare it with the screen row marker
LDA LAB_D9+1,X ;.
AND #$7F ;.
LDY LAB_D9,X ; get start of line X pointer high byte
ORA #$80 ;.
STA LAB_D9+1,X ;.
DEX ;.
LDX LAB_02A5 ; get the screen row marker
JSR LAB_E6DA ; add this row to the current logical line
JMP LAB_E958 ; restore the tape buffer pointers and exit
; shift screen line up/down
AND #$03 ; mask 0000 00xx, line memory page
ORA LAB_0288 ; OR with screen memory page
STA LAB_AD ; save next/previous line pointer high byte
JSR LAB_E9E0 ; calculate pointers to screen lines colour RAM
LDY #$27 ; set the column count
LDA (LAB_AC),Y ; get character from next/previous screen line
STA (LAB_D1),Y ; save character to current screen line
LDA (LAB_AE),Y ; get colour from next/previous screen line colour RAM
STA (LAB_F3),Y ; save colour to current screen line colour RAM
DEY ; decrement column index/count
BPL LAB_E9D4 ; loop if more to do
; calculate pointers to screen lines colour RAM
JSR LAB_EA24 ; calculate the pointer to the current screen line colour
LDA LAB_AC ; get the next screen line pointer low byte
STA LAB_AE ; save the next screen line colour RAM pointer low byte
LDA LAB_AD ; get the next screen line pointer high byte
AND #$03 ; mask 0000 00xx, line memory page
ORA #>LAB_D800 ; set 1101 01xx, colour memory page
STA LAB_AF ; save the next screen line colour RAM pointer high byte
; fetch a screen address
LDA LAB_ECF0,X ; get the start of line low byte from the ROM table
STA LAB_D1 ; set the current screen line pointer low byte
LDA LAB_D9,X ; get the start of line high byte from the RAM table
AND #$03 ; mask 0000 00xx, line memory page
ORA LAB_0288 ; OR with the screen memory page
STA LAB_D2 ; save the current screen line pointer high byte
; clear screen line X
LDY #$27 ; set number of columns to clear
JSR LAB_E9F0 ; fetch a screen address
JSR LAB_EA24 ; calculate the pointer to colour RAM
JSR LAB_E4DA ; save the current colour to the colour RAM
LDA #' ' ; set [SPACE]
STA (LAB_D1),Y ; clear character in current screen line
DEY ; decrement index
BPL LAB_EA07 ; loop if more to do
; orphan byte
NOP ; unused
; print character A and colour X
TAY ; copy the character
LDA #$02 ; set the count to $02, usually $14 ??
STA LAB_CD ; save the cursor countdown
JSR LAB_EA24 ; calculate the pointer to colour RAM
TYA ; get the character back
; save the character and colour to the screen @ the cursor
LDY LAB_D3 ; get the cursor column
STA (LAB_D1),Y ; save the character from current screen line
TXA ; copy the colour to A
STA (LAB_F3),Y ; save to colour RAM
; calculate the pointer to colour RAM
LDA LAB_D1 ; get current screen line pointer low byte
STA LAB_F3 ; save pointer to colour RAM low byte
LDA LAB_D2 ; get current screen line pointer high byte
AND #$03 ; mask 0000 00xx, line memory page
ORA #>LAB_D800 ; set 1101 01xx, colour memory page
STA LAB_F4 ; save pointer to colour RAM high byte
; IRQ vector
JSR LAB_FFEA ; increment the real time clock
LDA LAB_CC ; get the cursor enable, $00 = flash cursor
BNE LAB_EA61 ; if flash not enabled skip the flash
DEC LAB_CD ; decrement the cursor timing countdown
BNE LAB_EA61 ; if not counted out skip the flash
LDA #$14 ; set the flash count
STA LAB_CD ; save the cursor timing countdown
LDY LAB_D3 ; get the cursor column
LSR LAB_CF ; shift b0 cursor blink phase into carry
LDX LAB_0287 ; get the colour under the cursor
LDA (LAB_D1),Y ; get the character from current screen line
BCS LAB_EA5C ; branch if cursor phase b0 was 1
INC LAB_CF ; set the cursor blink phase to 1
STA LAB_CE ; save the character under the cursor
JSR LAB_EA24 ; calculate the pointer to colour RAM
LDA (LAB_F3),Y ; get the colour RAM byte
STA LAB_0287 ; save the colour under the cursor
LDX LAB_0286 ; get the current colour code
LDA LAB_CE ; get the character under the cursor
EOR #$80 ; toggle b7 of character under cursor
JSR LAB_EA1C ; save the character and colour to the screen @ the cursor
LDA LAB_01 ; read the 6510 I/O port
AND #$10 ; mask 000x 0000, the cassette switch sense
BEQ LAB_EA71 ; if the cassette sense is low skip the motor stop
; the cassette sense was high, the switch was open, so turn
; off the motor and clear the interlock
LDY #$00 ; clear Y
STY LAB_C0 ; clear the tape motor interlock
LDA LAB_01 ; read the 6510 I/O port
ORA #$20 ; mask xxxx xx1x, turn off the motor
BNE LAB_EA79 ; go save the port value, branch always
; the cassette sense was low so turn the motor on, perhaps
LDA LAB_C0 ; get the tape motor interlock
BNE LAB_EA7B ; if the cassette interlock <> 0 don't turn on motor
LDA LAB_01 ; read the 6510 I/O port
AND #$1F ; mask xxxx xx0x, turn on the motor
STA LAB_01 ; save the 6510 I/O port
JSR LAB_EA87 ; scan the keyboard
LDA LAB_DC0D ; read VIA 1 ICR, clear the timer interrupt flag
PLA ; pull Y
TAY ; restore Y
PLA ; pull X
TAX ; restore X
PLA ; restore A
; scan keyboard performs the following ..
; 1) check if key pressed, if not then exit the routine
; 2) init I/O ports of VIA ?? for keyboard scan and set pointers to decode table 1.
; clear the character counter
; 3) set one line of port B low and test for a closed key on port A by shifting the
; byte read from the port. if the carry is clear then a key is closed so save the
; count which is incremented on each shift. check for shift/stop/cbm keys and
; flag if closed
; 4) repeat step 3 for the whole matrix
; 5) evaluate the SHIFT/CTRL/C= keys, this may change the decode table selected
; 6) use the key count saved in step 3 as an index into the table selected in step 5
; 7) check for key repeat operation
; 8) save the decoded key to the buffer if first press or repeat
; scan the keyboard
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_028D ; clear the keyboard shift/control/c= flag
LDY #$40 ; set no key
STY LAB_CB ; save which key
STA LAB_DC00 ; clear VIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive
LDX LAB_DC01 ; read VIA 1 DRB, keyboard row port
CPX #$FF ; compare with all bits set
BEQ LAB_EAFB ; if no key pressed clear current key and exit (does
; further BEQ to LAB_EBBA)
TAY ; clear the key count
LDA #<LAB_EB81 ; get the decode table low byte
STA LAB_F5 ; save the keyboard pointer low byte
LDA #>LAB_EB81 ; get the decode table high byte
STA LAB_F6 ; save the keyboard pointer high byte
LDA #$FE ; set column 0 low
STA LAB_DC00 ; save VIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive
LDX #$08 ; set the row count
PHA ; save the column
LDA LAB_DC01 ; read VIA 1 DRB, keyboard row port
CMP LAB_DC01 ; compare it with itself
BNE LAB_EAAB ; loop if changing
LSR ; shift row to Cb
BCS LAB_EACC ; if no key closed on this row go do next row
PHA ; save row
LDA (LAB_F5),Y ; get character from decode table
CMP #$05 ; compare with $05, there is no $05 key but the control
; keys are all less than $05
BCS LAB_EAC9 ; if not shift/control/c=/stop go save key count
; else was shift/control/c=/stop key
CMP #$03 ; compare with $03, stop
BEQ LAB_EAC9 ; if stop go save key count and continue
; character is $01 - shift, $02 - c= or $04 - control
ORA LAB_028D ; OR it with the keyboard shift/control/c= flag
STA LAB_028D ; save the keyboard shift/control/c= flag
BPL LAB_EACB ; skip save key, branch always
STY LAB_CB ; save key count
PLA ; restore row
INY ; increment key count
CPY #$41 ; compare with max+1
BCS LAB_EADC ; exit loop if >= max+1
; else still in matrix
DEX ; decrement row count
BNE LAB_EAB3 ; loop if more rows to do
SEC ; set carry for keyboard column shift
PLA ; restore the column
ROL ; shift the keyboard column
STA LAB_DC00 ; save VIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive
BNE LAB_EAA8 ; loop for next column, branch always
PLA ; dump the saved column
JMP (LAB_028F) ; evaluate the SHIFT/CTRL/C= keys, LAB_EBDC
; key decoding continues here after the SHIFT/CTRL/C= keys are evaluated
LDY LAB_CB ; get saved key count
LDA (LAB_F5),Y ; get character from decode table
TAX ; copy character to X
CPY LAB_C5 ; compare key count with last key count
BEQ LAB_EAF0 ; if this key = current key, key held, go test repeat
LDY #$10 ; set the repeat delay count
STY LAB_028C ; save the repeat delay count
BNE LAB_EB26 ; go save key to buffer and exit, branch always
AND #$7F ; clear b7
BIT LAB_028A ; test key repeat
BMI LAB_EB0D ; if repeat all go ??
BVS LAB_EB42 ; if repeat none go ??
CMP #$7F ; compare with end marker
BEQ LAB_EB26 ; if $00/end marker go save key to buffer and exit
CMP #$14 ; compare with [INSERT]/[DELETE]
BEQ LAB_EB0D ; if [INSERT]/[DELETE] go test for repeat
CMP #' ' ; compare with [SPACE]
BEQ LAB_EB0D ; if [SPACE] go test for repeat
CMP #$1D ; compare with [CURSOR RIGHT]
BEQ LAB_EB0D ; if [CURSOR RIGHT] go test for repeat
CMP #$11 ; compare with [CURSOR DOWN]
BNE LAB_EB42 ; if not [CURSOR DOWN] just exit
; was one of the cursor movement keys, insert/delete
; key or the space bar so always do repeat tests
LDY LAB_028C ; get the repeat delay counter
BEQ LAB_EB17 ; if delay expired go ??
DEC LAB_028C ; else decrement repeat delay counter
BNE LAB_EB42 ; if delay not expired go ??
; repeat delay counter has expired
DEC LAB_028B ; decrement the repeat speed counter
BNE LAB_EB42 ; branch if repeat speed count not expired
LDY #$04 ; set for 4/60ths of a second
STY LAB_028B ; save the repeat speed counter
LDY LAB_C6 ; get the keyboard buffer index
DEY ; decrement it
BPL LAB_EB42 ; if the buffer isn't empty just exit
; else repeat the key immediately
; possibly save the key to the keyboard buffer. if there was no key pressed or the key
; was not found during the scan (possibly due to key bounce) then X will be $FF here
LDY LAB_CB ; get the key count
STY LAB_C5 ; save it as the current key count
LDY LAB_028D ; get the keyboard shift/control/c= flag
STY LAB_028E ; save it as last keyboard shift pattern
CPX #$FF ; compare the character with the table end marker or no key
BEQ LAB_EB42 ; if it was the table end marker or no key just exit
TXA ; copy the character to A
LDX LAB_C6 ; get the keyboard buffer index
CPX LAB_0289 ; compare it with the keyboard buffer size
BCS LAB_EB42 ; if the buffer is full just exit
STA LAB_0277,X ; save the character to the keyboard buffer
INX ; increment the index
STX LAB_C6 ; save the keyboard buffer index
LDA #$7F ; enable column 7 for the stop key
STA LAB_DC00 ; save VIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive
; evaluate the SHIFT/CTRL/C= keys
LDA LAB_028D ; get the keyboard shift/control/c= flag
CMP #$03 ; compare with [SHIFT][C=]
BNE LAB_EB64 ; if not [SHIFT][C=] go ??
CMP LAB_028E ; compare with last
BEQ LAB_EB42 ; exit if still the same
LDA LAB_0291 ; get the shift mode switch $00 = enabled, $80 = locked
BMI LAB_EB76 ; if locked continue keyboard decode
; toggle text mode
LDA LAB_D018 ; get the start of character memory address
EOR #$02 ; toggle address b1
STA LAB_D018 ; save the start of character memory address
JMP LAB_EB76 ; continue the keyboard decode
; select keyboard table
ASL ; << 1
CMP #$08 ; compare with [CTRL]
BCC LAB_EB6B ; if [CTRL] is not pressed skip the index change
LDA #$06 ; else [CTRL] was pressed so make the index = $06
TAX ; copy the index to X
LDA LAB_EB79,X ; get the decode table pointer low byte
STA LAB_F5 ; save the decode table pointer low byte
LDA LAB_EB79+1,X ; get the decode table pointer high byte
STA LAB_F6 ; save the decode table pointer high byte
JMP LAB_EAE0 ; continue the keyboard decode
; table addresses
.word LAB_EB81 ; standard
.word LAB_EBC2 ; shift
.word LAB_EC03 ; commodore
.word LAB_EC78 ; control
; standard keyboard table
.byte $14,$0D,$1D,$88,$85,$86,$87,$11
.byte $33,$57,$41,$34,$5A,$53,$45,$01
.byte $35,$52,$44,$36,$43,$46,$54,$58
.byte $37,$59,$47,$38,$42,$48,$55,$56
.byte $39,$49,$4A,$30,$4D,$4B,$4F,$4E
.byte $2B,$50,$4C,$2D,$2E,$3A,$40,$2C
.byte $5C,$2A,$3B,$13,$01,$3D,$5E,$2F
.byte $31,$5F,$04,$32,$20,$02,$51,$03
.byte $FF
; shifted keyboard table
.byte $94,$8D,$9D,$8C,$89,$8A,$8B,$91
.byte $23,$D7,$C1,$24,$DA,$D3,$C5,$01
.byte $25,$D2,$C4,$26,$C3,$C6,$D4,$D8
.byte $27,$D9,$C7,$28,$C2,$C8,$D5,$D6
.byte $29,$C9,$CA,$30,$CD,$CB,$CF,$CE
.byte $DB,$D0,$CC,$DD,$3E,$5B,$BA,$3C
.byte $A9,$C0,$5D,$93,$01,$3D,$DE,$3F
.byte $21,$5F,$04,$22,$A0,$02,$D1,$83
.byte $FF
; CBM key keyboard table
.byte $94,$8D,$9D,$8C,$89,$8A,$8B,$91
.byte $96,$B3,$B0,$97,$AD,$AE,$B1,$01
.byte $98,$B2,$AC,$99,$BC,$BB,$A3,$BD
.byte $9A,$B7,$A5,$9B,$BF,$B4,$B8,$BE
.byte $29,$A2,$B5,$30,$A7,$A1,$B9,$AA
.byte $A6,$AF,$B6,$DC,$3E,$5B,$A4,$3C
.byte $A8,$DF,$5D,$93,$01,$3D,$DE,$3F
.byte $81,$5F,$04,$95,$A0,$02,$AB,$83
.byte $FF
; check for special character codes
CMP #$0E ; compare with [SWITCH TO LOWER CASE]
BNE LAB_EC4F ; if not [SWITCH TO LOWER CASE] skip the switch
LDA LAB_D018 ; get the start of character memory address
ORA #$02 ; mask xxxx xx1x, set lower case characters
BNE LAB_EC58 ; go save the new value, branch always
; check for special character codes except fro switch to lower case
CMP #$8E ; compare with [SWITCH TO UPPER CASE]
BNE LAB_EC5E ; if not [SWITCH TO UPPER CASE] go do the [SHIFT]+[C=] key
; check
LDA LAB_D018 ; get the start of character memory address
AND #$FD ; mask xxxx xx0x, set upper case characters
STA LAB_D018 ; save the start of character memory address
JMP LAB_E6A8 ; restore the registers, set the quote flag and exit
; do the [SHIFT]+[C=] key check
CMP #$08 ; compare with disable [SHIFT][C=]
BNE LAB_EC69 ; if not disable [SHIFT][C=] skip the set
LDA #$80 ; set to lock shift mode switch
ORA LAB_0291 ; OR it with the shift mode switch
BMI LAB_EC72 ; go save the value, branch always
CMP #$09 ; compare with enable [SHIFT][C=]
BNE LAB_EC5B ; exit if not enable [SHIFT][C=]
LDA #$7F ; set to unlock shift mode switch
AND LAB_0291 ; AND it with the shift mode switch
STA LAB_0291 ; save the shift mode switch $00 = enabled, $80 = locked
JMP LAB_E6A8 ; restore the registers, set the quote flag and exit
; control keyboard table
.byte $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF
.byte $1C,$17,$01,$9F,$1A,$13,$05,$FF
.byte $9C,$12,$04,$1E,$03,$06,$14,$18
.byte $1F,$19,$07,$9E,$02,$08,$15,$16
.byte $12,$09,$0A,$92,$0D,$0B,$0F,$0E
.byte $FF,$10,$0C,$FF,$FF,$1B,$00,$FF
.byte $1C,$FF,$1D,$FF,$FF,$1F,$1E,$FF
.byte $90,$06,$FF,$05,$FF,$FF,$11,$FF
.byte $FF
; vic ii chip initialisation values
.byte $00,$00 ; sprite 0 x,y
.byte $00,$00 ; sprite 1 x,y
.byte $00,$00 ; sprite 2 x,y
.byte $00,$00 ; sprite 3 x,y
.byte $00,$00 ; sprite 4 x,y
.byte $00,$00 ; sprite 5 x,y
.byte $00,$00 ; sprite 6 x,y
.byte $00,$00 ; sprite 7 x,y
.byte $00 ; sprites 0 to 7 x bit 8
.byte $9B ; enable screen, enable 25 rows
; vertical fine scroll and control
; bit function
; --- -------
; 7 raster compare bit 8
; 6 1 = enable extended color text mode
; 5 1 = enable bitmap graphics mode
; 4 1 = enable screen, 0 = blank screen
; 3 1 = 25 row display, 0 = 24 row display
; 2-0 vertical scroll count
.byte $37 ; raster compare
.byte $00 ; light pen x
.byte $00 ; light pen y
.byte $00 ; sprite 0 to 7 enable
.byte $08 ; enable 40 column display
; horizontal fine scroll and control
; bit function
; --- -------
; 7-6 unused
; 5 1 = vic reset, 0 = vic on
; 4 1 = enable multicolor mode
; 3 1 = 40 column display, 0 = 38 column display
; 2-0 horizontal scroll count
.byte $00 ; sprite 0 to 7 y expand
.byte $14 ; memory control
; bit function
; --- -------
; 7-4 video matrix base address
; 3-1 character data base address
; 0 unused
.byte $0F ; clear all interrupts
; interrupt flags
; 7 1 = interrupt
; 6-4 unused
; 3 1 = light pen interrupt
; 2 1 = sprite to sprite collision interrupt
; 1 1 = sprite to foreground collision interrupt
; 0 1 = raster compare interrupt
.byte $00 ; all vic IRQs disabeld
; IRQ enable
; bit function
; --- -------
; 7-4 unused
; 3 1 = enable light pen
; 2 1 = enable sprite to sprite collision
; 1 1 = enable sprite to foreground collision
; 0 1 = enable raster compare
.byte $00 ; sprite 0 to 7 foreground priority
.byte $00 ; sprite 0 to 7 multicolour
.byte $00 ; sprite 0 to 7 x expand
.byte $00 ; sprite 0 to 7 sprite collision
.byte $00 ; sprite 0 to 7 foreground collision
.byte $0E ; border colour
.byte $06 ; background colour 0
.byte $01 ; background colour 1
.byte $02 ; background colour 2
.byte $03 ; background colour 3
.byte $04 ; sprite multicolour 0
.byte $00 ; sprite multicolour 1
.byte $01 ; sprite 0 colour
.byte $02 ; sprite 1 colour
.byte $03 ; sprite 2 colour
.byte $04 ; sprite 3 colour
.byte $05 ; sprite 4 colour
.byte $06 ; sprite 5 colour
.byte $07 ; sprite 6 colour
; .byte $4C ; sprite 7 colour, actually the first character of "LOAD"
; keyboard buffer for auto load/run
.byte "LOAD",$0D,"RUN",$0D
; low bytes of screen line addresses
.byte $00,$28,$50,$78,$A0
.byte $C8,$F0,$18,$40,$68
.byte $90,$B8,$E0,$08,$30
.byte $58,$80,$A8,$D0,$F8
.byte $20,$48,$70,$98,$C0
; command serial bus device to TALK
ORA #$40 ; OR with the TALK command
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_xxxx
; command devices on the serial bus to LISTEN
ORA #$20 ; OR with the LISTEN command
JSR LAB_F0A4 ; check RS232 bus idle
; send a control character
PHA ; save device address
BIT LAB_94 ; test deferred character flag
BPL LAB_ED20 ; if no defered character continue
SEC ; else flag EOI
ROR LAB_A3 ; rotate into EOI flag byte
JSR LAB_ED40 ; Tx byte on serial bus
LSR LAB_94 ; clear deferred character flag
LSR LAB_A3 ; clear EOI flag
PLA ; restore the device address
; defer a command
STA LAB_95 ; save as serial defered character
SEI ; disable the interrupts
JSR LAB_EE97 ; set the serial data out high
CMP #$3F ; compare read byte with $3F
BNE LAB_ED2E ; branch if not $3F, this branch will always be taken as
; after VIA 2's PCR is read it is ANDed with $DF, so the
; result can never be $3F ??
JSR LAB_EE85 ; set the serial clock out high
LDA LAB_DD00 ; read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
ORA #$08 ; mask xxxx 1xxx, set serial ATN low
STA LAB_DD00 ; save VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
; if the code drops through to here the serial clock is low and the serial data has been
; released so the following code will have no effect apart from delaying the first byte
; by 1ms
; set the serial clk/data, wait and Tx byte on the serial bus
SEI ; disable the interrupts
JSR LAB_EE8E ; set the serial clock out low
JSR LAB_EE97 ; set the serial data out high
JSR LAB_EEB3 ; 1ms delay
; Tx byte on serial bus
SEI ; disable the interrupts
JSR LAB_EE97 ; set the serial data out high
JSR LAB_EEA9 ; get the serial data status in Cb
BCS LAB_EDAD ; if the serial data is high go do 'device not present'
JSR LAB_EE85 ; set the serial clock out high
BIT LAB_A3 ; test the EOI flag
BPL LAB_ED5A ; if not EOI go ??
; I think this is the EOI sequence so the serial clock has been released and the serial
; data is being held low by the peripheral. first up wait for the serial data to rise
JSR LAB_EEA9 ; get the serial data status in Cb
BCC LAB_ED50 ; loop if the data is low
; now the data is high, EOI is signalled by waiting for at least 200us without pulling
; the serial clock line low again. the listener should respond by pulling the serial
; data line low
JSR LAB_EEA9 ; get the serial data status in Cb
BCS LAB_ED55 ; loop if the data is high
; the serial data has gone low ending the EOI sequence, now just wait for the serial
; data line to go high again or, if this isn't an EOI sequence, just wait for the serial
; data to go high the first time
JSR LAB_EEA9 ; get the serial data status in Cb
BCC LAB_ED5A ; loop if the data is low
; serial data is high now pull the clock low, preferably within 60us
JSR LAB_EE8E ; set the serial clock out low
; now the C64 has to send the eight bits, LSB first. first it sets the serial data line
; to reflect the bit in the byte, then it sets the serial clock to high. The serial
; clock is left high for 26 cycles, 23us on a PAL Vic, before it is again pulled low
; and the serial data is allowed high again
LDA #$08 ; eight bits to do
STA LAB_A5 ; set serial bus bit count
LDA LAB_DD00 ; read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
CMP LAB_DD00 ; compare it with itself
BNE LAB_ED66 ; if changed go try again
ASL ; shift the serial data into Cb
BCC LAB_EDB0 ; if the serial data is low go do serial bus timeout
ROR LAB_95 ; rotate the transmit byte
BCS LAB_ED7A ; if the bit = 1 go set the serial data out high
JSR LAB_EEA0 ; else set the serial data out low
BNE LAB_ED7D ; continue, branch always
JSR LAB_EE97 ; set the serial data out high
JSR LAB_EE85 ; set the serial clock out high
NOP ; waste ..
NOP ; .. a ..
NOP ; .. cycle ..
NOP ; .. or two
LDA LAB_DD00 ; read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
AND #$DF ; mask xx0x xxxx, set the serial data out high
ORA #$10 ; mask xxx1 xxxx, set the serial clock out low
STA LAB_DD00 ; save VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
DEC LAB_A5 ; decrement the serial bus bit count
BNE LAB_ED66 ; loop if not all done
; now all eight bits have been sent it's up to the peripheral to signal the byte was
; received by pulling the serial data low. this should be done within one milisecond
LDA #$04 ; wait for up to about 1ms
STA LAB_DC07 ; save VIA 1 timer B high byte
LDA #$19 ; load timer B, timer B single shot, start timer B
AND #$02 ; mask 0000 00x0, timer A interrupt
BNE LAB_EDB0 ; if timer A interrupt go do serial bus timeout
JSR LAB_EEA9 ; get the serial data status in Cb
BCS LAB_ED9F ; if the serial data is high go wait some more
CLI ; enable the interrupts
; device not present
LDA #$80 ; error $80, device not present
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_xxxx
; timeout on serial bus
LDA #$03 ; error $03, read timeout, write timeout
JSR LAB_FE1C ; OR into the serial status byte
CLI ; enable the interrupts
CLC ; clear for branch
BCC LAB_EE03 ; ATN high, delay, clock high then data high, branch always
; send secondary address after LISTEN
STA LAB_95 ; save the defered Tx byte
JSR LAB_ED36 ; set the serial clk/data, wait and Tx the byte
; set serial ATN high
LDA LAB_DD00 ; read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
AND #$F7 ; mask xxxx 0xxx, set serial ATN high
STA LAB_DD00 ; save VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
; send secondary address after TALK
STA LAB_95 ; save the defered Tx byte
JSR LAB_ED36 ; set the serial clk/data, wait and Tx the byte
; wait for the serial bus end after send
LAB_EDCC ; return address from patch 6
SEI ; disable the interrupts
JSR LAB_EEA0 ; set the serial data out low
JSR LAB_EDBE ; set serial ATN high
JSR LAB_EE85 ; set the serial clock out high
JSR LAB_EEA9 ; get the serial data status in Cb
BMI LAB_EDD6 ; loop if the clock is high
CLI ; enable the interrupts
; output a byte to the serial bus
BIT LAB_94 ; test the deferred character flag
BMI LAB_EDE6 ; if there is a defered character go send it
SEC ; set carry
ROR LAB_94 ; shift into the deferred character flag
BNE LAB_EDEB ; save the byte and exit, branch always
PHA ; save the byte
JSR LAB_ED40 ; Tx byte on serial bus
PLA ; restore the byte
STA LAB_95 ; save the defered Tx byte
CLC ; flag ok
; command serial bus to UNTALK
SEI ; disable the interrupts
JSR LAB_EE8E ; set the serial clock out low
LDA LAB_DD00 ; read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
ORA #$08 ; mask xxxx 1xxx, set the serial ATN low
STA LAB_DD00 ; save VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
LDA #$5F ; set the UNTALK command
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_xxxx
; command serial bus to UNLISTEN
LDA #$3F ; set the UNLISTEN command
JSR LAB_ED11 ; send a control character
JSR LAB_EDBE ; set serial ATN high
; 1ms delay, clock high then data high
TXA ; save the device number
LDX #$0A ; short delay
DEX ; decrement the count
BNE LAB_EE09 ; loop if not all done
TAX ; restore the device number
JSR LAB_EE85 ; set the serial clock out high
JMP LAB_EE97 ; set the serial data out high and return
; input a byte from the serial bus
SEI ; disable the interrupts
LDA #$00 ; set 0 bits to do, will flag EOI on timeour
STA LAB_A5 ; save the serial bus bit count
JSR LAB_EE85 ; set the serial clock out high
JSR LAB_EEA9 ; get the serial data status in Cb
BPL LAB_EE1B ; loop if the serial clock is low
LDA #$01 ; set the timeout count high byte
STA LAB_DC07 ; save VIA 1 timer B high byte
LDA #$19 ; load timer B, timer B single shot, start timer B
JSR LAB_EE97 ; set the serial data out high
AND #$02 ; mask 0000 00x0, timer A interrupt
BNE LAB_EE3E ; if timer A interrupt go ??
JSR LAB_EEA9 ; get the serial data status in Cb
BMI LAB_EE30 ; loop if the serial clock is low
BPL LAB_EE56 ; else go set 8 bits to do, branch always
; timer A timed out
LDA LAB_A5 ; get the serial bus bit count
BEQ LAB_EE47 ; if not already EOI then go flag EOI
LDA #$02 ; else error $02, read timeour
JMP LAB_EDB2 ; set the serial status and exit
JSR LAB_EEA0 ; set the serial data out low
JSR LAB_EE85 ; set the serial clock out high
LDA #$40 ; set EOI
JSR LAB_FE1C ; OR into the serial status byte
INC LAB_A5 ; increment the serial bus bit count, do error on the next
; timeout
BNE LAB_EE20 ; go try again, branch always
LDA #$08 ; set 8 bits to do
STA LAB_A5 ; save the serial bus bit count
LDA LAB_DD00 ; read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
CMP LAB_DD00 ; compare it with itself
BNE LAB_EE5A ; if changing go try again
ASL ; shift the serial data into the carry
BPL LAB_EE5A ; loop while the serial clock is low
ROR LAB_A4 ; shift the data bit into the receive byte
LDA LAB_DD00 ; read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
CMP LAB_DD00 ; compare it with itself
BNE LAB_EE67 ; if changing go try again
ASL ; shift the serial data into the carry
BMI LAB_EE67 ; loop while the serial clock is high
DEC LAB_A5 ; decrement the serial bus bit count
BNE LAB_EE5A ; loop if not all done
JSR LAB_EEA0 ; set the serial data out low
BIT LAB_90 ; test the serial status byte
BVC LAB_EE80 ; if EOI not set skip the bus end sequence
JSR LAB_EE06 ; 1ms delay, clock high then data high
LDA LAB_A4 ; get the receive byte
CLI ; enable the interrupts
CLC ; flag ok
; set the serial clock out high
LDA LAB_DD00 ; read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
AND #$EF ; mask xxx0 xxxx, set serial clock out high
STA LAB_DD00 ; save VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
; set the serial clock out low
LDA LAB_DD00 ; read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
ORA #$10 ; mask xxx1 xxxx, set serial clock out low
STA LAB_DD00 ; save VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
; set the serial data out high
LDA LAB_DD00 ; read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
AND #$DF ; mask xx0x xxxx, set serial data out high
STA LAB_DD00 ; save VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
; set the serial data out low
LDA LAB_DD00 ; read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
ORA #$20 ; mask xx1x xxxx, set serial data out low
STA LAB_DD00 ; save VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
; get the serial data status in Cb
LDA LAB_DD00 ; read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
CMP LAB_DD00 ; compare it with itself
BNE LAB_EEA9 ; if changing got try again
ASL ; shift the serial data into Cb
; 1ms delay
TXA ; save X
LDX #$B8 ; set the loop count
DEX ; decrement the loop count
BNE LAB_EEB6 ; loop if more to do
TAX ; restore X
; RS232 Tx NMI routine
LDA LAB_B4 ; get RS232 bit count
BEQ LAB_EF06 ; if zero go setup next RS232 Tx byte and return
BMI LAB_EF00 ; if -ve go do stop bit(s)
; else bit count is non zero and +ve
LSR LAB_B6 ; shift RS232 output byte buffer
LDX #$00 ; set $00 for bit = 0
BCC LAB_EEC8 ; branch if bit was 0
DEX ; set $FF for bit = 1
TXA ; copy bit to A
EOR LAB_BD ; EOR with RS232 parity byte
STA LAB_BD ; save RS232 parity byte
DEC LAB_B4 ; decrement RS232 bit count
BEQ LAB_EED7 ; if RS232 bit count now zero go do parity bit
; save bit and exit
TXA ; copy bit to A
AND #$04 ; mask 0000 0x00, RS232 Tx DATA bit
STA LAB_B5 ; save the next RS232 data bit to send
; do RS232 parity bit, enters with RS232 bit count = 0
LDA #$20 ; mask 00x0 0000, parity enable bit
BIT LAB_0294 ; test the pseudo 6551 command register
BEQ LAB_EEF2 ; if parity disabled go ??
BMI LAB_EEFC ; if fixed mark or space parity go ??
BVS LAB_EEF6 ; if even parity go ??
; else odd parity
LDA LAB_BD ; get RS232 parity byte
BNE LAB_EEE7 ; if parity not zero leave parity bit = 0
DEX ; make parity bit = 1
DEC LAB_B4 ; decrement RS232 bit count, 1 stop bit
LDA LAB_0293 ; get pseudo 6551 control register
BPL LAB_EED1 ; if 1 stop bit save parity bit and exit
; else two stop bits ..
DEC LAB_B4 ; decrement RS232 bit count, 2 stop bits
BNE LAB_EED1 ; save bit and exit, branch always
; parity is disabled so the parity bit becomes the first,
; and possibly only, stop bit. to do this increment the bit
; count which effectively decrements the stop bit count.
INC LAB_B4 ; increment RS232 bit count, = -1 stop bit
BNE LAB_EEE6 ; set stop bit = 1 and exit
; do even parity
LDA LAB_BD ; get RS232 parity byte
BEQ LAB_EEE7 ; if parity zero leave parity bit = 0
BNE LAB_EEE6 ; else make parity bit = 1, branch always
; fixed mark or space parity
BVS LAB_EEE7 ; if fixed space parity leave parity bit = 0
BVC LAB_EEE6 ; else fixed mark parity make parity bit = 1, branch always
; decrement stop bit count, set stop bit = 1 and exit. $FF is one stop bit, $FE is two
; stop bits
INC LAB_B4 ; decrement RS232 bit count
LDX #$FF ; set stop bit = 1
BNE LAB_EED1 ; save stop bit and exit, branch always
; setup next RS232 Tx byte
LDA LAB_0294 ; read the 6551 pseudo command register
LSR ; handshake bit inot Cb
BCC LAB_EF13 ; if 3 line interface go ??
BIT LAB_DD01 ; test VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
BPL LAB_EF2E ; if DSR = 0 set DSR signal not present and exit
BVC LAB_EF31 ; if CTS = 0 set CTS signal not present and exit
; was 3 line interface
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_BD ; clear the RS232 parity byte
STA LAB_B5 ; clear the RS232 next bit to send
LDX LAB_0298 ; get the number of bits to be sent/received
STX LAB_B4 ; set the RS232 bit count
LDY LAB_029D ; get the index to the Tx buffer start
CPY LAB_029E ; compare it with the index to the Tx buffer end
BEQ LAB_EF39 ; if all done go disable T?? interrupt and return
LDA (LAB_F9),Y ; else get a byte from the buffer
STA LAB_B6 ; save it to the RS232 output byte buffer
INC LAB_029D ; increment the index to the Tx buffer start
; set DSR signal not present
LDA #$40 ; set DSR signal not present
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_xxxx
; set CTS signal not present
LDA #$10 ; set CTS signal not present
ORA LAB_0297 ; OR it with the RS232 status register
STA LAB_0297 ; save the RS232 status register
; disable timer A interrupt
LDA #$01 ; disable timer A interrupt
; set VIA 2 ICR from A
EOR LAB_02A1 ; EOR with the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
ORA #$80 ; set the interrupts enable bit
STA LAB_02A1 ; save the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
; compute bit count
LDX #$09 ; set bit count to 9, 8 data + 1 stop bit
LDA #$20 ; mask for 8/7 data bits
BIT LAB_0293 ; test pseudo 6551 control register
BEQ LAB_EF54 ; branch if 8 bits
DEX ; else decrement count for 7 data bits
BVC LAB_EF58 ; branch if 7 bits
DEX ; else decrement count ..
DEX ; .. for 5 data bits
; RS232 Rx NMI
LDX LAB_A9 ; get start bit check flag
BNE LAB_EF90 ; if no start bit received go ??
DEC LAB_A8 ; decrement receiver bit count in
BEQ LAB_EF97 ; if the byte is complete go add it to the buffer
LDA LAB_A7 ; get the RS232 received data bit
EOR LAB_AB ; EOR with the receiver parity bit
STA LAB_AB ; save the receiver parity bit
LSR LAB_A7 ; shift the RS232 received data bit
DEC LAB_A8 ; decrement receiver bit count in
LDA LAB_A7 ; get the RS232 received data bit
LDA LAB_0293 ; get pseudo 6551 control register
ASL ; shift the stop bit flag to Cb
LDA #$01 ; + 1
ADC LAB_A8 ; add receiver bit count in
BNE LAB_EF6D ; exit, branch always
; setup to receive an RS232 bit
LDA #$90 ; enable FLAG interrupt
ORA LAB_02A1 ; OR with the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
STA LAB_02A1 ; save the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
STA LAB_A9 ; set start bit check flag, set no start bit received
LDA #$02 ; disable timer B interrupt
JMP LAB_EF3B ; set VIA 2 ICR from A and return
; no RS232 start bit received
LDA LAB_A7 ; get the RS232 received data bit
BNE LAB_EF7E ; if ?? go setup to receive an RS232 bit and return
JMP LAB_E4D3 ; flag the RS232 start bit and set the parity
; received a whole byte, add it to the buffer
LDY LAB_029B ; get index to Rx buffer end
INY ; increment index
CPY LAB_029C ; compare with index to Rx buffer start
BEQ LAB_EFCA ; if buffer full go do Rx overrun error
STY LAB_029B ; save index to Rx buffer end
DEY ; decrement index
LDA LAB_AA ; get assembled byte
LDX LAB_0298 ; get bit count
CPX #$09 ; compare with byte + stop
BEQ LAB_EFB1 ; branch if all nine bits received
LSR ; else shift byte
INX ; increment bit count
BNE LAB_EFA9 ; loop, branch always
STA (LAB_F7),Y ; save received byte to Rx buffer
LDA #$20 ; mask 00x0 0000, parity enable bit
BIT LAB_0294 ; test the pseudo 6551 command register
BEQ LAB_EF6E ; branch if parity disabled
BMI LAB_EF6D ; branch if mark or space parity
LDA LAB_A7 ; get the RS232 received data bit
EOR LAB_AB ; EOR with the receiver parity bit
BVS LAB_EF6D ; if ?? just exit
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_xxxx
BVC $EF6D ; if ?? just exit
LDA #$01 ; set Rx parity error
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_xxxx
LDA #$04 ; set Rx overrun error
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_80A9
LDA #$80 ; set Rx break error
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_02A9
LDA #$02 ; set Rx frame error
ORA LAB_0297 ; OR it with the RS232 status byte
STA LAB_0297 ; save the RS232 status byte
JMP LAB_EF7E ; setup to receive an RS232 bit and return
BNE LAB_EFD0 ; if ?? do frame error
BEQ LAB_EFCD ; else do break error, branch always
; open RS232 channel for output
STA LAB_9A ; save the output device number
LDA LAB_0294 ; read the pseudo 6551 command register
LSR ; shift handshake bit to carry
BCC LAB_F012 ; if 3 line interface go ??
LDA #$02 ; mask 0000 00x0, RTS out
BIT LAB_DD01 ; test VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
BPL LAB_F00D ; if DSR = 0 set DSR not present and exit
BNE LAB_F012 ; if RTS = 1 just exit
LDA LAB_02A1 ; get the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
AND #$02 ; mask 0000 00x0, timer B interrupt
BNE LAB_EFF2 ; loop while the timer B interrupt is enebled
BIT LAB_DD01 ; test VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
BVS LAB_EFF9 ; loop while CTS high
LDA LAB_DD01 ; read VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
ORA #$02 ; mask xxxx xx1x, set RTS high
STA LAB_DD01 ; save VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
BIT LAB_DD01 ; test VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
BVS LAB_F012 ; exit if CTS high
BMI LAB_F006 ; loop while DSR high
; set no DSR and exit
LDA #$40 ; set DSR signal not present
STA LAB_0297 ; save the RS232 status register
CLC ; flag ok
; send byte to the RS232 buffer
JSR LAB_F028 ; setup for RS232 transmit
; send byte to the RS232 buffer, no setup
LDY LAB_029E ; get index to Tx buffer end
INY ; + 1
CPY LAB_029D ; compare with index to Tx buffer start
BEQ LAB_F014 ; loop while buffer full
STY LAB_029E ; set index to Tx buffer end
DEY ; index to available buffer byte
LDA LAB_9E ; read the RS232 character buffer
STA (LAB_F9),Y ; save the byte to the buffer
; setup for RS232 transmit
LDA LAB_02A1 ; get the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
LSR ; shift the enable bit to Cb
BCS LAB_F04C ; if interrupts are enabled just exit
LDA #$10 ; start timer A
LDA LAB_0299 ; get the baud rate bit time low byte
STA LAB_DD04 ; save VIA 2 timer A low byte
LDA LAB_029A ; get the baud rate bit time high byte
STA LAB_DD05 ; save VIA 2 timer A high byte
LDA #$81 ; enable timer A interrupt
JSR LAB_EF3B ; set VIA 2 ICR from A
JSR LAB_EF06 ; setup next RS232 Tx byte
LDA #$11 ; load timer A, start timer A
; input from RS232 buffer
STA LAB_99 ; save the input device number
LDA LAB_0294 ; get pseudo 6551 command register
LSR ; shift the handshake bit to Cb
BCC LAB_F07D ; if 3 line interface go ??
AND #$08 ; mask the duplex bit, pseudo 6551 command is >> 1
BEQ LAB_F07D ; if full duplex go ??
LDA #$02 ; mask 0000 00x0, RTS out
BIT LAB_DD01 ; test VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
BPL LAB_F00D ; if DSR = 0 set no DSR and exit
BEQ LAB_F084 ; if RTS = 0 just exit
LDA LAB_02A1 ; get the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
LSR ; shift the timer A interrupt enable bit to Cb
BCS LAB_F062 ; loop while the timer A interrupt is enabled
LDA LAB_DD01 ; read VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
AND #$FD ; mask xxxx xx0x, clear RTS out
STA LAB_DD01 ; save VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
LDA LAB_DD01 ; read VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
AND #$04 ; mask xxxx x1xx, DTR in
BEQ LAB_F070 ; loop while DTR low
LDA #$90 ; enable the FLAG interrupt
CLC ; flag ok
JMP LAB_EF3B ; set VIA 2 ICR from A and return
LDA LAB_02A1 ; get the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
AND #$12 ; mask 000x 00x0
BEQ LAB_F077 ; if FLAG or timer B bits set go enable the FLAG inetrrupt
CLC ; flag ok
; get byte from RS232 buffer
LDA LAB_0297 ; get the RS232 status register
LDY LAB_029C ; get index to Rx buffer start
CPY LAB_029B ; compare with index to Rx buffer end
BEQ LAB_F09C ; return null if buffer empty
AND #$F7 ; clear the Rx buffer empty bit
STA LAB_0297 ; save the RS232 status register
LDA (LAB_F7),Y ; get byte from Rx buffer
INC LAB_029C ; increment index to Rx buffer start
ORA #$08 ; set the Rx buffer empty bit
STA LAB_0297 ; save the RS232 status register
LDA #$00 ; return null
; check RS232 bus idle
PHA ; save A
LDA LAB_02A1 ; get the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
BEQ LAB_F0BB ; if no interrupts enabled just exit
LDA LAB_02A1 ; get the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
AND #$03 ; mask 0000 00xx, the error bits
BNE LAB_F0AA ; if there are errors loop
LDA #$10 ; disable FLAG interrupt
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_02A1 ; clear the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
PLA ; restore A
; kernel I/O messages
.byte $0D,"I/O ERROR ",'#'+$80
.byte $0D,"SEARCHING",' '+$80
.byte "FOR",' '+$80
.byte $0D,"PRESS PLAY ON TAP",'E'+$80
.byte "PRESS RECORD & PLAY ON TAP",'E'+$80
.byte $0D,"LOADIN",'G'+$80
.byte $0D,"SAVING",' '+$80
.byte $0D,"VERIFYIN",'G'+$80
.byte $0D,"FOUND",' '+$80
.byte $0D,"OK",$0D+$80
; display control I/O message if in direct mode
BIT LAB_9D ; test message mode flag
BPL LAB_F13C ; exit if control messages off
; display kernel I/O message
LDA LAB_F0BD,Y ; get byte from message table
PHP ; save status
AND #$7F ; clear b7
JSR LAB_FFD2 ; output character to channel
INY ; increment index
PLP ; restore status
BPL LAB_F12F ; loop if not end of message
CLC ;.
; get character from the input device
LDA LAB_99 ; get the input device number
BNE LAB_F14A ; if not the keyboard go handle other devices
; the input device was the keyboard
LDA LAB_C6 ; get the keyboard buffer index
BEQ LAB_F155 ; if the buffer is empty go flag no byte and return
SEI ; disable the interrupts
JMP LAB_E5B4 ; get input from the keyboard buffer and return
; the input device was not the keyboard
CMP #$02 ; compare the device with the RS232 device
BNE LAB_F166 ; if not the RS232 device go ??
; the input device is the RS232 device
STY LAB_97 ; save Y
JSR LAB_F086 ; get a byte from RS232 buffer
LDY LAB_97 ; restore Y
CLC ; flag no error
; input a character from channel
LDA LAB_99 ; get the input device number
BNE LAB_F166 ; if not the keyboard continue
; the input device was the keyboard
LDA LAB_D3 ; get the cursor column
STA LAB_CA ; set the input cursor column
LDA LAB_D6 ; get the cursor row
STA LAB_C9 ; set the input cursor row
JMP LAB_E632 ; input from screen or keyboard
; the input device was not the keyboard
CMP #$03 ; compare device number with screen
BNE LAB_F173 ; if not screen continue
; the input device was the screen
STA LAB_D0 ; input from keyboard or screen, $xx = screen,
; $00 = keyboard
LDA LAB_D5 ; get current screen line length
STA LAB_C8 ; save input [EOL] pointer
JMP LAB_E632 ; input from screen or keyboard
; the input device was not the screen
BCS LAB_F1AD ; if input device > screen go do IEC devices
; the input device was < screen
CMP #$02 ; compare the device with the RS232 device
BEQ LAB_F1B8 ; if RS232 device go get a byte from the RS232 device
; only the tape device left ..
STX LAB_97 ; save X
JSR LAB_F199 ; get a byte from tape
BCS LAB_F196 ; if error just exit
PHA ; save the byte
JSR LAB_F199 ; get the next byte from tape
BCS LAB_F193 ; if error just exit
BNE LAB_F18D ; if end reached ??
LDA #$40 ; set EOI
JSR LAB_FE1C ; OR into the serial status byte
DEC LAB_A6 ; decrement tape buffer index
LDX LAB_97 ; restore X
PLA ; restore the saved byte
TAX ; copy the error byte
PLA ; dump the saved byte
TXA ; restore error byte
LDX LAB_97 ; restore X
; get byte from tape
JSR LAB_F80D ; bump tape pointer
BNE LAB_F1A9 ; if not end get next byte and exit
JSR LAB_F841 ; initiate tape read
BCS LAB_F1B4 ; exit if error flagged
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_A6 ; clear tape buffer index
BEQ LAB_F199 ; loop, branch always
LDA (LAB_B2),Y ; get next byte from buffer
CLC ; flag no error
; input device was serial bus
LDA LAB_90 ; get the serial status byte
BEQ LAB_F1B5 ; if no errors flagged go input byte and return
LDA #$0D ; else return [EOL]
CLC ; flag no error
JMP LAB_EE13 ; input byte from serial bus and return
; input device was RS232 device
JSR LAB_F14E ; get byte from RS232 device
BCS LAB_F1B4 ; branch if error, this doesn't get taken as the last
; instruction in the get byte from RS232 device routine
; is CLC ??
CMP #$00 ; compare with null
BNE LAB_F1B3 ; exit if not null
LDA LAB_0297 ; get the RS232 status register
AND #$60 ; mask 0xx0 0000, DSR detected and ??
BNE LAB_F1B1 ; if ?? return null
BEQ LAB_F1B8 ; else loop, branch always
; output character to channel
PHA ; save the character to output
LDA LAB_9A ; get the output device number
CMP #$03 ; compare the output device with the screen
BNE LAB_F1D5 ; if not the screen go ??
PLA ; else restore the output character
JMP LAB_E716 ; go output the character to the screen
BCC LAB_F1DB ; if < screen go ??
PLA ; else restore the output character
JMP LAB_EDDD ; go output the character to the serial bus
LSR ; shift b0 of the device into Cb
PLA ; restore the output character
; output the character to the cassette or RS232 device
STA LAB_9E ; save the character to the character buffer
TXA ; copy X
PHA ; save X
TYA ; copy Y
PHA ; save Y
BCC LAB_F208 ; if Cb is clear it must be the RS232 device
; output the character to the cassette
JSR LAB_F80D ; bump the tape pointer
BNE LAB_F1F8 ; if not end save next byte and exit
JSR LAB_F864 ; initiate tape write
BCS LAB_F1FD ; exit if error
LDA #$02 ; set data block type ??
LDY #$00 ; clear index
STA (LAB_B2),Y ; save type to buffer ??
INY ; increment index
STY LAB_A6 ; save tape buffer index
LDA LAB_9E ; restore character from character buffer
STA (LAB_B2),Y ; save to buffer
CLC ; flag no error
PLA ; pull Y
TAY ; restore Y
PLA ; pull X
TAX ; restore X
LDA LAB_9E ; get the character from the character buffer
BCC LAB_F207 ; exit if no error
LDA #$00 ; else clear A
; output the character to the RS232 device
JSR LAB_F017 ; send byte to the RS232 buffer, no setup
JMP LAB_F1FC ; do no error exit
; open channel for input
JSR LAB_F30F ; find a file
BEQ LAB_F216 ; if the file is open continue
JMP LAB_F701 ; else do 'file not open' error and return
JSR LAB_F31F ; set file details from table,X
LDA LAB_BA ; get the device number
BEQ LAB_F233 ; if the device was the keyboard save the device #, flag
; ok and exit
CMP #$03 ; compare the device number with the screen
BEQ LAB_F233 ; if the device was the screen save the device #, flag ok
; and exit
BCS LAB_F237 ; if the device was a serial bus device go ??
CMP #$02 ; else compare the device with the RS232 device
BNE LAB_F22A ; if not the RS232 device continue
JMP LAB_F04D ; else go get input from the RS232 buffer and return
LDX LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
CPX #$60 ;.
BEQ LAB_F233 ;.
JMP LAB_F70A ; go do 'not input file' error and return
STA LAB_99 ; save the input device number
CLC ; flag ok
; the device was a serial bus device
TAX ; copy device number to X
JSR LAB_ED09 ; command serial bus device to TALK
LDA LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
BPL LAB_F245 ;.
JSR LAB_EDCC ; wait for the serial bus end after send
JMP LAB_F248 ;.
JSR LAB_EDC7 ; send secondary address after TALK
TXA ; copy device back to A
BIT LAB_90 ; test the serial status byte
BPL LAB_F233 ; if device present save device number and exit
JMP LAB_F707 ; do 'device not present' error and return
; open channel for output
JSR LAB_F30F ; find a file
BEQ LAB_F258 ; if file found continue
JMP LAB_F701 ; else do 'file not open' error and return
JSR LAB_F31F ; set file details from table,X
LDA LAB_BA ; get the device number
BNE LAB_F262 ; if the device is not the keyboard go ??
JMP LAB_F70D ; go do 'not output file' error and return
CMP #$03 ; compare the device with the screen
BEQ LAB_F275 ; if the device is the screen go save output the output
; device number and exit
BCS LAB_F279 ; if > screen then go handle a serial bus device
CMP #$02 ; compare the device with the RS232 device
BNE LAB_F26F ; if not the RS232 device then it must be the tape device
JMP LAB_EFE1 ; else go open RS232 channel for output
; open a tape channel for output
LDX LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
CPX #$60 ;.
BEQ LAB_F25F ; if ?? do not output file error and return
STA LAB_9A ; save the output device number
CLC ; flag ok
TAX ; copy the device number
JSR LAB_ED0C ; command devices on the serial bus to LISTEN
LDA LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
BPL LAB_F286 ; if address to send go ??
JSR LAB_EDBE ; else set serial ATN high
BNE LAB_F289 ; go ??, branch always
JSR LAB_EDB9 ; send secondary address after LISTEN
TXA ; copy device number back to A
BIT LAB_90 ; test the serial status byte
BPL LAB_F275 ; if the device is present go save the output device number
; and exit
JMP LAB_F707 ; else do 'device not present error' and return
; close a specified logical file
JSR LAB_F314 ; find file A
BEQ LAB_F298 ; if file found go close it
CLC ; else the file was closed so just flag ok
; file found so close it
JSR LAB_F31F ; set file details from table,X
TXA ; copy file index to A
PHA ; save file index
LDA LAB_BA ; get the device number
BEQ LAB_F2F1 ; if it is the keyboard go restore the index and close the
; file
CMP #$03 ; compare the device number with the screen
BEQ LAB_F2F1 ; if it is the screen go restore the index and close the
; file
BCS LAB_F2EE ; if > screen go do serial bus device close
CMP #$02 ; compare the device with the RS232 device
BNE LAB_F2C8 ; if not the RS232 device go ??
; else close RS232 device
PLA ; restore file index
JSR LAB_F2F2 ; close file index X
JSR LAB_F483 ; initialise RS232 output
JSR LAB_FE27 ; read the top of memory
LDA LAB_F8 ; get the RS232 input buffer pointer high byte
BEQ LAB_F2BA ; if no RS232 input buffer go ??
INY ; else reclaim RS232 input buffer memory
LDA LAB_FA ; get the RS232 output buffer pointer high byte
BEQ LAB_F2BF ; if no RS232 output buffer skip the reclaim
INY ; else reclaim the RS232 output buffer memory
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_F8 ; clear the RS232 input buffer pointer high byte
STA LAB_FA ; clear the RS232 output buffer pointer high byte
JMP LAB_F47D ; go set the top of memory to F0xx
; is not the RS232 device
LDA LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
AND #$0F ; mask the device #
BEQ LAB_F2F1 ; if ?? restore index and close file
JSR LAB_F7D0 ; get tape buffer start pointer in XY
LDA #$00 ; character $00
SEC ; flag the tape device
JSR LAB_F1DD ; output the character to the cassette or RS232 device
JSR LAB_F864 ; initiate tape write
PLA ;.
LDA #$00 ;.
LDA LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
CMP #$62 ;.
BNE LAB_F2F1 ; if not ?? restore index and close file
LDA #$05 ; set logical end of the tape
JSR LAB_F76A ; write tape header
JMP LAB_F2F1 ; restore index and close file
; serial bus device close
JSR LAB_F642 ; close serial bus device
PLA ; restore file index
; close file index X
TAX ; copy index to file to close
DEC LAB_98 ; decrement the open file count
CPX LAB_98 ; compare the index with the open file count
BEQ LAB_F30D ; exit if equal, last entry was closing file
; else entry was not last in list so copy last table entry
; file details over the details of the closing one
LDY LAB_98 ; get the open file count as index
LDA LAB_0259,Y ; get last+1 logical file number from logical file table
STA LAB_0259,X ; save logical file number over closed file
LDA LAB_0263,Y ; get last+1 device number from device number table
STA LAB_0263,X ; save device number over closed file
LDA LAB_026D,Y ; get last+1 secondary address from secondary address table
STA LAB_026D,X ; save secondary address over closed file
CLC ; flag ok
; find a file
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_90 ; clear the serial status byte
TXA ; copy the logical file number to A
; find file A
LDX LAB_98 ; get the open file count
DEX ; decrememnt the count to give the index
BMI LAB_F32E ; if no files just exit
CMP LAB_0259,X ; compare the logical file number with the table logical
; file number
BNE LAB_F316 ; if no match go try again
; set file details from table,X
LDA LAB_0259,X ; get logical file from logical file table
STA LAB_B8 ; save the logical file
LDA LAB_0263,X ; get device number from device number table
STA LAB_BA ; save the device number
LDA LAB_026D,X ; get secondary address from secondary address table
STA LAB_B9 ; save the secondary address
; close all channels and files
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_98 ; clear the open file count
; close input and output channels
LDX #$03 ; set the screen device
CPX LAB_9A ; compare the screen with the output device number
BCS LAB_F33C ; if <= screen skip the serial bus unlisten
JSR LAB_EDFE ; else command the serial bus to UNLISTEN
CPX LAB_99 ; compare the screen with the input device number
BCS LAB_F343 ; if <= screen skip the serial bus untalk
JSR LAB_EDEF ; else command the serial bus to UNTALK
STX LAB_9A ; save the screen as the output device number
LDA #$00 ; set the keyboard as the input device
STA LAB_99 ; save the input device number
; open a logical file
LDX LAB_B8 ; get the logical file
BNE LAB_F351 ; if there is a file continue
JMP LAB_F70A ; else do 'not input file error' and return
JSR LAB_F30F ; find a file
BNE LAB_F359 ; if file not found continue
JMP LAB_F6FE ; else do 'file already open' error and return
LDX LAB_98 ; get the open file count
CPX #$0A ; compare it with the maximum + 1
BCC LAB_F362 ; if less than maximum + 1 go open the file
JMP LAB_F6FB ; else do 'too many files error' and return
INC LAB_98 ; increment the open file count
LDA LAB_B8 ; get the logical file
STA LAB_0259,X ; save it to the logical file table
LDA LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
ORA #$60 ; OR with the OPEN CHANNEL command
STA LAB_B9 ; save the secondary address
STA LAB_026D,X ; save it to the secondary address table
LDA LAB_BA ; get the device number
STA LAB_0263,X ; save it to the device number table
BEQ LAB_F3D3 ; if it is the keyboard go do the ok exit
CMP #$03 ; compare the device number with the screen
BEQ LAB_F3D3 ; if it is the screen go do the ok exit
BCC LAB_F384 ; if tape or RS232 device go ??
; else it is a serial bus device
JSR LAB_F3D5 ; send the secondary address and filename
BCC LAB_F3D3 ; go do ok exit, branch always
CMP #$02 ;.
JMP LAB_F409 ; go open RS232 device and return
JSR LAB_F7D0 ; get tape buffer start pointer in XY
BCS LAB_F393 ; if >= $0200 go ??
JMP LAB_F713 ; else do 'illegal device number' and return
LDA LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
AND #$0F ;.
JSR LAB_F817 ; wait for PLAY
BCS LAB_F3D4 ; exit if STOP was pressed
JSR LAB_F5AF ; print "Searching..."
LDA LAB_B7 ; get file name length
BEQ LAB_F3AF ; if null file name just go find header
JSR LAB_F7EA ; find specific tape header
BCC LAB_F3C2 ; branch if no error
BEQ LAB_F3D4 ; exit if ??
JMP LAB_F704 ; do file not found error and return
JSR LAB_F72C ; find tape header, exit with header in buffer
BEQ LAB_F3D4 ; exit if end of tape found
JSR LAB_F838 ; wait for PLAY/RECORD
BCS LAB_F3D4 ; exit if STOP was pressed
LDA #$04 ; set data file header
JSR LAB_F76A ; write tape header
LDA #$BF ;.
LDY LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
CPY #$60 ;.
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA #$02 ;.
STA (LAB_B2),Y ;.save to tape buffer
TYA ;.clear A
STA LAB_A6 ;.save tape buffer index
CLC ; flag ok
; send secondary address and filename
LDA LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
BMI LAB_F3D3 ; ok exit if -ve
LDY LAB_B7 ; get file name length
BEQ LAB_F3D3 ; ok exit if null
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_90 ; clear the serial status byte
LDA LAB_BA ; get the device number
JSR LAB_ED0C ; command devices on the serial bus to LISTEN
LDA LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
ORA #$F0 ; OR with the OPEN command
JSR LAB_EDB9 ; send secondary address after LISTEN
LDA LAB_90 ; get the serial status byte
BPL LAB_F3F6 ; if device present skip the 'device not present' error
PLA ; else dump calling address low byte
PLA ; dump calling address high byte
JMP LAB_F707 ; do 'device not present' error and return
LDA LAB_B7 ; get file name length
BEQ LAB_F406 ; branch if null name
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_BB),Y ; get file name byte
JSR LAB_EDDD ; output byte to serial bus
INY ; increment index
CPY LAB_B7 ; compare with file name length
BNE LAB_F3FC ; loop if not all done
JMP LAB_F654 ; command serial bus to UNLISTEN and return
; open RS232 device
JSR LAB_F483 ; initialise RS232 output
STY LAB_0297 ; save the RS232 status register
CPY LAB_B7 ; compare with file name length
BEQ LAB_F41D ; exit loop if done
LDA (LAB_BB),Y ; get file name byte
STA LAB_0293,Y ; copy to 6551 register set
INY ; increment index
CPY #$04 ; compare with $04
BNE LAB_F40F ; loop if not to 4 yet
JSR LAB_EF4A ; compute bit count
STX LAB_0298 ; save bit count
LDA LAB_0293 ; get pseudo 6551 control register
AND #$0F ; mask 0000 xxxx, baud rate
BEQ LAB_F446 ; if zero skip the baud rate setup
ASL ; * 2 bytes per entry
TAX ; copy to the index
LDA LAB_02A6 ; get the PAL/NTSC flag
BNE LAB_F43A ; if PAL go set PAL timing
LDY LAB_FEC2-1,X ; get the NTSC baud rate value high byte
LDA LAB_FEC2-2,X ; get the NTSC baud rate value low byte
JMP LAB_F440 ; go save the baud rate values
LDY LAB_E4EC-1,X ; get the PAL baud rate value high byte
LDA LAB_E4EC-2,X ; get the PAL baud rate value low byte
STY LAB_0296 ; save the nonstandard bit timing high byte
STA LAB_0295 ; save the nonstandard bit timing low byte
LDA LAB_0295 ; get the nonstandard bit timing low byte
ASL ; * 2
LDA LAB_0294 ; read the pseudo 6551 command register
LSR ; shift the X line/3 line bit into Cb
BCC LAB_F45C ; if 3 line skip the DRS test
LDA LAB_DD01 ; read VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
ASL ; shift DSR in into Cb
BCS LAB_F45C ; if DSR present skip the error set
JSR LAB_F00D ; set no DSR
LDA LAB_029B ; get index to Rx buffer end
STA LAB_029C ; set index to Rx buffer start, clear Rx buffer
LDA LAB_029E ; get index to Tx buffer end
STA LAB_029D ; set index to Tx buffer start, clear Tx buffer
JSR LAB_FE27 ; read the top of memory
LDA LAB_F8 ; get the RS232 input buffer pointer high byte
BNE LAB_F474 ; if buffer already set skip the save
DEY ; decrement top of memory high byte, 256 byte buffer
STY LAB_F8 ; save the RS232 input buffer pointer high byte
STX LAB_F7 ; save the RS232 input buffer pointer low byte
LDA LAB_FA ; get the RS232 output buffer pointer high byte
BNE LAB_F47D ; if ?? go set the top of memory to F0xx
DEY ;.
STY LAB_FA ; save the RS232 output buffer pointer high byte
STX LAB_F9 ; save the RS232 output buffer pointer low byte
; set the top of memory to F0xx
SEC ; read the top of memory
LDA #$F0 ; set $F000
JMP LAB_FE2D ; set the top of memory and return
; initialise RS232 output
LDA #$7F ; disable all interrupts
LDA #$06 ; set RS232 DTR output, RS232 RTS output
STA LAB_DD03 ; save VIA 2 DDRB, RS232 port
STA LAB_DD01 ; save VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
LDA #$04 ; mask xxxx x1xx, set RS232 Tx DATA high
ORA LAB_DD00 ; OR it with VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
STA LAB_DD00 ; save VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
LDY #$00 ; clear Y
STY LAB_02A1 ; clear the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
; load RAM from a device
STX LAB_C3 ; set kernal setup pointer low byte
STY LAB_C4 ; set kernal setup pointer high byte
JMP (LAB_0330) ; do LOAD vector, usually points to LAB_F4A5
; load
STA LAB_93 ; save load/verify flag
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_90 ; clear the serial status byte
LDA LAB_BA ; get the device number
BNE LAB_F4B2 ; if not the keyboard continue
; do 'illegal device number'
JMP LAB_F713 ; else do 'illegal device number' and return
CMP #$03 ;.
BCC LAB_F533 ;.
LDY LAB_B7 ; get file name length
BNE LAB_F4BF ; if not null name go ??
JMP LAB_F710 ; else do 'missing file name' error and return
LDX LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
JSR LAB_F5AF ; print "Searching..."
LDA #$60 ;.
STA LAB_B9 ; save the secondary address
JSR LAB_F3D5 ; send secondary address and filename
LDA LAB_BA ; get the device number
JSR LAB_ED09 ; command serial bus device to TALK
LDA LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
JSR LAB_EDC7 ; send secondary address after TALK
JSR LAB_EE13 ; input byte from serial bus
STA LAB_AE ; save program start address low byte
LDA LAB_90 ; get the serial status byte
LSR ; shift time out read ..
LSR ; .. into carry bit
BCS LAB_F530 ; if timed out go do file not found error and return
JSR LAB_EE13 ; input byte from serial bus
STA LAB_AF ; save program start address high byte
TXA ; copy secondary address
BNE LAB_F4F0 ; load location not set in LOAD call, so continue with the
; load
LDA LAB_C3 ; get the load address low byte
STA LAB_AE ; save the program start address low byte
LDA LAB_C4 ; get the load address high byte
STA LAB_AF ; save the program start address high byte
LDA #$FD ; mask xxxx xx0x, clear time out read bit
AND LAB_90 ; mask the serial status byte
STA LAB_90 ; set the serial status byte
JSR LAB_FFE1 ; scan stop key, return Zb = 1 = [STOP]
BNE LAB_F501 ; if not [STOP] go ??
JMP LAB_F633 ; else close the serial bus device and flag stop
JSR LAB_EE13 ; input byte from serial bus
TAX ; copy byte
LDA LAB_90 ; get the serial status byte
LSR ; shift time out read ..
LSR ; .. into carry bit
BCS LAB_F4F3 ; if timed out go try again
TXA ; copy received byte back
LDY LAB_93 ; get load/verify flag
BEQ LAB_F51C ; if load go load
; else is verify
LDY #$00 ; clear index
CMP (LAB_AE),Y ; compare byte with previously loaded byte
BEQ LAB_F51E ; if match go ??
LDA #$10 ; flag read error
JSR LAB_FE1C ; OR into the serial status byte
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_AE91
STA (LAB_AE),Y ; save byte to memory
INC LAB_AE ; increment save pointer low byte
BNE LAB_F524 ; if no rollover go ??
INC LAB_AF ; else increment save pointer high byte
BIT LAB_90 ; test the serial status byte
BVC LAB_F4F3 ; loop if not end of file
; close file and exit
JSR LAB_EDEF ; command serial bus to UNTALK
JSR LAB_F642 ; close serial bus device
BCC LAB_F5A9 ; if ?? go flag ok and exit
JMP LAB_F704 ; do file not found error and return
; ??
JMP LAB_F713 ; else do 'illegal device number' and return
JSR LAB_F7D0 ; get tape buffer start pointer in XY
BCS LAB_F541 ; if ??
JMP LAB_F713 ; else do 'illegal device number' and return
JSR LAB_F817 ; wait for PLAY
BCS LAB_F5AE ; exit if STOP was pressed
JSR LAB_F5AF ; print "Searching..."
LDA LAB_B7 ; get file name length
BEQ LAB_F556 ;.
JSR LAB_F7EA ; find specific tape header
BCC LAB_F55D ; if no error continue
BEQ LAB_F5AE ; exit if ??
BCS LAB_F530 ;., branch always
JSR LAB_F72C ; find tape header, exit with header in buffer
BEQ LAB_F5AE ; exit if ??
BCS LAB_F530 ;.
LDA LAB_90 ; get the serial status byte
AND #$10 ; mask 000x 0000, read error
SEC ; flag fail
BNE LAB_F5AE ; if read error just exit
CPX #$01 ;.
BEQ LAB_F579 ;.
CPX #$03 ;.
BNE LAB_F549 ;.
LDY #$01 ;.
LDA (LAB_B2),Y ;.
INY ;.
LDA (LAB_B2),Y ;.
LDA LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
LDY #$03 ;.
LDA (LAB_B2),Y ;.
LDY #$01 ;.
SBC (LAB_B2),Y ;.
TAX ;.
LDY #$04 ;.
LDA (LAB_B2),Y ;.
LDY #$02 ;.
SBC (LAB_B2),Y ;.
TAY ;.
CLC ;.
TXA ;.
TYA ;.
STA LAB_C1 ; set I/O start addresses low byte
STA LAB_C2 ; set I/O start addresses high byte
JSR LAB_F84A ; do the tape read
.byte $24 ; makes next line BIT LAB_xx, keep the error flag in Cb
CLC ; flag ok
LDX LAB_AE ; get the LOAD end pointer low byte
LDY LAB_AF ; get the LOAD end pointer high byte
; print "Searching..."
LDA LAB_9D ; get message mode flag
BPL LAB_F5D1 ; exit if control messages off
; index to "SEARCHING "
JSR LAB_F12F ; display kernel I/O message
LDA LAB_B7 ; get file name length
BEQ LAB_F5D1 ; exit if null name
; else index to "FOR "
JSR LAB_F12F ; display kernel I/O message
; print file name
LDY LAB_B7 ; get file name length
BEQ LAB_F5D1 ; exit if null file name
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_BB),Y ; get file name byte
JSR LAB_FFD2 ; output character to channel
INY ; increment index
CPY LAB_B7 ; compare with file name length
BNE LAB_F5C7 ; loop if more to do
; display "LOADING" or "VERIFYING"
; point to "LOADING"
LDA LAB_93 ; get load/verify flag
BEQ LAB_F5DA ; branch if load
; point to "VERIFYING"
JMP LAB_F12B ; display kernel I/O message if in direct mode and return
; save RAM to device, A = index to start address, XY = end address low/high
STX LAB_AE ; save end address low byte
STY LAB_AF ; save end address high byte
TAX ; copy index to start pointer
LDA LAB_00+0,X ; get start address low byte
STA LAB_C1 ; set I/O start addresses low byte
LDA LAB_00+1,X ; get start address high byte
STA LAB_C2 ; set I/O start addresses high byte
JMP (LAB_0332) ; go save, usually points to LAB_F685
; save
LDA LAB_BA ; get the device number
BNE LAB_F5F4 ; if not keyboard go ??
; else ..
JMP LAB_F713 ; else do 'illegal device number' and return
CMP #$03 ; compare device number with screen
BEQ LAB_F5F1 ; if screen do illegal device number and return
BCC LAB_F659 ; branch if < screen
; is greater than screen so is serial bus
LDA #$61 ; set secondary address to $01
; when a secondary address is to be sent to a device on
; the serial bus the address must first be ORed with $60
STA LAB_B9 ; save the secondary address
LDY LAB_B7 ; get the file name length
BNE LAB_F605 ; if filename not null continue
JMP LAB_F710 ; else do 'missing file name' error and return
JSR LAB_F3D5 ; send secondary address and filename
JSR LAB_F68F ; print saving <file name>
LDA LAB_BA ; get the device number
JSR LAB_ED0C ; command devices on the serial bus to LISTEN
LDA LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
JSR LAB_EDB9 ; send secondary address after LISTEN
LDY #$00 ; clear index
JSR LAB_FB8E ; copy I/O start address to buffer address
LDA LAB_AC ; get buffer address low byte
JSR LAB_EDDD ; output byte to serial bus
LDA LAB_AD ; get buffer address high byte
JSR LAB_EDDD ; output byte to serial bus
JSR LAB_FCD1 ; check read/write pointer, return Cb = 1 if pointer >= end
BCS LAB_F63F ; go do UNLISTEN if at end
LDA (LAB_AC),Y ; get byte from buffer
JSR LAB_EDDD ; output byte to serial bus
JSR LAB_FFE1 ; scan stop key
BNE LAB_F63A ; if stop not pressed go increment pointer and loop for next
; else ..
; close the serial bus device and flag stop
JSR LAB_F642 ; close serial bus device
LDA #$00 ;.
SEC ; flag stop
JSR LAB_FCDB ; increment read/write pointer
BNE LAB_F624 ; loop, branch always
JSR LAB_EDFE ; command serial bus to UNLISTEN
; close serial bus device
BIT LAB_B9 ; test the secondary address
BMI LAB_F657 ; if already closed just exit
LDA LAB_BA ; get the device number
JSR LAB_ED0C ; command devices on the serial bus to LISTEN
LDA LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
AND #$EF ; mask the channel number
ORA #$E0 ; OR with the CLOSE command
JSR LAB_EDB9 ; send secondary address after LISTEN
JSR LAB_EDFE ; command serial bus to UNLISTEN
CLC ; flag ok
LSR ;.
BCS LAB_F65F ; if not RS232 device ??
JMP LAB_F713 ; else do 'illegal device number' and return
JSR LAB_F7D0 ; get tape buffer start pointer in XY
BCC LAB_F5F1 ; if < $0200 do illegal device number and return
JSR LAB_F838 ; wait for PLAY/RECORD
BCS LAB_F68E ; exit if STOP was pressed
JSR LAB_F68F ; print saving <file name>
LDX #$03 ; set header for a non relocatable program file
LDA LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
AND #$01 ; mask non relocatable bit
BNE LAB_F676 ; if non relocatable program go ??
LDX #$01 ; else set header for a relocatable program file
TXA ; copy header type to A
JSR LAB_F76A ; write tape header
BCS LAB_F68E ; exit if error
JSR LAB_F867 ; do tape write, 20 cycle count
BCS LAB_F68E ; exit if error
LDA LAB_B9 ; get the secondary address
AND #$02 ; mask end of tape flag
BEQ LAB_F68D ; if not end of tape go ??
LDA #$05 ; else set logical end of the tape
JSR LAB_F76A ; write tape header
.byte $24 ; makes next line BIT LAB_18 so Cb is not changed
CLC ; flag ok
; print saving <file name>
LDA LAB_9D ; get message mode flag
BPL LAB_F68E ; exit if control messages off
; index to "SAVING "
JSR LAB_F12F ; display kernel I/O message
JMP LAB_F5C1 ; print file name and return
; increment the real time clock
LDX #$00 ; clear X
INC LAB_A2 ; increment the jiffy clock low byte
BNE LAB_F6A7 ; if no rollover ??
INC LAB_A1 ; increment the jiffy clock mid byte
BNE LAB_F6A7 ; branch if no rollover
INC LAB_A0 ; increment the jiffy clock high byte
; now subtract a days worth of jiffies from current count
; and remember only the Cb result
SEC ; set carry for subtract
LDA LAB_A2 ; get the jiffy clock low byte
SBC #$01 ; subtract $4F1A01 low byte
LDA LAB_A1 ; get the jiffy clock mid byte
SBC #$1A ; subtract $4F1A01 mid byte
LDA LAB_A0 ; get the jiffy clock high byte
SBC #$4F ; subtract $4F1A01 high byte
BCC LAB_F6BC ; if less than $4F1A01 jiffies skip the clock reset
; else ..
STX LAB_A0 ; clear the jiffy clock high byte
STX LAB_A1 ; clear the jiffy clock mid byte
STX LAB_A2 ; clear the jiffy clock low byte
; this is wrong, there are $4F1A00 jiffies in a day so
; the reset to zero should occur when the value reaches
; $4F1A00 and not $4F1A01. this would give an extra jiffy
; every day and a possible TI value of 24:00:00
LDA LAB_DC01 ; read VIA 1 DRB, keyboard row port
CMP LAB_DC01 ; compare it with itself
BNE LAB_F6BC ; loop if changing
TAX ;.
LDX #$BD ; set c6
STX LAB_DC00 ; save VIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive
LDX LAB_DC01 ; read VIA 1 DRB, keyboard row port
CPX LAB_DC01 ; compare it with itself
BNE LAB_F6CC ; loop if changing
STA LAB_DC00 ; save VIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive
INX ;.
STA LAB_91 ; save the stop key column
; read the real time clock
SEI ; disable the interrupts
LDA LAB_A2 ; get the jiffy clock low byte
LDX LAB_A1 ; get the jiffy clock mid byte
LDY LAB_A0 ; get the jiffy clock high byte
; set the real time clock
SEI ; disable the interrupts
STA LAB_A2 ; save the jiffy clock low byte
STX LAB_A1 ; save the jiffy clock mid byte
STY LAB_A0 ; save the jiffy clock high byte
CLI ; enable the interrupts
; scan the stop key, return Zb = 1 = [STOP]
LDA LAB_91 ; read the stop key column
CMP #$7F ; compare with [STP] down
BNE LAB_F6FA ; if not [STP] or not just [STP] exit
; just [STP] was pressed
PHP ; save status
JSR LAB_FFCC ; close input and output channels
STA LAB_C6 ; save the keyboard buffer index
PLP ; restore status
; file error messages
LDA #$01 ; 'too many files' error
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_xxxx
LDA #$02 ; 'file already open' error
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_xxxx
LDA #$03 ; 'file not open' error
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_xxxx
LDA #$04 ; 'file not found' error
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_xxxx
LDA #$05 ; 'device not present' error
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_xxxx
LDA #$06 ; 'not input file' error
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_xxxx
LDA #$07 ; 'not output file' error
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_xxxx
LDA #$08 ; 'missing file name' error
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_xxxx
LDA #$09 ; do 'illegal device number'
PHA ; save the error #
JSR LAB_FFCC ; close input and output channels
; index to "I/O ERROR #"
BIT LAB_9D ; test message mode flag
BVC LAB_F729 ; exit if kernal messages off
JSR LAB_F12F ; display kernel I/O message
PLA ; restore error #
PHA ; copy error #
ORA #'0' ; convert to ASCII
JSR LAB_FFD2 ; output character to channel
PLA ; pull error number
SEC ; flag error
; find the tape header, exit with header in buffer
LDA LAB_93 ; get load/verify flag
PHA ; save load/verify flag
JSR LAB_F841 ; initiate tape read
PLA ; restore load/verify flag
STA LAB_93 ; save load/verify flag
BCS LAB_F769 ; exit if error
LDY #$00 ; clear the index
LDA (LAB_B2),Y ; read first byte from tape buffer
CMP #$05 ; compare with logical end of the tape
BEQ LAB_F769 ; if end of the tape exit
CMP #$01 ; compare with header for a relocatable program file
BEQ LAB_F74B ; if program file header go ??
CMP #$03 ; compare with header for a non relocatable program file
BEQ LAB_F74B ; if program file header go ??
CMP #$04 ; compare with data file header
BNE LAB_F72C ; if data file loop to find the tape header
; was a program file header
TAX ; copy header type
BIT LAB_9D ; get message mode flag
BPL LAB_F767 ; exit if control messages off
; index to "FOUND "
JSR LAB_F12F ; display kernel I/O message
LDY #$05 ; index to the tape filename
LDA (LAB_B2),Y ; get byte from tape buffer
JSR LAB_FFD2 ; output character to channel
INY ; increment the index
CPY #$15 ; compare it with end+1
BNE LAB_F757 ; loop if more to do
LDA LAB_A1 ; get the jiffy clock mid byte
JSR LAB_E4E0 ; wait ~8.5 seconds for any key from the STOP key column
NOP ; waste cycles
CLC ; flag no error
DEY ; decrement the index
; write the tape header
STA LAB_9E ; save header type
JSR LAB_F7D0 ; get tape buffer start pointer in XY
BCC LAB_F7CF ; if < $0200 just exit ??
LDA LAB_C2 ; get I/O start address high byte
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_C1 ; get I/O start address low byte
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_AF ; get tape end address high byte
PHA ; save it
LDA LAB_AE ; get tape end address low byte
PHA ; save it
LDY #$BF ; index to header end
LDA #' ' ; clear byte, [SPACE]
STA (LAB_B2),Y ; clear header byte
DEY ; decrement index
BNE LAB_F781 ; loop if more to do
LDA LAB_9E ; get the header type back
STA (LAB_B2),Y ; write it to header
INY ; increment the index
LDA LAB_C1 ; get the I/O start address low byte
STA (LAB_B2),Y ; write it to header
INY ; increment the index
LDA LAB_C2 ; get the I/O start address high byte
STA (LAB_B2),Y ; write it to header
INY ; increment the index
LDA LAB_AE ; get the tape end address low byte
STA (LAB_B2),Y ; write it to header
INY ; increment the index
LDA LAB_AF ; get the tape end address high byte
STA (LAB_B2),Y ; write it to header
INY ; increment the index
STY LAB_9F ; save the index
LDY #$00 ; clear Y
STY LAB_9E ; clear the name index
LDY LAB_9E ; get name index
CPY LAB_B7 ; compare with file name length
BEQ LAB_F7B7 ; if all done exit the loop
LDA (LAB_BB),Y ; get file name byte
LDY LAB_9F ; get buffer index
STA (LAB_B2),Y ; save file name byte to buffer
INC LAB_9E ; increment file name index
INC LAB_9F ; increment tape buffer index
BNE LAB_F7A5 ; loop, branch always
JSR LAB_F7D7 ; set tape buffer start and end pointers
LDA #$69 ; set write lead cycle count
STA LAB_AB ; save write lead cycle count
JSR LAB_F86B ; do tape write, no cycle count set
TAY ;.
PLA ; pull tape end address low byte
STA LAB_AE ; restore it
PLA ; pull tape end address high byte
STA LAB_AF ; restore it
PLA ; pull I/O start addresses low byte
STA LAB_C1 ; restore it
PLA ; pull I/O start addresses high byte
STA LAB_C2 ; restore it
TYA ;.
; get the tape buffer start pointer
LDX LAB_B2 ; get tape buffer start pointer low byte
LDY LAB_B3 ; get tape buffer start pointer high byte
CPY #$02 ; compare high byte with $02xx
; set the tape buffer start and end pointers
JSR LAB_F7D0 ; get tape buffer start pointer in XY
TXA ; copy tape buffer start pointer low byte
STA LAB_C1 ; save as I/O address pointer low byte
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$C0 ; add buffer length low byte
STA LAB_AE ; save tape buffer end pointer low byte
TYA ; copy tape buffer start pointer high byte
STA LAB_C2 ; save as I/O address pointer high byte
ADC #$00 ; add buffer length high byte
STA LAB_AF ; save tape buffer end pointer high byte
; find specific tape header
JSR LAB_F72C ; find tape header, exit with header in buffer
BCS LAB_F80C ; just exit if error
LDY #$05 ; index to name
STY LAB_9F ; save as tape buffer index
LDY #$00 ; clear Y
STY LAB_9E ; save as name buffer index
CPY LAB_B7 ; compare with file name length
BEQ LAB_F80B ; ok exit if match
LDA (LAB_BB),Y ; get file name byte
LDY LAB_9F ; get index to tape buffer
CMP (LAB_B2),Y ; compare with tape header name byte
BNE LAB_F7EA ; if no match go get next header
INC LAB_9E ; else increment name buffer index
INC LAB_9F ; increment tape buffer index
LDY LAB_9E ; get name buffer index
BNE LAB_F7F7 ; loop, branch always
CLC ; flag ok
; bump tape pointer
JSR LAB_F7D0 ; get tape buffer start pointer in XY
INC LAB_A6 ; increment tape buffer index
LDY LAB_A6 ; get tape buffer index
CPY #$C0 ; compare with buffer length
; wait for PLAY
JSR LAB_F82E ; return cassette sense in Zb
BEQ LAB_F836 ; if switch closed just exit
; cassette switch was open
; index to "PRESS PLAY ON TAPE"
JSR LAB_F12F ; display kernel I/O message
JSR LAB_F8D0 ; scan stop key and flag abort if pressed
; note if STOP was pressed the return is to the
; routine that called this one and not here
JSR LAB_F82E ; return cassette sense in Zb
BNE LAB_F821 ; loop if the cassette switch is open
; index to "OK"
JMP LAB_F12F ; display kernel I/O message and return
; return cassette sense in Zb
LDA #$10 ; set the mask for the cassette switch
BIT LAB_01 ; test the 6510 I/O port
BNE LAB_F836 ; branch if cassette sense high
BIT LAB_01 ; test the 6510 I/O port
CLC ;.
; wait for PLAY/RECORD
JSR LAB_F82E ; return the cassette sense in Zb
BEQ LAB_F836 ; exit if switch closed
; cassette switch was open
BNE LAB_F81E ; display message and wait for switch, branch always
; initiate a tape read
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_90 ; clear serial status byte
STA LAB_93 ; clear the load/verify flag
JSR LAB_F7D7 ; set the tape buffer start and end pointers
JSR LAB_F817 ; wait for PLAY
BCS LAB_F86E ; exit if STOP was pressed, uses a further BCS at the
; target address to reach final target at LAB_F8DC
SEI ; disable interrupts
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_B0 ; clear tape timing constant min byte
STA LAB_9E ; clear tape pass 1 error log/char buffer
STA LAB_9F ; clear tape pass 2 error log corrected
STA LAB_9C ; clear byte received flag
LDA #$90 ; enable CA1 interrupt ??
LDX #$0E ; set index for tape read vector
BNE LAB_F875 ; go do tape read/write, branch always
; initiate a tape write
JSR LAB_F7D7 ; set tape buffer start and end pointers
; do tape write, 20 cycle count
LDA #$14 ; set write lead cycle count
STA LAB_AB ; save write lead cycle count
; do tape write, no cycle count set
JSR LAB_F838 ; wait for PLAY/RECORD
BCS LAB_F8DC ; if STOPped clear save IRQ address and exit
SEI ; disable interrupts
LDA #$82 ; enable ?? interrupt
LDX #$08 ; set index for tape write tape leader vector
; tape read/write
LDY #$7F ; disable all interrupts
STY LAB_DC0D ; save VIA 1 ICR, disable all interrupts
STA LAB_DC0D ; save VIA 1 ICR, enable interrupts according to A
; check RS232 bus idle
ORA #$19 ; load timer B, timer B single shot, start timer B
AND #$91 ; mask x00x 000x, TOD clock, load timer A, start timer A
STA LAB_02A2 ; save VIA 1 CRB shadow copy
LDA LAB_D011 ; read the vertical fine scroll and control register
AND #$EF ; mask xxx0 xxxx, blank the screen
STA LAB_D011 ; save the vertical fine scroll and control register
LDA LAB_0314 ; get IRQ vector low byte
STA LAB_029F ; save IRQ vector low byte
LDA LAB_0315 ; get IRQ vector high byte
STA LAB_02A0 ; save IRQ vector high byte
JSR LAB_FCBD ; set the tape vector
LDA #$02 ; set copies count. the first copy is the load copy, the
; second copy is the verify copy
STA LAB_BE ; save copies count
JSR LAB_FB97 ; new tape byte setup
LDA LAB_01 ; read the 6510 I/O port
AND #$1F ; mask 000x xxxx, cassette motor on ??
STA LAB_01 ; save the 6510 I/O port
STA LAB_C0 ; set the tape motor interlock
; 326656 cycle delay, allow tape motor speed to stabilise
LDX #$FF ; outer loop count
LDY #$FF ; inner loop count
DEY ; decrement inner loop count
BNE LAB_F8B7 ; loop if more to do
DEX ; decrement outer loop count
BNE LAB_F8B5 ; loop if more to do
CLI ; enable tape interrupts
LDA LAB_02A0 ; get saved IRQ high byte
CMP LAB_0315 ; compare with the current IRQ high byte
CLC ; flag ok
BEQ LAB_F8DC ; if tape write done go clear saved IRQ address and exit
JSR LAB_F8D0 ; scan stop key and flag abort if pressed
; note if STOP was pressed the return is to the
; routine that called this one and not here
JSR LAB_F6BC ; increment real time clock
JMP LAB_F8BE ; loop
; scan stop key and flag abort if pressed
JSR LAB_FFE1 ; scan stop key
CLC ; flag no stop
BNE LAB_F8E1 ; exit if no stop
JSR LAB_FC93 ; restore everything for STOP
SEC ; flag stopped
PLA ; dump return address low byte
PLA ; dump return address high byte
; clear saved IRQ address
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_02A0 ; clear saved IRQ address high byte
;## set timing
STX LAB_B1 ; save tape timing constant max byte
LDA LAB_B0 ; get tape timing constant min byte
ASL ; *2
ASL ; *4
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC LAB_B0 ; add tape timing constant min byte *5
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC LAB_B1 ; add tape timing constant max byte
STA LAB_B1 ; save tape timing constant max byte
LDA #$00 ;.
BIT LAB_B0 ; test tape timing constant min byte
BMI LAB_F8F7 ; branch if b7 set
ROL ; else shift carry into ??
ASL LAB_B1 ; shift tape timing constant max byte
ROL ;.
ASL LAB_B1 ; shift tape timing constant max byte
ROL ;.
TAX ;.
LDA LAB_DC06 ; get VIA 1 timer B low byte
CMP #$16 ;.compare with ??
BCC LAB_F8FE ; loop if less
ADC LAB_B1 ; add tape timing constant max byte
STA LAB_DC04 ; save VIA 1 timer A low byte
TXA ;.
ADC LAB_DC07 ; add VIA 1 timer B high byte
STA LAB_DC05 ; save VIA 1 timer A high byte
LDA LAB_02A2 ; read VIA 1 CRB shadow copy
STA LAB_02A4 ; save VIA 1 CRA shadow copy
AND #$10 ; mask 000x 0000, FLAG interrupt
BEQ LAB_F92A ; if no FLAG interrupt just exit
; else first call the IRQ routine
LDA #>LAB_F92A ; set the return address high byte
PHA ; push the return address high byte
LDA #<LAB_F92A ; set the return address low byte
PHA ; push the return address low byte
JMP LAB_FF43 ; save the status and do the IRQ routine
CLI ; enable interrupts
; On Commodore computers, the streams consist of four kinds of symbols
; that denote different kinds of low-to-high-to-low transitions on the
; read or write signals of the Commodore cassette interface.
; A A break in the communications, or a pulse with very long cycle
; time.
; B A short pulse, whose cycle time typically ranges from 296 to 424
; microseconds, depending on the computer model.
; C A medium-length pulse, whose cycle time typically ranges from
; 440 to 576 microseconds, depending on the computer model.
; D A long pulse, whose cycle time typically ranges from 600 to 744
; microseconds, depending on the computer model.
; The actual interpretation of the serial data takes a little more work to explain.
; The typical ROM tape loader (and the turbo loaders) will initialize a timer with a
; specified value and start it counting down. If either the tape data changes or the
; timer runs out, an IRQ will occur. The loader will determine which condition caused
; the IRQ. If the tape data changed before the timer ran out, we have a short pulse,
; or a "0" bit. If the timer ran out first, we have a long pulse, or a "1" bit. Doing
; this continuously and we decode the entire file.
; read tape bits, IRQ routine
; read T2C which has been counting down from $FFFF. subtract this from $FFFF
LDX LAB_DC07 ; read VIA 1 timer B high byte
LDY #$FF ;.set $FF
TYA ;.A = $FF
SBC LAB_DC06 ; subtract VIA 1 timer B low byte
CPX LAB_DC07 ; compare it with VIA 1 timer B high byte
BNE LAB_F92C ; if timer low byte rolled over loop
STX LAB_B1 ; save tape timing constant max byte
TAX ;.copy $FF - T2C_l
STY LAB_DC06 ; save VIA 1 timer B low byte
STY LAB_DC07 ; save VIA 1 timer B high byte
LDA #$19 ; load timer B, timer B single shot, start timer B
STA LAB_02A3 ; save VIA 1 ICR shadow copy
TYA ; y = $FF
SBC LAB_B1 ; subtract tape timing constant max byte
; A = $FF - T2C_h
STX LAB_B1 ; save tape timing constant max byte
; LAB_B1 = $FF - T2C_l
LSR ;.A = $FF - T2C_h >> 1
ROR LAB_B1 ; shift tape timing constant max byte
; LAB_B1 = $FF - T2C_l >> 1
LSR ;.A = $FF - T2C_h >> 1
ROR LAB_B1 ; shift tape timing constant max byte
; LAB_B1 = $FF - T2C_l >> 1
LDA LAB_B0 ; get tape timing constant min byte
CLC ; clear carry for add
ADC #$3C ;.
CMP LAB_B1 ; compare with tape timing constant max byte
; compare with ($FFFF - T2C) >> 2
BCS LAB_F9AC ;.branch if min + $3C >= ($FFFF - T2C) >> 2
;.min + $3C < ($FFFF - T2C) >> 2
LDX LAB_9C ;.get byte received flag
BEQ LAB_F969 ;. if not byte received ??
JMP LAB_FA60 ;.store the tape character
LDX LAB_A3 ;.get EOI flag byte
BMI LAB_F988 ;.
LDX #$00 ;.
ADC #$30 ;.
ADC LAB_B0 ; add tape timing constant min byte
CMP LAB_B1 ; compare with tape timing constant max byte
BCS LAB_F993 ;.
INX ;.
ADC #$26 ;.
ADC LAB_B0 ; add tape timing constant min byte
CMP LAB_B1 ; compare with tape timing constant max byte
BCS LAB_F997 ;.
ADC #$2C ;.
ADC LAB_B0 ; add tape timing constant min byte
CMP LAB_B1 ; compare with tape timing constant max byte
LDA LAB_B4 ; get the bit count
BEQ LAB_F9AC ; if all done go ??
STA LAB_A8 ; save receiver bit count in
BNE LAB_F9AC ; branch always
INC LAB_A9 ; increment ?? start bit check flag
BCS LAB_F999 ;.
DEC LAB_A9 ; decrement ?? start bit check flag
SEC ;.
SBC #$13 ;.
SBC LAB_B1 ; subtract tape timing constant max byte
ADC LAB_92 ; add timing constant for tape
STA LAB_92 ; save timing constant for tape
LDA LAB_A4 ;.get tape bit cycle phase
EOR #$01 ;.
STA LAB_A4 ;.save tape bit cycle phase
LDA LAB_B4 ; get the bit count
BEQ LAB_F9D2 ; if all done go ??
LDA LAB_02A3 ; read VIA 1 ICR shadow copy
AND #$01 ; mask 0000 000x, timer A interrupt enabled
BNE LAB_F9BC ; if timer A is enabled go ??
LDA LAB_02A4 ; read VIA 1 CRA shadow copy
BNE LAB_F9D2 ; if ?? just exit
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_A4 ; clear the tape bit cycle phase
STA LAB_02A4 ; save VIA 1 CRA shadow copy
LDA LAB_A3 ;.get EOI flag byte
BMI LAB_F988 ;.
LDX #$A6 ; set timimg max byte
JSR LAB_F8E2 ; set timing
JMP LAB_FEBC ; restore registers and exit interrupt
LDA LAB_92 ; get timing constant for tape
DEC LAB_B0 ; decrement tape timing constant min byte
.byte $2C ; makes next line BIT LAB_B0E6
INC LAB_B0 ; increment tape timing constant min byte
LDA #$00 ;.
STA LAB_92 ; clear timing constant for tape
TXA ;.
LDA LAB_A9 ; get start bit check flag
CMP #$10 ;.
STA LAB_96 ;.save cassette block synchronization number
TXA ;.
DEC LAB_A3 ;.decrement EOI flag byte
ROR LAB_BF ;.parity count
LDX #$DA ; set timimg max byte
JSR LAB_F8E2 ; set timing
JMP LAB_FEBC ; restore registers and exit interrupt
LDA LAB_96 ;.get cassette block synchronization number
LDA LAB_A3 ;.get EOI flag byte
JMP LAB_F997 ;.
LSR LAB_B1 ; shift tape timing constant max byte
LDA #$93 ;.
SEC ;.
SBC LAB_B1 ; subtract tape timing constant max byte
ADC LAB_B0 ; add tape timing constant min byte
ASL ;.
TAX ; copy timimg high byte
JSR LAB_F8E2 ; set timing
LDA LAB_96 ;.get cassette block synchronization number
STA LAB_A8 ; save receiver bit count in
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_96 ;.clear cassette block synchronization number
LDA #$81 ; enable timer A interrupt
LDA LAB_96 ;.get cassette block synchronization number
LDA #$00 ;.
LDA #$01 ; disable timer A interrupt
LDA LAB_BF ;.parity count
STA LAB_BD ;.save RS232 parity byte
LDA LAB_A8 ; get receiver bit count in
ORA LAB_A9 ; OR with start bit check flag
JMP LAB_FEBC ; restore registers and exit interrupt
;## store character
JSR LAB_FB97 ; new tape byte setup
STA LAB_9C ; clear byte received flag
LDX #$DA ; set timimg max byte
JSR LAB_F8E2 ; set timing
LDA LAB_BE ;.get copies count
STA LAB_A7 ; save receiver input bit temporary storage
LDA #$0F ;.
LDX LAB_BE ;.get copies count
DEX ;.
BNE LAB_FA8A ; if ?? restore registers and exit interrupt
LDA #$08 ; set short block
JSR LAB_FE1C ; OR into serial status byte
BNE LAB_FA8A ; restore registers and exit interrupt, branch always
LDA #$00 ;.
JMP LAB_FEBC ; restore registers and exit interrupt
LDA LAB_A7 ; get receiver input bit temporary storage
LSR ;.
LDA LAB_BD ;.get RS232 parity byte
CLC ;.
AND #$0F ;.
LDA #$40 ;.
JSR LAB_FB8E ; copy I/O start address to buffer address
LDA #$00 ;.
LDA #$80 ;.
BNE LAB_FA8A ; restore registers and exit interrupt, branch always
LDA #$04 ;.
JSR LAB_FE1C ; OR into serial status byte
LDA #$00 ;.
JSR LAB_FCD1 ; check read/write pointer, return Cb = 1 if pointer >= end
LDX LAB_A7 ; get receiver input bit temporary storage
DEX ;.
LDA LAB_93 ; get load/verify flag
BEQ LAB_FAEB ; if load go ??
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA LAB_BD ;.get RS232 parity byte
LDA #$01 ;.
LDX #$3D ;.
STA LAB_0100+1,X ;.
STA LAB_0100,X ;.
INX ;.
INX ;.
CMP LAB_0100,X ;.
CMP LAB_0100+1,X ;.
LDA LAB_93 ; get load/verify flag
BEQ LAB_FB2F ; if load ??
LDA LAB_BD ;.get RS232 parity byte
LDY #$00 ;.
INY ;.
LDA #$10 ;.
JSR LAB_FE1C ; OR into serial status byte
LDA LAB_93 ; get load/verify flag
BNE LAB_FB43 ; if verify go ??
TAY ;.
LDA LAB_BD ;.get RS232 parity byte
JSR LAB_FCDB ; increment read/write pointer
BNE LAB_FB8B ; restore registers and exit interrupt, branch always
LDA #$80 ;.
SEI ;.
LDX #$01 ; disable timer A interrupt
LDX LAB_BE ;.get copies count
DEX ;.
STX LAB_BE ;.save copies count
DEC LAB_A7 ; decrement receiver input bit temporary storage
BNE LAB_FB8B ; if ?? restore registers and exit interrupt
STA LAB_BE ;.save copies count
BEQ LAB_FB8B ; restore registers and exit interrupt, branch always
JSR LAB_FC93 ; restore everything for STOP
JSR LAB_FB8E ; copy I/O start address to buffer address
LDY #$00 ; clear index
STY LAB_AB ; clear checksum
LDA (LAB_AC),Y ; get byte from buffer
EOR LAB_AB ; XOR with checksum
STA LAB_AB ; save new checksum
JSR LAB_FCDB ; increment read/write pointer
JSR LAB_FCD1 ; check read/write pointer, return Cb = 1 if pointer >= end
BCC LAB_FB72 ; loop if not at end
LDA LAB_AB ; get computed checksum
EOR LAB_BD ; compare with stored checksum ??
BEQ LAB_FB8B ; if checksum ok restore registers and exit interrupt
LDA #$20 ; else set checksum error
JSR LAB_FE1C ; OR into the serial status byte
JMP LAB_FEBC ; restore registers and exit interrupt
; copy I/O start address to buffer address
LDA LAB_C2 ; get I/O start address high byte
STA LAB_AD ; set buffer address high byte
LDA LAB_C1 ; get I/O start address low byte
STA LAB_AC ; set buffer address low byte
; new tape byte setup
LDA #$08 ; eight bits to do
STA LAB_A3 ; set bit count
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_A4 ; clear tape bit cycle phase
STA LAB_A8 ; clear start bit first cycle done flag
STA LAB_9B ; clear byte parity
STA LAB_A9 ; clear start bit check flag, set no start bit yet
; send lsb from tape write byte to tape
; this routine tests the least significant bit in the tape write byte and sets VIA 2 T2
; depending on the state of the bit. if the bit is a 1 a time of $00B0 cycles is set, if
; the bot is a 0 a time of $0060 cycles is set. note that this routine does not shift the
; bits of the tape write byte but uses a copy of that byte, the byte itself is shifted
; elsewhere
LDA LAB_BD ; get tape write byte
LSR ; shift lsb into Cb
LDA #$60 ; set time constant low byte for bit = 0
BCC LAB_FBAF ; branch if bit was 0
; set time constant for bit = 1 and toggle tape
LDA #$B0 ; set time constant low byte for bit = 1
; write time constant and toggle tape
LDX #$00 ; set time constant high byte
; write time constant and toggle tape
STA LAB_DC06 ; save VIA 1 timer B low byte
STX LAB_DC07 ; save VIA 1 timer B high byte
LDA #$19 ; load timer B, timer B single shot, start timer B
LDA LAB_01 ; read the 6510 I/O port
EOR #$08 ; toggle tape out bit
STA LAB_01 ; save the 6510 I/O port
AND #$08 ; mask tape out bit
; flag block done and exit interrupt
SEC ; set carry flag
ROR LAB_B6 ; set buffer address high byte negative, flag all sync,
; data and checksum bytes written
BMI LAB_FC09 ; restore registers and exit interrupt, branch always
; tape write IRQ routine
; this is the routine that writes the bits to the tape. it is called each time VIA 2 T2
; times out and checks if the start bit is done, if so checks if the data bits are done,
; if so it checks if the byte is done, if so it checks if the synchronisation bytes are
; done, if so it checks if the data bytes are done, if so it checks if the checksum byte
; is done, if so it checks if both the load and verify copies have been done, if so it
; stops the tape
LDA LAB_A8 ; get start bit first cycle done flag
BNE LAB_FBE3 ; if first cycle done go do rest of byte
; each byte sent starts with two half cycles of $0110 ststem clocks and the whole block
; ends with two more such half cycles
LDA #$10 ; set first start cycle time constant low byte
LDX #$01 ; set first start cycle time constant high byte
JSR LAB_FBB1 ; write time constant and toggle tape
BNE LAB_FC09 ; if first half cycle go restore registers and exit
; interrupt
INC LAB_A8 ; set start bit first start cycle done flag
LDA LAB_B6 ; get buffer address high byte
BPL LAB_FC09 ; if block not complete go restore registers and exit
; interrupt. the end of a block is indicated by the tape
; buffer high byte b7 being set to 1
JMP LAB_FC57 ; else do tape routine, block complete exit
; continue tape byte write. the first start cycle, both half cycles of it, is complete
; so the routine drops straight through to here
LDA LAB_A9 ; get start bit check flag
BNE LAB_FBF0 ; if the start bit is complete go send the byte bits
; after the two half cycles of $0110 ststem clocks the start bit is completed with two
; half cycles of $00B0 system clocks. this is the same as the first part of a 1 bit
JSR LAB_FBAD ; set time constant for bit = 1 and toggle tape
BNE LAB_FC09 ; if first half cycle go restore registers and exit
; interrupt
INC LAB_A9 ; set start bit check flag
BNE LAB_FC09 ; restore registers and exit interrupt, branch always
; continue tape byte write. the start bit, both cycles of it, is complete so the routine
; drops straight through to here. now the cycle pairs for each bit, and the parity bit,
; are sent
JSR LAB_FBA6 ; send lsb from tape write byte to tape
BNE LAB_FC09 ; if first half cycle go restore registers and exit
; interrupt
; else two half cycles have been done
LDA LAB_A4 ; get tape bit cycle phase
EOR #$01 ; toggle b0
STA LAB_A4 ; save tape bit cycle phase
BEQ LAB_FC0C ; if bit cycle phase complete go setup for next bit
; each bit is written as two full cycles. a 1 is sent as a full cycle of $0160 system
; clocks then a full cycle of $00C0 system clocks. a 0 is sent as a full cycle of $00C0
; system clocks then a full cycle of $0160 system clocks. to do this each bit from the
; write byte is inverted during the second bit cycle phase. as the bit is inverted it
; is also added to the, one bit, parity count for this byte
LDA LAB_BD ; get tape write byte
EOR #$01 ; invert bit being sent
STA LAB_BD ; save tape write byte
AND #$01 ; mask b0
EOR LAB_9B ; EOR with tape write byte parity bit
STA LAB_9B ; save tape write byte parity bit
JMP LAB_FEBC ; restore registers and exit interrupt
; the bit cycle phase is complete so shift out the just written bit and test for byte
; end
LSR LAB_BD ; shift bit out of tape write byte
DEC LAB_A3 ; decrement tape write bit count
LDA LAB_A3 ; get tape write bit count
BEQ LAB_FC4E ; if all the data bits have been written go setup for
; sending the parity bit next and exit the interrupt
BPL LAB_FC09 ; if all the data bits are not yet sent just restore the
; registers and exit the interrupt
; do next tape byte
; the byte is complete. the start bit, data bits and parity bit have been written to
; the tape so setup for the next byte
JSR LAB_FB97 ; new tape byte setup
CLI ; enable the interrupts
LDA LAB_A5 ; get cassette synchronization character count
BEQ LAB_FC30 ; if synchronisation characters done go do block data
; at the start of each block sent to tape there are a number of synchronisation bytes
; that count down to the actual data. the commodore tape system saves two copies of all
; the tape data, the first is loaded and is indicated by the synchronisation bytes
; having b7 set, and the second copy is indicated by the synchronisation bytes having b7
; clear. the sequence goes $09, $08, ..... $02, $01, data bytes
LDX #$00 ; clear X
STX LAB_D7 ; clear checksum byte
DEC LAB_A5 ; decrement cassette synchronization byte count
LDX LAB_BE ; get cassette copies count
CPX #$02 ; compare with load block indicator
BNE LAB_FC2C ; branch if not the load block
ORA #$80 ; this is the load block so make the synchronisation count
; go $89, $88, ..... $82, $81
STA LAB_BD ; save the synchronisation byte as the tape write byte
BNE LAB_FC09 ; restore registers and exit interrupt, branch always
; the synchronization bytes have been done so now check and do the actual block data
JSR LAB_FCD1 ; check read/write pointer, return Cb = 1 if pointer >= end
BCC LAB_FC3F ; if not all done yet go get the byte to send
BNE LAB_FBC8 ; if pointer > end go flag block done and exit interrupt
; else the block is complete, it only remains to write the
; checksum byte to the tape so setup for that
INC LAB_AD ; increment buffer pointer high byte, this means the block
; done branch will always be taken next time without having
; to worry about the low byte wrapping to zero
LDA LAB_D7 ; get checksum byte
STA LAB_BD ; save checksum as tape write byte
BCS LAB_FC09 ; restore registers and exit interrupt, branch always
; the block isn't finished so get the next byte to write to tape
LDY #$00 ; clear index
LDA (LAB_AC),Y ; get byte from buffer
STA LAB_BD ; save as tape write byte
EOR LAB_D7 ; XOR with checksum byte
STA LAB_D7 ; save new checksum byte
JSR LAB_FCDB ; increment read/write pointer
BNE LAB_FC09 ; restore registers and exit interrupt, branch always
; set parity as next bit and exit interrupt
LDA LAB_9B ; get parity bit
EOR #$01 ; toggle it
STA LAB_BD ; save as tape write byte
JMP LAB_FEBC ; restore registers and exit interrupt
; tape routine, block complete exit
DEC LAB_BE ; decrement copies remaining to read/write
BNE LAB_FC5E ; branch if more to do
JSR LAB_FCCA ; stop the cassette motor
LDA #$50 ; set tape write leader count
STA LAB_A7 ; save tape write leader count
LDX #$08 ; set index for write tape leader vector
SEI ; disable the interrupts
JSR LAB_FCBD ; set the tape vector
BNE LAB_FC54 ; restore registers and exit interrupt, branch always
; write tape leader IRQ routine
LDA #$78 ; set time constant low byte for bit = leader
JSR LAB_FBAF ; write time constant and toggle tape
BNE LAB_FC54 ; if tape bit high restore registers and exit interrupt
DEC LAB_A7 ; decrement cycle count
BNE LAB_FC54 ; if not all done restore registers and exit interrupt
JSR LAB_FB97 ; new tape byte setup
DEC LAB_AB ; decrement cassette leader count
BPL LAB_FC54 ; if not all done restore registers and exit interrupt
LDX #$0A ; set index for tape write vector
JSR LAB_FCBD ; set the tape vector
CLI ; enable the interrupts
INC LAB_AB ; clear cassette leader counter, was $FF
LDA LAB_BE ; get cassette block count
BEQ LAB_FCB8 ; if all done restore everything for STOP and exit the
; interrupt
JSR LAB_FB8E ; copy I/O start address to buffer address
LDX #$09 ; set nine synchronisation bytes
STX LAB_A5 ; save cassette synchronization byte count
BNE LAB_FC16 ; go do the next tape byte, branch always
; restore everything for STOP
PHP ; save status
SEI ; disable the interrupts
LDA LAB_D011 ; read the vertical fine scroll and control register
ORA #$10 ; mask xxx1 xxxx, unblank the screen
STA LAB_D011 ; save the vertical fine scroll and control register
JSR LAB_FCCA ; stop the cassette motor
LDA #$7F ; disable all interrupts
LDA LAB_02A0 ; get saved IRQ vector high byte
BEQ LAB_FCB6 ; branch if null
STA LAB_0315 ; restore IRQ vector high byte
LDA LAB_029F ; get saved IRQ vector low byte
STA LAB_0314 ; restore IRQ vector low byte
PLP ; restore status
; reset vector
JSR LAB_FC93 ; restore everything for STOP
BEQ LAB_FC54 ; restore registers and exit interrupt, branch always
; set tape vector
LDA LAB_FD9B-8,X ; get tape IRQ vector low byte
STA LAB_0314 ; set IRQ vector low byte
LDA LAB_FD9B-7,X ; get tape IRQ vector high byte
STA LAB_0315 ; set IRQ vector high byte
; stop the cassette motor
LDA LAB_01 ; read the 6510 I/O port
ORA #$20 ; mask xxxx xx1x, turn the cassette motor off
STA LAB_01 ; save the 6510 I/O port
; check read/write pointer
; return Cb = 1 if pointer >= end
SEC ; set carry for subtract
LDA LAB_AC ; get buffer address low byte
SBC LAB_AE ; subtract buffer end low byte
LDA LAB_AD ; get buffer address high byte
SBC LAB_AF ; subtract buffer end high byte
; increment read/write pointer
INC LAB_AC ; increment buffer address low byte
BNE LAB_FCE1 ; branch if no overflow
INC LAB_AD ; increment buffer address low byte
; RESET, hardware reset starts here
LDX #$FF ; set X for stack
SEI ; disable the interrupts
TXS ; clear stack
CLD ; clear decimal mode
JSR LAB_FD02 ; scan for autostart ROM at $8000
BNE LAB_FCEF ; if not there continue startup
JMP (LAB_8000) ; else call ROM start code
STX LAB_D016 ; read the horizontal fine scroll and control register
JSR LAB_FDA3 ; initialise SID, CIA and IRQ
JSR LAB_FD50 ; RAM test and find RAM end
JSR LAB_FD15 ; restore default I/O vectors
JSR LAB_FF5B ; initialise VIC and screen editor
CLI ; enable the interrupts
JMP (LAB_A000) ; execute BASIC
; scan for autostart ROM at $8000, returns Zb=1 if ROM found
LDX #$05 ; five characters to test
LDA LAB_FD10-1,X ; get test character
CMP LAB_8004-1,X ; compare wiith byte in ROM space
BNE LAB_FD0F ; exit if no match
DEX ; decrement index
BNE LAB_FD04 ; loop if not all done
; autostart ROM signature
.byte $C3,$C2,$CD,$38,$30
; CBM80
; restore default I/O vectors
LDX #<LAB_FD30 ; pointer to vector table low byte
LDY #>LAB_FD30 ; pointer to vector table high byte
CLC ; flag set vectors
; set/read vectored I/O from (XY), Cb = 1 to read, Cb = 0 to set
STX LAB_C3 ; save pointer low byte
STY LAB_C4 ; save pointer high byte
LDY #$1F ; set byte count
LDA LAB_0314,Y ; read vector byte from vectors
BCS LAB_FD27 ; branch if read vectors
LDA (LAB_C3),Y ; read vector byte from (XY)
STA (LAB_C3),Y ; save byte to (XY)
STA LAB_0314,Y ; save byte to vector
DEY ; decrement index
BPL LAB_FD20 ; loop if more to do
;; The above code works but it tries to write to the ROM. while this is usually harmless
;; systems that use flash ROM may suffer. Here is a version that makes the extra write
;; to RAM instead but is otherwise identical in function. ##
;; set/read vectored I/O from (XY), Cb = 1 to read, Cb = 0 to set
; STX LAB_C3 ; save pointer low byte
; STY LAB_C4 ; save pointer high byte
; LDY #$1F ; set byte count
; LDA (LAB_C3),Y ; read vector byte from (XY)
; BCC LAB_FD29 ; branch if set vectors
; LDA LAB_0314,Y ; else read vector byte from vectors
; STA (LAB_C3),Y ; save byte to (XY)
; STA LAB_0314,Y ; save byte to vector
; DEY ; decrement index
; BPL LAB_FD20 ; loop if more to do
; kernal vectors
.word LAB_EA31 ; LAB_0314 IRQ vector
.word LAB_FE66 ; LAB_0316 BRK vector
.word LAB_FE47 ; LAB_0318 NMI vector
.word LAB_F34A ; LAB_031A open a logical file
.word LAB_F291 ; LAB_031C close a specified logical file
.word LAB_F20E ; LAB_031E open channel for input
.word LAB_F250 ; LAB_0320 open channel for output
.word LAB_F333 ; LAB_0322 close input and output channels
.word LAB_F157 ; LAB_0324 input character from channel
.word LAB_F1CA ; LAB_0326 output character to channel
.word LAB_F6ED ; LAB_0328 scan stop key
.word LAB_F13E ; LAB_032A get character from the input device
.word LAB_F32F ; LAB_032C close all channels and files
.word LAB_FE66 ; LAB_032E user function
; Vector to user defined command, currently points to BRK.
; This appears to be a holdover from PET days, when the built-in machine language monitor
; would jump through the LAB_032E vector when it encountered a command that it did not
; understand, allowing the user to add new commands to the monitor.
; Although this vector is initialized to point to the routine called by STOP/RESTORE and
; the BRK interrupt, and is updated by the kernal vector routine at $FD57, it no longer
; has any function.
.word LAB_F4A5 ; LAB_0330 load
.word LAB_F5ED ; LAB_0332 save
; test RAM and find RAM end
LDA #$00 ; clear A
TAY ; clear index
STA LAB_00+2,Y ; clear page 0, don't do $0000 or $0001
STA LAB_0200,Y ; clear page 2
STA LAB_0300,Y ; clear page 3
INY ; increment index
BNE LAB_FD53 ; loop if more to do
LDX #<LAB_033C ; set cassette buffer pointer low byte
LDY #>LAB_033C ; set cassette buffer pointer high byte
STX LAB_B2 ; save tape buffer start pointer low byte
STY LAB_B3 ; save tape buffer start pointer high byte
TAY ; clear Y
LDA #$03 ; set RAM test pointer high byte
STA LAB_C2 ; save RAM test pointer high byte
INC LAB_C2 ; increment RAM test pointer high byte
LDA (LAB_C1),Y ;.
TAX ;.
LDA #$55 ;.
STA (LAB_C1),Y ;.
CMP (LAB_C1),Y ;.
ROL ;.
STA (LAB_C1),Y ;.
CMP (LAB_C1),Y ;.
TXA ;.
STA (LAB_C1),Y ;.
INY ;.
TYA ;.
TAX ;.
CLC ;.
JSR LAB_FE2D ; set the top of memory
LDA #$08 ;.
STA LAB_0282 ; save the OS start of memory high byte
LDA #$04 ;.
STA LAB_0288 ; save the screen memory page
; tape IRQ vectors
.word LAB_FC6A ; $08 write tape leader IRQ routine
.word LAB_FBCD ; $0A tape write IRQ routine
.word LAB_EA31 ; $0C normal IRQ vector
.word LAB_F92C ; $0E read tape bits IRQ routine
; initialise SID, CIA and IRQ
LDA #$7F ; disable all interrupts
STA LAB_DC00 ; save VIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive
LDA #$08 ; set timer single shot
LDX #$00 ; set all inputs
STX LAB_DC03 ; save VIA 1 DDRB, keyboard row
STX LAB_DD03 ; save VIA 2 DDRB, RS232 port
STX LAB_D418 ; clear the volume and filter select register
DEX ; set X = $FF
STX LAB_DC02 ; save VIA 1 DDRA, keyboard column
LDA #$07 ; DATA out high, CLK out high, ATN out high, RE232 Tx DATA
; high, video address 15 = 1, video address 14 = 1
STA LAB_DD00 ; save VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
LDA #$3F ; set serial DATA input, serial CLK input
STA LAB_DD02 ; save VIA 2 DDRA, serial port and video address
LDA #$E7 ; set 1110 0111, motor off, enable I/O, enable KERNAL,
; enable BASIC
STA LAB_01 ; save the 6510 I/O port
LDA #$2F ; set 0010 1111, 0 = input, 1 = output
STA LAB_00 ; save the 6510 I/O port direction register
LDA LAB_02A6 ; get the PAL/NTSC flag
BEQ LAB_FDEC ; if NTSC go set NTSC timing
; else set PAL timing
LDA #$25 ;.
STA LAB_DC04 ; save VIA 1 timer A low byte
LDA #$40 ;.
LDA #$95 ;.
STA LAB_DC04 ; save VIA 1 timer A low byte
LDA #$42 ;.
STA LAB_DC05 ; save VIA 1 timer A high byte
; set filename
STA LAB_B7 ; set file name length
STX LAB_BB ; set file name pointer low byte
STY LAB_BC ; set file name pointer high byte
; set logical, first and second addresses
STA LAB_B8 ; save the logical file
STX LAB_BA ; save the device number
STY LAB_B9 ; save the secondary address
; read I/O status word
LDA LAB_BA ; get the device number
CMP #$02 ; compare device with RS232 device
BNE LAB_FE1A ; if not RS232 device go ??
; get RS232 device status
LDA LAB_0297 ; get the RS232 status register
PHA ; save the RS232 status value
LDA #$00 ; clear A
STA LAB_0297 ; clear the RS232 status register
PLA ; restore the RS232 status value
; control kernal messages
STA LAB_9D ; set message mode flag
LDA LAB_90 ; read the serial status byte
; OR into the serial status byte
ORA LAB_90 ; OR with the serial status byte
STA LAB_90 ; save the serial status byte
; set timeout on serial bus
STA LAB_0285 ; save serial bus timeout flag
; read/set the top of memory, Cb = 1 to read, Cb = 0 to set
BCC LAB_FE2D ; if Cb clear go set the top of memory
; read the top of memory
LDX LAB_0283 ; get memory top low byte
LDY LAB_0284 ; get memory top high byte
; set the top of memory
STX LAB_0283 ; set memory top low byte
STY LAB_0284 ; set memory top high byte
; read/set the bottom of memory, Cb = 1 to read, Cb = 0 to set
BCC LAB_FE3C ; if Cb clear go set the bottom of memory
LDX LAB_0281 ; get the OS start of memory low byte
LDY LAB_0282 ; get the OS start of memory high byte
STX LAB_0281 ; save the OS start of memory low byte
STY LAB_0282 ; save the OS start of memory high byte
; NMI vector
SEI ; disable the interrupts
JMP (LAB_0318) ; do NMI vector
; NMI handler
PHA ; save A
TXA ; copy X
PHA ; save X
TYA ; copy Y
PHA ; save Y
LDA #$7F ; disable all interrupts
JSR LAB_FD02 ; scan for autostart ROM at $8000
BNE LAB_FE5E ; branch if no autostart ROM
JMP (LAB_8002) ; else do autostart ROM break entry
JSR LAB_F6BC ; increment real time clock
JSR LAB_FFE1 ; scan stop key
BNE LAB_FE72 ; if not [STOP] restore registers and exit interrupt
; user function default vector
; BRK handler
JSR LAB_FD15 ; restore default I/O vectors
JSR LAB_FDA3 ; initialise SID, CIA and IRQ
JSR LAB_E518 ; initialise the screen and keyboard
JMP (LAB_A002) ; do BASIC break entry
; RS232 NMI routine
TYA ;.
AND LAB_02A1 ; AND with the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
TAX ;.
AND #$01 ;.
LDA LAB_DD00 ; read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
AND #$FB ; mask xxxx x0xx, clear RS232 Tx DATA
ORA LAB_B5 ; OR in the RS232 transmit data bit
STA LAB_DD00 ; save VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
LDA LAB_02A1 ; get the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
TXA ;.
AND #$12 ;.
AND #$02 ;.
TXA ; get active interrupts back
AND #$02 ; mask ?? interrupt
BEQ LAB_FEAE ; branch if not ?? interrupt
; was ?? interrupt
TXA ; get active interrupts back
AND #$10 ; mask CB1 interrupt, Rx data bit transition
BEQ LAB_FEB6 ; if no bit restore registers and exit interrupt
LDA LAB_02A1 ; get the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
PLA ; pull Y
TAY ; restore Y
PLA ; pull X
TAX ; restore X
PLA ; restore A
; baud rate word is calculated from ..
; (system clock / baud rate) / 2 - 100
; system clock
; ------------
; PAL 985248 Hz
; NTSC 1022727 Hz
; baud rate tables for NTSC C64
.word $27C1 ; 50 baud 1027700
.word $1A3E ; 75 baud 1022700
.word $11C5 ; 110 baud 1022780
.word $0E74 ; 134.5 baud 1022200
.word $0CED ; 150 baud 1022700
.word $0645 ; 300 baud 1023000
.word $02F0 ; 600 baud 1022400
.word $0146 ; 1200 baud 1022400
.word $00B8 ; 1800 baud 1022400
.word $0071 ; 2400 baud 1022400
; ??
LDA LAB_DD01 ; read VIA 2 DRB, RS232 port
AND #$01 ; mask 0000 000x, RS232 Rx DATA
STA LAB_A7 ; save the RS232 received data bit
LDA LAB_DD06 ; get VIA 2 timer B low byte
SBC #$1C ;.
ADC LAB_0299 ;.
STA LAB_DD06 ; save VIA 2 timer B low byte
LDA LAB_DD07 ; get VIA 2 timer B high byte
ADC LAB_029A ;.
STA LAB_DD07 ; save VIA 2 timer B high byte
LDA #$11 ; set timer B single shot, start timer B
LDA LAB_02A1 ; get the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
LDA #$FF ;.
STA LAB_DD06 ; save VIA 2 timer B low byte
STA LAB_DD07 ; save VIA 2 timer B high byte
LDA LAB_0295 ; nonstandard bit timing low byte
STA LAB_DD06 ; save VIA 2 timer B low byte
LDA LAB_0296 ; nonstandard bit timing high byte
STA LAB_DD07 ; save VIA 2 timer B high byte
LDA #$11 ; set timer B single shot, start timer B
LDA #$12 ;.
EOR LAB_02A1 ; EOR with the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
STA LAB_02A1 ; save the RS-232 interrupt enable byte
LDA #$FF ;.
STA LAB_DD06 ; save VIA 2 timer B low byte
STA LAB_DD07 ; save VIA 2 timer B high byte
LDX LAB_0298 ;.
; ??
TAX ;.
LDA LAB_0296 ; nonstandard bit timing high byte
ROL ;.
TAY ;.
TXA ;.
ADC #$C8 ;.
STA LAB_0299 ;.
TYA ;.
ADC #$00 ; add any carry
STA LAB_029A ;.
; unused bytes
NOP ; waste cycles
NOP ; waste cycles
; save the status and do the IRQ routine
PHP ; save the processor status
PLA ; pull the processor status
AND #$EF ; mask xxx0 xxxx, clear the break bit
PHA ; save the modified processor status
; IRQ vector
PHA ; save A
TXA ; copy X
PHA ; save X
TYA ; copy Y
PHA ; save Y
TSX ; copy stack pointer
LDA LAB_0100+4,X ; get stacked status register
AND #$10 ; mask BRK flag
BEQ LAB_FF58 ; branch if not BRK
JMP (LAB_0316) ; else do BRK vector (iBRK)
JMP (LAB_0314) ; do IRQ vector (iIRQ)
; initialise VIC and screen editor
JSR LAB_E518 ; initialise the screen and keyboard
LDA LAB_D012 ; read the raster compare register
BNE LAB_FF5E ; loop if not raster line $00
LDA LAB_D019 ; read the vic interrupt flag register
AND #$01 ; mask the raster compare flag
STA LAB_02A6 ; save the PAL/NTSC flag
; ??
LDA #$81 ; enable timer A interrupt
AND #$80 ; mask x000 0000, TOD clock
ORA #$11 ; mask xxx1 xxx1, load timer A, start timer A
JMP LAB_EE8E ; set the serial clock out low and return
; unused
.byte $03 ;.
; initialise VIC and screen editor
JMP LAB_FF5B ; initialise VIC and screen editor
; initialise SID, CIA and IRQ, unused
JMP LAB_FDA3 ; initialise SID, CIA and IRQ
; RAM test and find RAM end
JMP LAB_FD50 ; RAM test and find RAM end
; restore default I/O vectors
; this routine restores the default values of all system vectors used in KERNAL and
; BASIC routines and interrupts.
JMP LAB_FD15 ; restore default I/O vectors
; read/set vectored I/O
; this routine manages all system vector jump addresses stored in RAM. Calling this
; routine with the carry bit set will store the current contents of the RAM vectors
; in a list pointed to by the X and Y registers. When this routine is called with
; the carry bit clear, the user list pointed to by the X and Y registers is copied
; to the system RAM vectors.
; NOTE: This routine requires caution in its use. The best way to use it is to first
; read the entire vector contents into the user area, alter the desired vectors and
; then copy the contents back to the system vectors.
JMP LAB_FD1A ; read/set vectored I/O
; control kernal messages
; this routine controls the printing of error and control messages by the KERNAL.
; Either print error messages or print control messages can be selected by setting
; the accumulator when the routine is called.
; FILE NOT FOUND is an example of an error message. PRESS PLAY ON CASSETTE is an
; example of a control message.
; bits 6 and 7 of this value determine where the message will come from. If bit 7
; is set one of the error messages from the KERNAL will be printed. If bit 6 is set
; a control message will be printed.
JMP LAB_FE18 ; control kernal messages
; send secondary address after LISTEN
; this routine is used to send a secondary address to an I/O device after a call to
; the LISTEN routine is made and the device commanded to LISTEN. The routine cannot
; be used to send a secondary address after a call to the TALK routine.
; A secondary address is usually used to give set-up information to a device before
; I/O operations begin.
; When a secondary address is to be sent to a device on the serial bus the address
; must first be ORed with $60.
JMP LAB_EDB9 ; send secondary address after LISTEN
; send secondary address after TALK
; this routine transmits a secondary address on the serial bus for a TALK device.
; This routine must be called with a number between 4 and 31 in the accumulator.
; The routine will send this number as a secondary address command over the serial
; bus. This routine can only be called after a call to the TALK routine. It will
; not work after a LISTEN.
JMP LAB_EDC7 ; send secondary address after TALK
; read/set the top of memory
; this routine is used to read and set the top of RAM. When this routine is called
; with the carry bit set the pointer to the top of RAM will be loaded into XY. When
; this routine is called with the carry bit clear XY will be saved as the top of
; memory pointer changing the top of memory.
JMP LAB_FE25 ; read/set the top of memory
; read/set the bottom of memory
; this routine is used to read and set the bottom of RAM. When this routine is
; called with the carry bit set the pointer to the bottom of RAM will be loaded
; into XY. When this routine is called with the carry bit clear XY will be saved as
; the bottom of memory pointer changing the bottom of memory.
JMP LAB_FE34 ; read/set the bottom of memory
; scan the keyboard
; this routine will scan the keyboard and check for pressed keys. It is the same
; routine called by the interrupt handler. If a key is down, its ASCII value is
; placed in the keyboard queue.
JMP LAB_EA87 ; scan keyboard
; set timeout on serial bus
; this routine sets the timeout flag for the serial bus. When the timeout flag is
; set, the computer will wait for a device on the serial port for 64 milliseconds.
; If the device does not respond to the computer's DAV signal within that time the
; computer will recognize an error condition and leave the handshake sequence. When
; this routine is called and the accumulator contains a 0 in bit 7, timeouts are
; enabled. A 1 in bit 7 will disable the timeouts.
; NOTE: The the timeout feature is used to communicate that a disk file is not found
; on an attempt to OPEN a file.
JMP LAB_FE21 ; set timeout on serial bus
; input byte from serial bus
; this routine reads a byte of data from the serial bus using full handshaking. the
; data is returned in the accumulator. before using this routine the TALK routine,
; LAB_FFB4, must have been called first to command the device on the serial bus to
; send data on the bus. if the input device needs a secondary command it must be sent
; by using the TKSA routine, LAB_FF96, before calling this routine.
; errors are returned in the status word which can be read by calling the READST
; routine, LAB_FFB7.
JMP LAB_EE13 ; input byte from serial bus
; output a byte to serial bus
; this routine is used to send information to devices on the serial bus. A call to
; this routine will put a data byte onto the serial bus using full handshaking.
; Before this routine is called the LISTEN routine, LAB_FFB1, must be used to
; command a device on the serial bus to get ready to receive data.
; the accumulator is loaded with a byte to output as data on the serial bus. A
; device must be listening or the status word will return a timeout. This routine
; always buffers one character. So when a call to the UNLISTEN routine, LAB_FFAE,
; is made to end the data transmission, the buffered character is sent with EOI
; set. Then the UNLISTEN command is sent to the device.
JMP LAB_EDDD ; output byte to serial bus
; command serial bus to UNTALK
; this routine will transmit an UNTALK command on the serial bus. All devices
; previously set to TALK will stop sending data when this command is received.
JMP LAB_EDEF ; command serial bus to UNTALK
; command serial bus to UNLISTEN
; this routine commands all devices on the serial bus to stop receiving data from
; the computer. Calling this routine results in an UNLISTEN command being transmitted
; on the serial bus. Only devices previously commanded to listen will be affected.
; This routine is normally used after the computer is finished sending data to
; external devices. Sending the UNLISTEN will command the listening devices to get
; off the serial bus so it can be used for other purposes.
JMP LAB_EDFE ; command serial bus to UNLISTEN
; command devices on the serial bus to LISTEN
; this routine will command a device on the serial bus to receive data. The
; accumulator must be loaded with a device number between 4 and 31 before calling
; this routine. LISTEN convert this to a listen address then transmit this data as
; a command on the serial bus. The specified device will then go into listen mode
; and be ready to accept information.
JMP LAB_ED0C ; command devices on the serial bus to LISTEN
; command serial bus device to TALK
; to use this routine the accumulator must first be loaded with a device number
; between 4 and 30. When called this routine converts this device number to a talk
; address. Then this data is transmitted as a command on the Serial bus.
JMP LAB_ED09 ; command serial bus device to TALK
; read I/O status word
; this routine returns the current status of the I/O device in the accumulator. The
; routine is usually called after new communication to an I/O device. The routine
; will give information about device status, or errors that have occurred during the
; I/O operation.
JMP LAB_FE07 ; read I/O status word
; set logical, first and second addresses
; this routine will set the logical file number, device address, and secondary
; address, command number, for other KERNAL routines.
; the logical file number is used by the system as a key to the file table created
; by the OPEN file routine. Device addresses can range from 0 to 30. The following
; codes are used by the computer to stand for the following CBM devices:
; ======= ======
; 0 Keyboard
; 1 Cassette #1
; 2 RS-232C device
; 3 CRT display
; 4 Serial bus printer
; 8 CBM Serial bus disk drive
; device numbers of four or greater automatically refer to devices on the serial
; bus.
; a command to the device is sent as a secondary address on the serial bus after
; the device number is sent during the serial attention handshaking sequence. If
; no secondary address is to be sent Y should be set to $FF.
JMP LAB_FE00 ; set logical, first and second addresses
; set the filename
; this routine is used to set up the file name for the OPEN, SAVE, or LOAD routines.
; The accumulator must be loaded with the length of the file and XY with the pointer
; to file name, X being th low byte. The address can be any valid memory address in
; the system where a string of characters for the file name is stored. If no file
; name desired the accumulator must be set to 0, representing a zero file length,
; in that case XY may be set to any memory address.
JMP LAB_FDF9 ; set the filename
; open a logical file
; this routine is used to open a logical file. Once the logical file is set up it
; can be used for input/output operations. Most of the I/O KERNAL routines call on
; this routine to create the logical files to operate on. No arguments need to be
; set up to use this routine, but both the SETLFS, LAB_FFBA, and SETNAM, LAB_FFBD,
; KERNAL routines must be called before using this routine.
JMP (LAB_031A) ; do open a logical file
; close a specified logical file
; this routine is used to close a logical file after all I/O operations have been
; completed on that file. This routine is called after the accumulator is loaded
; with the logical file number to be closed, the same number used when the file was
; opened using the OPEN routine.
JMP (LAB_031C) ; do close a specified logical file
; open channel for input
; any logical file that has already been opened by the OPEN routine, LAB_FFC0, can be
; defined as an input channel by this routine. the device on the channel must be an
; input device or an error will occur and the routine will abort.
; if you are getting data from anywhere other than the keyboard, this routine must be
; called before using either the CHRIN routine, LAB_FFCF, or the GETIN routine,
; LAB_FFE4. if you are getting data from the keyboard and no other input channels are
; open then the calls to this routine and to the OPEN routine, LAB_FFC0, are not needed.
; when used with a device on the serial bus this routine will automatically send the
; listen address specified by the OPEN routine, LAB_FFC0, and any secondary address.
; possible errors are:
; 3 : file not open
; 5 : device not present
; 6 : file is not an input file
JMP (LAB_031E) ; do open channel for input
; open channel for output
; any logical file that has already been opened by the OPEN routine, LAB_FFC0, can be
; defined as an output channel by this routine the device on the channel must be an
; output device or an error will occur and the routine will abort.
; if you are sending data to anywhere other than the screen this routine must be
; called before using the CHROUT routine, LAB_FFD2. if you are sending data to the
; screen and no other output channels are open then the calls to this routine and to
; the OPEN routine, LAB_FFC0, are not needed.
; when used with a device on the serial bus this routine will automatically send the
; listen address specified by the OPEN routine, LAB_FFC0, and any secondary address.
; possible errors are:
; 3 : file not open
; 5 : device not present
; 7 : file is not an output file
JMP (LAB_0320) ; do open channel for output
; close input and output channels
; this routine is called to clear all open channels and restore the I/O channels to
; their original default values. It is usually called after opening other I/O
; channels and using them for input/output operations. The default input device is
; 0, the keyboard. The default output device is 3, the screen.
; If one of the channels to be closed is to the serial port, an UNTALK signal is sent
; first to clear the input channel or an UNLISTEN is sent to clear the output channel.
; By not calling this routine and leaving listener(s) active on the serial bus,
; several devices can receive the same data from the VIC at the same time. One way to
; take advantage of this would be to command the printer to TALK and the disk to
; LISTEN. This would allow direct printing of a disk file.
JMP (LAB_0322) ; do close input and output channels
; input character from channel
; this routine will get a byte of data from the channel already set up as the input
; channel by the CHKIN routine, LAB_FFC6.
; If CHKIN, LAB_FFC6, has not been used to define another input channel the data is
; expected to be from the keyboard. the data byte is returned in the accumulator. the
; channel remains open after the call.
; input from the keyboard is handled in a special way. first, the cursor is turned on
; and it will blink until a carriage return is typed on the keyboard. all characters
; on the logical line, up to 80 characters, will be stored in the BASIC input buffer.
; then the characters can be returned one at a time by calling this routine once for
; each character. when the carriage return is returned the entire line has been
; processed. the next time this routine is called the whole process begins again.
JMP (LAB_0324) ; do input character from channel
; output character to channel
; this routine will output a character to an already opened channel. Use the OPEN
; routine, LAB_FFC0, and the CHKOUT routine, LAB_FFC9, to set up the output channel
; before calling this routine. If these calls are omitted, data will be sent to the
; default output device, device 3, the screen. The data byte to be output is loaded
; into the accumulator, and this routine is called. The data is then sent to the
; specified output device. The channel is left open after the call.
; NOTE: Care must be taken when using routine to send data to a serial device since
; data will be sent to all open output channels on the bus. Unless this is desired,
; all open output channels on the serial bus other than the actually intended
; destination channel must be closed by a call to the KERNAL close channel routine.
JMP (LAB_0326) ; do output character to channel
; load RAM from a device
; this routine will load data bytes from any input device directly into the memory
; of the computer. It can also be used for a verify operation comparing data from a
; device with the data already in memory, leaving the data stored in RAM unchanged.
; The accumulator must be set to 0 for a load operation or 1 for a verify. If the
; input device was OPENed with a secondary address of 0 the header information from
; device will be ignored. In this case XY must contain the starting address for the
; load. If the device was addressed with a secondary address of 1 or 2 the data will
; load into memory starting at the location specified by the header. This routine
; returns the address of the highest RAM location which was loaded.
; Before this routine can be called, the SETLFS, LAB_FFBA, and SETNAM, LAB_FFBD,
; routines must be called.
JMP LAB_F49E ; load RAM from a device
; save RAM to a device
; this routine saves a section of memory. Memory is saved from an indirect address
; on page 0 specified by A, to the address stored in XY, to a logical file. The
; SETLFS, LAB_FFBA, and SETNAM, LAB_FFBD, routines must be used before calling this
; routine. However, a file name is not required to SAVE to device 1, the cassette.
; Any attempt to save to other devices without using a file name results in an error.
; NOTE: device 0, the keyboard, and device 3, the screen, cannot be SAVEd to. If
; the attempt is made, an error will occur, and the SAVE stopped.
JMP LAB_F5DD ; save RAM to device
; set the real time clock
; the system clock is maintained by an interrupt routine that updates the clock
; every 1/60th of a second. The clock is three bytes long which gives the capability
; to count from zero up to 5,184,000 jiffies - 24 hours plus one jiffy. At that point
; the clock resets to zero. Before calling this routine to set the clock the new time,
; in jiffies, should be in YXA, the accumulator containing the most significant byte.
JMP LAB_F6E4 ; set real time clock
; read the real time clock
; this routine returns the time, in jiffies, in AXY. The accumulator contains the
; most significant byte.
JMP LAB_F6DD ; read real time clock
; scan the stop key
; if the STOP key on the keyboard is pressed when this routine is called the Z flag
; will be set. All other flags remain unchanged. If the STOP key is not pressed then
; the accumulator will contain a byte representing the last row of the keyboard scan.
; The user can also check for certain other keys this way.
JMP (LAB_0328) ; do scan stop key
; get character from input device
; in practice this routine operates identically to the CHRIN routine, LAB_FFCF,
; for all devices except for the keyboard. If the keyboard is the current input
; device this routine will get one character from the keyboard buffer. It depends
; on the IRQ routine to read the keyboard and put characters into the buffer.
; If the keyboard buffer is empty the value returned in the accumulator will be zero.
JMP (LAB_032A) ; do get character from input device
; close all channels and files
; this routine closes all open files. When this routine is called, the pointers into
; the open file table are reset, closing all files. Also the routine automatically
; resets the I/O channels.
JMP (LAB_032C) ; do close all channels and files
; increment real time clock
; this routine updates the system clock. Normally this routine is called by the
; normal KERNAL interrupt routine every 1/60th of a second. If the user program
; processes its own interrupts this routine must be called to update the time. Also,
; the STOP key routine must be called if the stop key is to remain functional.
JMP LAB_F69B ; increment real time clock
; return X,Y organization of screen
; this routine returns the x,y organisation of the screen in X,Y
JMP LAB_E505 ; return X,Y organization of screen
; read/set X,Y cursor position
; this routine, when called with the carry flag set, loads the current position of
; the cursor on the screen into the X and Y registers. X is the column number of
; the cursor location and Y is the row number of the cursor. A call with the carry
; bit clear moves the cursor to the position determined by the X and Y registers.
JMP LAB_E50A ; read/set X,Y cursor position
; return the base address of the I/O devices
; this routine will set XY to the address of the memory section where the memory
; mapped I/O devices are located. This address can then be used with an offset to
; access the memory mapped I/O devices in the computer.
JMP LAB_E500 ; return the base address of the I/O devices
.byte "RRBY"
; hardware vectors
.word LAB_FE43 ; NMI vector
.word LAB_FCE2 ; RESET vector
.word LAB_FF48 ; IRQ vector
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