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Last active June 8, 2023 00:44
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box <- st_bbox(us_states)
# hack around rstac bug in signing
mysign <- function(href) {
x <- parse_url(href)
y <- glue::glue("{scheme}://{hostname}/{path}", scheme = x$scheme, hostname = x$hostname, path = x$path)
resp <- GET(paste0("", y))
url <- httr::content(resp)
out <- paste0("/vsicurl/",url$href)
# search any time in the past 8 days anywhere in continental US:
end <- Sys.Date()
start <- end - 8
matches <-
stac("") |>
stac_search(collections = "modis-15A2H-061",
datetime = paste(start, end, sep="/"),
bbox = c(box),
limit = 100) |>
post_request() |>
items_sign(sign_fn = sign_planetary_computer())
v <- purrr::map_int(matches$features, list("properties", "modis:vertical-tile"))
h <- purrr::map_int(matches$features, list("properties", "modis:horizontal-tile"))
date <- purrr::map_chr(matches$features, list("properties", "created"))
urls <- map_chr(matches$features, list("assets", "Lai_500m", "href"))
usa <- tibble(v,h, date, urls) |> group_by(v,h) |> slice_max(date)
rast <- vector("list", nrow(usa))
for(i in 1:nrow(usa)) {
rast[[i]] <- stars::read_stars(mysign(usa$urls[i]))
Sys.sleep(10) # avoid rate limiting
# Combine all 17 tiles into a mosaic of the continental USA
mosaic <-, compact(rast))
## Optionally, re-project to a more familiar coordinate system
# mosaic <- mosaic |> st_transform(crs="+proj=longlat")
# keep a local copy if desired (e.g. later analysis etc)
stars::write_stars(mosaic, "mosiac.tif")
# quick peek at data
mosaic |> plot()
## tmap-based plot
## Log scale (proof of principle we can do basic math on every pixel)
remap <- function(x, epsilon=1e-1) {
log(x[1] + epsilon)
mosaic |>
st_apply(1:2, remap) |>
tm_shape() +
tm_raster(n = 100,
palette = viridisLite::mako(100), = FALSE)
## Let's get 1-month averages of Leaf Area Index for the whole US from the
## MODIS 500m LAI data:
gdalcubes_options(parallel = 24)
box <- spData::us_states |> sf::st_bbox()
start <- "2022-01-01"
end <- "2022-12-01"
# Query STAC
matches <-
stac("") |>
stac_search(collections = "modis-15A2H-061",
datetime = paste(start, end, sep="/"),
bbox = c(box)) |>
get_request() |>
items_fetch() |>
items_sign(sign_fn = sign_planetary_computer())
# Define datacube
cube <- gdalcubes::stac_image_collection(matches$features,
asset_names = "Lai_500m",
duration = "start")
# Define view
v <- cube_view(srs = "EPSG:4326",
extent = list(t0 = start, t1 = end,
left = box[1], right = box[3],
top = box[4], bottom = box[2]),
dx = 0.1, dy = 0.1, dt= "P1M",
aggregation = "median", resampling = "near"
# tada, abstract, lazy eval datacube
Q <- raster_cube(cube,v)
# animate over time, automatically runs only at resolution needed
Q |>
animate(col = viridisLite::mako, zlim=c(0,60),
key.pos = 1, save_as = "anim.gif", fps = 4)
# We can do most any of simple and rich spatial calculations
# Here's a simple average-over-time, but can apply arbitrary functions by pixel too
Q |> reduce_time(c("mean(Lai_500m)")) |>
plot(zlim=c(0,50), col = viridisLite::mako)
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Looping over one image per month for last year shows the seasons:


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