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Last active February 26, 2019 05:57
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Allow dplyr::mutate with arbitrary R functions when using database backends
#' Add new variables to a database
#' [dplyr::mutate()] cannot pass arbitrary R functions over a database connection.
#' This function provides a way to work around this, by querying the data in chunks
#' and applying the function to each chunk, which is then appended back out to a
#' temporary table.
#' @param db a database connection, [DBI::DBIConnection()]
#' @param tbl the name of a table
#' @param r_fn any R function that can be called on a vector (column) of the table
#' @param col the name of the column to which the R function is applied.
#' (Note, [dplyr::mutate()] can operate on an arbitrary list of columns, this function
#' only operates on a single column at this time...)
#' @param new_column column name for the new column.
#' @param n the number of rows included in each chunk, see [DBI::dbFetch()]
#' @importFrom DBI dbCreateTable dbGetQuery dbSendQuery dbFetch
#' @importFrom DBI dbWriteTable dbClearResult
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @export
db_mutate <- function(db, tbl, r_fn, col, new_column, n = 50000L){
## Create a temporary table which will store our data, including new column
tmp_tbl <- paste0("tmp_", paste0(sample(letters, 10, replace = TRUE), collapse = ""))
schema <- DBI::dbGetQuery(db, paste("SELECT * FROM", tbl, "LIMIT 1"))
schema[[new_column]] = r_fn(schema[[col]])
DBI::dbCreateTable(db, tmp_tbl, schema, temporary = TRUE)
## Send the query -- we'll then page over the results in chunks.
res <- DBI::dbSendQuery(db, paste("SELECT * FROM", tbl))
## Read table in by chunks & write out with mutated column
p <- progress::progress_bar$new("[:spin] chunk :current", total = 100000)
while (TRUE) {
chunk <- DBI::dbFetch(res, n = n)
if (nrow(chunk) == 0) break
chunk[[new_column]] = r_fn(chunk[[col]])
DBI::dbWriteTable(db, tmp_tbl, chunk, append=TRUE)
## no need to join, new table is full copy of old table...
#fields <- DBI::dbListFields(db, tbl)
#dplyr::inner_join(dplyr::tbl(db,tmp_tbl), dplyr::tbl(db,tbl),
# by = fields)
## for return object we could:
## - return the name of the temporary table (or maybe that should be an argument?)
## - return a tibble connection to the tmp_tbl: `dplyr::tbl(db, tmp_tbl)`
## - perform a join to add column to existing original table
dplyr::tbl(db, tmp_tbl)
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