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Created January 27, 2011 00:02
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# show updating process iteratively
# just paste all of this code into R to execute it
# generate data
n <- 20
y <- rnorm( n , mean=7 , sd=0.5 )
# assign prior and compute posterior as we add each y value to observations <- 3
prior.sigma <- 1000
for ( i in 1:length(y) ) {
# plot prior
curve( dnorm(x,,sd=prior.sigma) ,from=2,to=8,n=1000,col="slateblue",lwd=2 , main="prior")
# plot y values sampled so far
plot( y[1:i] , cex=2 , xlim=c(1,length(y)) )
points( i , y[i] , col="red" , pch=16 , cex=2 )
lines( c(0,length(y)) , c(mean(y[1:i]),mean(y[1:i])) , lty=2 , col="slateblue" )
# plot posterior so far
yy <- y[1:i] <- function(x) dnorm( x , mean= (^2 + sum(yy)/k.sigma^2 ) / (1/prior.sigma^2 + length(yy)/k.sigma^2) , sd=sqrt(1/(1/prior.sigma^2 + length(yy)/k.sigma^2)) )
curve( ,from=2,to=8,n=1000,col="slateblue",lwd=2,main="posterior")
lines( c(mean(y[1:i]),mean(y[1:i])) , c(0,1000) , lty=2 , col="slateblue" )
# wait for input to redraw
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