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Created April 11, 2011 22:13
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# @file: abc.R
# @author: Carl Boettiger <>
# @date: 11 April, 2011
# Description: A trivial example of Approximate Bayesian Computing
# We will simulate under a Gaussian process to determine
# The target data:
TrueMean <- 7 ## irrelevant note: "True" is rather a frequentist name for this
TrueSD <- 1
Npts <- 100
X <- rnorm(Npts, TrueMean, TrueSD)
# Set summary stat function
S <- function(X_prime) c(mean(X_prime), sd(X_prime))
# set the target
s <- c(ObservedMean <- mean(X), ObservedSD <- sd(X))
# This should be done m times, and we then do a regression of these pairs of means and sds:
m <- 1000
sims <- sapply(1:m, function(i){
# Prior distributions on both parameters
PriorMean <- abs(rnorm(1, mean=2, sd=10))
PriorVar <- abs(rnorm(1, mean=1, sd=100))
# simulate the process
X_prime <- rgamma(Npts, PriorMean, sqrt(PriorVar))
# Evaluate summary statistics
## Output is summary statistic and the parameter that achieved that value
c(summary=S(X_prime)[1], parameter=PriorMean)
delta <- 50
# Select only those points near the estimated value of the statistic,
# where we can expect a linear relationship between the statistic and the
# parameter
good <- sims[ , abs(sims[1,]-S(X)[1]) < delta]
par(mfrow=c(1,2)) #2x1 plotting window
# Compute our regression
fit <- lm(good[1,]~good[2,])
b <- fit$coeff[2]
posterior = good[2,] - b*(good[1,] - S(X)[1])
# The posterior distribution for the parameter is just the residuals
plot(density( posterior ))
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