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Created May 19, 2011 18:26
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metropolis coupled markov chain monte carlo
beta <- function(i, Delta_T=1){
step_fn <- function(pars, stepsizes = .02){
# Sequential random updating
j <- sample(1:length(pars), 1)
pars[j] <- rnorm(1, pars[j], stepsizes)
mcmcmc_fn <- function(pars, loglik, prior, MaxTime=1e3, indep=100, stepsizes=.02, ...){
# Metropolis Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo
# Args:
# pars: a list of length n_chains, with numerics pars[[i]] that can be passed to loglik
# loglik: a function to calculate the log-likelihood of chain i at pars[[i]],
# prior: a function to calculate the prior density
# MaxTime: length of time to run the chain
# indep: period of time for which chains should wander independently
# step sizes of proposal distribution (can be numeric of length 1 or length pars)
# Returns:
# chains: list containing matrix for each chain, first col is loglik + log prior prob,
# remaining columns are fn parameters in order given in the pars[[i]]
n_chains <- length(pars)
n_pars <- length(pars[[1]])
# in case we want to store the complete history. Should have the option
# of writing this to a file for speed? Or do that all in C...
chains <- lapply(1:n_chains, function(i) matrix(NA, nrow=MaxTime, ncol=(1+n_pars)) )
# The independent intervals, lets us run chains in parallel during these periods
Interval <- matrix(1:MaxTime, nrow=indep)
# Note the outer time loop over intervals, and
# an inner time loop that can be parallelized over chains
for(s in 1:(MaxTime/indep)){
# Evolve chains independently for "indep" time steps
out <- lapply(1:n_chains,
out <- matrix(NA, ncol=n_pars+1, nrow=indep)
# Inner time loop
for(t in 1:indep){
Pi <- loglik(pars[[i]]) + prior(pars[[i]])
out[t,] <- c(Pi, pars[[i]]) # more simply could print this to file, save mem
proposed <- step_fn(pars[[i]], stepsizes)
# Normal Hastings ratio weighted by temp fn beta
alpha <- exp( beta(i) * ( loglik(proposed)+prior(proposed) - Pi ) )
if ( alpha > runif(1) )
pars[[i]] <- proposed
# write to output
for(i in 1:n_chains){
chains[[i]][Interval[,s],] <- out[[i]]
pars[[i]] <- out[[i]][indep,][-1] # copy parameters (but not loglik)
# This isn't quite precise bc this isn't being counted as a timestep yet!
# Propose a chain swap every "indep" time steps beween pars_i and j
pick <- sample(1:length(pars), 2)
i <- pick[1]; j <- pick[2] # for convience
R <-
beta(i) * ( loglik(pars[[j]]) + prior(pars[[j]]) - loglik(pars[[i]]) - prior(pars[[i]]) ) +
beta(j) * ( loglik(pars[[i]]) + prior(pars[[i]]) - loglik(pars[[j]]) - prior(pars[[j]]) )
## verbose output about swaps
# print(paste("swap chain", i, "with", j, "proposed, R =", exp(R)))
if(exp(R) > runif(1)){
# print("swap accepted")
pars[[i]] <- pars[[j]] # accept the swap
# Returns the full history of all chains
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