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Created February 28, 2017 10:32
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module PATH =
open System
let private divider =
match Environment.OSVersion.Platform with
| PlatformID.Unix
| PlatformID.MacOSX -> ":"
| _ -> ";"
let private zmqFolder = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
let private oldPATH = ref ""
// temporarily add location of native libs to global environment
let hijack () =
oldPATH := Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "PATH"
let newPATH = sprintf "%s%s%s" !oldPATH divider zmqFolder
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("PATH",newPATH)
// undo changes to global environment
let release () =
if not <| String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace !oldPATH then
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("PATH",!oldPATH)
oldPATH := ""
PATH.hijack ()
#r @"..\packages\fszmq\lib\net40\fszmq.dll"
open fszmq
printfn "libzmq version: %A" ZMQ.version
open System
open System.IO
let [<Literal>] InputFile = "d:\input.log"
File is a sequence of :
Payload Length
Date (28B length)
order is not important. So we could read messages and receive in any order
let buildFile totalSize minPayload maxPayload output =
let content = "Hello"B
let nextPayLoad =
let r = new Random()
fun () -> r.Next(minPayload, maxPayload)
use bw = new BinaryWriter(File.OpenWrite(output))
let rec write currentSize =
let payload = nextPayLoad ()
let times = payload/content.Length
let messageSize = times * content.Length
printfn "size : %i" messageSize
for _ in 1..times do
bw.Write(content, 0, content.Length)
let currentSize = currentSize + messageSize
printfn "%i / %i" currentSize totalSize
if currentSize < totalSize then
write currentSize
write 0
buildFile (530*1024*1024) 700 2000000 InputFile
let serverRaw filePath =
use fs = File.OpenWrite(filePath)
use context = new Context ()
use responder = Context.rep context
Socket.bind responder "tcp://*:5555"
use msg = new Message()
let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let rec recvAll i =
seq {
Message.recv msg responder
let data = msg
printfn "recv %i" i
yield data
if Message.hasMore msg then yield! recvAll (i+1) }
recvAll 0 |> Seq.iter(fun buffer -> fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length))
printfn "finished in %O !" sw.Elapsed
let client filePath =
use context = new Context ()
use requester = Context.req context
Socket.connect requester "tcp://localhost:5555"
printfn "client connected!"
use fs = File.OpenRead(filePath)
let buffer = Array.zeroCreate 81920
let rec read i =
let l = fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
if l > 0 then
printfn "client %i" i
if l < buffer.Length then buffer |> Array.take l |> Socket.send requester
else Socket.sendMore requester buffer |> ignore
read (i+1)
read 0
async {
async { serverRaw @"d:\received.log" } |> Async.Start
async { client InputFile } |> Async.Start
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
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