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Created February 23, 2018 02:37
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### Usage instructions ###
# 1) Install PHP, TCL and screen.
# CentOS: yum install php53 tcl screen
# Ubuntu: apt-get install php5 php5-cli tcl screen
# 2) Edit the following line with your path to cgmon.tcl and then add it to /etc/crontab. *must run as root for DEAD/SICK GPU rebooting.
# */2 * * * * root /home/user/cgmon.tcl >/dev/null 2>&1
# 3) chmod +x cgmon.tcl
# 4) Fill out the configuration sections below and test the script by running it directly: ./cgmon.tcl
# *) Sit back and enjoy a steadier flow of income :)
# GPU settings
set conf(cgminer_gpu_options) "-g 1 -w 256 -I 18 --lookup-gap 2 --auto-fan"
# Extra options to pass to cgminer
# At least --api-listen is required for cgmon to work.
set conf(cgminer_extra_options) "--api-listen"
# Username running X server (i.e. the username you use when logging into the Linux graphical interface)
# This must be correct or cgminer wont run properly.
set conf(mining_user) "user"
# Primary mining pool
set pool(address1) ""
set pool(user1) ""
set pool(pass1) ""
# Additional mining pools (optional)
set pool(address2) ""
set pool(user2) ""
set pool(pass2) ""
set pool(address3) ""
set pool(user3) ""
set pool(pass3) ""
set pool(address4) ""
set pool(user4) ""
set pool(pass4) ""
set pool(address5) ""
set pool(user5) ""
set pool(pass5) ""
# Email Notification (optional)
# set to 'yes' to enable
set mail(notify) "no"
set mail(host) ""
set mail(port) "587"
set mail(to) ""
set mail(from) ""
# Use SMTP Authentication for email notifications? (required for Gmail and many ISPs)
# You must install 'tcllib' and 'tcl-tls'
# Ubuntu: apt-get install tcllib tcl-tls
# set to 'yes' to enable SMTP AUTH
set mail(auth) "no"
set mail(auth_user) ""
# gmail requires an 'application password' here. For most other ISPs use your normal smtp auth password.
set mail(auth_pass) "password"
# send email when running script by hand (no or yes)
set mail(notify_on_manual_runs) "no"
# Executable to mine with. cgminer, sgminer, vertminer* supported.
# *vertminer - copy vertminers *.cl files (such as to /usr/local/bin/ for cgmon to start vertminer correctly via crontab.
set conf(cgminer_exec) "cgminer"
# this is required only if your cgminer_exec binary is NOT installed in your $mining_user's PATH (i.e. /usr/bin/)
# example: /home/user/cgminer-3.1.1/ (must end with a '/')
set conf(cgminer_path) ""
# Use --scrypt in mining command
# cgminer requires this option to be 'yes' when mining for scrypt based coins.
# Set this to no for sgminer, vertminer, and any sha-256 mining (i.e. Bitcoin).
set conf(miner_requires_scrypt_flag) "yes"
# Monitor the Accepted share count for each GPU.
# If a GPU does not output at least one accepted share within $share_timer, cgmon will restart the computer.
set conf(checkshares) "yes"
# Minutes allowed without an accepted share
# 10 is a good number for GPU with a hashrate of at least 200KH/sec. If you have a GPU under 200KH/sec increase this number.
set conf(share_timer) "10"
# Monitor the network status of all mining pools.
set conf(checkpools) "yes"
# Reboot if all mining pools are unreachable.
set conf(reboot_when_pools_are_down) "no"
# You probably dont need to these two settings.
set conf(screen_cmd) "screen -md"
set conf(cgmon_logfile) "~$conf(mining_user)/cgmon.log"
set conf(ltc_add) "LPKwhKzFHypAw9yVqpFBEwTkxYTjTeTLan"
set conf(btc_add) "13D196kLTMPQMattuz2AtpzasX8pVW6G4U"
set conf(doge_add) "D9ULdP372WqcvgYbu5f1nWFLRPr3ugx3Nh"
set conf(cgminer_api) "/tmp/cgmon-api.php"
set conf(version) "1.0.9"
# change this to yes if you donated
set conf(donated) "no"
#set conf(BAMT) "no"
# END configuration.
proc update_cgmon {} {
global conf pool mail
set stop false
set fd [open "cgmon.tcl.autoupdate" r]
set newfd [open "cgmon.tcl.tmp" w]
while {1} {
set line [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands -novariables [gets $fd]]
if {!$stop && [lindex $line 0] == "set"} {
set oldvarname [lindex $line 1]
set oldvarvalue [lindex $line 2]
if {[info exists $oldvarname]} {
if {$oldvarname == "conf(version)"} {
set newv $oldvarvalue
puts $newfd $line
} else {
puts $newfd "set $oldvarname \"[expr $$oldvarname]\""
} else {
# new variable found. just write it back to file
puts $newfd "set $oldvarname \"$oldvarvalue\""
} else {
puts $newfd $line
if {!$stop && [lindex $line 1] == "END"} {
#stop checking the rest of the code
set stop true
if {[eof $fd]} {
close $fd
set cwd [exec pwd]
catch {exec chmod +x $cwd/cgmon.tcl.tmp} out
catch {exec cp $cwd/cgmon.tcl $cwd/cgmon.tcl.$config(version)} out
puts "The previous version has been moved to $cwd/cgmon.tcl.$conf(version)."
puts "Your customized cgmon $newv is now located at $cwd/cgmon.tcl.tmp. To finish the update process run this command:\nmv $cwd/cgmon.tcl.tmp $cwd/cgmon.tcl"
proc check_update {update} {
global conf
catch {exec which wget} wgetexists
if {$wgetexists == "child process exited abnormally"} {
notice "Couldn't find wget. Please install it.\n Ubuntu Example: apt-get install wget\n CentOS Example: yum install wget"
catch {exec wget -q -O cgmon.tcl.autoupdate} out
puts $out
if {[string first "denied" $out] > 0} {
puts "exiting..."
exec chown $conf(mining_user) cgmon.tcl.autoupdate
catch {exec grep "set conf(version)" cgmon.tcl.autoupdate} out
set latest_version [lindex $out 2]
if {$conf(version) >= $latest_version} {
puts "Version Check: You have $conf(version), latest is $latest_version."
puts "cgmon is up to date."
} else {
puts "Version Check: You have $conf(version), latest is $latest_version."
after 1000
if {$update} {
puts "Updating now..."
after 1000
} else {
return $latest_version
proc check_status {} {
global hostname pool conf
set i 0
catch {exec which php} phpexists
if {$phpexists == "child process exited abnormally"} {
notice "Couldn't find PHP. Please install it.\n Ubuntu Example: apt-get install php5\n CentOS Example: yum install php5"
catch {exec which $conf(cgminer_exec)} cgminerexists
if {$cgminerexists == "child process exited abnormally"} {
catch {exec ls $conf(cgminer_path)$conf(cgminer_exec)} custom_path_exists
if {[string first "No such" $custom_path_exists] > 0} {
notice "Couldn't find \'$conf(cgminer_exec)\' in $::env(PATH) nor custom path \'$conf(cgminer_path)$conf(cgminer_exec)\'. Please copy your $conf(cgminer_exec) executable to /bin/$conf(cgminer_exec) or edit cgminer_path in cgmon.tcl with the full path.\n"
} else {
if {$conf(cgminer_path) == ""} {
#found local exec but no global exec, using local exec.
catch {exec pwd} cwd
set conf(cgminer_path) "$cwd/"
catch {exec ls $conf(cgminer_api)} apiexists
if {[string first "No such" $apiexists] > 0} {
notice "$conf(cgminer_exec) API $conf(cgminer_api) not found. Do you have write permission to /tmp/?"
catch {exec ps -A | grep $conf(cgminer_exec)$} cg_status
if {$cg_status == "child process exited abnormally"} {
# cgminer is not running, restart it.
notice "$conf(cgminer_exec) not running, starting via this command: "
# check if we need --scrypt. Dont add --scrypt for sgminer or vertminer even if option was specified. (save user from themselves)
if {$conf(miner_requires_scrypt_flag) == "yes" && $conf(cgminer_exec) != "sgminer" && $conf(cgminer_exec) != "vertminer"} {
set cgminer_option1 "--scrypt"
} else {
set cgminer_option1 ""
# do not edit this unless you know what youre doing
set mining_command "$conf(cgminer_path)$conf(cgminer_exec) $conf(cgminer_extra_options) $cgminer_option1 "
# Add pools
if {[info exists pool(address1)] && $pool(address1) != ""} {append mining_command " -o $pool(address1) -u $pool(user1) -p $pool(pass1) "}
if {[info exists pool(address2)] && $pool(address2) != ""} {append mining_command " -o $pool(address2) -u $pool(user2) -p $pool(pass2) "}
if {[info exists pool(address3)] && $pool(address3) != ""} {append mining_command " -o $pool(address3) -u $pool(user3) -p $pool(pass3) "}
if {[info exists pool(address4)] && $pool(address4) != ""} {append mining_command " -o $pool(address4) -u $pool(user4) -p $pool(pass4) "}
if {[info exists pool(address5)] && $pool(address5) != ""} {append mining_command " -o $pool(address5) -u $pool(user5) -p $pool(pass5) "}
append mining_command " $conf(cgminer_gpu_options)"
notice $mining_command
# delete count of accepted shares when starting miner - otherwise a reboot could occur from reading irrelavent share counts
exec rm -f /tmp/accepted_count
# create bash script in /tmp/ to max use of environment variables for mining
if {![catch { set outfd [open "/tmp/" w] }]} {
puts $outfd "#!/bin/bash"
puts $outfd "export DISPLAY=:0"
puts $outfd "export GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT=100"
puts $outfd "export GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS=1"
puts $outfd "$conf(screen_cmd) $mining_command"
close $outfd
exec chmod 755 /tmp/
exec chown $conf(mining_user) /tmp/
set exec_cmd "/tmp/"
# run the bash script as the correct user (the one running X hopefully)
catch {exec whoami} script_user
if {$script_user == $conf(mining_user)} {
catch {exec /bin/bash -c $exec_cmd} out
} elseif {$script_user == "root"} {
catch {exec su $conf(mining_user) -c /bin/bash -c $exec_cmd} out
} else {
notice "attempted to start $conf(cgminer_exec) as the wrong user. exiting."
# Check if miner started or not.
if {$out == ""} {
# delay required to give cgminer time to exit if it's going to
after 1000
catch {exec ps -A | grep $conf(cgminer_exec)$} cg_status
if {$cg_status == "child process exited abnormally"} {
# cgminer is not running, startup did not work.
notice "$conf(cgminer_exec) failed to start. Try running the mining command above to find the error. Also, double check your GPU options."
sendmail "[stamp] $hostname - $conf(cgminer_exec) failed to start" "$hostname $conf(cgminer_exec) failed to start.\n mining command was: $mining_command\n"
} else {
notice "$conf(cgminer_exec) started successfully. Use 'screen -r' to attach to $conf(cgminer_exec) and Control-a-d to detach."
sendmail "[stamp] $hostname - Started $conf(cgminer_exec)" "$hostname $conf(cgminer_exec) was not running... starting $conf(cgminer_exec).\n"
# need error checking here
} else {
# cgminer IS running. Check if GPUs are healthy.
# if the php script times out (after 2 seconds) this means cgminer is frozen and a reboot is required.
catch {exec php -f $conf(cgminer_api) notify | grep "=>" | grep "Last Not Well"} argx
if {![string match $argx "child process exited abnormally"]} {
if {[string first "Connection refused" $argx] >1} {
notice "$conf(cgminer_exec) API is not enabled/responding. Restart $conf(cgminer_exec) with '--api-listen' or check the status of mining pools."
} elseif {[string first "Connection reset" $argx] >1} {
notice "$conf(cgminer_exec) unknown API error. Make sure $conf(cgminer_exec) is listening on"
# Find out which GPU is having a problem
set data [split $argx "\n"]
foreach line $data {
set gpu_status [lindex $line 4]
if {$gpu_status >1} {
notice "GPU $i is sick or dead, rebooting...\n Status: $line"
sendmail "[stamp] $hostname - GPU $i DEAD - Rebooting" "$hostname GPU $i was dead or sick... rebooting.\n Status: $line"
catch {exec echo "GPU $i DEAD - Rebooting in 10s..." | wall} out
incr i
} else {
# php API command timed out. miner might be frozen. wait 5 secs and try checking one more time...
# it appears cgminer may become unresponsive when there are network issues connecting to a pool. This can cause a false-positive reboot here.
after 5000
catch {exec php -f $conf(cgminer_api) notify | grep "=>" | grep "Last Not Well"} argx
if {[string match $argx "child process exited abnormally"]} {
notice "$conf(cgminer_exec) is not responding. Rebooting."
sendmail "[stamp] $hostname - $conf(cgminer_exec) is not responding - Rebooting" "$hostname $conf(cgminer_exec) is not responding... rebooting."
catch {exec echo "$conf(cgminer_exec) is not responding - Rebooting in 10s..." | wall} out
# Check for dead AMD driver (when cgminer/sgminer hangs and only "responds" to q, but wont quit
# Thanks dr00g!
catch {exec dmesg | grep "ASIC hang happened"} out
if {[string first "ASIC hang happened" $out] > 0} {
notice "AMD driver has crashed! Rebooting..."
sendmail "[stamp] $hostname - AMD driver crashed - Rebooting" "$hostname AMD driver crashed... rebooting.\n"
# check for alive mining pools
if {$conf(checkpools) == "yes"} {
set livepools [check_pools]
if {$livepools > 0} {
# puts "$livepools alive pool(s)"
} else {
# miner is reporting all pools are unreachable
if {$conf(reboot_when_pools_are_down) == "yes"} {
sendmail "[stamp] $hostname - All pools unreachable - Rebooting" "$hostname All pools unreachable... rebooting.\n"
notice "All pools unreachable. Rebooting..."
} else {
notice "All pools unreachable."
# check for cgminers that are running but are not ouputting good shares...
if {$conf(checkshares)} {
catch {exec php -f $conf(cgminer_api) devs | grep "Accepted\] =>" | grep -v Diff} argx
set data [split $argx "\n"]
set x 0
foreach gpu $data {
set current_accepted($x) [lindex $gpu 2]
incr x
# Create the file to store the share counts in between runs
if {![file exists "/tmp/accepted_count"]} {
exec touch /tmp/accepted_count
exec chmod 777 /tmp/accepted_count
exec chown $conf(mining_user) /tmp/accepted_count
set fd [open "/tmp/accepted_count" r]
for {set n 0} {$n<=[expr $x-1]} {incr n} {
set line "[gets $fd]"
set previous_accepted($n) [lindex $line 0]
set previous_time [lindex $line 1]
if {$previous_time != ""} {
set elapsed_seconds [expr [clock seconds] - $previous_time]
if {$elapsed_seconds > [expr $conf(share_timer) * 60]} {
set acc_rate_sec [expr [expr $current_accepted($n) - $previous_accepted($n)] / [expr $elapsed_seconds/60.0]]
if {$current_accepted($n) > $previous_accepted($n)} {
notice [format "GPU $n Shares accepted since last run: [expr $current_accepted($n) - $previous_accepted($n)] \(%.2f shares/min\)" $acc_rate_sec]
} else {
notice "GPU $n no accepted shares in $elapsed_seconds seconds. GPU probably hung."
sendmail "[stamp] $hostname GPU $n - No shares" "$hostname - GPU $n no accepted shares in $elapsed_seconds seconds. GPU probably hung."
catch {exec echo "GPU $n No Shares - Rebooting..." | wall} out
close $fd
if {$previous_time != ""} {
if {$elapsed_seconds > [expr $conf(share_timer) *60]} {
set fd [open "/tmp/accepted_count" w]
for {set x 0} {$x<$n} {incr x} {
puts $fd "$current_accepted($x) [clock seconds]"
close $fd
} else {
# seed initial data
set fd [open "/tmp/accepted_count" w]
for {set x 0} {$x<$n} {incr x} {
puts $fd "$current_accepted($x) [clock seconds]"
close $fd
notice "cgmon $conf(version) - $conf(cgminer_exec) running and all GPUs healthy."
# Run API command to see if we have alive pools
proc check_pools {} {
global conf
catch {exec php -f $conf(cgminer_api) pools | grep "=>" | grep "Alive" | wc -l} argx
if {[string first "child process exited abnormally" $argx] > 0} {
return 0
} else {
return $argx
proc reboot {} {
global conf
catch {exec whoami} me
if {$me != "root"} {
notice "cgmon.tcl is NOT running as root. The reboot probably wont work. Trying it anyhow..."
if {[info exists conf(BAMT)]} {
if {$conf(BAMT) == "yes"} {
after 5000
catch {exec reboot -f -n} out
notice $out
} else {
# wait 10 seconds so emails can possibly be delivered before rebooting
after 10000
catch {exec /sbin/shutdown -r now} out
notice $out
catch {exec shutdown -r now} out
notice $out
catch {exec reboot -f -n} out
notice $out
} else {
# wait 10 seconds so emails can possibly be delivered before rebooting
after 10000
catch {exec /sbin/shutdown -r now} out
notice $out
catch {exec shutdown -r now} out
notice $out
catch {exec reboot -f -n} out
notice $out
proc sendmail {subject body {trace 0}} {
global mail conf
global hostname tcl_interactive
if {$mail(notify) == "yes"} {
if {$mail(notify_on_manual_runs) == "no" && $::env(SHELL) != "/bin/sh"} {exit}
set latest_version [check_update false]
if {$conf(version) < $latest_version} {
append body "\n\nA new version of cgmon ($latest_version) is available at or use './cgmon.tcl update' for automatic script updating.\n\n"
if {$mail(auth) == "yes"} {
# use auth
if {$conf(donated) == "no"} {
append body "\n\n If you find cgmon useful, you can support further features and updates by donating to these addresses:\n\nBitcoin: $conf(btc_add) \n Litecoin: $conf(ltc_add) \n Dogecoin: $conf(doge_add)\n\nThanks!"
set token [mime::initialize -canonical text/plain -string $body]
mime::setheader $token Subject $subject
smtp::sendmessage $token \
-recipients $mail(to) -servers $mail(host) -ports $mail(port) -usetls true -queue false -atleastone true \
-debug false \
-username $mail(auth_user) -password $mail(auth_pass) \
-header [list From "$mail(from)"] \
-header [list To "$mail(to)"] \
-header [list Date "[clock format [clock seconds]]"] \
mime::finalize $token
} else {
if {$mail(notify_on_manual_runs) == "no" && $::env(SHELL) != "/bin/sh"} {exit}
if $trace then {
puts stdout "Connecting to $mail(host):$mail(port)"
set sockid [socket $mail(host) $mail(port)]
puts $sockid "HELO $hostname"
puts $sockid "MAIL From:<$mail(from)>"
flush $sockid
set result ""
while {1} {
set tmp [gets $sockid]
append result $tmp "\n"
set extended_code [string range $tmp 0 3]
if {[string compare [string range $extended_code end end] "-"]} {
if $trace then {
puts stdout "MAIL From:<$mail(from)>\n\t$result"
foreach to $mail(to) {
puts $sockid "RCPT To:<$to>"
flush $sockid
set result [gets $sockid]
if $trace then {
puts stdout "RCPT To:<$to>\n\t$result"
puts $sockid "DATA "
flush $sockid
set result [gets $sockid]
if $trace then {
puts stdout "DATA \n\t$result"
puts $sockid "From: <$mail(from)>"
puts $sockid "To: <$to>"
puts $sockid "Subject: $subject"
puts $sockid "\n"
if {$conf(donated) == "no"} {
append body "\n\n If you find cgmon useful, you can support further features and updates by donating to these addresses:\n\nBitcoin: $conf(btc_add) \n Litecoin: $conf(ltc_add) \n Dogecoin: $conf(doge_add)\n\nThanks!"
foreach line [split $body "\n"] {
puts $sockid "[join $line]"
puts $sockid "."
puts $sockid "QUIT"
flush $sockid
set result [gets $sockid]
if $trace then {
puts stdout "QUIT\n\t$result"
close $sockid
proc notice {msg} {
global hostname conf
set notice "[stamp] $hostname - $msg"
puts $notice
exec echo $notice >> $conf(cgmon_logfile)
proc stamp {} {return [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%b %d %H:%M:%S}]}
if {$mail(auth) == "yes"} {
package require SASL
package require smtp
package require mime
package require tls
# Create the cgminer API file if it doesnt exist
# Modified from default API to timeout after 2 seconds
if {![file exists $conf(cgminer_api)]} {
set n [subst -nocommands -novariables { <?php\n\n#\n# Sample Socket I/O to CGMiner API\n#\nfunction getsock($addr, $port)\n\{\n $socket = null;\n $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);\n if ($socket === false || $socket === null)\n \{\n $error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error());\n $msg = "socket create(TCP) failed";\n echo "ERR: $msg '$error'\\n";\n return null;\n \}\n\n $res = socket_connect($socket, $addr, $port);\n if ($res === false)\n \{\n $error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error());\n $msg = "socket connect($addr,$port) failed";\n echo "ERR: $msg '$error'\\n";\n socket_close($socket);\n return null;\n \}\n return $socket;\n\}\n#\n# Slow ...\nfunction readsockline($socket)\n\{\n $line = '';\n while (true)\n \{\n $byte = socket_read($socket, 1);\n if ($byte === false || $byte === '')\n break;\n if ($byte === "\0")\n break;\n $line .= $byte;\n \}\n return $line;\n\}\n#\nfunction request($cmd)\n\{\n $socket = getsock('', 4028);\n if ($socket != null)\n \{\nsocket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, array('sec'=>2, 'usec'=>2000));\nsocket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, array('sec'=>2, 'usec'=>2000));\nsocket_write($socket, $cmd, strlen($cmd));\n $line = readsockline($socket);\n socket_close($socket);\n\n if (strlen($line) == 0)\n \{\n echo "WARN: '$cmd' returned nothing\\n";\n return $line;\n \}\n\n print "$cmd returned '$line'\\n";\n\n if (substr($line,0,1) == '\{')\n return json_decode($line, true);\n\n $data = array();\n\n $objs = explode('|', $line);\n foreach ($objs as $obj)\n \{\n if (strlen($obj) > 0)\n \{\n $items = explode(',', $obj);\n $item = $items[0];\n $id = explode('=', $items[0], 2);\n if (count($id) == 1 or !ctype_digit($id[1]))\n $name = $id[0];\n else\n $name = $id[0].$id[1];\n\n if (strlen($name) == 0)\n $name = 'null';\n\n if (isset($data[$name]))\n \{\n $num = 1;\n while (isset($data[$name.$num]))\n $num++;\n $name .= $num;\n \}\n\n $counter = 0;\n foreach ($items as $item)\n \{\n $id = explode('=', $item, 2);\n if (count($id) == 2)\n $data[$name][$id[0]] = $id[1];\n else\n $data[$name][$counter] = $id[0];\n\n $counter++;\n \}\n \}\n \}\n\n return $data;\n \}\n\n return null;\n\}\n#\nif (isset($argv) and count($argv) > 1)\n $r = request($argv[1]);\nelse\n $r = request('summary');\n#\necho print_r($r, true)."\\n";\n#\n?>\n } ]
set fd [open $conf(cgminer_api) w]
puts $fd $n
close $fd
catch {exec hostname} hostname
if {$argv == "update"} { check_update true }
# start
# Changelog
# 0.1b3 added cgminer api
# Timestamps
# HELO mail fix
# Simplified configuration
# Added broadcast message before rebooting.
# 0.1b4
# Moved to /tmp/ so the script can run as the cgminer user.
# Moved cgminer api to /tmp/
# Secondary mining pool is now optional.
# 0.1b5
# Fixed .sh ownership problem
# Added test for cgminer/cgminer path
# Split cgminer_cmd into cgminer_path and cgminer_extra_options for ease of use.
# 0.1b6
# Now checks accepted share outputs. If no shares in 5 (default) minutes, send email notice and reboots rig.
# Moved all log messages to ~$mining_user/cgmon.log instead of the current working directory of whichever user ran cgmon.
# Split cgminer_path into cgminer_path and cmginer_exec to support sgminer.
# Added support for sgminer 4.0.0.
# 0.1b7
# Added detection of cgminer/AMD crash aka 'asic hang' (thanks dr00g!)
# Fixed rebooting on BAMT.
# Default share timer changed from 5 to 10 minutes.
# Accepted share counts and rate added to logfile.
# 0.1b8
# All messages now correctly specify the currently running mining software (i.e. cgminer or sgminer, etc.)
# 0.1b9
# Fixed bug with custom cgminer_path
# If a local mining_exec is found and no executable is installed globally nor via custom_path, local exec will be used.
# The actual mining command is now displayed when mining is attempted. This should help with debugging problem.
# 0.1b10
# Added support for up to 5 mining pools.
# Now really checks to see if the mining command worked and the miner is running. Sends email/notice upon success. If not, displays suggestion on fixing.
# Now logs the command used to mine for both success and failure. Easier troubleshooting.
# Cleaned up configuration and instructions.
# Now shows the GPU options at the top of cgmon.tcl since that line gets edited the most.
# 0.1b11
# Added detection of unresponsive cgminer/sgminer.
# 0.1b12
# Added check for connection reset when using cgminer API.
# Moved share monitoring option into config section.
# Changed pool configuration. Now you can comment out unused pools or leave them blank.
# Added option to disable email notifications when cgmon.tcl is run by hand. Keeps the inbox spam down when adjusting settings, etc.
# Cleaned up some code.
# Changed cronjob default to every 2 minutes. If you have an existing cronjob, you'll need to edit /etc/crontab yourself to make this change.
# 0.1b13
# Some updated pool code didnt make it into the last three(!) release.
# Fixed shutdown error on CentOS
# 0.1b14
# New: Now checks and warns if script isnt running as root before trying to reboot/shutdown.
# New: Check status of all mining pools. Send an email notification and reboot (optional) if all pools are unreachable.
# Upd: More info on non responsive api errors. i.e. when cgminer starts, but all pools are unreachable.
# 0.1b15
# Now sends email on failure to start mining.
# Cleaned up some code and config section.
# Removed $mine_for and $use_sgminer options (replaced with $miner_requires_scrypt_flag).
# 0.1b16
# Added a fix for MacOS X.
# 1.0
# Added auto update procedure: ./cgmon.tcl update
# Added SMTP AUTH support.
# Added screen command to output when starting.
# 1.0.1 & 1.0.2
# Bug fixes
# 1.0.3
# Added new version notifications to emails, when applicable.
# 1.0.4
# notify_on_manual_runs was not being obeyed.
# Added quiet flag (-q) to wget when version checking.
# 1.0.5
# Now adds mining pools before gpu options when setting up the mining command (request by Angela8488).
# 1.0.6
# Fixed bug introduced in 1.0.3 that caused emails not to get sent and reboots to stop working.
# 1.0.7
# Made update procedure future proof - requires a one time manual update if upgrading from earlier than 1.0.7 to 1.0.8
# No longer says 'Updating...' when rebooting.
# Added BAMT config option to try 'reboot -f -n' first.
# 1.0.8
# Now waits 5 seconds and retries accessing cgminer API before deciding cgminer is unresponsive and rebooting. Prevents some false positives.
# Now creates a copy of previous cgmon.tcl when auto updating.
# 1.0.9
# No longer sends 'rebooting' email when all pools are ureachable and reboot_when_pools_are_down is set to 'no'.
# notify on GPU overheat
#email/notify upon network reconnect with duration of outage.
# finish automated script update code.
# add debug smtp auth/mail option
# add debug mode for entire script.
# add option to disable version checks?
# make a backup of previous .tcl when updating.
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