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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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  • Save cbronazc/8829786 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cbronazc/8829786 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The workflow for apps, pages, uscp, sam etc...

This workflow assumes upstream is the main repo, and origin is your fork.

Command Description
git checkout release get back to release
git pull upstream release pull down new code (or do a fetch and then checkout upstream/release)
git checkout -b 'feature-branch-name' Checkout a branch (it can be any name)
Make your changes (bang on your keyboard)
git status Shows you which files you changed, use this often
git diff shows you your actual changes. hit q to exit git diff.
git add -A adds new files you may have added, not necessary if you only modified existing files
git commit -a -m "I added this..." Commit changes locally
git pull upstream release Pull in any new changes from upstream that other people have already pushed
git push origin feature-branch-name Push up to github
Submit a pull request in github Go to the main repo or your fork and click the green button. Then "compare across forks". Then Submit, or merge if you have permission.

Don't forget you can make as many branches as you want too. They will only live on your machine and you can always just delete them if you no longer need those changes.

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