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Created March 26, 2018 23:31
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calculate semivariance for a given distance matrix
#Semivariance function for over water distance
semivariance <- function(xdists, yresp, ncats = NA){
#Function to calculate semivariance using a distance matrix
#xdists is the distance matrix
#yresp is the response and rows of yresp correspond to sites in rows and columns of dists
#ncats is the resolution. Defaults to sturges rule for histogram classes (as per Legendre book)
nsites <- nrow(xdists)
y_mean <- mean(yresp)
#Set number of classes if not inputted
if (
ncats <- round(1 + (3.3* log10(((nsites^2)/2)-(nsites/2))))
#Get rid of symmetrical values, and don't allow comparisons of a site to itself
distdiag <- xdists
distdiag[!lower.tri(xdists, diag=F)] = NA
#Group sites
distcatsm <- cut(as.vector(distdiag), breaks = ncats, labels = F)
#Get midpoints of cuts
cutlabs <- levels(cut(as.vector(distdiag), breaks = ncats, dig.lab=4))
distints <- cbind(lower = as.numeric( sub("\\((.+),.*", "\\1", cutlabs) ),
upper = as.numeric( sub("[^,]*,([^]]*)\\]", "\\1", cutlabs) ))
distmids <- apply(distints, 1, median)
#Wd is the number of site pairs for a distance class ie Wd = sum(wd)
#w[h,i] = 1 if the pair is this distance class and 0 if not
#y[i] is the value at a site
semivar <- rep(NA, ncats)
moransI <- rep(NA, ncats)
gearysc <- rep(NA, ncats)
idistcats <- 1:ncats
#Weights matrix for each distance
wd.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = nsites^2, ncol = ncats)
for (d in 1:ncats){
wd.mat[distcatsm == d,d] <- 1
Wd <- colSums(wd.mat)
#NB: Can I vectorise this?
#Calculate semivariance
#Compare every value to every other value
#squared difference
sqrdiff <- (rep(yresp,nsites) - rep(yresp, each = nsites) ) ^2
#NB can also be calculated transpose(Y) %*% Y where Y is a matrix of centred values
yresp.comp <- matrix(sqrdiff, nrow = nsites^2, ncol = ncats)
covar <- colSums(wd.mat * yresp.comp)
semivar <- (1/(2*Wd)) * covar
# Calculate Morans I
#squared difference
sqrdiff <- (rep(yresp,nsites) - y_mean) * (rep(yresp, each = nsites) - y_mean)
yresp.comp <- matrix(sqrdiff, nrow = nsites^2, ncol = ncats)
sqrdiff.mean <- (yresp - y_mean)^2
morans.covar <- colSums(wd.mat * yresp.comp)
moransI <- (1/Wd) * morans.covar / ((1/nsites) * sum(sqrdiff.mean))
# Add Geary's C
return(data.frame(distances = distmids, semivar = semivar, moransI = moransI))
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