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Last active February 25, 2017 12:42
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this sucks real bad
import ftplib
import os
import random
import string
import subprocess
import time
# stuff to change
ftp_host = ""
ftp_port = 21
ftp_user = "exampleuser"
ftp_pass = "very-strong-password"
ftp_upload_to_folder = "/where/to/upload"
destination_url = ""
upload_image_name_length = 4 # make a random name with this length
# Why isn't it easy to just play a sound in python
# Scrot's terrible too
# it's probably faster to write a sharex clone in cpp instead of spending the time I spent trying to simply play a fucking sound
# I hate python
# you need xclip & libnotify or something idfk
temp_image = "/tmp/screenshotimg.png"
def copy_to_clipboard(contents):
copy = os.popen("echo \"" + contents + "\" | xclip -selection clipboard")
def send_notification(notification):
subprocess.Popen(['notify-send', notification])
# delete temp image
if os.path.isfile(temp_image):
# make sure we end with a /
if not destination_url.endswith("/"):
destination_url += "/"
# wait a second so releasing keys won't break it
# take screenshot
send_notification("Take screenshot of area...")
scrot = os.popen('scrot -s ' + temp_image)
result = # wait for scrot to finish
if not os.path.isfile(temp_image):
send_notification("Screenshot cancelled")
send_notification("Screenshot taken! Uploading...")
# make new ftp session
ftpsession = ftplib.FTP()
# connect
ftpsession.connect(ftp_host, ftp_port)
# login
ftpsession.login(ftp_user, ftp_pass)
# move to folder
# grab our image
screenshot = open(temp_image, 'rb')
new_image_name = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=upload_image_name_length)) + ".png"
# throw image onto server
ftpsession.storbinary("STOR " + new_image_name, screenshot)
# copy and tell us about it
image_destination = destination_url + new_image_name
send_notification("Copied to clipboard\n" + image_destination)
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