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Last active January 11, 2023 00:35
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Python function for generating random samples across an xarray.DataArray
def random_sampling(da,
Creates randomly sampled points for post-classification
accuracy assessment.
da: xarray.DataArray
A classified 2-dimensional xarray.DataArray
n: int
Total number of points to sample. Ignored if providing
a dictionary of {class:numofpoints} to 'manual_class_ratios'
sampling: str
'stratified_random' = Create points that are randomly
distributed within each class, where each class has a
number of points proportional to its relative area.
'equal_stratified_random' = Create points that are randomly
distributed within each class, where each class has the
same number of points.
'random' = Create points that are randomly distributed
throughout the image.
'manual' = user definined, each class is allocated a
specified number of points, supply a manual_class_ratio
dictionary mapping number of points to each class
manual_class_ratios: dict
If setting sampling to 'manual', the provide a dictionary
of type {'class': numofpoints} mapping the number of points
to generate for each class.
out_fname: str
If providing a filepath name, e.g 'sample_points.shp', the
function will export a shapefile/geojson of the sampling
points to file.
if sampling not in ['stratified_random', 'equal_stratified_random', 'random', 'manual']:
raise ValueError("Sampling strategy must be one of 'stratified_random', "+
"'equal_stratified_random', 'random', or 'manual'")
#open the dataset as a pandas dataframe
da = da.squeeze()
df = da.to_dataframe(name='class')
#list to store points
samples = []
if sampling == 'stratified_random':
#determine class ratios in image
class_ratio = pd.DataFrame({'proportion': df['class'].value_counts(normalize=True),
for _class in class_ratio['class']:
#use relative proportions of classes to sample df
no_of_points = n * class_ratio[class_ratio['class']==_class]['proportion'].values[0]
#random sample each class
print('Class '+ str(_class)+ ': sampling at '+ str(round(no_of_points)) + ' coordinates')
sample_loc = df[df['class'] == _class].sample(n=int(round(no_of_points)))
if sampling == 'equal_stratified_random':
classes = np.unique(df['class'])
for _class in classes:
#use relative proportions of classes to sample df
no_of_points = n / len(classes)
#random sample each classes
sample_loc = df[df['class'] == _class].sample(n=int(round(no_of_points)))
print('Class '+ str(_class)+ ': sampling at '+ str(round(no_of_points)) + ' coordinates')
except ValueError:
print('Requested more sample points than population of pixels for class '+ str(_class)+', skipping')
if sampling == 'random':
no_of_points = n
#random sample entire df
print('Randomly sampling dataAraay at '+ str(round(no_of_points)) + ' coordinates')
sample_loc = df.dropna().sample(n=int(round(no_of_points)))
if sampling == 'manual':
if isinstance(manual_class_ratios, dict):
#check classes in dict match classes in data
classes = np.unique(df['class'])
dict_classes = list(manual_class_ratios.keys())
if set(dict_classes).issubset([str(i) for i in classes]):
#mask for just those classes in the provided dictionary
mask = np.isin(classes,
classes = classes[mask]
#run sampling
for _class in classes:
no_of_points = manual_class_ratios.get(str(_class))
#random sample each class
sample_loc = df[df['class'] == _class].sample(n=int(round(no_of_points)))
print('Class '+ str(_class)+ ': sampled at '+ str(round(no_of_points)) + ' coordinates')
except ValueError:
print('Requested more sample points than population of pixels for class '+ str(_class)+', skipping')
raise ValueError("Some or all of the classes in 'manual_class_ratio' dictionary do not" +
" match the classes in the supplied dataArray. "+
"DataArray classes: "+str(classes)+", Supplied dict classes: "+
raise ValueError("Must supply a dictionary mapping {'class': numofpoints} if sampling" +
" is set to 'manual'")
#join back into single datafame
all_samples = pd.concat([samples[i] for i in range(0,len(samples))])
#get pd.mulitindex coords as list
y = [i[0] for i in list(all_samples.index)]
x = [i[1] for i in list(all_samples.index)]
#create geopandas dataframe
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
gdf = gdf.drop(['x', 'y'],axis=1)
if out_fname is not None:
return gdf
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