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Created August 10, 2020 03:30
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Per-pixel, xarray significance tests
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from scipy import stats
def significance_tests(xarray_a, xarray_b, t_test=False, levene_test=False,
equal_variance = False, nan_policy= 'omit', mask_not_sig = False,
level_of_sig = 0.05, center='mean'):
This function operates on a per-pixel basis and contains two types of significance tests:
1. A two-sided t-test for the null hypothesis that two independent samples have identical average (expected) values.
This test assumes that the populations have unequal variances by default (i.e. Welsh T-test), changing the 'equal_variance'
variable will change this to an ordinary two-sided t-test.
See "scipy.stats.ttest_ind" for more info:
2. Levene statistic tests the null hypothesis that all input samples are from populations with equal variances.
See "scipy.stats.levene" for more info:
The user must specify which statistic to run, by default both tests are set to False.
Function will return two xarrrays, one conatining the statistic, and the other containing the p-values.
The default is NOT to mask the pixels with p-values > the specified level of significance (default p-valies is 0.05).
If conducting levene stats, be aware that large datasets could take a long time to compute.
xarray_a = an xarray dataArray containing observations from your first period of interest
xarray_b = an xarray dataArray containing observations from your second period of interest
t_test = Boolean. If True, conducts a per-pixel t-test
levene_test = Boolean. If True, conducts a per-pixel levene-test
mask_not_sig = Boolean. If True, mask out the values that don't achieve the desired level of significance
level_of_sig = Float. The level of confidence you wish to have if masking. Usually 0.05 (default) or 0.1
equal_variance, nan_policy, center = see scipy.stats documentation
Last modified: June 2018
Author: Chad Burton
#convert into numpy ndarray arrays
arr_1 = xarray_a.values
arr_2 = xarray_b.values
#Get coordinates from the original xarray
lat = xarray_a.coords['y']
long = xarray_a.coords['x']
if (t_test==False and levene_test==False):
print('Please specificy which statistic you want to run by including either "t_test=True" or "levene_test=True" in your function call')
if (t_test==True and levene_test==True):
print('One statistical test at a time please!')
if t_test:
#run the t-test
print('starting T-test')
t_stat, p_values = stats.ttest_ind(arr_1, arr_2, equal_var = equal_variance, nan_policy = nan_policy)
if mask_not_sig == True:
#Write arrays into a x-array
t_stat_xr = xr.DataArray(t_stat, coords = [lat, long], dims = ['y', 'x'], name='t_stats')
p_val_xr = xr.DataArray(p_values, coords = [lat, long], dims = ['y', 'x'], name='p_value')
print('finished T-test')
return t_stat_xr, p_val_xr
if levene_test:
#create empty arrays to put the levene-stat results in
t1, x1, y1 = arr_1.shape
t2, x2, y2 = arr_2.shape
assert x1 == x2 and y1 == y2
levene_f = np.zeros((x1, y1))
levene_p = np.zeros((x1, y1))
#loop through each cell of arr1 and arr2 to conduct the levene test
print('Starting for loop...this could take a while')
for x in range(x1):
for y in range(y1):
arr_3 = arr_1[:, x, y] #for each x,y position, create a 1D array of the timeseries
arr_4 = arr_2[:, x, y]
arr_3 = arr_3[~np.isnan(arr_3)] #deal with the nans
arr_4 = arr_4[~np.isnan(arr_4)]
levene_f[x,y], levene_p[x,y] = stats.levene(arr_3, arr_4, center=center) #run the test
#Mask out values with insignificant trends (ie. p-value > 0.05) if user wants
if mask_not_sig == True:
levene_stat_xr = xr.DataArray(levene_f, coords = [lat, long], dims = ['y', 'x'], name='levene_stats')
p_val_levene_xr = xr.DataArray(levene_p, coords = [lat, long], dims = ['y', 'x'], name='p_value_levene')
print('finished levene test')
return levene_stat_xr, p_val_levene_xr
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