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Last active July 22, 2018 19:46
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GSSAPI "house"
// The GSSAPI security mechanism
#include <czmq.h>
#include <zmq.h>
void zsocket_set_gssapi_client(void * zocket)
int rc = zmq_setsockopt (zocket, ZMQ_GSSAPI_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL, "host", 4);
assert (rc == 0 || zmq_errno () == ETERM);
rc = zmq_setsockopt (zocket, ZMQ_GSSAPI_PRINCIPAL, "cbusbey", 7);
assert (rc == 0 || zmq_errno () == ETERM);
int main (void)
// Create context and start authentication engine
zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new ();
zauth_t *auth = zauth_new (ctx);
zauth_set_verbose (auth, true);
zauth_allow (auth, "");
zauth_configure_gssapi (auth, "*");
// Create and connect client socket
void *client = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PULL);
zsocket_connect (client, "tcp://");
puts ("[gss-client] waiting for msg...");
// Send a single message from server to client
char *message = zstr_recv (client);
if (message && streq (message, "Hello"))
puts ("[gssapi-client ] GSSAPI test OK");
puts ("[gssapi-client ] GSSAPI test FAILED");
free (message);
zauth_destroy (&auth);
zctx_destroy (&ctx);
return 0;
// The GSSAPI security mechanism
#include <czmq.h>
zsocket_set_gssapi_server(void * zocket, int gssapi_server)
int rc = zmq_setsockopt (zocket, ZMQ_GSSAPI_SERVER, &gssapi_server, sizeof (int));
assert (rc == 0 || zmq_errno () == ETERM);
rc = zmq_setsockopt (zocket, ZMQ_GSSAPI_PRINCIPAL, "host", 4);
assert (rc == 0 || zmq_errno () == ETERM);
int main (void)
// Create context and start authentication engine
zctx_t *ctx = zctx_new ();
zauth_t *auth = zauth_new (ctx);
zauth_set_verbose (auth, true);
zauth_allow (auth, "");
zauth_configure_gssapi (auth, "*");
// Create and bind server socket
void *server = zsocket_new (ctx, ZMQ_PUSH);
zsocket_set_gssapi_server (server, 1);
zsocket_bind (server, "tcp://*:9000");
puts ("[gss-server] sending...");
// Send a single message from server to client
zstr_send (server, "Hello");
// Give client a chance to finish
zauth_destroy (&auth);
zctx_destroy (&ctx);
return 0;
cbusbey@kerberos:~/ZmqSecurity$ kinit
cbusbey@kerberos:~/ZmqSecurity$ sudo ./gssapi-client&
cbusbey@kerberos:~/ZmqSecurity$ [gss-client] waiting for msg...
cbusbey@kerberos:~/ZmqSecurity$ sudo ./gssapi-server
[gss-server] sending...
I: PASSED (whitelist) address=
I: ALLOWED (GSSAPI) principal=cbusbey@PRIVATE.CONNAMARA.COM identity=
[gssapi-client ] GSSAPI test OK
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