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Sample iOS Unit Tests: Working with a ViewController composed of MKMapView
import UIKit
import XCTest
import MapKit
class ExampleTests: XCTestCase {
//declaring the ViewController under test as an implicitly unwrapped optional
var viewControllerUnderTest : ViewController!
override func setUp() {
//get the storyboard the ViewController under test is inside
let storyboard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: NSBundle(forClass: self.dynamicType))
//get the ViewController we want to test from the storyboard (note the identifier is the id explicitly set in the identity inspector)
viewControllerUnderTest = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("MyViewController") as ViewController
//load view hierarchy
if(viewControllerUnderTest != nil) {
func testViewControllerIsComposedOfMapView() {
XCTAssertNotNil(viewControllerUnderTest.mapView, "ViewController under test is not composed of a MKMapView")
func testControllerConformsToMKMapViewDelegate() {
XCTAssert(viewControllerUnderTest.conformsToProtocol(MKMapViewDelegate), "ViewController under test does not conform to MKMapViewDelegate protocol")
func testMapViewDelegateIsSet() {
func testControllerImplementsMKMapViewDelegateMethods() {
XCTAssert(viewControllerUnderTest.respondsToSelector(Selector("mapView:viewForAnnotation:")), "ViewController under test does not implement mapView:viewForAnnotation")
func testMapInitialization() {
XCTAssert(viewControllerUnderTest.mapView.mapType == MKMapType.Hybrid);
func testControllerAddsAnnotationsToMapView() {
let annotationsOnMap = self.viewControllerUnderTest.mapView.annotations
XCTAssertGreaterThan(annotationsOnMap.count, 0)
func testControllerCanAddHospitalAnnotationToMapView() {
let mapHasHospitalAnno = self.hasTargetAnnotation(HospitalAnnotation)
func testControllerCanAddSchoolAnnotationToMapView() {
let mapHasSchoolAnno = self.hasTargetAnnotation(SchoolAnnotation)
// MARK: - Utility
func hasTargetAnnotation(annotationClass: MKAnnotation.Type) -> Bool {
let mapAnnotations = self.viewControllerUnderTest.mapView.annotations
var hasTargetAnnotation = false
for anno in mapAnnotations {
if (anno.isKindOfClass(annotationClass)) {
hasTargetAnnotation = true
return hasTargetAnnotation
func testMapViewCanRenderPolygonByImplementingMapViewRendererForOverlay() {
//continue with App-specific tests ...
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