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Created December 6, 2011 01:43
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Tictactoe SC2
App = SC.Application.create()
### Model ###
class App.Game extends SC.Object
@createNewGame: ->
game = App.Game.create( { cells: [] } )
for x in [0...3]
for y in [0...3]
game.get("cells").pushObject App.Cell.create { x, y }
class App.Cell extends SC.Object
### Controller ###
### View ###
App.HeaderView = SC.View.extend
headerText: "Hello"
App.BoardView = SC.ContainerView.extend
classNames: "board"
init: ->
for cell in App.currentGame.cells
cellView = App.CellView.create( { content: cell } )
@get("childViews").push @createChildView(cellView)
App.BoardView = SC.CollectionView.extend
contentBinding: "App.currentGame.cells"
exampleView: App.CellView
App.CellView = SC.View.extend
classNames: "cell".w()
classNameBindings: [ "horizontalClass", "verticalClass" ]
horizontalClass: (->
switch @content.get("x")
when 0 then "left"
when 1 then "middle"
when 2 then "right"
verticalClass: (->
switch @content.get("y")
when 0 then "top"
when 1 then "middle"
when 2 then "bottom"
### Initialize ###
App.currentGame = App.Game.createNewGame()
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