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Created September 2, 2012 08:50
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# -*- coding=utf8 -*-
* 參考 weijr 老師的 tetris in tkinter -- ````
* full documents of Vpython -- ````
# update: 2012.07.29 完成大部分功能
# update: 2012.09.01 加入暫停與 hjkl 方向鍵控制 (Vim 操作練習?!)
from __future__ import division
from random import choice
import time
from visual import *
any = __builtins__.any
# 設定值
score, R, N, T = 0, 0.9, 100, 0.5 = ((BOARD_WIDTH - 1) / 2, (BOARD_HEIGHT - 1) / 2)
scene.width = BOARD_WIDTH * 35
scene.height = BOARD_HEIGHT * 35
scene.forward = (0, 0, +1)
scene.up = 0, -1, 0
scene.lights = \
[distant_light(direction=(0.22, 0.44, -0.88), color=color.gray(0.8)),
distant_light(direction=(-0.88, -0.22, +0.44), color=color.gray(0.3))]
scene.autoscale = False
#scene.show_rendertime = 1
scene.pause = False
blk = { 0x0f:(0, 0, 1), 0x2e:(0, 1, 1), 0x27:(0, 1, 0), 0x47:(1, 0, 1), 0xC6:(1, 0, 0), 0x6C:(1, 1, 0), 0x66:(1, 0.6, 0) }
new_piece = lambda pc: ([((z >> 2) + 1, z & 3) for z in xrange(16) if (pc >> z) & 1], 3, -2, pc)
new_focus = lambda piece, pc: [box(pos=p, color=blk[pc], size=(R, R, R)) for p in piece]
points(pos=[(x, y) for x in xrange(BOARD_WIDTH) for y in xrange(BOARD_HEIGHT)])
# score
def reset_score():
global score
score = 0
def get_score():
return score
def incr_score(value):
global score
assert isinstance(value, int), value
score += value
# collide
collide = lambda piece, px, py: [1 for (i, j) in piece if board[j + py][i + px]] #是否碰撞
def collide(piece, px, py):
assert isinstance(px, int), px
assert isinstance(py, int), py
for (i, j) in piece:
x = px + i
y = py + j
if not (0 <= x < BOARD_WIDTH):
return True
return True
if y < 0:
if board[y][x]:
return True
return False
# board
def new_board_lines(num):
assert isinstance(num, int), num
return [[0] * BOARD_WIDTH for j in range(num)]
board = new_board_lines(BOARD_HEIGHT)
def place_piece(piece, px, py, pc):
for i, j in piece:
board[j + py][i + px] = pc
for i, j in piece:
x = px + i
y = py + j
if not (0 <= x < BOARD_WIDTH):
if not (0 <= y < BOARD_HEIGHT):
board[y][x] = pc
def clear_complete_lines():
global board
nb = []
fn = []
for j, line in enumerate(board):
if 0 in line:
if fn:
board = new_board_lines(len(fn)) + nb
# 消去
d_line = [obj for obj in scene.objects if type(obj) is box and obj.y in fn]
for _ in xrange(10):
for obj in d_line:
obj.opacity -= 1 / 10
for obj in d_line:
obj.visible = 0
# 下降
for n in fn:
for obj in (obj for obj in scene.objects if type(obj) is box and obj.y < n):
obj.y += 1
return fn
def switch_pause():
scene.pause = (not scene.pause)
def game_over():
exit("GAME OVER: score %i" % get_score()) # game over 的狀況
# tick
def tick(t_stamp=[time.time(), 0]):
global piece, px, py, pc, focus
# 自動處理
t_stamp[1] = time.time()
if t_stamp[1] - t_stamp[0] > T and not scene.pause:
if not collide(piece, px, py + 1): #自動落下
py += 1
elif py < 0: #Game over
else: #到底
place_piece(piece, px, py, pc)
# 檢查消去
fn = clear_complete_lines()
if fn:
incr_score(2 ** len(fn))
piece, px, py, pc = new_piece(choice(blk.keys()))
focus = new_focus(piece, pc)
t_stamp[0] = t_stamp[1]
# 鍵盤控制
if scene.kb.keys:
key = scene.kb.getkey()
if key in ('down', 'j'):
py = (j for j in xrange(py, BOARD_HEIGHT) if collide(piece, px, j + 1)).next()# 找出第一個會碰撞的
elif key in ('up', 'k'):
npiece = [(j, 3 - i) for (i, j) in piece]
if not collide(npiece, px, py): piece = npiece
elif key in ('left', 'right', 'h', 'H', 'l', 'L'):
npx = px + (-1 if key in ('left', 'h', 'H') else 1)
if not collide(piece, npx, py): px = npx
elif key == 'p':
scene.pause = switch_pause()
# 方塊位置變更
for i in xrange(4): focus[i].pos = vector(px, py) + piece[i]
# mainloop
piece, px, py, pc = new_piece(choice(blk.keys()))
focus = new_focus(piece, pc)
while 1:
#### Debug 用的工具
#print [py+y for x,y in piece if 0 not in board[py+y]]
#fill_line = {py+y for x,y in piece if 0 not in board[py+y]}
#for line in board: print line, 0 not in line
#from arrow import draw_arrow ;draw_arrow(AL=BH)
#for y in xrange(BH): print '%2d:'%y+''.join('%5d'%board[y][x] for x in xrange(BW)) #for debug
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