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Created November 30, 2012 09:05
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Save cceddie/4174634 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
get Chrome tabs, write to executable bash file
-- gct: get chrome tabs
-- save FRONTMOST WINDOW of Chrome (or safari, but definitely not firefox) tabs into a file
-- optionally (by uncommenting) CLOSE the window
-- modified from
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- cce
-- 2012 nov- rev 0.2
-- - why do i punish myself with applescript?
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- TO DO
-- * pull html TITLE tag of page, place it as bash comment in dumpfile
-- * check to see if Chrome is even running, do nothing otherwise
-- * pass paramter from cmd line to script for description comment in bash file
-- (apparently this is going to be hard…)
-- x automatically save the file, do not throw dialog
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- setup variables
-- set defaultFolder to POSIX file myDumpLocation
set myDate to do shell script "date +%Y-%m-%d-%Hh%Mm"
set myTabFile to myDate & "-tabset"
set myDumpLocation to "/Users/tcyun/Downloads/" & myTabFile
-- make sure that you have a sane default folder, otherwise dump to desktop
-- note, putting a bad path in the variable above will make this check
-- fail. unclear why this happens...
-- ahh, i see i am testing folder against a file
-- keeping this here as i should fix it later
-- try
-- set defaultFolder to POSIX file myDumpLocation
--on error
-- set defaultFolder to (path to desktop)
--end try
-- Initialize the text ot the script.
set cmd to "#!/bin/bash" & linefeed
set cmd to cmd & "# " & linefeed
set cmd to cmd & "# " & myDate & linefeed
set cmd to cmd & "# " & linefeed
set cmd to cmd & linefeed
-- set cmd to cmd & "open ~/tcy-script/MacOS-stuff/tabSets/" & linefeed
-- the above line forces a new incognito window to open and then dumps the files into that window
set cmd to cmd & linefeed
-- grab URL for each tab in the front window
tell application "System Events" to tell process "google chrome"
tell application "Google Chrome"
set n to count of tabs in front window
repeat with i from 1 to n
-- need to write a catch that eliminates empty tabs/blank urls
set urlstring to ""
set urlstring to URL of tab i of front window
set urlstring to quoted form of urlstring
-- the quoted form here is important for weird URLs
set cmd to cmd & "open -g -a /Applications/Google\\ " & urlstring & " --args --incognito " & linefeed
end repeat
-- if you want, you can have the script close the window
-- close front window
end tell
end tell
-- Open/create a file and save the script.
-- --use this if you want to name the file manually
--set scriptAlias to choose file name default name myTabFile default location (defaultFolder as alias)
--set scriptPath to POSIX path of scriptAlias
--set scriptFile to open for access scriptAlias with write permission
--set eof scriptFile to 0
--write cmd to scriptFile starting at eof
--close access scriptFile
-- automatically write to file
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of cmd & " >" & myDumpLocation
-- Change the file attributes to make it double-clickable.
do shell script "chmod 777 " & myDumpLocation
do shell script "xattr -wx '00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00' " & myDumpLocation
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