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Created September 7, 2012 18:36
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import akka.util.Timeout
import concurrent.{Promise, Future, Await}
import concurrent.util.Duration
import concurrent.util.duration._
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import akka.pattern.after
import concurrent.ExecutionContext
import java.util.concurrent.{Executor, Executors}
import sys.process._
object Main extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("test")
case class TestActors()
case class Work()
case class Done()
class SlugActor(val slugID: Int) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
val executorThreadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()
implicit val executor: Executor with ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(executorThreadPool)
override def postStop() {
def receive = {
case Work => {
val senderRef = sender
val future = Future {"%d. start working" format slugID)
// Await.result(future, 1 second)
after(1 second, using = system.scheduler)(future) onComplete {
case Right(result) =>"%d. stop working with result: %s" format(slugID, result))
senderRef ! Done
case Left(e) =>
log.error("%d. timeout" format slugID)
senderRef ! Done
// println("received")
val actorsCount: Int = 32
val hypervisor = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
val slugActors = new ListBuffer[ActorRef]()
var doneCounter = 0
override def preStart() {
for (id <- 1 to actorsCount) {
slugActors += context.actorOf(Props(new SlugActor(id)))
def receive = {
case TestActors => slugActors.foreach(_ ! Work)
case Done =>
doneCounter += 1
println("doneCounter: %d" format doneCounter)
if (doneCounter == actorsCount) {
hypervisor ! TestActors
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