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Last active December 19, 2015 10:19
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Loading Maven/POM settings from SBT
// Use Maven groupId as SBT organization
organization <<= (baseDirectory in Compile) { base ⇒
import scala.xml.XML
val pomFile = base / "pom.xml"
XML.loadFile(pomFile) \\ "project" \ "groupId" text
// Use Maven artifactId as SBT name
name <<= (baseDirectory in Compile) { base ⇒
import scala.xml.XML
val pomFile = base / "pom.xml"
XML.loadFile(pomFile) \\ "project" \ "artifactId" text
// Use Maven version as SBT one
version <<= (baseDirectory in Compile) { base ⇒
import scala.xml.XML
val pomFile = base / "pom.xml"
XML.loadFile(pomFile) \\ "project" \ "version" text
// Use Maven repositories as SBT resolvers, which is not managed by `externalPom()`
resolvers <<= (baseDirectory in Compile) { base ⇒
import scala.xml.XML
val pomFile = base / "pom.xml"
val pom = XML.loadFile(pomFile)
val repositories = pom \\ "project" \
"repositories" \ "repository"
repositories map { r ⇒
(r \ "name").text at (r \ "url").text
// Loads SBT dependencies from Maven POM
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