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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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How to build poppler 0.24.5 for winxp.

Poppler for Windows XP

Poppler is a PDF library you can use to code framework or application for several platform.

This is how to build its 0.24.5 version for Windows XP.


  • Windows XP OS. For testing purposes, you can consider VM from IEVMS.
  • MSYS2 Base for i686 arch. By time this is written, I use msys2-base-i686-20140507.tar.xz.
  • GCC & make. If not installed in MSYS2, it can be done using pacman: pacman -S gcc make (I have built poppler using GCC 4.5.2 for compat).
  • Any graphic library supported by Poppler as frontend (QT, GLib, ...). Personally I use GLib, installed by pacman -S glib2-devel.

In MSYS2 launched using its mingw32_shell; Let's build it.

  1. Download sources for Poppler 0.24.5: cd tmp && wget http://sources/url.
  2. Extract thoses sources: xz -dv poppler-0.24.5.tar.xz && tar -xvf poppler-0.24.5.tar.
  3. In sources directory, configure it: cd poppler-0.24.5 && CPPFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501" ./configure --prefix=/usr.
    • CPPFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501" is required to ensure OS is properly detected while building Poppler.
  4. Then finally make it: make install (or just make if you don't want to install it).
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