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Last active October 6, 2020 20:30
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🦀 Some rustlings (see repository:
/// Future and Stream experimentations.
/// **Usage:**
/// Implements the following functions and make the provided tests :satisfied:.
/// > These rustlings can be checkout locally from [GitHub](
/// *See [solutions](*
/// **Requirements:** (`Cargo.toml`)
/// ```toml
/// [dependencies]
/// futures = "0.3"
/// tokio = { version = "0.2", features = [ "time" ] }
/// ```
extern crate futures; // 0.3.5
use std::convert::AsRef;
use std::io::Error;
use std::result::Result;
use std::time::Duration;
use futures::future::{ready, Future};
use futures::io::AsyncWrite;
use futures::sink::Sink;
use futures::stream::Stream;
/// Function `result2try_future` with at least 2 type parameters `A` and `B`;
/// Returns a `Future` containing the input `result` mapped using `f`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `result` - The input `Result<A, Error>`
/// * `f` - The function applied within the `result` if and only if it's `Ok`: `fn(A) -> B`
// TODO: result2try_future<A, B>
/// Function `result2try_stream` with at least 2 type parameters `A` and `B`;
/// Returns a `Future` containing the input `result` mapped using `f`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `result` - The input `Result<A, Error>`
/// * `f` - The function applied within the `result` if and only if it's `Ok`
// TODO: result2try_stream<A, B>
/// Function `result_map_async` with at least 2 type parameters `A` and `B`;
/// Returns a `Future` containing the input `result` mapped using `f`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `result` - The input `Result<A, Error>`
/// * `f` - The asynchronous function applied within the `result` if and only if it's `Ok`: `fn(A) -> Future<Output = Result<B, Error>>`
// TODO: result_map_async<A, B>
/// Function `result2stream` with at least 2 type parameters `A` and `B`;
/// Returns a `Stream` containing the input `result` mapped using `f`.
/// !! The `Stream` should stops as soon as an `Err`
/// item is encountered in `result`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `result` - The input `Result<A, Error>`
/// * `f` - The function applied within `result` if and only if it's `Ok`: `fn(A) -> B`
// TODO: result2stream<A, B>
/// Function `stream_map_async_with_filter`
/// with at least 2 type parameters `A` and `B`;
/// Returns a `Stream` containing the input `stream` mapped
/// from `A` to `Result<B, Error>` using `f`.
/// Each `B` value is also checked with the `is_errored` function.
/// * If `Some(error)` is returned, then the `B` value should be mapped to `Err(error)`;
/// * Otherwise `Ok(b_value)` is kept.
/// # Arguments
/// * `stream` - The input `Stream<Result<A, Error>>`
/// * `f` - The function applied to the `stream` items if and only if it's `Ok`: `fn(A) -> B`
// TODO: stream_map_async_with_filter<A, B>
/// Function `stream_map_until` with at least 2 type parameters `A` and `B`.
/// Each `A` item is mapped as `B` using the `f` function.
/// If `Some` mapped value is returned, it's emitted as a `Stream` item;
/// Other if `None` is returned, the `Stream` terminates.
/// # Arguments
/// * `stream` - The input `Stream<A>`
/// * `f` - The function applied to the `stream` items: `fn(A) -> Option<B>`
// TODO: stream_map_until<A, B>
/// Function `stream_map_async_until`
/// with at least 2 type parameters `A` and `B`.
/// Returns a `Stream` containing the input `stream` mapped
/// from `A` to `Result<B, Error>` using `f`;
/// If `Err(someError)` is returned, then the stream terminates.
/// Each `B` value is also checked with `is_errored` function.
/// * If `Some(error)` is returned, then the stream terminates;
/// * Otherwise the `B` value that's `Ok` is pushed as a `Stream` item.
/// # Arguments
/// * `stream` - The input `Stream<A>`
/// * `f` - The function applied to the `stream` items if and only if it's `Ok`: `fn(A) -> B`
// TODO: stream_map_async_until<A, B>
/// Function `await_or_timeout` with at least 1 type parameter `A`;
/// Returns the awaited `Ok(a_value)`, or timeout `Err`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `future` - The asynchronous `A` value
/// * `duration` - The timeout duration
// TODO: await_or_timeout<A>
/// Function `contramap_sink` with at least 2 type parameters `A` and `B`;
/// Returns a `Sink` that consumes `A` items, then converts each item as `B`
/// before writing to the `output`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `f` - The function that converts a `A` value into a `B` one
/// * `output` - The sink output
// TODO: contramap_sink<A, B>
// ---
mod tests {
use super::*;
use futures::future::pending;
use std::io::ErrorKind;
// Test runtime
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
// Fixtures
fn ok_input() -> Result<String, Error> {
fn err_input() -> Result<String, Error> {
Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "cause"))
fn test_result2try_future() {
let mut rt: Runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
rt.block_on(result2try_future(ok_input(), |s| s.len()))
rt.block_on(result2try_future(err_input(), |s| s.len()))
fn test_result2try_stream() {
let mut rt: Runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
use futures::stream::StreamExt; // provide 'next'
let ok_head: Option<Result<usize, Error>> = rt
result2try_stream(ok_input(), |s| s.len()).collect::<Vec<Result<usize, Error>>>(),
assert_eq!(ok_head.unwrap().unwrap(), 5);
let err_head: Option<Result<usize, Error>> = rt
result2try_stream(err_input(), |s| s.len()).collect::<Vec<Result<usize, Error>>>(),
assert_eq!(err_head.unwrap().is_err(), true);
fn test_result_map_async() {
let mut rt: Runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
rt.block_on(result_map_async(ok_input(), |s| ready(Ok(s.len()))))
rt.block_on(result_map_async(err_input(), |s| ready(Ok(s.len()))))
fn test_result2stream() {
let mut rt: Runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
use futures::stream::StreamExt;
let ok_head: Option<usize> = rt
.block_on(result2stream(ok_input(), |s| s.len()).collect::<Vec<usize>>())
assert_eq!(ok_head.unwrap(), 5);
let err_head: Option<usize> = rt
.block_on(result2stream(err_input(), |s| s.len()).collect::<Vec<usize>>())
assert_eq!(err_head.is_none(), true);
fn test_stream_map_until() {
let mut rt: Runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
use futures::stream::{iter, StreamExt};
let mut usize_stream = stream_map_until(iter(vec!["lala", "lorem", "rolo"]), |s| {
let l = s.len();
if l % 2 == 0 {
} else {
assert_eq!(rt.block_on(, 4); // "lala"
assert_eq!(rt.block_on(, true); // "lorem".len() % 2 != 0
assert_eq!(rt.block_on(, true); // "rolo"; stream terminated
fn test_stream_map_async_with_filter() {
let mut rt: Runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
fn f(s: String) -> impl Future<Output = Result<usize, Error>> {
let l = s.len();
ready(if l == 0 {
Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "Empty"))
} else {
fn is_errored(sz: usize) -> Option<Error> {
if sz % 2 == 0 {
} else {
Some(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "Odd"))
// ---
use futures::stream::{iter, once, StreamExt};
let ok_head = rt
stream_map_async_with_filter(once(ready(ok_input())), f, is_errored)
.collect::<Vec<Result<usize, Error>>>(),
assert_eq!(ok_head.is_err(), true); // "lorem".len() % 2 != 0
let head2 = rt
stream_map_async_with_filter(once(ready(Ok(String::from("lala")))), f, is_errored)
.collect::<Vec<Result<usize, Error>>>(),
assert_eq!(head2, 4);
let mut vec_stream1 = stream_map_async_with_filter(
Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "Foo")),
assert_eq!(rt.block_on(, 4); // "lala"
assert_eq!(rt.block_on(, true); // "lorem"
assert_eq!(rt.block_on(, true); // Err
assert_eq!(rt.block_on(, 6); // "rololo"
fn test_stream_map_async_until() {
let mut rt: Runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
fn f(s: String) -> impl Future<Output = Result<usize, Error>> {
let l = s.len();
ready(if l == 0 {
Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "Empty"))
} else {
fn is_errored(sz: usize) -> Option<Error> {
if sz % 2 == 0 {
} else {
Some(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "Odd"))
// ---
use futures::stream::{iter, once, StreamExt};
let ok_head = rt
stream_map_async_until(once(ready(String::from("lorem"))), f, is_errored)
assert_eq!(ok_head.is_none(), true); // "lorem".len() % 2 != 0
let head2 = rt
stream_map_async_until(once(ready(String::from("lala"))), f, is_errored)
assert_eq!(head2, 4);
let mut vec_stream1 = stream_map_async_until(
assert_eq!(rt.block_on(, 4); // "lala"
assert_eq!(rt.block_on(, true); // "lorem"
assert_eq!(rt.block_on(, true); // stream terminated
assert_eq!(rt.block_on(, true); // "rololo" - stream terminated
fn test_await_or_timeout() {
let mut rt: Runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
let tmout = Duration::new(5, 0);
assert_eq!(rt.block_on(await_or_timeout(ready(1), tmout)).unwrap(), 1);
rt.block_on(await_or_timeout(pending::<u8>(), tmout))
fn test_contramap_sink() {
use futures::stream::{self, StreamExt}; // provide 'forward'
let mut rt: Runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
let mut out = vec![];
fn f<'a>(s: &'a str) -> &'a [u8] {
let source = stream::iter(vec![Ok("foo"), Ok("bar"), Ok("lorem")]);
let conv_sink = contramap_sink(f, &mut out);
let mat_val = rt.block_on(source.forward(conv_sink));
assert_eq!(mat_val.is_ok(), true);
vec![102, 111, 111, 98, 97, 114, 108, 111, 114, 101, 109]
mod future_stream;
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