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Last active June 9, 2021 14:38
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Examples of Arrays and Objects


const array1 = ["This", "is", "an", "array"];


const object = { 
  first: "1", 
  second: "2"

An array of objects

const array2 = [
  { first: "1", second: "2" },
  { first: "1st", second: "2nd"}

Simple functions

Function Does
.push() Appends to the end
.unshift() Adds to the beginning
.pop() Removes last item
.shift() Removes first item
.indexOf() Returns index (number) of item in array
.splice(pos, num) Removes number of items [num] from starting point [pos]
.slice() Make a copy
.some(function(item)) Returns true or false if any items match given statement
.every(function(item)) Returns true or false if all items match given statement
.forEach(function(item,index)) Loops over each item and performs the function
.find(function(item)) Returns the first item that matches the given statement
.findIndex(function(item)) Returns the index of first item that matches the given statement

Complex functions


Do you need to return a new array with some items removed?

const newArray1 = oldArray1.filter(function(item){
  if (item === true) {
    return true; // keep it

const newArray2 = oldArray2.filter(item => item === true);


Do you need to return a new array (with the same length as the original) having done some manipulation to each?

const newArray1 ={
  return item + 1;

const newArray2 = => item + 1);


Do you need to build something based on a value of each item in an array?

newVar1 = 0;
const newArray1 = oldArray1.reduce(function(newVar1, item){
  newVar1 = newVar1 + item;
  return newVar1;

const newArray2 = oldArray2.reduce((newVar2, item) => {
  return newVar2 + item;
}, 0);


Do you need to permanently sort the array?

const newArray1 = oldArray1.sort(function(firstItem, nextItem){
  if (firstItem > nextItem) {
    return -1;
  } else {
    return 1;

const newArray2 =, nextItem) => {
  return firstItem > nextItem ? -1 : 1;

Note: Not only does this create a new variable with reference to the array but it also sorts the original array.


Do you need to access to both key and value?

Object.entries(someObj).forEach(([key, value]) => {
  doSomething(key, value);


Updating an new array that was created from referencing an old array will also update the old array, instead, make a copy.

const copiedArray1 = oldArray.slice();
const copiedArray2 = Array.from(oldArray); // ES6

But this is only 1 level deep. In order to ensure that all levels are copied without reference to the old:

const copiedObject1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldObject); // sort of hacky, think about whether you really need to manipulate the object
const copiedObject2 = Object.assign({}, oldObject); // ES6
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