Please read [Why should I not upload images of code/data/errors?]( You can [edit] your question and replace the images with [code block]s. The easiest way to do this is to paste the code as text directly into your question, then select it and click the code block button.
USER, [please don't translate posts for other users]( _"**Non-English questions should not be translated into English** by anyone other than the original poster (OP). Translating a question for a non-English speaker sets them and all participants up for a poor experience, due to the OP not being able to follow and respond to feedback from comments, understand answers, or get assistance from the Help Center."_ I'm rolling this back.
``Please read Why should I not upload images of code/data/errors? and [Why should I provide a Minimal Reproducible Example for a very simple SQL query?](https://