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Last active September 9, 2022 14:19
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interface Mesh {
positions: Float32Array;
uvs: Float32Array;
normals: Float32Array;
indices: Uint16Array;
type ObjFile = string
type FilePath = string
type CachePosition = number
type CacheFace = string
type CacheNormal = number
type CacheUv = number
type CacheArray<T> = T[][]
type toBeFloat32 = number
type toBeUInt16 = number
* ObjLoader to load in .obj files. This has only been tested on Blender .obj exports that have been UV unwrapped
* and you may need to throw out certain returned fields if the .OBJ is missing them (ie. uvs or normals)
export default class ObjLoader {
constructor() {}
* Fetch the contents of a file, located at a filePath.
async load(filePath: FilePath): Promise<ObjFile> {
const resp = await fetch(filePath)
if (!resp.ok) {
throw new Error(
`ObjLoader could not fine file at ${filePath}. Please check your path.`
const file = await resp.text()
if (file.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`${filePath} File is empty.`)
return file
* Parse a given obj file into a Mesh
parse(file: ObjFile): Mesh {
const lines = file?.split("\n")
// Store what's in the object file here
const cachedPositions: CacheArray<CachePosition> = []
const cachedFaces: CacheArray<CacheFace> = []
const cachedNormals: CacheArray<CacheNormal> = []
const cachedUvs: CacheArray<CacheUv> = []
// Read out data from file and store into appropriate source buckets
for (const untrimmedLine of lines) {
const line = untrimmedLine.trim() // remove whitespace
const [startingChar,] = line.split(" ")
switch (startingChar) {
case "v":
case "vt":
case "vn":
case "f":
// Use these intermediate arrays to leverage Array API (.push)
const finalPositions: toBeFloat32[] = []
const finalNormals: toBeFloat32[] = []
const finalUvs: toBeFloat32[] = []
const finalIndices: toBeUInt16[] = []
// Loop through faces, and return the buffers that will be sent to GPU for rendering
const cache: Record<string, number> = {}
let i = 0
for (const faces of cachedFaces) {
for (const faceString of faces) {
// If we already saw this, add to indices list.
if (cache[faceString] !== undefined) {
cache[faceString] = i
// Need to convert strings to integers, and subtract by 1 to get to zero index.
const [vI, uvI, nI] = faceString
.map((s: string) => Number(s) - 1)
vI > -1 && finalPositions.push(...cachedPositions[vI])
uvI > -1 && finalUvs.push(...cachedUvs[uvI])
nI > -1 && finalNormals.push(...cachedNormals[nI])
i += 1
return {
positions: new Float32Array(finalPositions),
uvs: new Float32Array(finalUvs),
normals: new Float32Array(finalNormals),
indices: new Uint16Array(finalIndices),
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