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Created November 7, 2022 14:40
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import { vecDistSquared } from "./math";
* Hash table for self collisions of the Cloth object
export class Hash {
private spacing: number;
private maxNumObjects: number;
private tableSize: number;
private cellCount: Int32Array;
private particleMap: Int32Array;
private queryIds: Int32Array;
private querySize: number;
firstAdjId: Int32Array;
adjIds: Int32Array;
constructor(spacing: number, maxNumObjects: number) {
this.spacing = spacing;
this.tableSize = 5 * maxNumObjects;
// Here, cellCount means where to start looking in particleMap
// Add +1 for guard (see in code)
this.cellCount = new Int32Array(this.tableSize + 1);
// Here, particleMap are the indices of the particles in entire particle list
this.particleMap = new Int32Array(maxNumObjects); // Particle lookup array
this.queryIds = new Int32Array(maxNumObjects);
this.querySize = 0;
this.maxNumObjects = maxNumObjects;
// Keep track of where to first index into adjIds
// so firstAdjId[id] = idx for adjIds
this.firstAdjId = new Int32Array(maxNumObjects + 1);
// All particle ids adjacent to a particular id packed into a dense array.
// Use firstAdjId[id] to access.
this.adjIds = new Int32Array(10 * maxNumObjects);
getAdjacentParticles(id: number) {
const start = this.firstAdjId[id];
const end = this.firstAdjId[id + 1];
return this.adjIds.slice(start, end);
hashCoords(xi: number, yi: number, zi: number) {
const h = (xi * 92837111) ^ (yi * 689287499) ^ (zi * 283923481); // fantasy function
return Math.abs(h) % this.tableSize;
intCoord(coord: number) {
return Math.floor(coord / this.spacing);
hashPos(pos: Float32Array, nr: number) {
return this.hashCoords(
this.intCoord(pos[3 * nr]),
this.intCoord(pos[3 * nr + 1]),
this.intCoord(pos[3 * nr + 2])
* Create the spatial hash table data structure - based off of
* Theory:
* Scroll down to Creating the Data Structure Slide
create(pos: Float32Array) {
const numObjects = Math.min(pos.length / 3, this.particleMap.length);
// Init arrays with 0. Our job is to fill these in.
// Step 1: Count
// Hash and iterate integer at index in arraycellCount
for (let i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) {
const h = this.hashPos(pos, i);
// Step 2: Partial sums
// Mutate cellCount array to contain partial sum of all elements before current index
let start = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.tableSize; i++) {
start += this.cellCount[i];
this.cellCount[i] = start;
this.cellCount[this.tableSize] = start; // guard by adding an additional element at the end
// Step 3: Fill in objects ids
// Now finally fill in the particle array, particleMap
for (let i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) {
const h = this.hashPos(pos, i);
this.particleMap[this.cellCount[h]] = i;
* Query for items in hash table
* After execution, check results in:
* - queryIds - particle ids found in query
* - querySize - number of particles found
* Theory:
query(pos: Float32Array, nr: number, maxDist: number) {
const x0 = this.intCoord(pos[3 * nr] - maxDist);
const y0 = this.intCoord(pos[3 * nr + 1] - maxDist);
const z0 = this.intCoord(pos[3 * nr + 2] - maxDist);
const x1 = this.intCoord(pos[3 * nr] + maxDist);
const y1 = this.intCoord(pos[3 * nr + 1] + maxDist);
const z1 = this.intCoord(pos[3 * nr + 2] + maxDist);
this.querySize = 0;
for (let xi = x0; xi <= x1; xi++) {
for (let yi = y0; yi <= y1; yi++) {
for (let zi = z0; zi <= z1; zi++) {
const h = this.hashCoords(xi, yi, zi);
// Looking for a difference between two, like in slides
const start = this.cellCount[h];
const end = this.cellCount[h + 1];
// If there is a difference, this cell has particles !
// Save to queryIds
for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
this.queryIds[this.querySize] = this.particleMap[i];
* queryAll is responsible for looping through all particles, calling query() for each, and storing/updating
* the adjacent particles lists.
* Theory:
queryAll(pos: Float32Array, maxDist: number) {
// Keep track of all adjacent id's by indexing into
// this.adjIds
let idx = 0;
// We only need this number to compare with dist2
// We do not use square root to save ourselves
// from the expensive calculation.
const maxDist2 = maxDist * maxDist;
for (let i = 0; i < this.maxNumObjects; i++) {
const id0 = i;
this.firstAdjId[id0] = idx;
// Query for all particles within maxDist from this particle
this.query(pos, id0, maxDist);
// If particles found in query, register them in adjIds
for (let j = 0; j < this.querySize; j++) {
const id1 = this.queryIds[j];
// Skip if id1 > id0, to ensure we only execute the following code once
// Skip if id1 == id0 since a particle can't be adjacent to itself
if (id1 >= id0) continue;
// Calculate distance-squared between two particles
// We do not use square root to save ourselves
// from the expensive calculation. We just want
// to compare with maxDist2
const dist2 = vecDistSquared(pos, id0, pos, id1);
if (dist2 > maxDist2) continue;
// Because each particle can have n adjacencies,
// we need to make sure we are ready to grow the array at a moments notice
// Since we're saving all adjacencies in a single dense array
if (idx >= this.adjIds.length) {
const newIds = new Int32Array(2 * idx); // dynamic array
this.adjIds = newIds;
this.adjIds[idx++] = id1;
// Manually set the last extra space with current idx
this.firstAdjId[this.maxNumObjects] = idx;
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