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Last active August 29, 2023 19:39
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AutoHotKey script for Unicode input, Ubuntu-like
; Author: Eric NICOLAS (ccjmne) <>
; Version: 1.2.3
; Repository:
; Description
; ===========
; Input unicode characters with ease, the same way Ubuntu would enable you to.
; Ctrl-Shift-U, 2013, Enter and voilà, a beautiful en-dash for your value ranges :)
; Usage
; -----
; 1. Initiate input w/ Ctrl-Shift-U
; 2. Input unicode code
; 3. Complete input with {Esc}, {Enter} or {NumpadEnter}
; - {Esc} cancels
; - {Enter} or {NumpadEnter} validates the input
; Automatic start-up
; ------------------
; Use Ctrl-R and run 'shell:startup' to open your startup directory, then place this script there
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
Echo(unused, char) {
SendInput char
Backspace(unused, vk, sc) {
SendInput Format('{vk{:x}sc{:x}}', vk, sc)
^+u:: {
SendInput 'U{+}'
hook := InputHook('', '{Esc}{Enter}{NumpadEnter}')
hook.KeyOpt '{Backspace}', 'N'
hook.OnChar := Echo ; Echo code being typed
hook.OnKeyDown := Backspace ; Also echo backspace (w/ KeyOpt: {Backspace}: N)
hook.Start(), hook.Wait()
SendInput '{BackSpace ' StrLen(hook.Input) + 2 '}'
if hook.EndKey != 'Escape' {
SendInput '{U+' hook.Input '}'
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