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Last active June 23, 2023 08:54
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Alternatives to the Autocloseable trick
// The current state:
try (BuyerDataState buyerDataState = this.notifyBuyerUpdateManager.beginAddressUpdate(buyer.getLegalEntityId())) {
return buyerHandler.updateBuyer(buyer);
private static class NotifyBuyerUpdateManager {
public static BuyerDataState beginAddressUpdate() {
final BuyerData currentBuyerData = loadBuyerData();
return new AutoCloseable() {
public void close() {
final newBuyerData = loadBuyerData();
if (!newBuyerData.equals(oldBuyerData)) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Alternative #1:
return Transaction.execute(
() -> loadBuyerData(),
(unused) -> buyerHandler.updateBuyer(buyer),
(previousBuyerData) -> {
final BuyerData newBuyerData = loadBuyerData();
if (!newBuyerData.equals(previousBuyerData)) {
private static class Transaction {
public static <Ctx, Ret> Ret execute(
final Supplier<Ctx> context,
final Function<Ctx, Ret> transaction,
final Consumer<Ctx> then
) {
final Ctx ctx = context.get();
try {
return transaction.apply(ctx);
} finally {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Alternative #2:
final BuyerData currentBuyerData = loadBuyerData();
try {
return buyerHandler.updateBuyer(buyer);
} finally {
final BuyerData newBuyerData = loadBuyerData();
if (!newBuyerData.equals(previousBuyerData)) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Alternative #3:
final BuyerData previousBuyerData = loadBuyerData();
final Buyer result = buyerHandler.updateBuyer(buyer);
final BuyerData newBuyerData = loadBuyerData();
if (!newBuyerData.equals(previousBuyerData)) {
return result;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Alternative #4:
final Buyer result = buyerHandler.updateBuyer(buyer);
return result;
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