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Last active June 17, 2024 22:26
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1. Create a user for your friend
sudo mkdir -p /home/your-friend
sudo touch /home/your-friend/log
sudo tee /home/your-friend/chat > /dev/null <<-'EOF'
trap exit SIGINT
tail -f /home/your-friend/log &
while IFS=$'\n' read -r line; do
[[ -n "$line" ]] && echo "$USER: $line" >> /home/your-friend/log
kill %1 # kill background job
exit # close ssh connection
sudo ln /home/your-friend/{chat,.bash_profile}
sudo useradd your-friend --shell /bin/bash --home-dir /home/your-friend --no-create-home
sudo passwd your-friend
sudo chown your-friend:your-friend /home/your-friend/{log,chat,.bash_profile}
sudo chmod 666 /home/your-friend/log
sudo chmod 555 /home/your-friend/{chat,.bash_profile}
2. Allow them to log into your machine w/ ssh
sudo tee /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/999-your-friend.conf > /dev/null <<-EOF
Match User your-friend
PasswordAuthentication yes
DisableForwarding yes
sudo systemctl restart sshd
3. Talk to one another
For them:
ssh your-friend@your-hostname
For you:
Terminate with Ctrl-D
3. Ensure no tomfoolery's afoot
Monitor ongoing sessions:
watch -d -n.1 w
Possibly terminate a session:
sudo killall --user your-friend
Simply lock/unlock a user between sessions:
sudo usermod --lock your-friend
sudo usermod --unlock your-friend
See what's been happening:
sudo journalctl _COMM=sshd
4. Clean up after yourself
sudo rm /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/999-your-friend.conf
sudo systemctl restart sshd
sudo killall --user your-friend
sudo rm -rf /home/your-friend
sudo userdel your-friend
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