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Last active April 8, 2021 02:45
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a token contract support swap pool
import "util.scrypt";
import "merkleTree2.scrypt";
// the token swap has two merkle trees to save data. one for token user, one for pool and the pool token balance
contract TokenSwap {
// the contract init bsv amount
int initBsv;
// the swap pool first liquidity require amount
int firstSaveBsvAmount;
int firstSaveTokenAmount;
// the swap fee rate * 1000
int feeRate;
PubKey poolPubkey;
PubKey adminPubkey;
public function addTokenUser(
SigHashPreimage txPreimage,
PubKey userPubkey,
bytes insertMerklePath,
Sig adminSig
) {
SigHashType sigHashType = SigHash.SINGLE | SigHash.FORKID;
require(Util.checkPreimageSigHashType(txPreimage, sigHashType));
// check sender sig
require(checkSig(adminSig, this.adminPubkey));
// get the tokenMerkleRoot
bytes lockingScript = Util.scriptCode(txPreimage);
int scriptLen = len(lockingScript);
int hashLen = 32;
int dataStart = scriptLen - hashLen * 2 - 8;
bytes lpMerkleRoot = lockingScript[dataStart + hashLen: dataStart + hashLen * 2];
bytes leaf = sha256(userPubkey + num2bin(0, 8));
bytes newMerkleRoot = MerkleTree.calculateMerkleRoot(leaf, insertMerklePath);
// check the output is the new merkle tree root
bytes newScriptCode = lockingScript[: dataStart] + newMerkleRoot + lpMerkleRoot + lockingScript[dataStart + hashLen * 2: dataStart + hashLen * 2 + 8];
// txpreimage only has the one output by using the sighash_single
// verify if the contract bsv amount is the same
bytes outputHash = hash256(Util.buildOutput(newScriptCode, Util.value(txPreimage)));
bytes outputHash2 = Util.hashOutputs(txPreimage);
require(outputHash == outputHash2);
public function addLpUser(
SigHashPreimage txPreimage,
PubKey userPubkey,
bytes insertMerklePath,
Sig adminSig
) {
SigHashType sigHashType = SigHash.SINGLE | SigHash.FORKID;
require(Util.checkPreimageSigHashType(txPreimage, sigHashType));
// check sender sig
require(checkSig(adminSig, this.adminPubkey));
// get the tokenMerkleRoot
bytes lockingScript = Util.scriptCode(txPreimage);
int scriptLen = len(lockingScript);
int hashLen = 32;
int dataStart = scriptLen - hashLen * 2 - 8;
bytes tokenMerkleRoot = lockingScript[dataStart: dataStart + hashLen];
bytes leaf = sha256(userPubkey + num2bin(0, 8));
bytes newLpMerkleRoot = MerkleTree.calculateMerkleRoot(leaf, insertMerklePath);
// check the output is the new merkle tree root
bytes newScriptCode = lockingScript[: dataStart] + tokenMerkleRoot + newLpMerkleRoot + lockingScript[dataStart + hashLen * 2: dataStart + hashLen * 2 + 8];
// txpreimage only has the one output by using the sighash_single
// verify if the contract bsv amount is the same
bytes outputHash = hash256(Util.buildOutput(newScriptCode, Util.value(txPreimage)));
bytes outputHash2 = Util.hashOutputs(txPreimage);
require(outputHash == outputHash2);
// transfer token between user
public function transfer(
SigHashPreimage txPreimage,
PubKey sender,
Sig senderSig,
PubKey receiver,
int tokenAmount,
int senderTokenBalance,
bytes senderMerklePath,
int receiverTokenBalance,
bytes receiverMerklePath,
bytes mergeMerklePath,
bool senderIsLeft) {
// check preimage with sighash_single
SigHashType sigHashType = SigHash.SINGLE | SigHash.FORKID;
require(Util.checkPreimageSigHashType(txPreimage, sigHashType));
// check sender sig
require(checkSig(senderSig, sender));
require(tokenAmount > 0);
require(senderTokenBalance >= tokenAmount);
// get the tokenMerkleRoot
bytes lockingScript = Util.scriptCode(txPreimage);
int scriptLen = len(lockingScript);
int hashLen = 32;
int dataStart = scriptLen - hashLen * 2 - 8;
bytes tokenMerkleRoot = lockingScript[dataStart: dataStart + hashLen];
bytes lpMerkleRoot = lockingScript[dataStart + hashLen: dataStart + hashLen * 2];
// verify the merkle path
bytes senderLeaf = sha256(sender + num2bin(senderTokenBalance, 8));
bytes receiverLeaf = sha256(receiver + num2bin(receiverTokenBalance, 8));
require(MerkleTree.verifyTwoLeafPath(senderLeaf, senderMerklePath, receiverLeaf, receiverMerklePath, mergeMerklePath, senderIsLeft, tokenMerkleRoot));
// change balance
int newSenderBalance = senderTokenBalance - tokenAmount;
int newReceiverBalance = receiverTokenBalance + tokenAmount;
// count new merkleroot
bytes newSenderLeaf = sha256(sender + num2bin(newSenderBalance, 8));
bytes newReceiverLeaf = sha256(receiver + num2bin(newReceiverBalance, 8));
bytes newMerkleRoot = MerkleTree.calculateTwoLeafMerkleRoot(newSenderLeaf, senderMerklePath, newReceiverLeaf, receiverMerklePath, mergeMerklePath, senderIsLeft);
// check the output is the new merkle tree root
bytes newScriptCode = lockingScript[: dataStart] + newMerkleRoot + lpMerkleRoot + lockingScript[dataStart + hashLen * 2: dataStart + hashLen * 2 + 8];
// txpreimage only has the one output by using the sighash_single
// verify if the contract bsv amount is the same
bytes outputHash = hash256(Util.buildOutput(newScriptCode, Util.value(txPreimage)));
bytes outputHash2 = Util.hashOutputs(txPreimage);
require(outputHash == outputHash2);
// add bsv and token to liquidity
public function addLiquidity(
SigHashPreimage txPreimage,
PubKey sender,
Sig senderSig,
int senderTokenBalance,
int tokenAmount,
int bsvAmount,
bytes senderMerklePath,
int poolTokenBalance,
bytes poolMerklePath,
bool senderIsLeft,
bytes mergeMerklePath,
int senderLpBalance,
bytes lpMerklePath) {
// check preimage with sighash_single
SigHashType sigHashType = SigHash.SINGLE | SigHash.FORKID;
require(Util.checkPreimageSigHashType(txPreimage, sigHashType));
// check sender sig
require(checkSig(senderSig, sender));
require(tokenAmount > 0);
require(senderTokenBalance >= tokenAmount);
require(bsvAmount > 0);
// get the tokenMerkleRoot
bytes lockingScript = Util.scriptCode(txPreimage);
int scriptLen = len(lockingScript);
int hashLen = 32;
int dataStart = scriptLen - hashLen * 2 - 8;
bytes tokenMerkleRoot = lockingScript[dataStart: dataStart + hashLen];
bytes lpMerkleRoot = lockingScript[dataStart + hashLen: dataStart + hashLen * 2];
int totalLpBalance = Util.fromLEUnsigned(lockingScript[dataStart + hashLen * 2: dataStart + hashLen *2 + 8]);
// check token merkle tree
bytes senderLeaf = sha256(sender + num2bin(senderTokenBalance, 8));
bytes poolLeaf = sha256(this.poolPubkey + num2bin(poolTokenBalance, 8));
require(MerkleTree.verifyTwoLeafPath(senderLeaf, senderMerklePath, poolLeaf, poolMerklePath, mergeMerklePath, senderIsLeft, tokenMerkleRoot));
// check lp merkle tree root
bytes senderLpLeaf = sha256(sender + num2bin(senderLpBalance, 8));
require(MerkleTree.verifyLeaf(senderLpLeaf, lpMerklePath, lpMerkleRoot));
// check and change balance
int newSenderBalance = senderTokenBalance - tokenAmount;
int newPoolBalance = poolTokenBalance + tokenAmount;
// calculate the new token merkle root
bytes newSenderLeaf = sha256(sender + num2bin(newSenderBalance, 8));
bytes newPoolLeaf = sha256(this.poolPubkey + num2bin(newPoolBalance, 8));
bytes newMerkleRoot = MerkleTree.calculateTwoLeafMerkleRoot(newSenderLeaf, senderMerklePath, newPoolLeaf, poolMerklePath, mergeMerklePath, senderIsLeft);
int preBsvBalance = Util.value(txPreimage) - this.initBsv;
int newBsvBalance = preBsvBalance + bsvAmount;
int lpMinted = 0;
// mint the lp token
if (preBsvBalance > 0) {
// check bsvAmount and tokenAmount at current ratio
require(tokenAmount >= poolTokenBalance * bsvAmount / preBsvBalance);
lpMinted = bsvAmount * totalLpBalance / preBsvBalance;
if (lpMinted == 0) {
lpMinted = 1;
else {
require(bsvAmount == this.firstSaveBsvAmount);
require(tokenAmount == this.firstSaveTokenAmount);
lpMinted = bsvAmount;
int newTotalLpBalance = totalLpBalance + lpMinted;
int newSenderLpBalance = senderLpBalance + lpMinted;
bytes newLpMerkleLeaf = sha256(sender + num2bin(newSenderLpBalance, 8));
// count the new lp merkle root
bytes newLpMerkleRoot = MerkleTree.calculateMerkleRoot(newLpMerkleLeaf, lpMerklePath);
bytes newScriptCode = lockingScript[: dataStart] + newMerkleRoot + newLpMerkleRoot + num2bin(newTotalLpBalance, 8);
bytes outputHash = hash256(Util.buildOutput(newScriptCode, newBsvBalance + this.initBsv));
bytes outputHash2 = Util.hashOutputs(txPreimage);
require(outputHash == outputHash2);
public function removeLiquidity(
SigHashPreimage txPreimage,
PubKey sender,
Sig senderSig,
int senderTokenBalance,
int lpAmount,
bytes senderMerklePath,
bool senderIsLeft,
int poolTokenBalance,
bytes poolMerklePath,
bytes mergeMerklePath,
int senderLpBalance,
bytes lpMerklePath) {
// check preimage with sighash_single
SigHashType sigHashType = SigHash.SINGLE | SigHash.FORKID;
require(Util.checkPreimageSigHashType(txPreimage, sigHashType));
// check sender sig
require(checkSig(senderSig, sender));
require(lpAmount > 0);
require(senderLpBalance > 0);
// get the tokenMerkleRoot
bytes lockingScript = Util.scriptCode(txPreimage);
int scriptLen = len(lockingScript);
int hashLen = 32;
int dataStart = scriptLen - hashLen * 2 - 8;
bytes tokenMerkleRoot = lockingScript[dataStart: dataStart + hashLen];
bytes lpMerkleRoot = lockingScript[dataStart + hashLen: dataStart + hashLen * 2];
int totalLpBalance = Util.fromLEUnsigned(lockingScript[dataStart + hashLen * 2: dataStart + hashLen * 2 + 8]);
// verify the lp merkle tree
bytes lpLeaf = sha256(sender + num2bin(senderLpBalance, 8));
require(MerkleTree.verifyLeaf(lpLeaf, lpMerklePath, lpMerkleRoot));
// verify the token merkle tree
bytes senderLeaf = sha256(sender + num2bin(senderTokenBalance, 8));
bytes poolLeaf = sha256(this.poolPubkey + num2bin(poolTokenBalance, 8));
require(MerkleTree.verifyTwoLeafPath(senderLeaf, senderMerklePath, poolLeaf, poolMerklePath, mergeMerklePath, senderIsLeft, tokenMerkleRoot));
// change the lp amount and calculate new lp merkle tree
int newSenderLpBalance = senderLpBalance - lpAmount;
int newTotalLpBalance = totalLpBalance - lpAmount;
bytes newSenderLpLeaf = sha256(sender + num2bin(newSenderLpBalance, 8));
bytes newLpMerkleRoot = MerkleTree.calculateMerkleRoot(newSenderLpLeaf, lpMerklePath);
// change token amount and calculate new token amount
int preBsvBalance = Util.value(txPreimage) - this.initBsv;
int bsvAdd = lpAmount * preBsvBalance / totalLpBalance;
int tokenAdd = lpAmount * poolTokenBalance / totalLpBalance;
int newSenderTokenBalance = senderTokenBalance + tokenAdd;
int newBsvAmount = preBsvBalance - bsvAdd;
require(poolTokenBalance >= tokenAdd);
int newPoolBalance = poolTokenBalance - tokenAdd;
// calculate new token merkle tree
bytes newSenderLeaf = sha256(sender + num2bin(newSenderTokenBalance, 8));
bytes newPoolLeaf = sha256(this.poolPubkey + num2bin(newPoolBalance, 8));
bytes newMerkleRoot = MerkleTree.calculateTwoLeafMerkleRoot(newSenderLeaf, senderMerklePath, newPoolLeaf, poolMerklePath, mergeMerklePath, senderIsLeft);
// check the output
bytes newScriptCode = lockingScript[: dataStart] + newMerkleRoot + newLpMerkleRoot + num2bin(newTotalLpBalance, 8);
bytes newOutput = Util.buildOutput(newScriptCode, newBsvAmount + this.initBsv);
bytes outputHash = hash256(newOutput);
//bytes bsvOutputScript = Util.buildPublicKeyHashScript(ripemd160(sha256(sender)));
//bytes newOutput2 = Util.buildOutput(bsvOutputScript, bsvAdd - fee);
//bytes outputHash = hash256(newOutput + newOutput2);
bytes outputHash2 = Util.hashOutputs(txPreimage);
require(outputHash == outputHash2);
public function swapTokenToBsv(
SigHashPreimage txPreimage,
PubKey sender,
Sig senderSig,
int senderTokenBalance,
int tokenAmount,
bytes senderMerklePath,
int poolTokenBalance,
bytes poolMerklePath,
bytes mergeMerklePath,
bool senderIsLeft,
int fee) {
// check preimage with sighash_single
SigHashType sigHashType = SigHash.ALL | SigHash.FORKID;
require(Util.checkPreimageSigHashType(txPreimage, sigHashType));
// check sender sig
require(checkSig(senderSig, sender));
require(tokenAmount > 0);
require(senderTokenBalance >= tokenAmount);
// get the tokenMerkleRoot
bytes lockingScript = Util.scriptCode(txPreimage);
int scriptLen = len(lockingScript);
int hashLen = 32;
int dataStart = scriptLen - hashLen * 2 - 8;
bytes tokenMerkleRoot = lockingScript[dataStart: dataStart + hashLen];
bytes lpMerkleRoot = lockingScript[dataStart + hashLen: dataStart + hashLen * 2];
// verify the merkle path
bytes senderLeaf = sha256(sender + num2bin(senderTokenBalance, 8));
bytes poolLeaf = sha256(this.poolPubkey + num2bin(poolTokenBalance, 8));
require(MerkleTree.verifyTwoLeafPath(senderLeaf, senderMerklePath, poolLeaf, poolMerklePath, mergeMerklePath, senderIsLeft, tokenMerkleRoot));
// change token
int newSenderTokenBalance = senderTokenBalance - tokenAmount;
int newPoolTokenBalance = poolTokenBalance + tokenAmount;
// calculate new token merkle tree root
bytes newSenderLeaf = sha256(sender + num2bin(newSenderTokenBalance, 8));
bytes newPoolLeaf = sha256(this.poolPubkey + num2bin(newPoolTokenBalance, 8));
bytes newTokenMerkleRoot = MerkleTree.calculateTwoLeafMerkleRoot(newSenderLeaf, senderMerklePath, newPoolLeaf, poolMerklePath, mergeMerklePath, senderIsLeft);
// get the bsv amount
int tokenFeeAmount = tokenAmount * (1000 - this.feeRate);
int preBsvBalance = Util.value(txPreimage) - this.initBsv;
int outBsvAmount = tokenFeeAmount * preBsvBalance / (poolTokenBalance * 1000 + tokenFeeAmount);
int newBsvBalance = preBsvBalance - outBsvAmount;
bytes newScriptCode = lockingScript[: dataStart] + newTokenMerkleRoot + lpMerkleRoot + lockingScript[dataStart + hashLen * 2: dataStart + hashLen * 2 + 8];
bytes newOutput = Util.buildOutput(newScriptCode, newBsvBalance + this.initBsv);
bytes bsvOutputScript = Util.buildPublicKeyHashScript(ripemd160(sha256(sender)));
require(outBsvAmount > fee);
bytes newOutput2 = Util.buildOutput(bsvOutputScript, outBsvAmount - fee);
bytes outputHash = hash256(newOutput + newOutput2);
bytes outputHash2 = Util.hashOutputs(txPreimage);
require(outputHash == outputHash2);
public function swapBsvToToken(
SigHashPreimage txPreimage,
PubKey sender,
Sig senderSig,
int senderTokenBalance,
bytes senderMerklePath,
int poolTokenBalance,
bytes poolMerklePath,
bytes mergeMerklePath,
bool poolIsLeft,
int bsvAmount) {
// check preimage with sighash_all
SigHashType sigHashType = SigHash.SINGLE | SigHash.FORKID;
require(Util.checkPreimageSigHashType(txPreimage, sigHashType));
// check sender sig
require(checkSig(senderSig, sender));
// get the tokenMerkleRoot
bytes lockingScript = Util.scriptCode(txPreimage);
int scriptLen = len(lockingScript);
int hashLen = 32;
int dataStart = scriptLen - hashLen * 2 - 8;
bytes tokenMerkleRoot = lockingScript[dataStart: dataStart + hashLen];
bytes lpMerkleRoot = lockingScript[dataStart + hashLen: dataStart + hashLen * 2];
// verify the merkle path
bytes poolLeaf = sha256(this.poolPubkey + num2bin(poolTokenBalance, 8));
bytes senderLeaf = sha256(sender + num2bin(senderTokenBalance, 8));
require(MerkleTree.verifyTwoLeafPath(poolLeaf, poolMerklePath, senderLeaf, senderMerklePath, mergeMerklePath, poolIsLeft, tokenMerkleRoot));
// change bsv and token balance
int preBsvBalance = Util.value(txPreimage) - this.initBsv;
int bsvInputWithFee = bsvAmount * (1000 - this.feeRate);
int tokenAmount = bsvInputWithFee * poolTokenBalance / (preBsvBalance * 1000 + bsvInputWithFee);
int newBsvBalance = preBsvBalance + bsvAmount;
int newPoolBalance = poolTokenBalance - tokenAmount;
int newSenderBalance = senderTokenBalance + tokenAmount;
// calculate new token merkle root
bytes newSenderLeaf = sha256(sender + num2bin(newSenderBalance, 8));
bytes newPoolLeaf = sha256(this.poolPubkey + num2bin(newPoolBalance, 8));
bytes newMerkleRoot = MerkleTree.calculateTwoLeafMerkleRoot(newPoolLeaf, poolMerklePath, newSenderLeaf, senderMerklePath, mergeMerklePath, poolIsLeft);
// check the output
bytes newScriptCode = lockingScript[: dataStart] + newMerkleRoot + lpMerkleRoot + lockingScript[dataStart + hashLen * 2: dataStart + hashLen * 2 + 8];
// verify if the contract bsv amount is the same
bytes outputHash = hash256(Util.buildOutput(newScriptCode, newBsvBalance + this.initBsv));
bytes outputHash2 = Util.hashOutputs(txPreimage);
require(outputHash == outputHash2);
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