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Created April 19, 2022 02:55
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* Hello Nicholas.
* Here are my thoughts on learning Flutter.
* Learning Dart and Flutter is going to be hard.
* We can't meaningfully learn by just consuming information. We must optimize for
* consuming the best information at the best time and in a format that we can
* absorb. In order to do this, we have to learn to ask good questions at
* appropriate times. In order to ask good questions, we need to be able to
* articulate what we want to know and, to do this, we must be intentional
* about expanding our language and strive to be as precise as possible.
* That said, I think learning Flutter will be an exercise in learning to ask
* the right questions... and constantly asking them. To keep morale high
* during this demoralizing endevour, we need to have a goal, you need to tell
* me what we are going to do next, and you need to feel like you've
* interalized some new ideas every time we meet. Purpose, autonomy, and
* mastery.
* Lastly, interrupt me. Let's break things. Ask "what happens if..." questions.
* Ask "how would you go about getting answers to this problem?" questions. I
* know the answers to literally everything Nicholas.
* Let's work up from first priciples.
* Keep a little accomplishments journal (just a text file thats open in VSCode)
* where you can write "learned about all the primitive types today" and maybe
* recap things you learned if you think you might forget.
* Lastly, lastly, I think you are going to do great.
* Here is a quick Dart / Flutter primer from first principles
// ignore: this "main function" is required to run any dart code
void main() {
// Q: How do I show some text on the screen?
// A: Let's figure out to get "text" to begin with...
// Q: How do I store some text?
// A: Use a String
String someText = 'hello';
// Q: What does this mean?
// A: It means we have a "variable" called "someText" that has a type of
// "String" and has it's "value" set to "hello". The "grammar" for this
// "statement" looks like this:
// <type> <variable-name> = <value>;
// The equal sign is called the "assignment" operator and it "assigns"
// a value to something. A "statement" is just a piece of code that "says"
// something... like declaring a variable or setting a value.
// Q: How do I put someone's name in that String?
someText = 'hello nick';
// Q: That seems like cheating. What if I am getting the name from another
// part of the program and don't know what it is? Also, why doesn't line
// 59 start with "String" like it did above?
// A: The line doesn't start with "String" because the variable "someText"
// was already "declared" on line 45. We told Dart it exists by adding that
// "String" to the front of the line. Now Dart knows it's a string and we
// don't have to "redeclare" it. We can just set new values to it.
// To answer the first question:
String nameFromSomewhereElse = 'nick'; // pretend this came from somewhere else
someText = 'hello ' + nameFromSomewhereElse;
// Q: What is the "+" sign doing?
// A: It's "concatenating" the strings together into one string.
// Q: Can we show it on the screen now?
// A: Yes, but it will be easier to show it in the console first.
// A: "print" just prints some value to the console. It's for developers to
// look at... users don't see it.
// Q: What if I want to say hello to multiple people?
// A: Like this?
print(''); // print a blank line
someText = 'hello nick';
someText = 'hello chief';
someText = 'hello chief simp';
print(''); // print a blank line
// Q: Can we make this better?
// A: Yes. Anytime we are doing the same work over and over we can take that
// work and turn it into a "function". Programmers like to name example functions
// "foo". This is a function called "foo" that prints "1234".
foo() {
// A: "foo" is the name of the function, "()" means it has no "input", and the "{}"
// are where we write what we want the function to do. When we want the function
// to run or do it's thing, we "invoke" the function like this:
// A: We can invoke a function as many times as we want.
// A: We can "pass parameters" to functions too. Parameters are the "input" to the
// function. To make a parameter you put it in the parenthesis and write it's
// "type" and then what you wanto to call it. In this case we have function
// called "sayHello" that we can give a "String" as input and inside the function,
// we can reference that input as "name".
sayHello(String name) {
print('hello ' + name);
// A: Now we can say hello much more efficiently.
print(''); // print a blank line
sayHello('chief simp');
print(''); // print a blank line
// Q: It looks like everything is just functions.
// A: Basically, yea. Programming really just boils down to creating functions,
// organizing them, and then calling them with data.
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