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This is a bash shell script for bootstrapping the Hyperledger Fabric development environment on an AWS Ubuntu AMI instance. It has been tested with Ubuntu v14.04 (AMI ID ami-2d39803a). While I wrote this to enable AWS deployments, this script should be usable in any Ubuntu based environment. See the first comment below for the detailed background.
# Install "git"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install git
# Clone the Hyperledger Fabric base image repository. It would be preferable
# to use the "/tmp" directory as the destination, since this repository is no
# longer needed once the base image has been built. However, this is
# problematic because one of the scripts that builds the base image removes
# everything from the "/tmp" directory, as opposed to just the artifacts that
# it created.
git clone
# Execute the first part of the setup that builds the base image. If in the
# past you have only setup a Fabric development environment using an existing
# Vagrant box (e.g. "hyperledger\fabric-baseimage"), then you have not seen
# this part run before since its final state is what is captured in the box.
# Normally, this part is executed via Packer to build a Vagrant box.
cd fabric-baseimage
BASEIMAGE_RELEASE=`cat ./release` sudo bash -c ./scripts/common/
sudo bash -c ./scripts/devenv/
# Setup the directory structure that will contain the Fabric main repository.
# When using Vagrant, this repository resides on the host and is made
# available to the guest via a VirtualBox shared folder.
sudo bash -c 'umask 00002 && mkdir -p /opt/gopath/src/'
sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /opt/gopath
# Clone the Fabric repository
cd /opt/gopath/src/
git clone
# Create a symbolic link to the repository. Again, when using Vagrant, the
# repository on the host is exposed to the guest via another VirtualBox shared
# folder.
sudo ln -s /opt/gopath/src/ /hyperledger
# Execute the second part of the setup. This part produces the majority of
# the console output when you use the 'vagrant up' command to start the
# Vagrant based development environment for the first time. In this case, you
# won't see the output from the preliminary steps that Vagrant takes to
# provision a VirtualBox instance.
# Before executing the script, it is necessary to apply a few changes to it.
# Specifically, references to the "vagrant" user and group names must be
# replaced with the equivalent "ubuntu" user and group names that are baked
# into the standard AWS Ubuntu AMI.
cd /hyperledger
sed -i 's#^usermod -a -G docker vagrant#usermod -a -G docker ubuntu#' ./devenv/
sed -i 's#^sudo chown -R vagrant:vagrant#sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu#' ./devenv/
sed -i 's#>> /home/vagrant/.bashrc#>> /home/ubuntu/.bashrc#' ./devenv/
sudo -H bash -c ./devenv/
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ccooper21 commented Sep 23, 2016

As soon as I completed the first reboot after getting Fabric running using AWS, I could no longer start the Docker daemon. In investigating, I realized that there is a critical difference between what this script does and how Fabric gets deployed via Vagrant. The difference is that there is an implicit reboot that happens between the execution of the first setup script and the second setup script. This is a result of the first setup script being executed via the Packer build and the second setup script being executed via the vagrant up command, with an image being taken and reconstitued between the two. This reboot is critical because the first setup script updates the Linux kernel, and the second setup script checks the Linux kernel version in-use to install the proper Docker storage driver version. If this reboot hasn't happened before the second setup script is executed, the wrong Docker storage driver for use with the final Linux kernel gets installed.

My preferred solution for working around this problem, before executing this script, is to manually update the Linux kernel and reboot. Here are the commands that will do this:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade
sudo reboot

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UPDATE 2016, SEP 23: Revision 6 includes the necessary changes to again make this script work following the base image creation artifacts being split off from the fabric repository into to the new fabric-baseimage repository. The following is the commit record from the fabric repository showing when this change was merged into the master branch:

commit 3cfaeb582e962e1c9a7c147ac0f87bde8c6e0933
Merge: 3e74925 ac8ab84
Author: Jonathan Levi <>
Date:   Thu Sep 22 20:46:44 2016 +0000

    Merge "Switch to new baseimage-pipeline"

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