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Last active December 5, 2019 04:11
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DOS - Backup Folders (XCOPY)
Windows Command-line Folder Copy Automation
DOS / Windows Commandline script to automate folder copies / backups.
Can task schedule to do folder archiving after-hours.
IT would have a nightly backup of things, but created some backup
scripts to copy whole project folders into backups. This let me
quickly restore something if I was working on things or someone
borked something up.
REM Turn ECHO OFF, except for what we explicitly ECHO
REM Doing some commands twice, once to DOS cmd screen and again to a log file
REM ">> <file>" appends results of command to log file
REM CALL command runs another batch file/script without stopping this main one
REM Let's get started...
REM -----------------------------------------------------
REM Set intial variables we'll be using, and make backup folder
SET VAR_PATH=_archive\backup\
SET VAR_LOG=%VAR_PATH%backup_folders.log
REM Log start of backups, put blank line after title
SET VAR_TEXT="Backing Up RoboHelp Projects..."
CALL backup_folders_log.bat %VAR_TEXT% %VAR_LOG%
REM Use "backup_folders_xcopy" batch file to copy each project to %VAR_PATH% backup folder, logging results as we go
CALL backup_folders_xcopy.bat cares %VAR_PATH% %VAR_LOG%
CALL backup_folders_xcopy.bat customerrelations %VAR_PATH% %VAR_LOG%
CALL backup_folders_xcopy.bat customerservice %VAR_PATH% %VAR_LOG%
CALL backup_folders_xcopy.bat operations %VAR_PATH% %VAR_LOG%
CALL backup_folders_xcopy.bat provisioning %VAR_PATH% %VAR_LOG%
CALL backup_folders_xcopy.bat revenuerecovery %VAR_PATH% %VAR_LOG%
CALL backup_folders_xcopy.bat sales %VAR_PATH% %VAR_LOG%
CALL backup_folders_xcopy.bat shared %VAR_PATH% %VAR_LOG%
CALL backup_folders_xcopy.bat tag %VAR_PATH% %VAR_LOG%
REM Log that we're done
CALL backup_folders_log.bat %VAR_TEXT% %VAR_LOG%
REM Using this batch file like a sub-procedure to print/append text passed to it
REM onto the screen and into a log file if the arguments passed call for such
REM Batch file is called using...
REM backup_folders_log.bat %1 %2
REM ...where...
REM %1 = VAR_TEXT = Text to print/log/display
REM %2 = (ECHO FILE) = Print text to log file if a file path/name is given (IE: not "") otherwise don't
REM 1st line below prints to screen, 2nd prints to file
ECHO %1 >> %2
REM Next two lines insert a blank line into the screen and log file, respectively, to space out the feedback
REM ECHO. >> %2
REM Using XCOPY instead of COPY, because...
REM /E switch lets us copy whole folders, including subfolders & files
REM /Q "quiets" the copy, preventing it from listing the files moving
REM /I forces the copy to make the destination folder if it doesn't exist
REM ">> <file>" appends results of command to log file (IE: # of files copied)
REM I'm using this batch file as a "sub-procedure", passing arguements to it to use when running
REM Batch files can use %1, %2, etc to represent user-provided variables on the command-line
REM So, this (the executable command)...
REM XCOPY /E /Q /I %1 %2%1 >> %3
REM ...represents this...
REM ...where...
REM %1 = VAR_PROJ = Project Folder we want to copy/backup
REM %2 = VAR_PATH = Backup Folder we're dumping stuff to
REM %3 = VAR_LOG = Log file we're logging results to
REM When done copying/logging, add a blank line to the log when done to space out the next log entry
REM -------------------------------------------
REM Start by logging project we're backing up, then do copy, logging results, then add space to end of log
CALL backup_folder_log.bat %VAR_TEXT% %3
XCOPY /E /Q /I %1 %2%1 >> %3
ECHO. >> %3
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