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Last active December 5, 2019 04:14
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Python - Process Timer
Python Code Timer
Quick-n-dirty Python code timer. Add a line of code
before and after the code you want to time to kick
off a timer then return it when done processing.
Can have multiple timers going to test speed /
bottlenecks of various parts of code.
Purpose ...
Sometimes you just want a quick-n-dirty code timer.
Python has TimeIt (included a .py that demonstrates it),
but it's kind of a pain to use sometimes by getting
it to encapsulate stand-alone code. Easier to do
on commandline, but have to encapsulate it as a
string on IDE.
I made a VBA code timer years ago that I could
just kick off timers anywhere I pleased, and call
again to end them. So, I recreated that same thing
in Python to time my py codes, especially as big
data sets start to bog down data sci routines.
I initially created this in "intro to python" class
in college to help me trim down code times, test
code to see which ways were more efficient, and to
hand to the rest of the class I was in to help them
get into the habit of timing code to make it more
elegant. (I was the unofficial TA of my python class.
We had undergrad and grad all in the same class, and
prof was teaching it in "sink or swim" fashion. I
would send out code examples to the class to help them
understand what the prof was doing. A code timer
was a natural evolution of that.)
I later revised it in Data Sci class (which was
Python-heavy) to help me see how long massive data
runs (big data, unstructured data, etc) took to
process in order to optimize processing.
Process Timer
As you do more complex programming, you might
find yourself in need of a process timer...
something that lets you time your overall
code run, or snippets of it.
This is where an ad-hoc process timer comes in.
Main Process Timer functions are:
procTimer(name: string) -> (returns nothing, but prints/logs results if ending a timer)
Send it a timer name as a string.
If it can't find the timer name in the timer dictionary, it creates
the timer and snapshots the current time it added it.
If it can find the timer name, then it removes the timer from
the dictionary and returns the elapsed time (stop time - start time)
procLog(activate: bool, filename: string) -> (returns nothing)
Use this function to activate text file logging of timers.
The text file dumps out to the same folder that the
"" code file is in (eg: if it's in
c:\temp\ then your log fille will end up in c:\temp\ too.
activate = boolean True/False ...
True = activate and log timers to log file
False = stop logging timers
filename = filename to use for appending timer string messages to.
default = "timer_log.txt", so if you dont' provide a value,
it will use "timer_log.txt".
procInfo() -> (returns nothing, but prints summary of proc timer stuff)
Call it to get a summary of whether logging is on/off,
what the log file name currently is, and a list of timers
still active in the process timer dictionary.
This is mainly useful if you're running code from the
console one line at a time, b/c the code and variables
there remain running after each line of input. So,
you can run procInfo() to get a quick check of timers
still active.
If you want to import stuff from any
code you're doing in the IDE without having to worry
about copy/paste'ing file to the
same folder as your code file, then you can toss into ...
(have to use double \\, otherwise Python thinks
the single slash is an escape character, even in comment )
That's the Windows directory that houses all of the
extra boiler-plate Python code libraries, eg:
(Not sure what directory to use for Linux or Mac).
The problem with doing this is that if you turn on
timer logging, it will spit out a log file to that
lib directory still. (I could have imported
and used that to come up with directory creation
and such, but logging is an extracurricular feature
and I didn't want to open up the can of worms.
This code file is already hitting scope-creep levels
of bloat as it is.)
I may expand on this later if I think of more
stuff to add to it, or optimize it or whatever.
But, for now, I feel it's good enough.
- Craig Critchfield
# function
# tracks time in milliseconds
from datetime import datetime
proc_timers = {} # dictionary stores timer names & start times
log_timers = False # flag if we're logging timers to txt log or not (default = no)
log_file = "timer_log.txt" # default text file name to log to
# single function to call to start/stop timers
def procTimer( name ):
if name in proc_timers:
# add new timer to dict
# with snapshot of current time
def addTimer( name ):
proc_timers[name] =
# pop timer from dict,
# printing results
def endTimer( name ):
stop =
start = proc_timers.pop(name)
procTime = stop - start
msg = '{:^20}'.format(name) # center name within 20 char padding
logtime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
msg = logtime + " ... " + "timer ... " + msg + " ... " + str(procTime) + " ("
if log_timers:
logTimer( msg )
# allows user to activate / deactivate log file
# and change the filename that's used
# Note that we have these vars setup as globals
# so we use the "global" keyword to tell the
# function to refer to the global vars, and not
# simply kick off local variables with the same names.
def procLog( activate = log_timers, filename = log_file):
global log_timers
global log_file
log_timers = activate
log_file = filename
# append timer to output log file
def logTimer( msg ):
file = open(log_file, "a") # create / open file to append
file.write(msg + "\n") # add line break after input
file.close # close file to free object
def procInfo():
border = "-" * 50
print( "logging timers = " + str(log_timers))
print( "log file name = " + log_file)
print( "active timers...")
for name in proc_timers:
print("\t* " + name)
# Code below demonstrates how to use the code lib...
# importing procTimer() functions...
# we're importing specific ones
# in the way below, so we can call them
# like "procTimer()" instead of
# like "process_timer.procTimer()"
# Did them like this instead of
# .. from process_timer import *
# so you could comment out log or
# info if you don't want to use them
# import our main function.. the process timer handler
from process_timer import procTimer
# import function to turn logging on / off
from process_timer import procLog
# import function to get summary of timers & logging
from process_timer import procInfo
# activating log file to keep
# record of timers and times
# (so we can look them over
# after we make code changes to
# see if we really made improvements or not),
# and using a different filename
# then the default "timer_log.txt"
procLog(True, "my_timer_log.txt")
# this is just demonstrating that if you
# run this code 2+ times, we ended
# by kicking off the "blahblah" timer
# and never called it again. But, when
# code is done running in this window,
# all variables cleear out. So, the
# procInfo() functions shows no timers,
# because we're kickking off a fresh
# timer dict object as this code starts.
# kicking off a timer
# to encapsulate several things
# ... and another to just
# time a single code snippet
# code snippet
for i in range(1000):
# call the timer again
# to return time results
# kicking off another timer
# another code snippet
for i in range(10000):
# return how long it took
# we're done tracking this overall
# chunk of processing, so
# fetch the timer
# turn off the timer log
# kick off another timer..
# we can re-use a timer name from above,
# b/c it was already removed from the stack
# another code snippet
for i in range(1000):
# return how long it took
# but this time it's just displaying
# in console output only since we're
# not logging it
# testing procInfo
# kick off a timer
# get summary
# done ...
# python clears out the variables once the scope of
# execution is done.
# so "blahblah" won't exist if we run the code
# again.
# so, timers are only useful to track timings
# within the code execution they're also kicked off
# in and called back from.
Demonstraing use of Python's built-in
timeit library & function to time code snippets.
stmt = code to run (default = 'pass' (ie: run nothing))
code must be passed in as string object
setup = code to pre-run before timing stmt (default = 'pass' (ie: run nothing))
eg: needing to run an import to (like import math) that the
code stmt will need to run properly
timer = timer to use (default = default timer).. just leave as-is
number = number of times to run code stmt (default = 100000 or so)
globals = global variables to pass in
passing "globals()" will pass it in all the global
variables you created in the local namespace / current
execution of your code, which is convenient.
timeit returns the elapsed time (in milliseconds) of ALL runs,
not an avg of the runs.
EG: if you do number = 1, then it will be elapsed time of 1 run.
if you do number = 100, then it will be elapsed time of 100 runs.
So, to get avg time, you can divide timeit's elapsed time by number
of runs. This would require you tracking number of runs as
a separate var to use for avg calculation afterwards (as shown below).
My personal opinion is that timeit() is over-engineered (BY
software engineers, FOR software engineers.. not user-friendly
to new programmers).
Sometimes you just want a simple timer to plug-n-play anywhere
in your code to start timing and stop anywhere when you want.
Timeit(), while powerful, requires you to turn your code into string,
manually pass in setup and globals, and if you don't remember
to change the number it will default to running the code shit-tons
of times (which can leave your console unresponsive and you thinking
the code locked-up.)
You can spend more time dicking around with your code to
get it to run in the timeit() function then it would take
to just code your own ad-hoc timer. I had to google up
how to use timeit() from various sources just to figure
it out myself!
I just feel it's more complicated then it needs to be for what
it's doing. The point of python is to be simple
and easy, but then software engineers get involved and
over-complicate certain things that should have remained
simple and easy.
That's why I prefer my own procTimer().
But, I wanted to demonstrate the built-in timeit() in case
others want to try it out.
- Craig
# Imports
import timeit
# global constants
LIMIT = 10000
# global variables
number_of_runs = 1000
border = "-" * 50
my_list = []
i = 0
# populate test list
while i < LIMIT:
i += 1
# test looping list with len in loop
test_code = '''
i = 0
while i < len(my_list):
i += 1
elapsed_time = timeit.timeit(stmt = test_code, number = number_of_runs, globals = globals())
average_time = elapsed_time / number_of_runs
print ( border )
print ( "while i < len(list)...")
print ( "elapsed_time = " + str(elapsed_time) )
print ( "average_time = " + str(average_time) )
# test looping list with len as constant
test_code = '''
i = 0
length = len(my_list)
while i < length:
i += 1
elapsed_time = timeit.timeit(stmt = test_code, number = number_of_runs, globals = globals())
average_time = elapsed_time / number_of_runs
print ( border )
print ( "while i < length...")
print ( "elapsed_time = " + str(elapsed_time) )
print ( "average_time = " + str(average_time) )
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