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Last active April 1, 2020 00:56
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Clojure Solution
; This function will generate a fibonacci sequence of length n
(defn createFib
"Usage: (createFib n), creates a fibonacci sequence of length n"
([length] (createFib length [0 1]))
([length a] (if (= (count a) length) a (recur length (conj a (+' (peek a) (peek (pop a)) ))) )) )
;Notes: The above function is recursive, with multiple 'arity', meaning that it has a definition for multiple numbers of parameters.
;If you call it with one argument (as you are intended to), then it calls the itself with the two beginning numbers of
;the fib sequence, 0 and 1. From here, it recursively builds the list, by (conj)ugating the input list with
; (peek a) which is the last value in the list and (peek (pop a) ), which is the second to last value in the list.
;Hopefully that makes sense!
;Now that we have a function to give us a fib sequence, lets filter out only the even values
;from the fib sequence of length 4000
(def filteredList (filter #(= 0 (mod % 2)) (createFib 4000)))
;So in other words, give me the list where the numbers mod 2 = 0, AKA even numbers.
;Finally, give me the sum
(reduce + filteredList)
;;The answer I get is
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