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Automatically Fill and Sort Grid Rows From Sizes According to a maxRowSum
<h1>Autofill Rows Accoring to Max Row Sum</h1>
<div class="info">
<span style="color:#FFF;">takes a list of sizes:</span><br/> <span class="SizesList" style="letter-spacing:0"></span> <br/>
<span style="color:#FFF;margin-top:15px;display:block;">and a max row sum:</span><span class="maxSum"></span>
<span style="color:#FFF;display:block;max-width:400px;margin:0 auto;margin-top:15px;">and returns a 2-dimensional Array <em>(row sums grouped largset to smallest with best possible scenario for filling in entire rows)</em>:</span><br/><span class="result" style="letter-spacing:0"></span>
<div class="sliders maxRowSum" style="border-top:1px solid #343434;padding-top:25px"><strong>max row sum : </strong><input type="range" min="1" max="50" step="1"><label></label></div>
<div class="sliders maxItemSize"><strong>max item size : </strong><input type="range" min="1" max="50"><label></label></div>
<div class="sliders maxItemLength"><strong>No. of items : </strong><input type="range" min="1" max="50"><label></label></div>
<div class="info" style="color:#FFF">numbers indicate <span style="color:#ff497d;">item size</span>, <span style="color: #999; font-size:11px;">total item count</span>, and <span style="border: 1px solid #338b8c; color: #338b8c; background: #1e1f26; padding:2px 8px">row sum</span></div>
<div class="info" style="color:#999; font-size:11px;font-style:italic; letter-spacing:0;margin-top:25px;">sizes that exceed the <code>maxRowSum</code> will be prepended to the result</div>
<div class="info" style="color:#999; font-size:11px;font-style:italic; letter-spacing:0;margin-top:25px;">row sums below <code>maxRowSum</code> will be appended to the result</div>
<div id="app"></div>
// ********************************************************************************
const randomListOfNumbers = (length = 12, max = 12) => {
return Array.from({length: length}, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - 1 + 1) + 1))
// ********************************************************************************
// // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// const maxRowSum = 11;
// const SizesList = randomListOfNumbers(12, maxRowSum-1) // ex: [1, 1, 0, 0, 7, 1, 6, 7, 6, 0, 6, 2]
// // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @param {number[]} arr List of numbers
* @return {number}
const sum = (arr) => arr.reduce((a, c) => a + c, 0);
* Removes each of the values from arr
* @param {array} arr
* @param {array} values
* @return {array}
const removeValuesFromArray = (arr, values) => {
const newArr = [...arr];
for (const value of values) {
const index = newArr.indexOf(value);
index !== -1 && newArr.splice(index, 1);
return newArr;
* Get ordered list of indices where `val` occurs.
* @example:
// find the index values for the number 3
getValueIndexes([1,2,3,3,4,50,6,3,4,2], 3) --> [2,3,7]
* @return {number[]}
const getValueIndexes = (arr, val) => {
const indexes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] === val) {
return indexes;
* Maps number sets to their index locations from a list of sizes
* @param {number[]} numbers List of sizes, ex: [5,4,3,3,2,2,2,1]
* @param {array[number]} numberSets a list of numberSet values which we want to map, ex: [ [5], [4,1], [3,2] [3,2], [2] ]
* @return {array[number]} ex: [ [0], [1,7], [2,4] [3,5], [6] ]
const createIndexSets = (numbers, numberSets) => {
// used to keep count of the amount of times a size has already been mapped from
const mappedNumbers = [];
return => {
return => {
// how many times has num been extracted from original numbers?
const numOfTimesUsed = mappedNumbers.filter((x) => x === num).length;
// get the next index location for num
const numberIndex = getValueIndexes(numbers, num)[numOfTimesUsed];
// keep count of size used
return numberIndex;
* @param {number} size The size to be inserted into a row
* @param {number[]} sizeList A flat list of numbers containing all remaining sizes to insert
* @param {array[]} rows Superset containing each row Array: number[]
* @param {number} row The row index in which to insert the size
* @param {number} maxRowSum The max sum of all sizes for a single row
* @param {boolean} startNewRow When true, creates new row array for position `row`
const insertRowSize = (
startNewRow = false
) => {
if (!sizeList.length || size === 0) return rows;
// create empty array to push row sizes into
if (startNewRow) {
rows[row] = [];
// reset after new row is created
startNewRow = false;
const currentRowSum = sum(rows[row]);
const attemptedRowSum = currentRowSum + size;
const rowTooLarge = attemptedRowSum > maxRowSum;
const rowFilled = attemptedRowSum === maxRowSum;
const rowNotFilled = attemptedRowSum < maxRowSum;
// adding the size would exceed the current maxRowSum; try the next lowest number to fill the current row before extracting it out of sizeList
// do not extract the size out of sizeList yet, as it may fit in another row
// note: any size which exceeds maxRowSum on its own is not account for here, but rather prepended to the sumSets when `includeValuesExceeded = true`
if (rowTooLarge) {
// filter out sizeList of any same-size values to try next largest possible fit for the row
// ..Math.max() will return `-Infinity` on an empty array; bad;
// ...important to append a ZERO to a filtered sizeList so that we know whether or not the currently iterated size is the max size in the list,
// meaning no more sizes and any additional sizes in sizeList should be added into their OWN row (they would all exceed maxSumSize for the row)
size = Math.max(...sizeList.filter((s) => s < size), 0);
// current row iteration as attempted to use all available sizes and none fit; start new row w/ next max value;
if (size === 0 && sizeList.length > 0) {
// reset size to max value in sizeList
size = Math.max(...sizeList, 0);
startNewRow = true;
// size fits in the row but does not fill the entire row; try the next lowest number to fill the current row
if (rowNotFilled) {
// remove size from list
sizeList = removeValuesFromArray(sizeList, [size]);
// then get next largest size
size = Math.max(...sizeList, 0);
// size fits perfectly into the row; start new row
if (rowFilled) {
startNewRow = true;
// remove size from list
sizeList = removeValuesFromArray(sizeList, [size]);
// then get next largest size
size = Math.max(...sizeList, 0);
rows = insertRowSize(size, sizeList, rows, row, maxRowSum, startNewRow);
return rows;
* Generate subsets of sizeList, creating as many subset "rows" as possible, using each value only once, sorted from largest to smallest(by default)
* Each "row" is a subset of sizeList with a total sum no greater than maxRowSum; any remaining sizes appended, and sizes that exceed maxRowSum can be prepended
* @param {number[]} sizeList list of "widths/sizes" to generate rows from
* @param {number} maxRowSum the max sum of a single row
* @param {boolean} includeValuesExceeded default by true with exceeding sizes prepended to sumSets and indexSets;
* when false, the exceeding values are separate in the response
const generateRows = (
includeValuesExceeded = true
) => {
// need original list to map sizes to indices
const originalSizeList = [...sizeList];
// for values in sizeList that exceed the maxRowSum on their own; place them in their own list separate from values that DO fit
// each size is placed into it's own "group"; largest to smallest // [ [ 8 ], [ 5 ], [ 3 ] ]
const valuesExceeded = sizeList
.filter((size) => size > maxRowSum)
.map((x) => [x]);
// only allow sizes in the rows that are smaller or equal to the maxRowSum
sizeList = sizeList.filter((size) => size <= maxRowSum);
// start w/ inserting largest size first
const size = Math.max(...sizeList, 0);
// create superset to store row sum sets/groups
const rows = [];
// only create an empty starting row, if sizeList actually includes values that don't exceed maxRowSum; failsafe;
size <= maxRowSum && rows.push([]);
// row index to start inserting sizes
const row = 0;
// 2-dimensional array containing all row groups. ex: if maxRowSum = 5 -> [ [5], [4,1], [3,2], [2,2,1], ... ]
const sumSets = [
// prepend all sizes which exceed maxRowSum on their own(by default)
...(includeValuesExceeded && valuesExceeded),
// insert first size into grid
...insertRowSize(size, sizeList, rows, row, maxRowSum)
// sort largest rows to smallest rows
.sort((a,b) => sum(b) - sum(a))
// the index sets for each sum set
let indexSets = createIndexSets(originalSizeList, sumSets);
// not used internally; just returned
const indexSets_valuesExceeded = createIndexSets(
// map the indexSets over to an array of some data
const mappedIndexSets = (data) => {
return => => data[index]));
// return dat sheit
return {
// ========================
const generateDOM = ({maxRowSum = 20, maxItemSize = 8, maxItemLength = 26, init = false}) => {
maxRowSum = parseInt(maxRowSum)
maxItemSize = parseInt(maxItemSize)
maxItemLength = parseInt(maxItemLength)
// update UI w/ initial values
if(init) {
document.querySelector('.maxRowSum input').value = maxRowSum
document.querySelector('.maxItemSize input').value = maxItemSize
document.querySelector('.maxItemLength input').value = maxItemLength
document.querySelector('.maxRowSum label').innerHTML = maxRowSum
document.querySelector('.maxItemSize label').innerHTML = maxItemSize
document.querySelector('.maxItemLength label').innerHTML = maxItemLength
// ================
const SizesList = randomListOfNumbers(maxItemLength, maxItemSize);
document.querySelector('.SizesList').innerHTML = "<code>[ " + SizesList.toString() + " ]</code>"
document.querySelector('.maxSum').innerHTML = "<code>"+maxRowSum+"</code>"
const t0 =;
const result = generateRows(SizesList, maxRowSum);
const t1 =;
console.log("EXECUTION TIME : " + Math.round(1000 * (t1 - t0)) / 1000 + "ms");
// console.log(result.sumSets);
// console.log(result.indexSets);
// console.log(result.remainingNumbers);
// ===================
// returns a two-dimensional array of the inital data list; sorted into appropriate rows from largset sizes to smallest sizes(by default), fitting as many rows as possible according to "maxRowSum"
// Ex: [ [ indexLocation, indexLocation ], [ indexLocation ], [ indexLocation, indexLocation ] ]
const mappedIndexSets = result.mappedIndexSets(SizesList);
document.querySelector('.result').innerHTML = "<code>"+ JSON.stringify(mappedIndexSets) +"</code>"
const target = document.querySelector("#app");
target.innerHTML = ""
const rowContainer = document.createElement("ul");
target.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", rowContainer);
let itemIndex = 0
mappedIndexSets.forEach((row, rowIndex) => {
const rowList = document.createElement("ul");
const rowMaxWidth = (sum( => x)) / maxRowSum) * 100;
const blockSpacing = 0;
// = `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 25 }px`; = `${rowMaxWidth}%`; = blockSpacing + "px";
row.forEach((size, index) => {
const block = document.createElement("li");
// = '100%' // `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 25 }px`; = 0; = `calc(${
(size / sum( => x))) * 100 + "%"
} - ${index === 0 ? 0 + "px" : blockSpacing + "px"})`;
if (row.length === 1) { = "100%";
block.innerHTML = size + '<span class="itemCounter">' + itemIndex + '</span>';
rowList.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", block);
const rowSum = document.createElement('div')
rowSum.innerHTML = sum(row)
rowList.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", rowSum);
rowContainer.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", rowList.outerHTML);
const updateGridValues = (init = false) => {
const _maxRowSum = document.querySelector('.maxRowSum');
const _maxItemSize = document.querySelector('.maxItemSize');
const _maxItemLength = document.querySelector('.maxItemLength');
const _maxRowSum_input = _maxRowSum.querySelector('input')
const _maxItemSize_input = _maxItemSize.querySelector('input')
const _maxItemLength_input = _maxItemLength.querySelector('input')
const _maxRowSum_label = _maxRowSum.querySelector('label')
const _maxItemSize_label = _maxItemSize.querySelector('label')
const _maxItemLength_label = _maxItemLength.querySelector('label')
const maxRowSum = _maxRowSum_input.value
const maxItemSize = _maxItemSize_input.value
const maxItemLength = _maxItemLength_input.value
// update labels when values change
_maxRowSum_label.innerHTML = maxRowSum
_maxItemSize_label.innerHTML = maxItemSize
_maxItemLength_label.innerHTML = maxItemLength
init ? generateDOM({init}) : generateDOM({maxRowSum, maxItemSize, maxItemLength})
// updating w/ new values
document.querySelectorAll('input[type="range"]').forEach( input => input.addEventListener('input', (e) => {
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