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Created September 17, 2011 00:11
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Waf: Entering directory `/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/out'
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/out'
'build' finished successfully (0.057s)
DEST_OS: linux
Parallel Jobs: 1
Product type: program
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bnoordhuis bnoordhuis 9.9M 2011-09-17 01:52 out/Release/node
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bnoordhuis bnoordhuis 56M 2011-09-17 01:52 out/Debug/node
python tools/ --mode=debug,release
[00:00|% 0|+ 0|- 0]: debug test-child-process-exec-cwd
[00:01|% 0|+ 1|- 0]: debug test-http-set-timeout
[00:02|% 0|+ 2|- 0]: debug test-http-dns-error
[00:03|% 0|+ 3|- 0]: debug test-stream-pipe-event
[00:04|% 0|+ 4|- 0]: debug test-http-upgrade-client
[00:05|% 0|+ 5|- 0]: debug test-http-request-end-twice
[00:06|% 1|+ 6|- 0]: debug test-http-upgrade-agent
[00:07|% 1|+ 7|- 0]: debug test-net-reconnect
[00:09|% 1|+ 8|- 0]: debug test-readuint
[00:10|% 1|+ 9|- 0]: debug test-http-client-abort2
[00:11|% 1|+ 10|- 0]: debug test-delayed-require
[00:12|% 1|+ 11|- 0]: debug test-dgram-unix-anon
=== debug test-dgram-unix-anon ===
Path: simple/test-dgram-unix-anon
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: unix_dgram sockets are not supported any more.
at newHandle (dgram_uv.js:84:11)
at new Socket (dgram_uv.js:93:16)
at Object.createSocket (dgram_uv.js:110:10)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-dgram-unix-anon.js:40:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object..js (module.js:443:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:31)
at Function._load (module.js:303:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:463:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-dgram-unix-anon.js
[00:13|% 2|+ 11|- 1]: debug test-process-wrap
[00:13|% 2|+ 12|- 1]: debug test-pipe-file-to-http
[00:16|% 2|+ 13|- 1]: debug test-sigint-infinite-loop
[00:18|% 2|+ 14|- 1]: debug test-url
[00:26|% 2|+ 15|- 1]: debug test-http-client-parse-error
[00:27|% 2|+ 16|- 1]: debug test-vm-create-context-circular-reference
[00:27|% 3|+ 17|- 1]: debug test-tls-junk-closes-server
[00:28|% 3|+ 18|- 1]: debug test-net-server-bind
[00:29|% 3|+ 19|- 1]: debug test-http-unix-socket
[00:30|% 3|+ 20|- 1]: debug test-tls-server-verify
[00:34|% 3|+ 21|- 1]: debug test-net-binary
[00:35|% 4|+ 22|- 1]: debug test-tls-securepair-server
[00:37|% 4|+ 23|- 1]: debug test-readdouble
[00:37|% 4|+ 24|- 1]: debug test-https-foafssl
[00:39|% 4|+ 25|- 1]: debug test-listen-fd
=== debug test-listen-fd ===
Path: simple/test-listen-fd
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: Not implemented
at Server.listenFD (net_uv.js:756:9)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-listen-fd.js:47:5)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object..js (module.js:443:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:31)
at Function._load (module.js:303:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:463:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-listen-fd.js
[00:40|% 4|+ 25|- 2]: debug test-buffer
[00:41|% 4|+ 26|- 2]: debug test-fs-write-buffer
[00:42|% 5|+ 27|- 2]: debug test-next-tick-doesnt-hang
[00:43|% 5|+ 28|- 2]: debug test-http-mutable-headers
[00:45|% 5|+ 29|- 2]: debug test-init
[00:47|% 5|+ 30|- 2]: debug test-child-process-exec-env
[00:48|% 5|+ 31|- 2]: debug test-require-cache
[00:49|% 5|+ 32|- 2]: debug test-http-upgrade-server
[00:50|% 6|+ 33|- 2]: debug test-http-wget
[00:51|% 6|+ 34|- 2]: debug test-string-decoder
[00:52|% 6|+ 35|- 2]: debug test-http-parser
[00:53|% 6|+ 36|- 2]: debug test-child-process-stdin
[00:54|% 6|+ 37|- 2]: debug test-fs-sir-writes-alot
[00:57|% 6|+ 38|- 2]: debug test-next-tick
[00:57|% 7|+ 39|- 2]: debug test-http-client-race-2
[00:59|% 7|+ 40|- 2]: debug test-exec-max-buffer
[01:00|% 7|+ 41|- 2]: debug test-path
[01:01|% 7|+ 42|- 2]: debug test-http-agent
[01:03|% 7|+ 43|- 2]: debug test-http-client-upload-buf
[01:05|% 8|+ 44|- 2]: debug test-net-remote-address-port
[01:06|% 8|+ 45|- 2]: debug test-fs-symlink
[01:06|% 8|+ 46|- 2]: debug test-readint
[01:07|% 8|+ 47|- 2]: debug test-punycode
[01:08|% 8|+ 48|- 2]: debug test-http-multi-line-headers
[01:09|% 8|+ 49|- 2]: debug test-fs-write-stream-end
[01:10|% 9|+ 50|- 2]: debug test-script-static-new
[01:11|% 9|+ 51|- 2]: debug test-http-malformed-request
[01:12|% 9|+ 52|- 2]: debug test-eio-race
[01:14|% 9|+ 53|- 2]: debug test-http-set-trailers
[01:16|% 9|+ 54|- 2]: debug test-http-server-multiheaders
[01:17|% 9|+ 55|- 2]: debug test-tls-peer-certificate
[01:18|% 10|+ 56|- 2]: debug test-c-ares
[01:19|% 10|+ 57|- 2]: debug test-stream-pipe-cleanup
[01:21|% 10|+ 58|- 2]: debug test-eval
[01:22|% 10|+ 59|- 2]: debug test-child-process-cwd
[01:23|% 10|+ 60|- 2]: debug test-stdout-to-file
[01:29|% 11|+ 61|- 2]: debug test-pump-file2tcp
[01:30|% 11|+ 62|- 2]: debug test-net-bytes-stats
[01:31|% 11|+ 63|- 2]: debug test-http-full-response
[01:47|% 11|+ 64|- 2]: debug test-tls-npn-server-client
[01:47|% 11|+ 65|- 2]: debug test-http-client-race
[01:49|% 11|+ 66|- 2]: debug test-writeint
[01:49|% 12|+ 67|- 2]: debug test-child-process-ipc
[01:51|% 12|+ 68|- 2]: debug test-require-cache-without-stat
[01:52|% 12|+ 69|- 2]: debug test-net-eaddrinuse
[01:53|% 12|+ 70|- 2]: debug test-net-isip
[01:54|% 12|+ 71|- 2]: debug test-event-emitter-num-args
[01:55|% 12|+ 72|- 2]: debug test-writefloat
[01:56|% 13|+ 73|- 2]: debug test-eval-require
[01:57|% 13|+ 74|- 2]: debug test-http-curl-chunk-problem
[01:59|% 13|+ 75|- 2]: debug test-http-eof-on-connect
[02:00|% 13|+ 76|- 2]: debug test-tls-client-resume
[02:02|% 13|+ 77|- 2]: debug test-utf8-scripts
[02:02|% 13|+ 78|- 2]: debug test-http-contentLength0
[02:04|% 14|+ 79|- 2]: debug test-module-load-list
[02:04|% 14|+ 80|- 2]: debug test-child-process-buffering
[02:05|% 14|+ 81|- 2]: debug test-process-kill-null
[02:06|% 14|+ 82|- 2]: debug test-child-process-env
[02:07|% 14|+ 83|- 2]: debug test-util-inspect
[02:08|% 15|+ 84|- 2]: debug test-net-create-connection
[02:09|% 15|+ 85|- 2]: debug test-process-env
[02:10|% 15|+ 86|- 2]: debug test-pipe-stream
[02:11|% 15|+ 87|- 2]: debug test-util-format
[02:12|% 15|+ 88|- 2]: debug test-fs-read-buffer
[02:13|% 15|+ 89|- 2]: debug test-memory-usage
[02:14|% 16|+ 90|- 2]: debug test-fs-write-file
[02:15|% 16|+ 91|- 2]: debug test-http-conn-reset
[02:16|% 16|+ 92|- 2]: debug test-vm-create-context-accessors
[02:17|% 16|+ 93|- 2]: debug test-child-process-stdout-flush
[02:20|% 16|+ 94|- 2]: debug test-fs-open
[02:20|% 16|+ 95|- 2]: debug test-child-process-customfd-bounded
[02:21|% 17|+ 96|- 2]: debug test-http-chunked
[02:22|% 17|+ 97|- 2]: debug test-http-response-close
[02:23|% 17|+ 98|- 2]: debug test-script-this
[02:24|% 17|+ 99|- 2]: debug test-net-large-string
[02:25|% 17|+ 100|- 2]: debug test-next-tick-ordering2
[02:26|% 18|+ 101|- 2]: debug test-tls-client-abort
[02:27|% 18|+ 102|- 2]: debug test-net-connect-timeout
[02:28|% 18|+ 103|- 2]: debug test-http-blank-header
[02:29|% 18|+ 104|- 2]: debug test-file-write-stream
[02:30|% 18|+ 105|- 2]: debug test-fs-fsync
[02:31|% 18|+ 106|- 2]: debug test-global
[02:31|% 19|+ 107|- 2]: debug test-script-context
[02:32|% 19|+ 108|- 2]: debug test-regress-GH-877
[02:34|% 19|+ 109|- 2]: debug test-http-head-request
[02:35|% 19|+ 110|- 2]: debug test-regress-GH-892
[02:49|% 19|+ 111|- 2]: debug test-tls-connect
[02:50|% 19|+ 112|- 2]: debug test-tls-client-verify
[02:52|% 20|+ 113|- 2]: debug test-fs-stat
[02:53|% 20|+ 114|- 2]: debug test-querystring
[02:54|% 20|+ 115|- 2]: debug test-net-socket-timeout
[02:55|% 20|+ 116|- 2]: debug test-dgram-multicast
=== debug test-dgram-multicast ===
Path: simple/test-dgram-multicast
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: not yet implemented
at Socket.setBroadcast (dgram_uv.js:226:9)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-dgram-multicast.js:48:12)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object..js (module.js:443:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:31)
at Function._load (module.js:303:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:463:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-dgram-multicast.js
[02:56|% 20|+ 116|- 3]: debug test-http-allow-req-after-204-res
[02:57|% 20|+ 117|- 3]: debug test-child-process-set-blocking
[02:58|% 21|+ 118|- 3]: debug test-net-connect-buffer
[02:59|% 21|+ 119|- 3]: debug test-http-keep-alive-close-on-header
[03:00|% 21|+ 120|- 3]: debug test-http-dns-fail
[03:01|% 21|+ 121|- 3]: debug test-http-client-abort
[03:03|% 21|+ 122|- 3]: debug test-file-read-noexist
[03:04|% 22|+ 123|- 3]: debug test-child-process-double-pipe
[03:05|% 22|+ 124|- 3]: debug test-tls-securepair-client
[03:05|% 22|+ 125|- 3]: debug test-dgram-unix
=== debug test-dgram-unix ===
Path: simple/test-dgram-unix
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: unix_dgram sockets are not supported any more.
at newHandle (dgram_uv.js:84:11)
at new Socket (dgram_uv.js:93:16)
at Object.createSocket (dgram_uv.js:110:10)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-dgram-unix.js:37:20)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object..js (module.js:443:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:31)
at Function._load (module.js:303:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:463:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-dgram-unix.js
[03:06|% 22|+ 125|- 4]: debug test-stream-pipe-error-handling
[03:07|% 22|+ 126|- 4]: debug test-net-server-close
[03:08|% 22|+ 127|- 4]: debug test-http-legacy
[03:09|% 23|+ 128|- 4]: debug test-http-many-keep-alive-connections
[03:53|% 23|+ 129|- 4]: debug test-event-emitter-once
[03:54|% 23|+ 130|- 4]: debug test-regress-GH-897
[03:55|% 23|+ 131|- 4]: debug test-https-agent
[03:59|% 23|+ 132|- 4]: debug test-tls-request-timeout
[04:00|% 23|+ 133|- 4]: debug test-chdir
[04:01|% 24|+ 134|- 4]: debug test-exception-handler2
[04:02|% 24|+ 135|- 4]: debug test-fs-realpath
[04:04|% 24|+ 136|- 4]: debug test-signal-unregister
[04:05|% 24|+ 137|- 4]: debug test-eio-race2
[04:06|% 24|+ 138|- 4]: debug test-pipe-return-val
[04:07|% 25|+ 139|- 4]: debug test-http-set-cookies
[04:08|% 25|+ 140|- 4]: debug test-writeuint
[04:09|% 25|+ 141|- 4]: debug test-regress-GH-1697
=== debug test-regress-GH-1697 ===
Path: simple/test-regress-GH-1697
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at errnoException (net_uv.js:561:11)
at Object.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net_uv.js:552:18)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-regress-GH-1697.js
[04:10|% 25|+ 141|- 5]: debug test-http
=== debug test-http ===
Path: simple/test-http
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at errnoException (net_uv.js:561:11)
at Array.<anonymous> (net_uv.js:636:28)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-http.js
[04:11|% 25|+ 141|- 6]: debug test-regression-object-prototype
[04:12|% 25|+ 142|- 6]: debug test-stream-pipe-multi
[04:52|% 26|+ 143|- 6]: debug test-script-new
[04:53|% 26|+ 144|- 6]: debug test-tty-stdout-end
[04:54|% 26|+ 145|- 6]: debug test-tcp-wrap-connect
=== debug test-tcp-wrap-connect ===
Path: simple/test-tcp-wrap-connect
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at errnoException (net_uv.js:561:11)
at Array.<anonymous> (net_uv.js:636:28)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-tcp-wrap-connect.js
[04:55|% 26|+ 145|- 7]: debug test-http-head-response-has-no-body-end
=== debug test-http-head-response-has-no-body-end ===
Path: simple/test-http-head-response-has-no-body-end
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at errnoException (net_uv.js:561:11)
at Array.<anonymous> (net_uv.js:636:28)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-http-head-response-has-no-body-end.js
[04:56|% 26|+ 145|- 8]: debug test-assert
[04:57|% 26|+ 146|- 8]: debug test-http-server
=== debug test-http-server ===
Path: simple/test-http-server
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at errnoException (net_uv.js:561:11)
at Array.<anonymous> (net_uv.js:636:28)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-http-server.js
[04:58|% 27|+ 146|- 9]: debug test-http-head-response-has-no-body
=== debug test-http-head-response-has-no-body ===
Path: simple/test-http-head-response-has-no-body
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at errnoException (net_uv.js:561:11)
at Array.<anonymous> (net_uv.js:636:28)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-http-head-response-has-no-body.js
[04:59|% 27|+ 146|- 10]: debug test-fs-write-sync
[05:00|% 27|+ 147|- 10]: debug test-tcp-wrap-listen
=== debug test-tcp-wrap-listen ===
Path: simple/test-tcp-wrap-listen
client closed
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-tcp-wrap-listen.js
--- TIMEOUT ---
[09:00|% 27|+ 147|- 11]: debug test-zerolengthbufferbug
[09:01|% 27|+ 148|- 11]: debug test-net-connect-handle-econnrefused
[09:02|% 27|+ 149|- 11]: debug test-tls-set-encoding
[09:03|% 28|+ 150|- 11]: debug test-fs-read-stream
[09:04|% 28|+ 151|- 11]: debug test-child-process-deprecated-api
[09:05|% 28|+ 152|- 11]: debug test-fs-watch-file
[09:07|% 28|+ 153|- 11]: debug test-next-tick-errors
[09:08|% 28|+ 154|- 11]: debug test-dgram-pingpong
[09:13|% 29|+ 155|- 11]: debug test-writedouble
[09:14|% 29|+ 156|- 11]: debug test-child-process-spawn-node
=== debug test-child-process-spawn-node ===
Path: simple/test-child-process-spawn-node
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
TypeError: undefined is not a function
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-child-process-spawn-node.js:5:9)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object..js (module.js:443:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:31)
at Function._load (module.js:303:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:463:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-child-process-spawn-node.js
[09:15|% 29|+ 156|- 12]: debug test-console
[09:16|% 29|+ 157|- 12]: debug test-fs-utimes
[09:17|% 29|+ 158|- 12]: debug test-http-host-headers
[09:20|% 29|+ 159|- 12]: debug test-http-upgrade-server2
[09:21|% 30|+ 160|- 12]: debug test-dgram-udp4
[09:22|% 30|+ 161|- 12]: debug test-regress-GH-1531
[09:24|% 30|+ 162|- 12]: debug test-http-extra-response
[09:25|% 30|+ 163|- 12]: debug test-sync-fileread
[09:26|% 30|+ 164|- 12]: debug test-http-expect-continue
[09:27|% 30|+ 165|- 12]: debug test-pump-file2tcp-noexist
[09:28|% 31|+ 166|- 12]: debug test-http-request-end
[09:29|% 31|+ 167|- 12]: debug test-fs-readfile-empty
[09:29|% 31|+ 168|- 12]: debug test-http-status-code
[09:31|% 31|+ 169|- 12]: debug test-sendfd
=== debug test-sendfd ===
Path: simple/test-sendfd
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
TypeError: Object #<Socket> has no method 'open'
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-sendfd.js:104:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object..js (module.js:443:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:31)
at Function._load (module.js:303:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:463:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-sendfd.js
[09:32|% 31|+ 169|- 13]: debug test-fs-write-file-buffer
[09:33|% 31|+ 170|- 13]: debug test-event-emitter-remove-all-listeners
[09:34|% 32|+ 171|- 13]: debug test-next-tick-ordering
[09:34|% 32|+ 172|- 13]: debug test-require-exceptions
[09:35|% 32|+ 173|- 13]: debug test-script-static-context
[09:36|% 32|+ 174|- 13]: debug test-script-static-this
[09:37|% 32|+ 175|- 13]: debug test-net-server-max-connections
[09:42|% 33|+ 176|- 13]: debug test-https-eof-for-eom
[09:44|% 33|+ 177|- 13]: debug test-child-process-kill
[09:45|% 33|+ 178|- 13]: debug test-module-loading
[09:46|% 33|+ 179|- 13]: debug test-tcp-wrap
[09:47|% 33|+ 180|- 13]: debug test-event-emitter-modify-in-emit
[09:48|% 33|+ 181|- 13]: debug test-http-proxy
[09:49|% 34|+ 182|- 13]: debug test-error-reporting
[09:51|% 34|+ 183|- 13]: debug test-http-304
[09:53|% 34|+ 184|- 13]: debug test-console-not-call-toString
[09:53|% 34|+ 185|- 13]: debug test-exception-handler
[09:54|% 34|+ 186|- 13]: debug test-eio-race4
[09:55|% 34|+ 187|- 13]: debug test-os
[09:56|% 35|+ 188|- 13]: debug test-http-header-read
[09:57|% 35|+ 189|- 13]: debug test-stdin-from-file
[09:59|% 35|+ 190|- 13]: debug test-umask
[09:59|% 35|+ 191|- 13]: debug test-regress-GH-746
[10:00|% 35|+ 192|- 13]: debug test-fs-write-stream
[10:01|% 36|+ 193|- 13]: debug test-http-exceptions
[10:03|% 36|+ 194|- 13]: debug test-readdir
[10:03|% 36|+ 195|- 13]: debug test-regress-GH-819
[10:04|% 36|+ 196|- 13]: debug test-net-server-try-ports
[10:05|% 36|+ 197|- 13]: debug test-event-emitter-add-listeners
[10:06|% 36|+ 198|- 13]: debug test-repl
[10:08|% 37|+ 199|- 13]: debug test-tls-ext-key-usage
[10:09|% 37|+ 200|- 13]: debug test-fs-read-file-sync
[10:10|% 37|+ 201|- 13]: debug test-http-write-empty-string
[10:11|% 37|+ 202|- 13]: debug test-crypto
[10:12|% 37|+ 203|- 13]: debug test-timers-linked-list
[10:13|% 37|+ 204|- 13]: debug test-net-pingpong
[10:26|% 38|+ 205|- 13]: debug test-http-buffer-sanity
[10:27|% 38|+ 206|- 13]: debug test-tls-sni-server-client
[10:29|% 38|+ 207|- 13]: debug test-event-emitter-check-listener-leaks
[10:30|% 38|+ 208|- 13]: debug test-net-stream
[10:31|% 38|+ 209|- 13]: debug test-require-resolve
[10:32|% 38|+ 210|- 13]: debug test-next-tick-starvation
[10:33|% 39|+ 211|- 13]: debug test-net-can-reset-timeout
[10:34|% 39|+ 212|- 13]: debug test-fs-error-messages
[10:35|% 39|+ 213|- 13]: debug test-debugger-client
[10:39|% 39|+ 214|- 13]: debug test-executable-path
[10:40|% 39|+ 215|- 13]: debug test-fs-write
[10:41|% 40|+ 216|- 13]: debug test-child-process-custom-fds
=== debug test-child-process-custom-fds ===
Path: simple/test-child-process-custom-fds
Test 1...
throw new Error("customFds not yet supported");
Error: customFds not yet supported
at setStreamOption (child_process_uv.js:275:13)
at ChildProcess.spawn (child_process_uv.js:287:3)
at child_process_uv.js:210:9
at Object.oncomplete (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-child-process-custom-fds.js:47:17)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-child-process-custom-fds.js
[10:42|% 40|+ 216|- 14]: debug test-mkdir-rmdir
[10:43|% 40|+ 217|- 14]: debug test-child-process-channel
=== debug test-child-process-channel ===
Path: simple/test-child-process-channel
fds undefined
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-child-process-channel.js:14:20)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object..js (module.js:443:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:31)
at Function._load (module.js:303:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:463:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-child-process-channel.js
[10:44|% 40|+ 217|- 15]: debug test-http-keep-alive
[10:45|% 40|+ 218|- 15]: debug test-http-default-encoding
[10:46|% 40|+ 219|- 15]: debug test-http-client-upload
[10:47|% 41|+ 220|- 15]: debug test-child-process-exit-code
[10:49|% 41|+ 221|- 15]: debug test-fs-read-file-sync-hostname
[10:50|% 41|+ 222|- 15]: debug test-pipe
[10:54|% 41|+ 223|- 15]: debug test-signal-handler
[10:55|% 41|+ 224|- 15]: debug test-net-keepalive
[10:57|% 41|+ 225|- 15]: debug test-file-write-stream2
[10:58|% 42|+ 226|- 15]: debug test-http-1.0
[10:59|% 42|+ 227|- 15]: debug test-http-upgrade-client2
[11:00|% 42|+ 228|- 15]: debug test-http-abort-client
[11:01|% 42|+ 229|- 15]: debug test-readfloat
[11:02|% 42|+ 230|- 15]: debug test-event-emitter-remove-listeners
[11:03|% 43|+ 231|- 15]: debug test-https-connecting-to-http
[11:04|% 43|+ 232|- 15]: debug test-regress-GH-784
[11:06|% 43|+ 233|- 15]: debug test-fs-chmod
[11:07|% 43|+ 234|- 15]: debug test-https-simple
[11:08|% 43|+ 235|- 15]: debug test-sys
[11:09|% 43|+ 236|- 15]: debug test-http-response-readable
[11:11|% 44|+ 237|- 15]: debug test-pipe-head
[11:12|% 44|+ 238|- 15]: debug test-fs-read
[11:13|% 44|+ 239|- 15]: debug test-file-write-stream3
[11:14|% 44|+ 240|- 15]: debug test-cli-eval
[11:16|% 44|+ 241|- 15]: debug test-http-get-pipeline-problem
[11:19|% 44|+ 242|- 15]: release test-child-process-exec-cwd
[11:19|% 45|+ 243|- 15]: release test-http-set-timeout
[11:20|% 45|+ 244|- 15]: release test-http-dns-error
[11:20|% 45|+ 245|- 15]: release test-stream-pipe-event
[11:20|% 45|+ 246|- 15]: release test-http-upgrade-client
[11:20|% 45|+ 247|- 15]: release test-http-request-end-twice
[11:20|% 45|+ 248|- 15]: release test-http-upgrade-agent
[11:20|% 46|+ 249|- 15]: release test-net-reconnect
[11:21|% 46|+ 250|- 15]: release test-readuint
[11:21|% 46|+ 251|- 15]: release test-http-client-abort2
[11:21|% 46|+ 252|- 15]: release test-delayed-require
[11:21|% 46|+ 253|- 15]: release test-dgram-unix-anon
=== release test-dgram-unix-anon ===
Path: simple/test-dgram-unix-anon
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: unix_dgram sockets are not supported any more.
at newHandle (dgram_uv.js:84:11)
at new Socket (dgram_uv.js:93:16)
at Object.createSocket (dgram_uv.js:110:10)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-dgram-unix-anon.js:40:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object..js (module.js:443:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:31)
at Function._load (module.js:303:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:463:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-dgram-unix-anon.js
[11:21|% 47|+ 253|- 16]: release test-process-wrap
[11:21|% 47|+ 254|- 16]: release test-pipe-file-to-http
[11:22|% 47|+ 255|- 16]: release test-sigint-infinite-loop
[11:22|% 47|+ 256|- 16]: release test-url
[11:23|% 47|+ 257|- 16]: release test-http-client-parse-error
[11:23|% 47|+ 258|- 16]: release test-vm-create-context-circular-referenc...
[11:23|% 48|+ 259|- 16]: release test-tls-junk-closes-server
[11:23|% 48|+ 260|- 16]: release test-net-server-bind
[11:23|% 48|+ 261|- 16]: release test-http-unix-socket
[11:23|% 48|+ 262|- 16]: release test-tls-server-verify
[11:24|% 48|+ 263|- 16]: release test-net-binary
[11:24|% 48|+ 264|- 16]: release test-tls-securepair-server
[11:24|% 49|+ 265|- 16]: release test-readdouble
[11:24|% 49|+ 266|- 16]: release test-https-foafssl
[11:24|% 49|+ 267|- 16]: release test-listen-fd
=== release test-listen-fd ===
Path: simple/test-listen-fd
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: Not implemented
at Server.listenFD (net_uv.js:756:9)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-listen-fd.js:47:5)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object..js (module.js:443:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:31)
at Function._load (module.js:303:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:463:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-listen-fd.js
[11:24|% 49|+ 267|- 17]: release test-buffer
[11:24|% 49|+ 268|- 17]: release test-fs-write-buffer
[11:25|% 50|+ 269|- 17]: release test-next-tick-doesnt-hang
[11:25|% 50|+ 270|- 17]: release test-http-mutable-headers
[11:25|% 50|+ 271|- 17]: release test-init
[11:25|% 50|+ 272|- 17]: release test-child-process-exec-env
[11:25|% 50|+ 273|- 17]: release test-require-cache
[11:25|% 50|+ 274|- 17]: release test-http-upgrade-server
[11:25|% 51|+ 275|- 17]: release test-http-wget
[11:25|% 51|+ 276|- 17]: release test-string-decoder
[11:25|% 51|+ 277|- 17]: release test-http-parser
[11:25|% 51|+ 278|- 17]: release test-child-process-stdin
[11:26|% 51|+ 279|- 17]: release test-fs-sir-writes-alot
[11:26|% 51|+ 280|- 17]: release test-next-tick
[11:26|% 52|+ 281|- 17]: release test-http-client-race-2
[11:27|% 52|+ 282|- 17]: release test-exec-max-buffer
[11:27|% 52|+ 283|- 17]: release test-path
[11:27|% 52|+ 284|- 17]: release test-http-agent
[11:27|% 52|+ 285|- 17]: release test-http-client-upload-buf
[11:27|% 52|+ 286|- 17]: release test-net-remote-address-port
[11:27|% 53|+ 287|- 17]: release test-fs-symlink
[11:27|% 53|+ 288|- 17]: release test-readint
[11:27|% 53|+ 289|- 17]: release test-punycode
[11:28|% 53|+ 290|- 17]: release test-http-multi-line-headers
[11:28|% 53|+ 291|- 17]: release test-fs-write-stream-end
[11:28|% 54|+ 292|- 17]: release test-script-static-new
[11:28|% 54|+ 293|- 17]: release test-http-malformed-request
[11:28|% 54|+ 294|- 17]: release test-eio-race
[11:28|% 54|+ 295|- 17]: release test-http-set-trailers
[11:28|% 54|+ 296|- 17]: release test-http-server-multiheaders
[11:28|% 54|+ 297|- 17]: release test-tls-peer-certificate
[11:28|% 55|+ 298|- 17]: release test-c-ares
[11:29|% 55|+ 299|- 17]: release test-stream-pipe-cleanup
[11:29|% 55|+ 300|- 17]: release test-eval
[11:29|% 55|+ 301|- 17]: release test-child-process-cwd
[11:29|% 55|+ 302|- 17]: release test-stdout-to-file
[11:30|% 55|+ 303|- 17]: release test-pump-file2tcp
[11:30|% 56|+ 304|- 17]: release test-net-bytes-stats
[11:30|% 56|+ 305|- 17]: release test-http-full-response
[11:31|% 56|+ 306|- 17]: release test-tls-npn-server-client
[11:31|% 56|+ 307|- 17]: release test-http-client-race
[11:31|% 56|+ 308|- 17]: release test-writeint
[11:31|% 56|+ 309|- 17]: release test-child-process-ipc
[11:31|% 57|+ 310|- 17]: release test-require-cache-without-stat
[11:31|% 57|+ 311|- 17]: release test-net-eaddrinuse
[11:31|% 57|+ 312|- 17]: release test-net-isip
[11:32|% 57|+ 313|- 17]: release test-event-emitter-num-args
[11:32|% 57|+ 314|- 17]: release test-writefloat
[11:32|% 58|+ 315|- 17]: release test-eval-require
[11:32|% 58|+ 316|- 17]: release test-http-curl-chunk-problem
[11:32|% 58|+ 317|- 17]: release test-http-eof-on-connect
[11:32|% 58|+ 318|- 17]: release test-tls-client-resume
[11:32|% 58|+ 319|- 17]: release test-utf8-scripts
[11:32|% 58|+ 320|- 17]: release test-http-contentLength0
[11:33|% 59|+ 321|- 17]: release test-module-load-list
[11:33|% 59|+ 322|- 17]: release test-child-process-buffering
[11:33|% 59|+ 323|- 17]: release test-process-kill-null
[11:33|% 59|+ 324|- 17]: release test-child-process-env
[11:33|% 59|+ 325|- 17]: release test-util-inspect
[11:33|% 59|+ 326|- 17]: release test-net-create-connection
[11:33|% 60|+ 327|- 17]: release test-process-env
[11:33|% 60|+ 328|- 17]: release test-pipe-stream
[11:33|% 60|+ 329|- 17]: release test-util-format
[11:33|% 60|+ 330|- 17]: release test-fs-read-buffer
[11:33|% 60|+ 331|- 17]: release test-memory-usage
[11:33|% 61|+ 332|- 17]: release test-fs-write-file
[11:34|% 61|+ 333|- 17]: release test-http-conn-reset
[11:34|% 61|+ 334|- 17]: release test-vm-create-context-accessors
[11:34|% 61|+ 335|- 17]: release test-child-process-stdout-flush
[11:34|% 61|+ 336|- 17]: release test-fs-open
[11:34|% 61|+ 337|- 17]: release test-child-process-customfd-bounded
[11:34|% 62|+ 338|- 17]: release test-http-chunked
[11:34|% 62|+ 339|- 17]: release test-http-response-close
[11:34|% 62|+ 340|- 17]: release test-script-this
[11:34|% 62|+ 341|- 17]: release test-net-large-string
[11:35|% 62|+ 342|- 17]: release test-next-tick-ordering2
[11:35|% 62|+ 343|- 17]: release test-tls-client-abort
[11:35|% 63|+ 344|- 17]: release test-net-connect-timeout
[11:35|% 63|+ 345|- 17]: release test-http-blank-header
[11:35|% 63|+ 346|- 17]: release test-file-write-stream
[11:35|% 63|+ 347|- 17]: release test-fs-fsync
[11:35|% 63|+ 348|- 17]: release test-global
[11:35|% 63|+ 349|- 17]: release test-script-context
[11:35|% 64|+ 350|- 17]: release test-regress-GH-877
[11:36|% 64|+ 351|- 17]: release test-http-head-request
[11:36|% 64|+ 352|- 17]: release test-regress-GH-892
[11:46|% 64|+ 353|- 17]: release test-tls-connect
[11:46|% 64|+ 354|- 17]: release test-tls-client-verify
[11:47|% 65|+ 355|- 17]: release test-fs-stat
[11:47|% 65|+ 356|- 17]: release test-querystring
[11:47|% 65|+ 357|- 17]: release test-net-socket-timeout
[11:47|% 65|+ 358|- 17]: release test-dgram-multicast
=== release test-dgram-multicast ===
Path: simple/test-dgram-multicast
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: not yet implemented
at Socket.setBroadcast (dgram_uv.js:226:9)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-dgram-multicast.js:48:12)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object..js (module.js:443:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:31)
at Function._load (module.js:303:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:463:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-dgram-multicast.js
[11:47|% 65|+ 358|- 18]: release test-http-allow-req-after-204-res
[11:47|% 65|+ 359|- 18]: release test-child-process-set-blocking
[11:47|% 66|+ 360|- 18]: release test-net-connect-buffer
[11:47|% 66|+ 361|- 18]: release test-http-keep-alive-close-on-header
[11:47|% 66|+ 362|- 18]: release test-http-dns-fail
[11:48|% 66|+ 363|- 18]: release test-http-client-abort
[11:48|% 66|+ 364|- 18]: release test-file-read-noexist
[11:48|% 66|+ 365|- 18]: release test-child-process-double-pipe
[11:48|% 67|+ 366|- 18]: release test-tls-securepair-client
[11:48|% 67|+ 367|- 18]: release test-dgram-unix
=== release test-dgram-unix ===
Path: simple/test-dgram-unix
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: unix_dgram sockets are not supported any more.
at newHandle (dgram_uv.js:84:11)
at new Socket (dgram_uv.js:93:16)
at Object.createSocket (dgram_uv.js:110:10)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-dgram-unix.js:37:20)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object..js (module.js:443:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:31)
at Function._load (module.js:303:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:463:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-dgram-unix.js
[11:48|% 67|+ 367|- 19]: release test-stream-pipe-error-handling
[11:48|% 67|+ 368|- 19]: release test-net-server-close
[11:48|% 67|+ 369|- 19]: release test-http-legacy
[11:49|% 68|+ 370|- 19]: release test-http-many-keep-alive-connections
[11:52|% 68|+ 371|- 19]: release test-event-emitter-once
[11:52|% 68|+ 372|- 19]: release test-regress-GH-897
[11:52|% 68|+ 373|- 19]: release test-https-agent
[11:52|% 68|+ 374|- 19]: release test-tls-request-timeout
[11:52|% 68|+ 375|- 19]: release test-chdir
[11:52|% 69|+ 376|- 19]: release test-exception-handler2
[11:53|% 69|+ 377|- 19]: release test-fs-realpath
[11:53|% 69|+ 378|- 19]: release test-signal-unregister
[11:54|% 69|+ 379|- 19]: release test-eio-race2
[11:54|% 69|+ 380|- 19]: release test-pipe-return-val
[11:54|% 69|+ 381|- 19]: release test-http-set-cookies
[11:54|% 70|+ 382|- 19]: release test-writeuint
[11:54|% 70|+ 383|- 19]: release test-regress-GH-1697
=== release test-regress-GH-1697 ===
Path: simple/test-regress-GH-1697
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at errnoException (net_uv.js:561:11)
at Object.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net_uv.js:552:18)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-regress-GH-1697.js
[11:54|% 70|+ 383|- 20]: release test-http
=== release test-http ===
Path: simple/test-http
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at errnoException (net_uv.js:561:11)
at Array.<anonymous> (net_uv.js:636:28)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-http.js
[11:55|% 70|+ 383|- 21]: release test-regression-object-prototype
[11:55|% 70|+ 384|- 21]: release test-stream-pipe-multi
[11:58|% 70|+ 385|- 21]: release test-script-new
[11:58|% 71|+ 386|- 21]: release test-tty-stdout-end
[11:58|% 71|+ 387|- 21]: release test-tcp-wrap-connect
=== release test-tcp-wrap-connect ===
Path: simple/test-tcp-wrap-connect
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at errnoException (net_uv.js:561:11)
at Array.<anonymous> (net_uv.js:636:28)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-tcp-wrap-connect.js
[11:58|% 71|+ 387|- 22]: release test-http-head-response-has-no-body-end
=== release test-http-head-response-has-no-body-end ===
Path: simple/test-http-head-response-has-no-body-end
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at errnoException (net_uv.js:561:11)
at Array.<anonymous> (net_uv.js:636:28)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-http-head-response-has-no-body-end.js
[11:58|% 71|+ 387|- 23]: release test-assert
[11:58|% 71|+ 388|- 23]: release test-http-server
=== release test-http-server ===
Path: simple/test-http-server
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at errnoException (net_uv.js:561:11)
at Array.<anonymous> (net_uv.js:636:28)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-http-server.js
[11:58|% 72|+ 388|- 24]: release test-http-head-response-has-no-body
=== release test-http-head-response-has-no-body ===
Path: simple/test-http-head-response-has-no-body
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at errnoException (net_uv.js:561:11)
at Array.<anonymous> (net_uv.js:636:28)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-http-head-response-has-no-body.js
[11:58|% 72|+ 388|- 25]: release test-fs-write-sync
[11:58|% 72|+ 389|- 25]: release test-tcp-wrap-listen
=== release test-tcp-wrap-listen ===
Path: simple/test-tcp-wrap-listen
client closed
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-tcp-wrap-listen.js
--- TIMEOUT ---
[12:59|% 72|+ 389|- 26]: release test-zerolengthbufferbug
[12:59|% 72|+ 390|- 26]: release test-net-connect-handle-econnrefused
[12:59|% 72|+ 391|- 26]: release test-tls-set-encoding
[12:59|% 73|+ 392|- 26]: release test-fs-read-stream
[12:59|% 73|+ 393|- 26]: release test-child-process-deprecated-api
[12:59|% 73|+ 394|- 26]: release test-fs-watch-file
[13:00|% 73|+ 395|- 26]: release test-next-tick-errors
[13:00|% 73|+ 396|- 26]: release test-dgram-pingpong
[13:01|% 73|+ 397|- 26]: release test-writedouble
[13:01|% 74|+ 398|- 26]: release test-child-process-spawn-node
=== release test-child-process-spawn-node ===
Path: simple/test-child-process-spawn-node
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
TypeError: undefined is not a function
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-child-process-spawn-node.js:5:9)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object..js (module.js:443:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:31)
at Function._load (module.js:303:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:463:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-child-process-spawn-node.js
[13:01|% 74|+ 398|- 27]: release test-console
[13:01|% 74|+ 399|- 27]: release test-fs-utimes
[13:02|% 74|+ 400|- 27]: release test-http-host-headers
[13:02|% 74|+ 401|- 27]: release test-http-upgrade-server2
[13:02|% 75|+ 402|- 27]: release test-dgram-udp4
[13:02|% 75|+ 403|- 27]: release test-regress-GH-1531
[13:02|% 75|+ 404|- 27]: release test-http-extra-response
[13:02|% 75|+ 405|- 27]: release test-sync-fileread
[13:02|% 75|+ 406|- 27]: release test-http-expect-continue
[13:03|% 75|+ 407|- 27]: release test-pump-file2tcp-noexist
[13:03|% 76|+ 408|- 27]: release test-http-request-end
[13:03|% 76|+ 409|- 27]: release test-fs-readfile-empty
[13:03|% 76|+ 410|- 27]: release test-http-status-code
[13:03|% 76|+ 411|- 27]: release test-sendfd
=== release test-sendfd ===
Path: simple/test-sendfd
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
TypeError: Object #<Socket> has no method 'open'
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-sendfd.js:104:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object..js (module.js:443:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:31)
at Function._load (module.js:303:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:463:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-sendfd.js
[13:03|% 76|+ 411|- 28]: release test-fs-write-file-buffer
[13:03|% 76|+ 412|- 28]: release test-event-emitter-remove-all-listeners
[13:03|% 77|+ 413|- 28]: release test-next-tick-ordering
[13:03|% 77|+ 414|- 28]: release test-require-exceptions
[13:03|% 77|+ 415|- 28]: release test-script-static-context
[13:03|% 77|+ 416|- 28]: release test-script-static-this
[13:04|% 77|+ 417|- 28]: release test-net-server-max-connections
=== release test-net-server-max-connections ===
Path: simple/test-net-server-max-connections
server.maxConnections = 100
connect 0
connect 1
connect 2
connect 3
connect 4
connect 5
connect 6
connect 7
connect 8
connect 9
connect 10
connect 11
connect 12
connect 13
connect 14
connect 15
connect 16
connect 17
connect 18
connect 19
connect 20
connect 21
connect 22
connect 23
connect 24
connect 25
connect 26
connect 27
connect 28
connect 29
connect 30
connect 31
connect 32
connect 33
connect 34
connect 35
connect 36
connect 37
connect 38
connect 39
connect 40
connect 41
connect 42
connect 43
connect 44
connect 45
connect 46
connect 47
connect 48
connect 49
connect 50
connect 51
connect 52
connect 53
connect 54
connect 55
connect 56
connect 57
connect 58
connect 59
connect 60
connect 61
connect 62
connect 63
connect 64
connect 65
connect 66
connect 67
connect 68
connect 69
connect 70
connect 71
connect 72
connect 73
connect 74
connect 75
connect 76
connect 77
connect 78
connect 79
connect 80
connect 81
connect 82
connect 83
connect 84
connect 85
connect 86
connect 87
connect 88
connect 89
connect 90
connect 91
connect 92
connect 93
connect 94
connect 95
connect 96
connect 97
connect 98
connect 99
closed 106
closed 105
closed 104
closed 100
closed 103
closed 99
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
AssertionError: 99 was one of the first closed connections but shouldnt have been
at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-net-server-max-connections.js:76:16)
at Socket.emit (events.js:67:17)
at Array.<anonymous> (net_uv.js:275:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-net-server-max-connections.js
[13:04|% 77|+ 417|- 29]: release test-https-eof-for-eom
[13:04|% 78|+ 418|- 29]: release test-child-process-kill
[13:04|% 78|+ 419|- 29]: release test-module-loading
[13:04|% 78|+ 420|- 29]: release test-tcp-wrap
[13:04|% 78|+ 421|- 29]: release test-event-emitter-modify-in-emit
[13:04|% 78|+ 422|- 29]: release test-http-proxy
[13:05|% 79|+ 423|- 29]: release test-error-reporting
[13:05|% 79|+ 424|- 29]: release test-http-304
[13:05|% 79|+ 425|- 29]: release test-console-not-call-toString
[13:05|% 79|+ 426|- 29]: release test-exception-handler
[13:05|% 79|+ 427|- 29]: release test-eio-race4
[13:05|% 79|+ 428|- 29]: release test-os
[13:05|% 80|+ 429|- 29]: release test-http-header-read
[13:05|% 80|+ 430|- 29]: release test-stdin-from-file
[13:06|% 80|+ 431|- 29]: release test-umask
[13:06|% 80|+ 432|- 29]: release test-regress-GH-746
[13:06|% 80|+ 433|- 29]: release test-fs-write-stream
[13:06|% 80|+ 434|- 29]: release test-http-exceptions
[13:06|% 81|+ 435|- 29]: release test-readdir
[13:06|% 81|+ 436|- 29]: release test-regress-GH-819
[13:06|% 81|+ 437|- 29]: release test-net-server-try-ports
[13:06|% 81|+ 438|- 29]: release test-event-emitter-add-listeners
[13:07|% 81|+ 439|- 29]: release test-repl
[13:07|% 81|+ 440|- 29]: release test-tls-ext-key-usage
[13:07|% 82|+ 441|- 29]: release test-fs-read-file-sync
[13:07|% 82|+ 442|- 29]: release test-http-write-empty-string
[13:07|% 82|+ 443|- 29]: release test-crypto
[13:07|% 82|+ 444|- 29]: release test-timers-linked-list
[13:07|% 82|+ 445|- 29]: release test-net-pingpong
[13:09|% 83|+ 446|- 29]: release test-http-buffer-sanity
[13:09|% 83|+ 447|- 29]: release test-tls-sni-server-client
[13:09|% 83|+ 448|- 29]: release test-event-emitter-check-listener-leaks
[13:09|% 83|+ 449|- 29]: release test-net-stream
[13:09|% 83|+ 450|- 29]: release test-require-resolve
[13:09|% 83|+ 451|- 29]: release test-next-tick-starvation
[13:09|% 84|+ 452|- 29]: release test-net-can-reset-timeout
[13:10|% 84|+ 453|- 29]: release test-fs-error-messages
[13:10|% 84|+ 454|- 29]: release test-debugger-client
[13:11|% 84|+ 455|- 29]: release test-executable-path
[13:11|% 84|+ 456|- 29]: release test-fs-write
[13:11|% 84|+ 457|- 29]: release test-child-process-custom-fds
=== release test-child-process-custom-fds ===
Path: simple/test-child-process-custom-fds
Test 1...
throw new Error("customFds not yet supported");
Error: customFds not yet supported
at setStreamOption (child_process_uv.js:275:13)
at ChildProcess.spawn (child_process_uv.js:287:3)
at child_process_uv.js:210:9
at Object.oncomplete (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-child-process-custom-fds.js:47:17)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-child-process-custom-fds.js
[13:11|% 85|+ 457|- 30]: release test-mkdir-rmdir
[13:11|% 85|+ 458|- 30]: release test-child-process-channel
=== release test-child-process-channel ===
Path: simple/test-child-process-channel
fds undefined
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-child-process-channel.js:14:20)
at Module._compile (module.js:425:26)
at Object..js (module.js:443:10)
at Module.load (module.js:344:31)
at Function._load (module.js:303:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:463:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:200:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/simple/test-child-process-channel.js
[13:12|% 85|+ 458|- 31]: release test-http-keep-alive
[13:12|% 85|+ 459|- 31]: release test-http-default-encoding
[13:12|% 85|+ 460|- 31]: release test-http-client-upload
[13:12|% 86|+ 461|- 31]: release test-child-process-exit-code
[13:12|% 86|+ 462|- 31]: release test-fs-read-file-sync-hostname
[13:12|% 86|+ 463|- 31]: release test-pipe
[13:13|% 86|+ 464|- 31]: release test-signal-handler
[13:13|% 86|+ 465|- 31]: release test-net-keepalive
[13:14|% 86|+ 466|- 31]: release test-file-write-stream2
[13:14|% 87|+ 467|- 31]: release test-http-1.0
[13:15|% 87|+ 468|- 31]: release test-http-upgrade-client2
[13:15|% 87|+ 469|- 31]: release test-http-abort-client
[13:15|% 87|+ 470|- 31]: release test-readfloat
[13:15|% 87|+ 471|- 31]: release test-event-emitter-remove-listeners
[13:15|% 87|+ 472|- 31]: release test-https-connecting-to-http
[13:15|% 88|+ 473|- 31]: release test-regress-GH-784
[13:15|% 88|+ 474|- 31]: release test-fs-chmod
[13:15|% 88|+ 475|- 31]: release test-https-simple
[13:15|% 88|+ 476|- 31]: release test-sys
[13:15|% 88|+ 477|- 31]: release test-http-response-readable
[13:16|% 88|+ 478|- 31]: release test-pipe-head
[13:16|% 89|+ 479|- 31]: release test-fs-read
[13:16|% 89|+ 480|- 31]: release test-file-write-stream3
[13:16|% 89|+ 481|- 31]: release test-cli-eval
[13:16|% 89|+ 482|- 31]: release test-http-get-pipeline-problem
[13:17|% 89|+ 483|- 31]: debug test-net-many-clients
[13:22|% 90|+ 484|- 31]: debug test-timers
=== debug test-timers ===
Path: pummel/test-timers
diff: 447
throw new assert.AssertionError({
AssertionError: true == false
at Timer.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/pummel/test-timers.js:61:10)
at Timer.ontimeout (timers_uv.js:208:14)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/pummel/test-timers.js
[13:24|% 90|+ 484|- 32]: debug test-http-upload-timeout
[13:27|% 90|+ 485|- 32]: debug test-keep-alive
=== debug test-keep-alive ===
Path: pummel/test-keep-alive
node: src/uv-common.c:92: uv_err_name: Assertion `0' failed.
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/pummel/test-keep-alive.js
[13:30|% 90|+ 485|- 33]: debug test-net-timeout
[13:35|% 90|+ 486|- 33]: debug test-vm-memleak
[13:41|% 90|+ 487|- 33]: debug test-watch-file
=== debug test-watch-file ===
Path: pummel/test-watch-file
watching for changes of /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/fixtures/x.txt
/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/fixtures/x.txt change
stat.addListener('change', listener);
TypeError: Cannot call method 'addListener' of undefined
at Object.watchFile (fs.js:651:8)
at watchFile (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/pummel/test-watch-file.js:38:6)
at StatWatcher.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/pummel/test-watch-file.js:43:5)
at StatWatcher.emit (events.js:70:17)
at StatWatcher.onchange (fs.js:599:10)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/pummel/test-watch-file.js
[13:42|% 91|+ 487|- 34]: debug test-net-pause
[13:46|% 91|+ 488|- 34]: debug test-tls-throttle
[14:03|% 91|+ 489|- 34]: debug test-regress-GH-814_2
[14:13|% 91|+ 490|- 34]: debug test-regress-GH-814
[14:22|% 91|+ 491|- 34]: debug test-https-large-response
[14:38|% 91|+ 492|- 34]: debug test-next-tick-loops-quick
[14:41|% 92|+ 493|- 34]: debug test-net-throttle
[14:43|% 92|+ 494|- 34]: debug test-net-pingpong-delay
[14:45|% 92|+ 495|- 34]: debug test-process-uptime
[14:47|% 92|+ 496|- 34]: debug test-exec
[14:51|% 92|+ 497|- 34]: debug test-child-process-spawn-loop
[14:58|% 93|+ 498|- 34]: debug test-timer-wrap2
[14:59|% 93|+ 499|- 34]: debug test-net-pingpong
[15:08|% 93|+ 500|- 34]: debug test-timer-wrap
[15:09|% 93|+ 501|- 34]: debug test-http-client-reconnect-bug
[15:11|% 93|+ 502|- 34]: release test-net-many-clients
[15:11|% 93|+ 503|- 34]: release test-timers
[15:15|% 94|+ 504|- 34]: release test-http-upload-timeout
[15:18|% 94|+ 505|- 34]: release test-keep-alive
[15:22|% 94|+ 506|- 34]: release test-net-timeout
[15:26|% 94|+ 507|- 34]: release test-vm-memleak
[15:31|% 94|+ 508|- 34]: release test-watch-file
=== release test-watch-file ===
Path: pummel/test-watch-file
watching for changes of /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/fixtures/x.txt
/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/fixtures/x.txt change
stat.addListener('change', listener);
TypeError: Cannot call method 'addListener' of undefined
at Object.watchFile (fs.js:651:8)
at watchFile (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/pummel/test-watch-file.js:38:6)
at StatWatcher.<anonymous> (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/pummel/test-watch-file.js:43:5)
at StatWatcher.emit (events.js:70:17)
at StatWatcher.onchange (fs.js:599:10)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/pummel/test-watch-file.js
[15:31|% 94|+ 508|- 35]: release test-net-pause
[15:35|% 95|+ 509|- 35]: release test-tls-throttle
[15:46|% 95|+ 510|- 35]: release test-regress-GH-814_2
[16:04|% 95|+ 511|- 35]: release test-regress-GH-814
[16:12|% 95|+ 512|- 35]: release test-https-large-response
[16:23|% 95|+ 513|- 35]: release test-next-tick-loops-quick
[16:25|% 95|+ 514|- 35]: release test-net-throttle
[16:26|% 96|+ 515|- 35]: release test-net-pingpong-delay
[16:28|% 96|+ 516|- 35]: release test-process-uptime
[16:30|% 96|+ 517|- 35]: release test-exec
=== release test-exec ===
Path: pummel/test-exec
kill pid 31735
throw new assert.AssertionError({
AssertionError: false == true
at killMeTwiceCallback (/home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/pummel/test-exec.js:95:10)
at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process_uv.js:153:7)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:70:17)
at maybeExit (child_process_uv.js:227:16)
at Process.onexit (child_process_uv.js:262:5)
Command: out/Release/node /home/bnoordhuis/src/nodejs/node-v0.5.7/test/pummel/test-exec.js
[16:31|% 96|+ 517|- 36]: release test-child-process-spawn-loop
[16:32|% 96|+ 518|- 36]: release test-timer-wrap2
[16:32|% 97|+ 519|- 36]: release test-net-pingpong
[16:33|% 97|+ 520|- 36]: release test-timer-wrap
[16:34|% 97|+ 521|- 36]: release test-http-client-reconnect-bug
[16:35|% 97|+ 522|- 36]: debug throw_custom_error
[16:36|% 97|+ 523|- 36]: debug hello_world
[16:36|% 97|+ 524|- 36]: debug undefined_reference_in_new_context
[16:38|% 98|+ 525|- 36]: debug 2100bytes
[16:38|% 98|+ 526|- 36]: debug throw_non_error
[16:39|% 98|+ 527|- 36]: debug stack_overflow
[16:40|% 98|+ 528|- 36]: release throw_custom_error
[16:40|% 98|+ 529|- 36]: release hello_world
[16:40|% 98|+ 530|- 36]: release undefined_reference_in_new_context
[16:40|% 99|+ 531|- 36]: release 2100bytes
[16:40|% 99|+ 532|- 36]: release throw_non_error
[16:40|% 99|+ 533|- 36]: release stack_overflow
[16:41|% 99|+ 534|- 36]: debug test-dns
[16:43|% 99|+ 535|- 36]: release test-dns
[16:44|% 100|+ 536|- 36]: Done
make: *** [test-all] Error 1
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