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Last active December 19, 2015 10:29
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  • Save cdcabrera/d3e33c7d8a72cf6a71bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cdcabrera/d3e33c7d8a72cf6a71bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Created this back in 2008 or 09. Originally was an experiment in trying to pull RSS/XML feeds cross server in a Microsoft environment utilizing a repeater control. It turned out to be way more useful than ever expected. One of the reasons, it's so simple it's just robust. That and wrapping it in a try/catch didn't hurt =).
* 1. furl = Url/Path, the url/path of your feed
* 2. xpathexp = XPath, Xpath Expression that defaults to pull the first set of nodes, use this to control entries, which ones and how many
* 3. sortby = Sort by, Another XPath Expression tell pointing OrderBy at a particular attribute or node value
* 4. orderby = Order by, Can be "Ascending" or "Descending", defaults to "Ascending"
* 5. sortas = Sort as, Can be "Text" or "Number", defaults to "Text"
* 6. namespcname = Namespace Name, If you have one... example "atom"
* 7. namespcurl = Namespace Url, If you have one... example ""
public void XMLFeed(Repeater cobj, string furl, string xpathexp, string sortby, string orderby, string sortas, string namespcname, string namespcurl)
if (xpathexp == "")
xpathexp = "//*[count(ancestor::*) = 1]";
System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument xdoc = new System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument(furl);
System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator xnav = xdoc.CreateNavigator();
System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression xexp = xnav.Compile(xpathexp);
System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager xmgn = new System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager(xnav.NameTable);
if (namespcname != "" && namespcurl != "")
xmgn.AddNamespace(namespcname, namespcurl);
if (sortby != "")
System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression xsort = xnav.Compile(sortby);
System.Xml.XPath.XmlSortOrder xorder = System.Xml.XPath.XmlSortOrder.Ascending;
if (System.String.Compare(orderby, "Ascending", true) == 0)
xorder = System.Xml.XPath.XmlSortOrder.Ascending;
else if (System.String.Compare(orderby, "Descending", true) == 0)
xorder = System.Xml.XPath.XmlSortOrder.Descending;
System.Xml.XPath.XmlDataType xsortas = System.Xml.XPath.XmlDataType.Text;
if (System.String.Compare(sortas, "Text", true) == 0)
xsortas = System.Xml.XPath.XmlDataType.Text;
else if (System.String.Compare(sortas, "Number", true) == 0)
xsortas = System.Xml.XPath.XmlDataType.Number;
xexp.AddSort(xsort, xorder, System.Xml.XPath.XmlCaseOrder.None, String.Empty, xsortas);
System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator xni = xnav.Select(xexp);
cobj.DataSource = xni;
cobj.EnableViewState = false;
catch (Exception e)
cobj.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<!--" + e + "-->"));
/* Generic XMLFeed */
Had to update the bit of oldskool recently, added a date comparison. This thing won't quit,
oh and framework 2 limitations, ughhh. I suppose I could have placed some overload methods in there... that's your job =)
* 1. furl = Url/Path, the url/path of your feed
* 2. xpathexp = XPath, Xpath Expression that defaults to pull the first set of nodes, use this to control entries, which ones and how many
* 3. sortby = Sort by, Another XPath Expression tell pointing OrderBy at a particular attribute or node value
* 4. orderby = Order by, Can be "Ascending" or "Descending", defaults to "Ascending"
* 5. sortas = Sort as, Can be "Text" or "Number", defaults to "Text"
* 6. namespcname = Namespace Name, If you have one... example "atom"
* 7. namespcurl = Namespace Url, If you have one... example ""
namespace AWESOME
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
public class AWESOMECLASS
public void RepeaterFeed(Repeater ControlObj,
string furl,
string xpathexp,
string sortby,
string orderby,
string sortas,
string namespcname,
string namespcurl)
if (xpathexp == "")
xpathexp = "//*[count(ancestor::*) = 1]";
XPathDocument xdoc = new XPathDocument(furl);
XPathNavigator xnav = xdoc.CreateNavigator();
XPathExpression xexp = xnav.Compile(xpathexp);
XmlNamespaceManager xmgn = new XmlNamespaceManager(xnav.NameTable);
if (namespcname != "" && namespcurl != "")
xmgn.AddNamespace(namespcname, namespcurl);
if (sortby != "")
XPathExpression xsort = xnav.Compile(sortby);
if(System.String.Compare(sortas, "Date", true) == 0)
if (System.String.Compare(orderby, "Descending", true) == 0)
xexp.AddSort(xsort, new DateTimeComparerAscending());
xexp.AddSort(xsort, new DateTimeComparerDescending());
XmlSortOrder xorder = XmlSortOrder.Ascending;
if (System.String.Compare(orderby, "Descending", true) == 0)
xorder = XmlSortOrder.Descending;
XmlDataType xsortas = XmlDataType.Text;
if (System.String.Compare(sortas, "Number", true) == 0)
xsortas = XmlDataType.Number;
xexp.AddSort(xsort, xorder, XmlCaseOrder.None, String.Empty, xsortas);
XPathNodeIterator xni = xnav.Select(xexp);
ControlObj.DataSource = xni;
ControlObj.EnableViewState = false;
catch (Exception e)
ControlObj.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<!--" + e + "-->"));
protected class DateTimeComparerAscending : IComparer
public int Compare(object x, object y)
DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Parse(x.ToString());
DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Parse(y.ToString());
return dt2.CompareTo(dt1);
protected class DateTimeComparerDescending : IComparer
public int Compare(object x, object y)
DateTime dt1 = DateTime.Parse(x.ToString());
DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Parse(y.ToString());
return dt1.CompareTo(dt2);
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