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Last active January 4, 2016 12:49
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Custom Application Programming Interface, make your own.
* referenced
* referenced jQuery 2005, 2012 jQuery Foundation, Inc. |
//-- make your own api
(function(window, undefined){
var _api = 'yourapinamehere', _int, _prototype, _extension;
//-- prototype methods (applied context)
_prototype =
//-- apply context
go : function(selector, context)
this.context = (context||window.document);
if( "" + selector === selector )
this.selector = selector;
[].push.apply(this, [], 0));
else if( selector.nodeType )
[], selector);
else if( _int.type(selector) == 'htmlcollection' || _int.type(selector) =='nodelist' )
[].push.apply(this, [], 0));
else if( /^f/.test(typeof selector) )
return this;
ready: function( callback )
return /^f/.test(typeof callback) ? /c/.test(document.readyState) ? setTimeout(callback) : document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback, false) : this.go(callback);
//-- add your own contextual methods...
helloWorld : function( value )
//-- extended methods (no context)
_extension =
type: function(obj)
return (obj.__array__ ||\s([a-z|A-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase());
//-- add your own methods
helloWorldNoContext : function( value )
//-- custom initilizer
_int = (function( api, prot, ext, intl )
if(typeof api != 'string'){return null;}
var o = function(){}, m;
window[api] = m = function(a,b){ return (new o()).__intialize__(a,b); };
m.extend = function(){return(function __a(x){var b=x.shift(),w='strict',q='undefined',r='deep',t='';if(typeof b==='string'||typeof b==='boolean'){t=(b===true)?r:b;b=x.shift();if(t=='defaults'){b=__a([{},b]);t=w}}for(var i=0,c=x.length;i<c;i++){var y=x[i];for(var z in y){if(t==r&&typeof y[z]==='object'&&typeof b[z]!==q){__a([t,b[z],y[z]])}else if(t!=w||(t==w&&typeof b[z]!==q)){b[z]=y[z]}}}return b})(};
m.prototype = o.prototype = m.extend({__array__:true, __intialize__:(intl||function(){}), length:0, selector:null, context:null, splice:[].splice}, (prot||{}));
return m;
})( _api, _prototype, _extension, _prototype.go );
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>JS.Custom Application Programming Interface</title>
<!-- Begin Body - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<h1>JS.Custom Application Programming Interface</h1>
<p id="testing">
This bit of JavaScript lets you implement your own custom api. Make your own...
<!-- End Body - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
<script src="customAPI.js"></script>
(function(window, undefined){
yourapinamehere(document.getElementById('testing')).helloWorld('context, wooot!!!');
yourapinamehere.helloWorldNoContext('no context, yeahhh!!!');
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