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Created August 15, 2016 02:34
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SQLite implementation of a hitchhicker-tree backend
(ns hitchhiker.sqlite
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[clojure.string :as str]
[hitchhiker.tree.core :as core]
[hitchhiker.tree.messaging :as msg]
[clojure.core.cache :as cache]
[taoensso.nippy :as nippy])
(:import [java.sql SQLException]))
(def hh-key-table
(jdbc/create-table-ddl :hh-key
[[:k :string]
[:v :blob]]
{:entities hyphenate}))
(def hh-ref-table
(jdbc/create-table-ddl :hh-ref
[[:parent :string "references hh_key(k) on delete cascade"]
[:child :string "references hh_key(k) on delete cascade"]]
{:entities hyphenate}))
(def hh-ref-by-parent
"create index if not exists hh_ref_by_parent on hh_ref (parent);")
(def hh-ref-by-child
"create index if not exists hh_ref_by_child on hh_ref (child);")
(defn hyphenate [x]
(str/replace (str x) "-" "_"))
(defn db-spec [subname]
{:classname "org.sqlite.JDBC"
:subprotocol "sqlite"
:subname subname})
(defn add-node [db {:keys [k v] :as node}]
(jdbc/insert! db :hh-key {:k k :v (nippy/freeze v)} {:entities hyphenate})
(catch SQLException e
(throw (ex-info "failed to add node"
{:node node
:db db} e)))))
(defn delete-key [db k]
(jdbc/delete! :hh-key ["k = ?" k]))
(defn add-refs [db {:keys [parent children]}]
(let [mk-ref (fn [child]
[parent child])]
(jdbc/insert-multi! db :hh-ref (for [child children]
{:parent parent
:child child})
{:entities hyphenate})))
(defn synthesize-storage-addr
"Given a key, returns a promise containing that key for use as a storage-addr"
(doto (promise)
(deliver key)))
(def ^:dynamic *db*)
(let [cache (-> {}
(cache/lru-cache-factory :threshold 10000)
(defn seed-cache! [sqlite-key val]
(swap! cache cache/miss sqlite-key val))
(defn io-fetch [sqlite-key]
(let [run (delay
(-> (jdbc/query *db* ["select * from hh_key where k=?" sqlite-key])
cs (swap! cache (fn [c]
(if (cache/has? c sqlite-key)
(cache/hit c sqlite-key)
(cache/miss c sqlite-key run))))
val (cache/lookup cs sqlite-key)]
(if val @val @run))))
(defrecord SQLiteAddr [last-key sqlite-key storage-addr]
(dirty? [_] false)
(last-key [_] last-key)
(resolve [_] (-> (io-fetch sqlite-key)
(assoc :storage-addr (synthesize-storage-addr sqlite-key)))))
(defn sqlite-addr
[last-key sqlite-key]
(->SQLiteAddr last-key sqlite-key
(synthesize-storage-addr sqlite-key)))
(nippy/extend-thaw :b-tree/sqlite-addr
(let [last-key (nippy/thaw-from-in! data-input)
sqlite-key (nippy/thaw-from-in! data-input)]
(sqlite-addr last-key sqlite-key)))
(nippy/extend-freeze SQLiteAddr :b-tree/sqlite-addr
[{:keys [last-key sqlite-key]} data-output]
(nippy/freeze-to-out! data-output last-key)
(nippy/freeze-to-out! data-output sqlite-key))
(nippy/extend-thaw :b-tree/sqlite-addr
(let [last-key (nippy/thaw-from-in! data-input)
redis-key (nippy/thaw-from-in! data-input)]
(sqlite-addr last-key redis-key)))
(defrecord SQLiteBackend [db]
(new-session [_] (atom {:writes 0
:deletes 0}))
(anchor-root [_ {:keys [sqlite-key] :as node}]
;; TODO: figure out how redis gc relates to SQL
(write-node [_ node session]
(swap! session update-in [:writes] inc)
(let [key (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))
addr (sqlite-addr (core/last-key node) key)]
(when (some #(not (satisfies? msg/IOperation %)) (:op-buf node))
(println (str "Found a broken node, has " (count (:op-buf node)) " ops"))
(println (str "The node data is " node))
(println (str "and " (:op-buf node))))
(jdbc/with-db-transaction [tx db]
(binding [*db* tx]
(add-node db {:k key, :v node})
(when (core/index-node? node)
(add-refs db {:parent key
:children (for [child (:children node)
:let [child-key @(:storage-addr child)]]
(seed-cache! key (doto (promise)
(deliver node)))
(delete-addr [_ addr session]
(delete-key db addr)
(swap! session update-in :deletes inc)))
(defn get-root-key
(-> tree :storage-addr (deref 10 nil)))
(defn create-tree-from-root-key
[db root-key]
(let [last-key (core/last-key
(-> (jdbc/find-by-keys db :hh-key {:k root-key}
{:entities hyphenate})
(->SQLiteAddr last-key root-key (synthesize-storage-addr root-key)))))
(defn table-exists? [db table]
(not-empty (jdbc/query db ["select 1 FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?"
(hyphenate table)])))
(defn index-exists? [db idx]
(not-empty (jdbc/query db ["select 1 from sqlite_master where type='index' and name=? "
(hyphenate idx)])))
(defn setup [db]
(doseq [tbl (->> '(hh-table hh-key-table hh-ref-table)
(map (fn [tbl]
{:tbl (name tbl)
:ddl (eval tbl)})))]
(when-not (table-exists? db (:tbl tbl))
(jdbc/execute! db (:ddl tbl))
(catch SQLException e
(println (format "[warn] %s" (.getMessage e)))))))
(doseq [idx (->> '(hh-ref-by-parent hh-ref-by-child)
(map (fn [idx]
{:idx (name idx)
:ddl (eval idx)})))]
(when-not (index-exists? db (:idx idx))
(jdbc/execute! db (:ddl idx))
(catch SQLException e
(println (format "[warn] %s" (.getMessage e))))))))
(defn insert [t v]
(msg/insert t v v))
(jdbc/with-db-connection [conn (assoc db :subname "yolo.sqlite") ]
(setup conn)
(def my-tree
(let [b-tree (core/b-tree (core/->Config 17 300 (- 300 17)))]
(reduce insert b-tree (range 50000))
(->SQLiteBackend conn)))))
(jdbc/with-db-connection [db (db-spec "yolo.sqlite")]
(-> (jdbc/find-by-keys db :hh-key {:k "c6afddfe-f641-49f9-8789-4493ffa41c1c"}
{:entities hyphenate})
(jdbc/with-db-connection [conn (assoc db :subname "yolo.sqlite")]
(-> (create-tree-from-root-key conn @(:storage-addr (:tree my-tree)))
(msg/lookup-fwd-iter 1)
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