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Created December 10, 2018 23:10
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(ns cddr.avro2ddl
[clojure.string :as string]
[ :as io]
[ :as json])
(def home (System/getProperty "user.home"))
(def loan (-> (format "%s/Projects/avro-schemas/schemas/loan-3.json"
(defn optional?
(and (vector? t)
(= "null" (first t))))
(defn enum?
(and (map? t)
(= "enum" (get t "type"))))
(def type-map
{"string" "text"
"double" "double precision"
"long" "integer"
"int" "integer"})
(defn supported?
(contains? #{"string" "long" "int"} t))
(defn column-for
[{:strs [name type default]}]
(type-map type) {:name name
:type (get type-map type)}
(optional? type) {:name name
:type (second type)
:nullable? true
:default default}
(enum? type) {:name name
:type "text"}))
(defn table-for
[{:strs [type name fields]}]
{:name name
:columns (map column-for fields)})
(defn format-column
(print " ")
(pr (:name column))
(print (format " %s" (:type column)))
(when-not (:nullable? column)
(print " not null"))
(when-let [default (:default column)]
(print (format " default %s" default)))))
(defn format-table
(format "
create table %s (
(:name table)
(string/join ",\n" (map format-column (:columns table)))))
(-> (table-for loan)
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