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Christopher Duarte cdduarte

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import java.util.Scanner; // allows use of Scanner class in java.util package
public class Copy
public static void main( String[] args )
Scanner sysIn = new Scanner(;
String s;
while ( sysIn.hasNextLine() ) {
import java.util.Scanner; // allows use of Scanner class in java.util package
public class TestDBL
public static void main( String[] args )
Scanner sysIn = new Scanner(;
double x;
System.out.print( "Enter an floating point number: " );
* Multi-threaded program to compute the product of two compatible matrices
* Reads in (and neatly print out) two matrices from a file
* Uses separate threads for computing each row of the product matrix
* Prints out product matrix
* @author Christopher Duarte
* @course cis551
* @assignment homework 9
* Driver - Uses stack to parse simplified XML files. By "simplified",
* we mean that:
* 1. all tags may appear anywhere, as long as they are properly nested
* 2. tags do not include attributes
* 3. multiple lines of data for a given element are OK
* @author christopherduarte
* MyTreeMap<K,V> - Simple binary tree implementation.
* @author christopherduarte
* @course cis551
* @assignment HW7
* @param <K,V>
* Driver - Driver for implementation of generic Hash Table class,
* similar to Java HashMap<K,V> class.
* @author christopherduarte
* @reference professor robertirwin
* CIS551
* Lab16
* MyHashTable - implementation of generic Hash Table class,
* similar to Java HashMap<K,V> class.
* @author christopherduarte
* @reference robertirwin
* CIS551
* Lab16
* Driver - for Queue<E> generic class.
* @author christopher duarte
* @author robert irwin
* @course cis551
* @assignment homework5
* @param <E>
* Queue<E> - circular array implementation of generic Queue<E> class;
* max #elements storeable is 1 less than the size of array,
* so we can distinguish between full and empty conditions.
* @author christopherduarte
* @reference robertirwin
* @course cis551
* @assignment Lab15
* Driver - for Java generic MyLinkedList<E> class
* @author christopher duarte
* @course cis551
* @assignment HW6
* @param <E>