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Created June 14, 2018 14:20
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$ aladin -hipsgen -help
Usage: java -jar Aladin.jar -hipsgen in=file|dir [otherParams ... ACTIONs ...]
java -jar Aladin.jar -hipsgen -param=configfile
The config file must contain these following options, or use them
directly on the comand line :
Required parameter:
in=dir Source image directory (FITS or JPEG|PNG +hhh or HiPS),
unique image or HEALPix map file
Basic optional parameters:
out=dir HiPS target directory (default $PWD+"HiPS")
obs_title=name Name of the survey (by default, input directory name)
creator_did=id HiPS identifier (syntax: [ivo://]AUTHORITY/internalID)
hips_creator=name Name of the person|institute who builds the HiPS
hips_status=xx HiPS status (private|public clonable|clonableOnce|unclonable)
(default: public clonableOnce)
hdu=n1,n2-n3,...|all List of HDU numbers (0 is the primary HDU - default is 0)
blank=nn Specifical BLANK value
skyval=key|auto|%info|%min %max Fits key to use for removing a sky background, or auto detection
or percents of pixel histogram kept (central ex 99, or min max ex 0.3 99.7)
color=jpeg|png The source images are colored images (jpg or png) and the tiles will be
produced in jpeg (resp. png)
shape=... Shape of the observations (ellipse|rectangle)
border=... Margins (in pixels) to ignore in the original observations (N W S E or
fov=true|x1,y1.. Observed regions by files.fov or global polygon (in FITS convention).
pilot=nnn Pilot test limited to the nnn first original images.
verbose=n Debug information from -1 (nothing) to 4 (a lot)
-live incremental HiPS (keep weight associated to each HiPS pixel)
-f clear previous computations
-n Just print process information, but do not execute it.
Advanced optional parameters:
hips_order=nn Specifical HEALPix order - by default, adapted to the original resolution
hips_pixel_bitpix=nn Specifical target bitpix (-64|-32|8|16|32|64)
hips_pixel_cut=min max Specifical pixel cut and/or transfert function for PNG/JPEG 8 bits
conversion - ex: "120 140 log")
hips_data_range=min max Specifical pixel value range (required for bitpix
conversion, or for removing bad pixels - ex: "-5 110")
pixelGood=min [max] Range of pixel values kept
img=file Specifical reference image for default initializations
mode=xx Coadd mode when restart: pixel level(OVERWRITE|KEEP|ADD|AVERAGE)
or tile level (REPLACETILE|KEEPTILE) - (default OVERWRITE)
Or LINK|COPY for CUBE action (default COPY)
fading=true|false False to avoid fading effect on overlapping original images
(default is false)
mixing=true|false False to avoid mixing (and fading) effect on overlapping original images
(default is true)
partitioning=true|false|nnn True for cutting large original images in blocks of nnn x nnn
(default is true, nnn=512 )
region=moc Specifical HEALPix region to compute (ex: 3/34-38 50 53)
or Moc.fits file (all sky by default)
maxRatio=nn Max height/width pixel ratio tolerated for original obs
(default 2, 0 for removing the test)
fitskeys=list Fits key list (blank separator) designing metadata FITS keyword value
to memorized in the HiPS index
hips_min_order=nn Specifical HEALPix min order (only for DETAILS action)
method=m Method (MEDIAN|MEAN|FIRST) (default MEDIAN) for aggregating colored
compressed tiles (JPEG|PNG)
hip_frame Target coordinate frame (equatorial|galactic)
hips_tile_width=nn Specifical tile width (pow of 2) - default 512
mocOrder=nn Specifical HEALPix MOC order (only for MOC action) - by default
auto-adapted to the HiPS
nside=nn HEALPix map NSIDE (only for MAP action) - by default 2048
exptime=key Fits key to use for adjusting variation of exposition
cache=dir Directory name for an alternative cache disk location
cacheSize=nn Alternative cache disk size limit (in MB - default 1024
cacheRemoveOnExit=true|false Remove or not the cache disk at the end - default true
inRed HiPS red path component, possibly suffixed by cube index (ex: [1]) (RGB action)
inGreen HiPS green path component, possibly suffixed by cube index (ex: [1]) (RGB action)
inBlue HiPS blue path component, possibly suffixed by cube index (ex: [1]) (RGB action)
cmRed Colormap parameters for HiPS red component (min [mid] max [fct])
cmGreen Colormap parameters for HiPS green component (min [mid] max [fct])
cmBlue Colormap parameters for HiPS blue component (min [mid] max [fct])
filter=gauss Gaussian filter applied on the 3 input HiPS (RGB action)
tileTypes List of tile format to copy (MIRROR action)
maxThread=nn Max number of computing threads
target=ra +dec Default HiPS target (ICRS deg)
targetRadius=rad Default HiPS radius view (deg)
-notouch Do not touch the hips_release_date
-color Colorized console log messages
-nice Slow download for avoiding to overload remote http server (dedicated
to MIRROR action)
Specifical actions (by default: "INDEX TILES PNG GZIP DETAILS"):
INDEX Build index (in HpxFinder directory) + MOC index
TILES Build all true value pixel tiles (FITS) + Allsky.fits + MOC
JPEG Build all preview tiles (JPEG) + Allsky.jpg
PNG Build all preview tiles (PNG) + Allsky.png
RGB Build and RGB HiPS based on 2 or 3 other HiPS
MOC (Re)build the MOC (MultiOrder Coverage map)
ALLSKY (Re)build all Allsky files + index.html
TREE (Re)build HiPS tree structure from already existing tiles
MAPTILES Build all FITS tiles from a HEALPix Fits map
APPEND Append new images/cubes to an already existing HiPS
CONCAT Concatenate one HiPS to another HiPS
CUBE Create a HiPS cube based on a list of HiPS
CLEANFITS Delete all FITS tiles and Allsky.fits
DETAILS Adapt HiPS index for supporting the "detail table" facility
MAP Build an HEALPix map from the HiPS tiles
MIRROR Mirror a remote HiPS locally
UPDATE Upgrade HiPS metadata additionnal files to HiPS version 1.4
LINT Check HiPS IVOA 1.0 standard compatibility
Ex: java -jar Aladin.jar -hipsgen in=/MyImages => Do all the job.
java -jar Aladin.jar -hipsgen in=/MyImages hips_pixel_bitpix=16 hips_pixel_cut="-1 100 log"
The FITS tiles will be coded in short integers, the preview tiles
will map the physical values [-1..100] with a log function contrast in [0..255].
java -jar Aladin.jar -hipsgen in=/MyImages blank=0 border="100 50 100 50" mode=REPLACETILE
=> recompute tiles. The original pixels in the border or null will be ignored.
java -jar Aladin.jar -hipsgen in=HiPS out=HiPStarget CONCAT => Concatenate HiPS to HiPStarget
(c) Unistra/CNRS 2016 - Aladin.jar -hipsgen based on Aladin v10.076 from CDS
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