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Created September 27, 2014 20:48
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"""Simple analytical PWN evolution and spectral models.
- Plot total energy released by a pulsar via spindown
as a function of age.
See Equation (9) and Figure (2) from Mattana et al.
- Compute exponential cutoff broken power-law electron
spectrum resulting from a continuous injection for time T
with luminosity L and a power law with spectral index gamma
and cutoff E_cut into magnetic field B and photon field U_ph.
- Compute resulting synchrotron and inverse Compton spectra.
Hoppe: Stefan Hoppe's thesis (@todo: remove this, only use formulae from refereed papers!)
from numpy import exp, where
from scipy.integrate import quad
from mpmath import gammainc
NO_EMIN = 1e-10
NO_EMAX = 1e20
electron_rest_energy = 510.999e3 # eV
year_to_sec = 365. * 24 * 3600
sec_to_year = 1 / year_to_sec
eV_to_erg = 1.6022e-12
erg_to_eV = 1 / eV_to_erg
def L_to_F(L, d, eV_to_erg_power=1):
@param L: Luminosity
@param d: distance in kpc
@return: flux at distance d in units of L per cm^2"""
d_cm = 3.08568025e21 * d
return eV_to_erg ** eV_to_erg_power * L / (4 * pi * d_cm ** 2)
def B_energy_density(B):
"""@param B: magnetic field strength in uG
@return: energy density in eV cm^-3
@note The basic formula B ** 2 / (8 * pi) needs Gauss
as input unit and has erg m^3 as output"""
return erg_to_eV * (1e-6 * B) ** 2 / (8 * pi)
Doesn't give correct results and CombinedSyIC().cooling_time()
is simpler.
@todo Remove at some point.
class Cooling:
def __init__(self, B, U_ph=0.26):
"""Combined cooling energy from synchtrotron and
IC losses. Mattana Eq. (12).
@param B: magnetic field strength (uG)
@param U_ph: photon field energy density (eV cm^-3)"""
self.B = float(B)
self.U_B = B_energy_density(self.B)
self.U_ph = U_ph
self.U = self.U_B + self.U_ph
self.zeta = self.U_ph / self.U_B
self.factor = (1e7 * electron_rest_energy *
24.5 * 1e3 / (1 + self.zeta) /
(self.B / 10) ** 2)
def energy(self, T):
"""@param T: cooling time (yr)
@return: energy with cooling time T (eV)"""
return self.factor / T
def time(self, E):
"""@param E: energy (eV)
@return cooling time (yr)"""
return self.factor * E
class ECPL:
"""Representation of exponential cutoff power law
f(E) = norm * E ** -gamma * exp(-E / Ecut)
Used to compute the integral"""
def __init__(self, norm=1, gamma=2, Ecut=1, Eref=1):
self.norm = float(norm)
self.gamma = float(gamma)
self.Ecut = float(Ecut)
self.Eref = float(Eref)
def __call__(self, E, power=0):
return(E ** power * self.norm * (E / self.Eref) ** -self.gamma *
exp(-E / self.Ecut))
def indef_integral(self, E, power=0):
"""Computed with
Input (needs simple variable names):
int t^p n (t/r)^-g * e^(-t/a) dt
- a n t^p (t/r)^-g (t/a)^(g-p) gamma(p-g+1, t/a)
term1 = -self.Ecut * self.norm * E ** power
term2 = (E / self.Eref) ** -self.gamma
term3 = (E / self.Ecut) ** (self.gamma - power)
arg1 = power - self.gamma + 1
arg2 = E / self.Ecut
#print('E = %g, Ecut = %g' % (E, self.Ecut))
#print('arg1 = %g, arg2 = %g' % (arg1, arg2))
# @note scipy.special.gammainc is the regularized version
# and will not work for negative first arguments.
# We need mpmath.gammainc here!
term4 = gammainc(arg1, arg2)
#print('term1 = %g, term2 = %g, term3 = %g' %
# (term1, term2, term3))
return term1 * term2 * term3 * term4
def analytic_integral(self, Emin, Emax, power=0):
Imax = self.indef_integral(Emax, power)
Imin = self.indef_integral(Emin, power)
#print 'Imax = %g, Imin = %g' % (Imax, Imin)
return Imax - Imin
def numeric_integral(self, Emin, Emax, power):
"""This is numerically not very stable!"""
return quad(self.__call__, Emin, Emax, (power))[0]
def integral(self, Emin, Emax, power=0):
return self.analytic_integral(Emin, Emax, power)
def test_integral(self, Emin=0.1, Emax=10, power=0):
analytic = self.analytic_integral(Emin, Emax, power)
numeric = self.numeric_integral(Emin, Emax, power)
print('numeric = %g, analytic = %g, ratio = %g' %
(numeric, analytic, numeric / analytic))
class Model:
"""Exponential cutoff broken power law
@param norm: differential flux at Ebreak"""
def __init__(self, norm=1, gamma=2, gamma2=2,
Ebreak=1e12, Ecut=1e15):
self.norm = float(norm)
self.gamma = float(gamma)
self.gamma2 = float(gamma2)
self.Ebreak = float(Ebreak)
self.Ecut = float(Ecut)
def __call__(self, E, power=0):
term1 = E ** power * self.norm * exp(-E / self.Ecut)
term2 = where(E < self.Ebreak,
(E / self.Ebreak) ** (-self.gamma),
(E / self.Ebreak) ** (-self.gamma2))
return term1 * term2
def numeric_integral(self, Emin=NO_EMIN, Emax=NO_EMAX, power=0):
"""This is numerically not very stable!"""
return quad(self.__call__, Emin, Emax, (power))[0]
def analytic_integral(self, Emin=NO_EMIN, Emax=NO_EMAX, power=0):
"""ECPL integral computed analytically"""
# Make sure the ranges make sense
Esplit = self.Ebreak if Emin <= self.Ebreak <= Emax else Emin
#Eref = self.Ebreak
ecpl = ECPL(self.norm, self.gamma, self.Ecut, self.Ebreak)
term1 = ecpl.integral(Emin, Esplit, power)
ecpl.gamma = self.gamma2
term2 = ecpl.integral(Esplit, Emax, power)
#print('Emin = %g, Esplit = %g, Emax = %g' %
# (Emin, Esplit, Emax))
#print('term1 = %g, term2 = %g' % (term1, term2))
return term1 + term2
def integral(self, Emin=NO_EMIN, Emax=NO_EMAX, power=0):
return self.analytic_integral(Emin, Emax, power)
def set_total_energy(self, total_energy, Emin=NO_EMIN, Emax=NO_EMAX):
"""Set norm so that the total energy in the spectrum matches the given value."""
self.norm *= total_energy / self.total_energy(Emin, Emax)
def total_energy(self, Emin=NO_EMIN, Emax=NO_EMAX):
return self.integral(Emin, Emax, 1)
def __str__(self):
return ('norm = %g, gamma = %g, gamma2 = %g, Ebreak = %g, Ecut = %g' %
(self.norm, self.gamma, self.gamma2, self.Ebreak, self.Ecut))
def test_integral(self, Emin=0.1, Emax=10, power=0):
analytic = self.analytic_integral(Emin, Emax, power)
numeric = self.numeric_integral(Emin, Emax, power)
print('Emin = %g, Emax = %g, power = %g, numeric = %g, analytic = %g, ratio = %g' %
(Emin, Emax, power, numeric, analytic, numeric / analytic))
class ContinuousInjectionElectrons:
def __init__(self, L=1e37, T=1e4, U_ph=0.26, B=100,
gamma=2, Ecut=1e15, Emin=NO_EMIN, Emax=NO_EMAX):
@param L: source power in erg s^-1
@param T: age in years
@param U_ph: photon field energy density (eV cm^-3)
@param B: magnetic field strength (1e-6 Gauss)
self.L = float(L)
self.T = float(T)
self.U_ph = float(U_ph)
self.B = float(B)
self.gamma = float(gamma)
self.Ecut = float(Ecut)
self.Emin, self.Emax = float(Emin), float(Emax)
# The spectral index steepens by 1 through cooling
self.gamma2 = gamma + 1
self.U_B = B_energy_density(B)
#self.Ebreak = Cooling(self.B, self.U_ph).energy(self.T)
self.Ebreak = CombinedSyIC(self.B, self.U_ph).cooling_energy(self.T)
# Compute the total energy in the electrons
self.injected_energy = erg_to_eV * self.L * self.T * year_to_sec # in eV
def set_norm(self):
# Here is the procedure we use to compute the norm of the cooled spectrum.
# - an uncooled spectrum is created with arbitrary norm = 1.
# - then its norm is scaled such that its total energy matches the total injected energy
# - the same norm is taken for the cooled spectrum, since the norm is the flux
# at the break energy and there the cooled and uncooled spectra match
uncooled_spectrum = Model(1, self.gamma, self.gamma, self.Ebreak, self.Ecut)
uncooled_spectrum.set_total_energy(self.injected_energy, self.Emin, self.Emax)
norm = uncooled_spectrum.norm
uncooled_total_energy = uncooled_spectrum.integral(self.Emin, self.Emax, 1)
self.spectrum = Model(uncooled_spectrum.norm, self.gamma, self.gamma2, self.Ebreak, self.Ecut)
self.total_energy = self.spectrum.integral(self.Emin, self.Emax, 1)
self.remaining_fraction = self.total_energy / self.injected_energy
print('norm = %g, injected_energy = %g, uncooled_total_energy = %g, total_energy = %g, remaining_fraction = %g' %
(norm, self.injected_energy, uncooled_total_energy, self.total_energy, self.remaining_fraction))
def __call__(self, E, power=0):
return self.spectrum(E, power)
Electrons = ContinuousInjectionElectrons
class RadiationMechanism:
"""Common stuff for Synchrotron and InverseCompton
C1 and C2 are defined by the following relations and are
computed in the Synchrotron and InverseCompton constructors.
The electron spectrum F_e(E_e) = dN_e / dE_e is related
to the photon spectrum F(E) = dN / (dE dt) as follows:
(1) E = C1 E_e ^ 2 (this is the correspondence of electron and photon energies)
(2) dE_e / dt = C2 E_e ^ 2 (this is the energy loss rate of one electron)
C1 is in eV^-1
C2 is in eV^-1 s^-1
def compute_parameters(self, electron_spec):
gamma = self.index(electron_spec.gamma)
gamma2 = self.index(electron_spec.gamma2)
Ebreak =
Ecut =
# The norm is computed by first setting to 1 and then
# scaling to the desired flux
# This is needed because of the cutoff, so norm != flux
E = electron_spec.Ebreak
if 0:
"""Correct method, currently being debugged"""
self.spectrum = Model(1, gamma, gamma2, Ebreak, Ecut)
expected_flux = self.flux(E, electron_spec(E))
current_flux = self.spectrum(Ebreak)
self.spectrum.norm *= expected_flux / current_flux
norm = self.flux(E, electron_spec(E))
self.spectrum = Model(norm, gamma, gamma2, Ebreak, Ecut)
def energy(self, E_e):
"""Photon energy corresponding to given electron energy"""
return self.C1 * E_e ** 2
def flux(self, E_e, F_e):
"""Photon spectrum flux at energy(E_e) for a given F_e(E_e).
Here is the derivation of this formula:
Take the derivative of (1): dE = 2 C1 E_e dE_e
Set the energy lost by electrons equal to the energy
gained by photons in a time bin dt:
dN E = dt dN_e (dE_e / dt) = dt dN_e (C2 E_e ^ 2)
Putting it all together we find:
F = dN / (dE dt) = (dt dN_e (C2 E_e ^ 2)) / (E dE dt)
= (dN_e C2 E_e ^ 2) / (C1 E_e ^ 2 2 C1 E_e dE_e)
= C2 / (2 C1 ^ 2 E_e) * (dN_e / dE_e)
= C2 / (2 C1 ^ 2 E_e) * F_e"""
return self.C2 / (2 * self.C1 ** 2 * E_e) * F_e
def cooling_time(self, E_e):
"""@param E_e: (eV)
@return: Cooling time (yr)"""
return sec_to_year / (E_e * self.C2)
def cooling_energy(self, t):
"""@param time: Cooling time (yr)
@return: Electron energy with that cooling time (eV)"""
return sec_to_year / (t * self.C2)
def index(self, gamma_e):
return (gamma_e + 1) / 2.
def __call__(self, E, power=0):
return self.spectrum(E, power)
def info(self):
print('U = %g, C1 = %g, C2 = %g' %
(self.U, self.C1, self.C2))
class Synchrotron(RadiationMechanism):
def __init__(self, B, electron_spec=None):
@param B: magnetic field strength (uG)"""
self.B = B # if B else electron_spec.B
self.U = B_energy_density(B)
# Constant relating photon and electron energy
self.C1 = 0.087 * 1e-24 * self.B # Hinton Eq. (11)
# Constant for electron energy loss rate
#self.C2 = year_to_sec * 1.3e7 * 1e-12 * self.B ** 2 # Hoppe Eq. (TODO)
#self.C2 = 1 * (2 / 3. * 2.37e-3) * self.B ** 2 # Reynolds Eq. (4)
# Note that the same formula for C2 applies for Synchrotron
# and InverseCompton, the only difference is that U is different!
self.C2 = 1e-12 * self.U / (year_to_sec * 3.1e5) # Hinton Eq. (5)
if electron_spec: self.compute_parameters(electron_spec)
class InverseCompton(RadiationMechanism):
def __init__(self, U=0.26, T=2.7, E_T=None, electron_spec=None):
@param U: target photon field energy density (eV cm^-3)
@param T: temperature of blackbody target photons (K)"""
self.U = U
if E_T:
self.T = E_T / 8.6173e-5
self.E_T = E_T
self.T = T
# Target photon energy (eV)
"""There is some ambiguity in how to assign one photon energy
to a given temperature, since the maximum or median energy depends
if you look at the blackbody spectrum per wavelength or per energy
and if you do it on a linear or log scale.
The maximum per energy on a linear scale is given here
as f_max = (59 GHz K^-1) T, i.e.
E_max = (2.44e-4 eV K^-1) T"""
#self.E_T = 2.44e-4 * T # from Wien's law
self.E_T = 8.6173e-5 * T # using E_T = k * T
# Constant relating photon and electron energy
# @todo: The following relation is completely wrong in the KN regime.
# Maybe we can simply use (10) from Hinton & Hofmann, TeV Astronomy?
# This formula is from Hoppe's thesis (factor 1.4 higher than the formula by Hinton et al.)
#self.C1 = 5e9 * 1e4 * 1e-24 * self.E_T
self.C1 = 33 * 1e+12 * 1e-24 * self.E_T # Hinton Eq. (8)
# Constant for electron energy loss rate
self.C2 = 1e-12 * self.U / (year_to_sec * 3.1e5) # Hinton Eq. (5)
if electron_spec: self.compute_parameters(electron_spec)
class InverseComptonIC(InverseCompton):
def __init__(self, U=0.26, T=2.7, E_T=None, electron_spec=None):
super().__init__(U, T, E_T, electron_spec)
# @todo implement KN
def b(self, E_e):
return 4 * E_e * self.E_T / electron_rest_energy ** 2 # Hinton Section 2.2.1
def f_KN(self, E_e):
return (1 + self.b(E_e)) ** -1.5 # Hinton Eq. (6)
def energy(self, E_e):
"""Photon energy corresponding to given electron energy"""
#return self.C1 * E_e ** 2
raise NotImplementedError
def flux(self, E_e, F_e):
"""Photon spectrum flux at energy(E_e) for a given F_e(E_e).
Here is the derivation of this formula:
Take the derivative of (1): dE = 2 C1 E_e dE_e
Set the energy lost by electrons equal to the energy
gained by photons in a time bin dt:
dN E = dt dN_e (dE_e / dt) = dt dN_e (C2 E_e ^ 2)
Putting it all together we find:
F = dN / (dE dt) = (dt dN_e (C2 E_e ^ 2)) / (E dE dt)
= (dN_e C2 E_e ^ 2) / (C1 E_e ^ 2 2 C1 E_e dE_e)
= C2 / (2 C1 ^ 2 E_e) * (dN_e / dE_e)
= C2 / (2 C1 ^ 2 E_e) * F_e"""
raise NotImplemtedError
#return self.C2 / (2 * self.C1 ** 2 * E_e) * F_e
class CombinedSyIC(RadiationMechanism):
"""Useful for computing e.g. combined cooling time"""
def __init__(self, B, U=0.26, T=2.7, E_T=None, electron_spec=None):
"""@param B: magnetic field strength (uG)
@param U: target photon field energy density (eV cm^-3)
@param T: temperature of blackbody target photons (K)"""
sy = Synchrotron(B)
ic = InverseCompton(U, T, E_T)
self.C1 = None # Shall not be used
# Inverses of cooling times can be added:
# 1 / T = 1 / T_sy + 1 / T_ic
# and C ~ 1 / T
self.C2 = sy.C2 + ic.C2
if electron_spec: self.compute_parameters(electron_spec)
class MattanaPWN:
def __init__(self, Edot0=1e39, tdec=1e2, B=10):
"""Reasonable values:
@param Edot0 1e38 -- 1e40
@param tdec 1e2 -- 1e3"""
self.Edot0 = float(Edot0)
self.tdec = float(tdec)
self.B = float(B)
self.espec = CombinedSyIC(B)
def t_c(self, E):
"""Synchrotron plus IC on CMB cooling time"""
return self.espec.cooling_time(E)
def Edot(self, t):
"""Energy loss rate at time t"""
return self.Edot0 / (1 + t / self.tdec) ** 2
def E(self, t2, t1=0):
"""Accumulated energy injected in time interval t1 to t2
Computed with
Input (needs simple variable names):
int A / (1 + t/B)^2 dt from C to D
A B^2 (1 / (B+C) - 1 / (B + D))
#return self.Edot0 * self.tdec * (t / (t + self.tdec))
term1 = self.Edot0 * self.tdec ** 2
term2 = 1 / (self.tdec + t1)
term3 = 1 / (self.tdec + t2)
return term1 * (term2 - term3)
def n_u(self, t):
"""Injected energy since birth"""
return self.E(t)
def n_c_analytic(self, t, E):
t_c = self.t_c(E)
term1 = self.Edot0 * self.tdec ** 2 * t_c
term2 = t - t_c + self.tdec
term3 = t + self.tdec
return np.abs(term1 / term2 / term3)
def n_c_limit(self, t, E, match_at_tc=True, formula=0):
"""Limit for t >> max(tdec, t_c).
See Mattana after Eq. (13)."""
t_c = self.t_c(E)
if formula == 0:
value = self.Edot0 * self.tdec ** 2 * t_c * t ** -2
value = self.Edot(t) * t_c
if match_at_tc:
return value * self.n_u(t_c) / self.n_c_limit(t_c, E, False, formula)
return value
def n_c(self, t, E):
"""Injected energy since one cooling time ago"""
t_c = self.t_c(E)
t_1 = np.where(t > t_c, t - t_c, 0)
#print 't = %g, t_c = %g, t_1 = %g' % (t, t_c, t_1)
return self.E(t, t_1)
def n(self, t, E):
return np.where(t < self.t_c(E),
self.n_c_limit(t, E))
def efficiency(self, t, E):
return self.n(t, E) / self.Edot(t)
def test(self):
"""Run a few consistency checks"""
t = 0
dt = 1e-6
print self.Edot(t)
print self.E(t+dt, t) / dt
print self.n_c(t + dt, 1e12) / dt
class SpectrumTester:
def __init__(self, electron_spec, sy_spec, ic_spec):
self.electron = electron_spec = sy_spec
self.ic = ic_spec
def test_flux_ratio(self, E_e=None):
"""See Hoppe thesis (1.19)"""
E_e = E_e if E_e else self.electron.Ebreak
E_ic =
E_sy =
f_sy = E_sy ** 2 *
f_ic = E_ic ** 2 * self.ic(E_ic)
print ('E_e = %g, E_sy = %g, f_sy = %g, E_ic = %g, f_ic = %g' %
(E_e, E_sy, f_sy, E_ic, f_ic))
B =
f_ratio = f_ic / f_sy
f_expected_ratio = 10 * B ** -2
print('B = %g, f_ratio = %g, f_expected_ratio = %g, ratio = %g' %
(B, f_ratio, f_expected_ratio, f_ratio / f_expected_ratio))
def print_basic_info(self):
print self.ic.spectrum
class RelationsTests:
def __init__(self):
def test_ic_target_photon_energy(self):
"""Check against value given in caption of Figure 2 in Hinton et al."""
print '*** test_CMB_photon_energy ***'
ic = InverseCompton()
E_T = ic.E_T
E_T_expected = 2.35e-4
ratio = E_T / E_T_expected
print('E_T = %g, E_T_expected = %g, ratio = %g' %
(E_T, E_T_expected, ratio))
def test_magnetic_field_energy_density(self, B=10):
"""Hoppe states right after Eq. (1.14) that
U = B ** 2 / (8 * pi) = 0.024 eV cm^-3 * (B / 1 uG)"""
print '*** test_magnetic_field_energy_density ***'
sy = Synchrotron(B=B)
U = sy.U
U_expected = 0.024 * B ** 2
ratio = U / U_expected
print('B = %g, U = %g, U_expected = %g, ratio = %g' %
(sy.B, U, U_expected, ratio))
def test_ic_energy(self):
"""Check equation (9) of"""
print '*** test_ic_energy ***'
ic = InverseCompton()
E_e = 1 # in TeV
E = 1e-12 * * E_e) # in TeV
E_expected = (E_e / 11.) ** 2
ratio = E / E_expected
print('E_e = %g, E = %g, E_expected = %g, ratio = %g' %
(E_e, E, E_expected, ratio))
def test_sy_energy(self):
"""Check roughly against peak positions read off Fig. 2a in Hinton et al.
Results should be good to within a factor of 2."""
print '*** test_sy_energy ***'
sy = Synchrotron(B=3)
for E_e, E_expected in zip([1e12, 100e12], [2e-1, 2e3]): # in eV
E = # in eV
ratio = E / E_expected
print('E_e = %g, E = %g, E_expected = %g, ratio = %g' %
(E_e, E, E_expected, ratio))
def test_flux_ratio(self):
"""Check that f_IC / f_Sy is as given in Hoppe thesis (1.19).
Note that the precision in (1.19) is only one digit!"""
print '*** test_flux_ratio ***'
for B in [1, sqrt(10), 10]:
electron_spec = Model(norm=1, gamma=2, Ecut=1e15)
ic_spec = InverseCompton(electron_spec=electron_spec)
sy_spec = Synchrotron(B=B, electron_spec=electron_spec)
st = SpectrumTester(electron_spec, sy_spec, ic_spec)
def test_sy_cooling_time(self):
"""Test synchrotron cooling time"""
print '*** test_sy_cooling_time ***'
spec = Synchrotron(B=1)
tau = spec.cooling_time(1e12)
tau_expected = 1.3e7
ratio = tau / tau_expected
print('tau = %g, tau_expected = %g, ratio = %g' %
(tau, tau_expected, ratio))
def test_ic_cooling_time(self):
"""Test IC cooling time"""
print '*** test_ic_cooling_time ***'
spec = InverseCompton(U=1)
tau = spec.cooling_time(E_e=1e12)
tau_expected = 3.1e5
ratio = tau / tau_expected
print('tau = %g, tau_expected = %g, ratio = %g' %
(tau, tau_expected, ratio))
def test_combined_cooling_time(self, B=10, U_ph=0.26,
"""Test Sy + IC combined cooling time."""
print '*** test_combined_cooling_time ***'
#tau = Cooling(B, U_ph).time(E)
tau = CombinedSyIC(B, U_ph).cooling_time(E)
tau_expected = 24.5e3
ratio = tau / tau_expected
print('tau = %g, tau_expected = %g, ratio = %g' %
(tau, tau_expected, ratio))
def plot_aharonian_electrons(L=1e37, T=1e4, Emin=1e8, Emax=1e16):
"""Plot Figure 6.19 in Aharonian's book"""
E = logspace(log10(Emin), log10(Emax), 100)
#def __init__(self, L=1e37, T=1e4, U_ph=0.26, B=100,
# gamma=2, Ecut=1e15, Emin=1, Emax=1e20):
for B in [0.1, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100]:
electron_spec = Electrons(L=L, T=T, U_ph=0, B=B, Emin=Emin, Emax=Emax)
print 'B = %g, Ebreak = %g' % (B, electron_spec.Ebreak)
N = electron_spec(E, 2)
plot(E, N, label='B = %s' % B)
xlabel('E_e (eV)')
ylabel('E^2 N(E) (erg)')
#ylim(1e42, 1e48)
def plot_aharonian_photons(T=1e4, B=5, Ecut=1e15,
L=1e37, d=1, Emin=1e-7, Emax=1e16):
"""Plot (something similar to) Figure 6.21 in Aharonian's book"""
E = logspace(log10(Emin), log10(Emax) + 3, 200)
#for B, color in zip([3, 10, 100], ['black', 'red', 'blue']):
#for Ecut, color in zip([1e15, 1e14, 1e13], ['black', 'red', 'blue']):
for T, color in zip([1e6, 1e4, 1e3], ['black', 'red', 'blue']):
electron_spec = Electrons(T=T, B=B, Ecut=Ecut)
ic_spec = InverseCompton(electron_spec=electron_spec.spectrum)
sy_spec = Synchrotron(B=B, electron_spec=electron_spec.spectrum)
F_ic = L_to_F(ic_spec(E, 2), d)
F_sy = L_to_F(sy_spec(E, 2), d)
plot(E, F_ic, E, F_sy, color=color, label='%g' % Ecut)
# Debugging
print('B = %s, F_ic = %s, F_sy = %s' %
(B, F_ic.max(), F_sy.max()))
st = SpectrumTester(electron_spec, sy_spec, ic_spec)
xlabel('E (eV)')
ylabel('E F(E) (erg cm^-2 s^-1)')
ylim(1e-14, 1e-7)
def plot_rainbow(B=10, Ecut=1e15,
energy=1e12, d=1, Emin=1e3, Emax=1e17):
"""Plot PWN evolution as a function of time
(either spectrum for each time or functions of time.
@todo Efficiencies are ridiculous. Needs debugging!!!
- Start by checking that for continuous injection the
radiated energy equals the injected energy above the
breaking energy.
- Then look at the electron spectra!"""
from import rainbow
E = logspace(log10(Emin), log10(Emax), 100)
pwn = MattanaPWN()
times = logspace(0, 6, 1000)
fluxes = np.empty_like(times)
W = pwn.n_c(times, energy)
L = pwn.Edot(times)
for ii, T in enumerate(times):
#print pwn.t_c(energy)
#print pwn.E(T)
#print pwn.n_c(T, energy)
#print pwn.n_c(T, energy) / pwn.E(T)
# @todo Make PWNElectrons class that follows
# time-dependent injection energy
electron_spec = Electrons(L=W[ii]/T, T=T, B=B, Ecut=Ecut)
ic_spec = InverseCompton(electron_spec=electron_spec.spectrum)
F_ic = L_to_F(ic_spec(E, 2), d)
# Must scale to 0 .. 1 ourselves
color_value = log10(T) / 6
color = rainbow(color_value)
#color = colorConverter.to_rgb(str(color_value))
#plot(E, F_ic, color=color)
#fluxes[ii] = ic_spec.spectrum.total_energy()
#fluxes[ii] = ic_spec.spectrum.total_energy(1e12, 1e13)
fluxes[ii] = electron_spec.spectrum.total_energy(1e12, 1e13)
#fluxes[ii] = ic_spec(1e12, 2)
#xlabel('E (eV)')
#ylabel('E F(E) (erg cm^-2 s^-1)')
#ylim(1e-14, 1e-7)
y = W
figure(); title('W'); plot(times, y); loglog(); ylim(y.max()/1e5, y.max())
y = fluxes
figure(); title('fluxes'); plot(times, y); loglog(); ylim(y.max()/1e5, y.max())
y = L
figure(); title('L'); plot(times, y); loglog(); ylim(y.max()/1e5, y.max())
y = fluxes / L
figure(); title('efficiency'); plot(times, y); loglog(); ylim(y.max()/1e5, y.max())
def plot_hinton_spectra(total_energy=1e48, gamma=2, B=3, d=1, Emin=1e-7, Emax=1e16):
"""Plot Fig 2c in Hinton et al.
@todo: I don't understand why the spectrum with the lower cutoff
doesn't have a much larger flux at a given energy.
It is very slightly larger, but I don't know why this leads
to the same total energy.
How does Emin affect the normalization!???
E = logspace(log10(Emin), log10(Emax), 200)
for Ecut, color in zip([1e12, 100e12], ['red', 'blue']):
electron_spec = Model(norm=1, gamma=gamma, gamma2=gamma, Ecut=Ecut)
#electron_spec.norm = 1e34
electron_spec.set_total_energy(erg_to_eV * total_energy)
ic_spec = InverseCompton(electron_spec=electron_spec)
ic_spec_dust = InverseCompton(U=0.26, E_T=0.02, electron_spec=electron_spec)
sy_spec = Synchrotron(B=B, electron_spec=electron_spec)
F_el = L_to_F(electron_spec(E, 2), d)
F_ic = L_to_F(ic_spec(E, 2), d)
F_ic_dust = L_to_F(ic_spec_dust(E, 2), d)
F_sy = L_to_F(sy_spec(E, 2), d)
plot(E, F_ic, E, F_sy, E, F_ic_dust, label='Ecut = %g' % Ecut, color=color)
plot(E, F_el, label='Ecut = %g' % Ecut, color=color)
# Debugging
#print('B = %s, L_ic = %s, F_ic = %s, L_sy = %s, F_sy = %s' %
# (B, L_ic.max(), F_ic.max(), L_sy.max(), F_sy.max()))
#print sy_spec(1e-3)
#st = SpectrumTester(electron_spec, sy_spec, ic_spec)
#print electron_spec, electron_spec.total_energy()
print ic_spec.spectrum
print ic_spec_dust.spectrum
xlabel('E (eV)')
ylabel('E F(E) (erg cm^-2)')
ylim(1e-14, 1e-10)
xlabel('E (eV)')
ylabel('E F(E) (erg cm^-2)')
def plot_mattana_evolution(E = 1e7 * electron_rest_energy):
pwn = MattanaPWN()
t_c = pwn.t_c(E)
print 1e-3 * t_c
# @todo Mattana have 25 kyr, I have 22.1 kyr. Why???
t = logspace(1, 6, 100)
n = pwn.n(t, E)
Edot = pwn.Edot(t)
n_u = pwn.n_u(t)
n_c = pwn.n_c(t, E)
n_c_analytic = pwn.n_c_analytic(t, E)
n_c_limit = pwn.n_c_limit(t, E)
Edot /= Edot.max()
n_u /= n.max()
n_c /= n.max()
n_c_analytic /= n.max()
n_c_limit /= n.max()
n /= n.max()
efficiency = n / Edot
efficiency /= efficiency.max()
#plot(t, n_u, t, n_c, t, n_c_analytic, t, n)
#plot(t, n_c_limit, t, n)
#plot(t, n, t, Edot, t, efficiency)
print n_c
plot(t, n_c)
xlabel('Time (years)')
ylabel('Number of particles')
#ylim(1e-6, 1e3)
#ylim(1e-10, 1e10)
vlines(t_c, ylim()[0], ylim()[1])
if __name__ == '__main__':
from pylab import *
# Tests
#ECPL(gamma=3, Eref=2).test_integral(Emin=1e-2, Emax=1e2, power=1)
#Model(gamma2=3, Ebreak=2, Ecut=10).test_integral(1e-2, 1e2)
#Model(gamma2=3, Ebreak=2, Ecut=10).test_integral(1e-2, 1e2, 1)
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