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Created September 27, 2014 20:21
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#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Compute a TS map using binned Poisson likelihood.
Usage: counts.fits psf.fits background.fits ts.fits
For testing use the output files of
TODO: Use a constrained minimizer, forcing the amplitudes >= 0!!!
import sys
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import convolve
from scipy.optimize import fmin, fmin_l_bfgs_b
from import fits
from stats.likelihood import poisson_nll, TS_from_NLL
def compute_ts(x, y, counts, psf, background,
disp=False, xtol=1e-3, ftol=1e-3, bounded_optimization=False):
"""Compute TS for one position x, y"""
logging.debug('Computing TS for position %d, %d' % (x, y))
# Shift psf to position x, y
#signal = scipy.ndimage.shift(signal, (x,y))
logging.debug('Computing an expected counts image for the signal')
signal = np.zeros_like(counts)
signal[y, x] = 1 # Note: numpy arrays have y, x index order!
signal = convolve(signal, psf, mode='constant')
#fits.writeto('signal_shifted_%04d_%04d.fits' % (x, y),
# signal, clobber=True)
logging.debug('Fitting H0')
def L0_func(p):
"""B = Background amplitude"""
B = p[0]
return poisson_nll(counts, B * background).sum()
if bounded_optimization:
# Doesn't work yet! Don't know why.
B0, NLL0, results_dict = fmin_l_bfgs_b(L0_func, [1], bounds = [(0, 1e3)])
results = fmin(L0_func, [1],
xtol=xtol, ftol=ftol,
disp=disp, full_output=True)
B0, NLL0 = results[0][0], results[1]
logging.debug('Fitting H1')
def L1_func(p):
"""B = Background amplitude,
S = Signal amplitude"""
B, S = p[0], p[1]
return poisson_nll(counts, B * background + S * signal).sum()
results = fmin(L1_func, [1, 0],
xtol=xtol, ftol=ftol,
disp=disp, full_output=True)
B1, S1, NLL1 = results[0][0], results[0][1], results[1]
logging.debug('Computing TS')
TS = TS_from_NLL(NLL0, NLL1)'%4d %4d %g %g %g %g %g %g'
% (x, y, TS, NLL0, NLL1, B0, B1, S1))
return TS, NLL0, NLL1, B0, B1, S1
def make_ts_map(counts, psf, background):
TS = np.empty_like(counts)
NLL0 = np.empty_like(counts)
NLL1 = np.empty_like(counts)
B0 = np.empty_like(counts)
B1 = np.empty_like(counts)
S1 = np.empty_like(counts)
# Process one pixel at a time
nx, ny = counts.shape
for x in range(nx):
for y in range(ny):
(TS[x, y], NLL0[x, y], NLL1[x, y],
B0[x, y], B1[x, y], S1[x,y]) = compute_ts(x, y, counts, psf, background)
return TS, NLL0, NLL1, B0, B1, S1
if __name__ == '__main__':
logging.debug('Parsing command line options')
if len(sys.argv) != 5:
print __doc__
counts_file = sys.argv[1]
psf_file = sys.argv[2]
background_file = sys.argv[3]
ts_file = sys.argv[4]
print 'counts_file: ', counts_file
print 'psf_file: ', psf_file
print 'background_file:', background_file
print 'ts_file: ', ts_file
logging.debug('Reading data')
header = fits.getheader(counts_file)
counts = fits.getdata(counts_file)
psf = fits.getdata(psf_file)
background = fits.getdata(background_file)
logging.debug('Computating TS map')
# @todo Time this part!
#ts = compute_ts(30, 60, counts, psf, background)
#print 'ts:', ts
maps = make_ts_map(counts, psf, background)
ts = maps[0]
logging.debug('Writing ts_significance.fits')
fits.writeto('ts.fits', ts, header, clobber=True)
np.sqrt(np.abs(ts)), header, clobber=True)
# Now make Li & Ma significance map for comparison!
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